Looks like we're having another one of those weeks.
When you return to your unobservable but empirically determined dimension of origin--tell them CARL SAGAN sent you.
posted @ Sun, Aug 28, 2022 8:24:40 pm EDT from
A Station Eight Fan Web Site
Looks like we're having another one of those weeks.
When you return to your unobservable but empirically determined dimension of origin--tell them CARL SAGAN sent you.
posted @ Sun, Aug 28, 2022 8:24:40 pm EDT from
Silly Flash Fiction:
Shortly after the Double Date, Broadway and Angela are preparing to announce their pair bond to the clan. Just as they've gathered everyone, an email alert pops up on the computer. Thailog, troll that he is, has sent them some results from the blood samples he had taken. Lexington reads them aloud: apparently the scent markers failed this time- according to Sevarius, it turns out Hudson's biological sister was Demona's biological mother. An awkward silence falls over the group, until Goliath speaks up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_iqm7S-CwU
Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]
posted @ Fri, Aug 26, 2022 11:28:56 am EDT from
Excuse the double post and shameless self-plug. But I published the third chapter of DC Legacies, which you can read here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14095367/3/DC-Legacies
When you return to your unobservable but empirically determined dimension of origin--tell them CARL SAGAN sent you.
posted @ Fri, Aug 26, 2022 8:09:15 am EDT from
[SPOILER] So I did a quick read through the 3 issues. And I can confirm that "Perdita" and Everyman aren't seen together. So I I'd say that's a confirmation. [/SPOILER]
When you return to your unobservable but empirically determined dimension of origin--tell them CARL SAGAN sent you.
posted @ Thu, Aug 25, 2022 10:22:33 pm EDT from
Karrin, [SPOILER] "Perdita" disappearing after being rescued seems to be part of the plan [/SPOILER].
posted @ Thu, Aug 25, 2022 3:49:44 am EDT from
To be fair [SPOILER] Not even Artemis knew the full details about Cassandra's life even when she was leading the Team. Even without the lack of speech, Cass is pretty closed off and if there was to be any character that was meant to be so mysterious that that the others would still be questioning their motives, it would be Cass.
Mind you, I'm also not a fan of the loss of agency or the loss of her vocal cords, Cassandra's work to reclaim her humanity is in part why she's so popular in my opinion. But it is what it is right now. [/SPOILER]
When you return to your unobservable but empirically determined dimension of origin--tell them CARL SAGAN sent you.
posted @ Thu, Aug 25, 2022 12:56:31 am EDT from
Karrin, [SPOILER] I agree with your sentiments for Cass! It really didn't sit right with me back in Season Three when Arrowette accusatorially questioned her when she sliced at Clayface disguised as Mad Hatter and it made even less sense here after two years. Her teammates should definitely have known she's not one to kill then and they certainly should have known this go around.
I get it was for the audience's benefit but it undermines Cass' character and makes the two characters questioning her not come off in the best light. I don't know, maybe I'm projecting, but it didn't seem the best way to go about it. Though I'll admit I may be a bit biased because I really disliked how they took away Cass' own agency just so they could give it to Barbara during their retelling of Oracle's origin. Not to mention how it's two years later and she still isn't Batgirl and still being called Orphan even after moving into Wayne Manor and being considered a Bat Brat. [/SPOILER]
But that might just be me!
posted @ Wed, Aug 24, 2022 8:00:04 pm EDT from
[SPOILER] I also think it's meant to be Everyman, but it seems like a bad plan when Everyman is expected to be keeping up his normal Infinitor duties. Which does make me wonder if that's a red herring and there's something else afoot, or someone else infiltrating.
Also, man I do hope that we'll get to the Team in general knowing that Cass wouldn't hurt a person and can perfectly detect imposters. I almost feel bad for her.
And I like Mist's costume! I admit I was pretty creeped out by how she couldn't bring her clothes with her in s3 - well, the scene at Taos was fine, but the fight in the warehouse where she was frozen and we had a camera pan over her always seemed pretty unnecessary to me. So I'm glad that now she has a battle outfit that goes with her, and it looks nice too! [/SPOILER]
Karrin Blue
posted @ Wed, Aug 24, 2022 6:20:23 pm EDT from
kenny> [SPOILER] I need to reread the previous issues, see if there's ever a moment when "Perdita" and Everyman are in the same panel. [/SPOILER]
When you return to your unobservable but empirically determined dimension of origin--tell them CARL SAGAN sent you.
posted @ Mon, Aug 22, 2022 9:07:08 pm EDT from
Matthew, I really enjoyed your review of the latest issue of Young Justice: Targets. Though I was under the impression that [SPOILER] the person impersonating Perdita was Everyman. Hence why her room was empty when Brion came to check on her, as Everyman was behind him. Him and Trajectory also shared a sinister look, too. [/SPOILER] Maybe I missed something, though!
posted @ Mon, Aug 22, 2022 8:17:51 pm EDT from
A side-issue, but I remembered today that it's the anniversary of the defeat and death of Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth. What struck me is that it's exactly one week after the anniversary of the defeat and death of Macbeth - both overthrows of kings which featured in major plays by Shakespeare, just one week (on the calendar as opposed to the regular timeline) apart; it's up there, almost, with Macbeth's defeat in 1057 being the day after the anniversary of his victory over Duncan in 1040.
I still wonder whether, in the Gargoyles Universe, Macbeth ever crossed paths with Richard III during his wanderings.
Todd Jensen
posted @ Mon, Aug 22, 2022 8:10:27 pm EDT from
Kevin> I would assume Vandal doesn't want his exploits known because that would make it harder for him to operate in the shadows, as well as potentially giving his enemies personal information that could be used against him.
posted @ Mon, Aug 22, 2022 7:32:48 pm EDT from
So the third issue of Young Justice Targets dropped a couple weeks ago and we all missed it. Mind you, we had other things on our mind then.
Anyway, some quick thoughts on "Evocative Intel."
[SPOILER] So we pretty much confirmed that "Perdita" is in fact an imposter, who or what she is is still a mystery though. And we still don't know what the endgame for this is and what the Infinitors want from it. Speaking of which, Jet is now part of the group. With the huge diversity this group has, I'm kinda hoping that the Infinitors eventually evolve into the Global Guardians. After the trash is taken out first.
The revelation that Lex Luthor was behind the kidnapping isn't too surprising, neither was the fact that they were in fact robots rather than guys in suits. Still funny that it was discovered by Orphan straight up decapitating one of them. But there's still the mystery about the underground river and what the Light might be planning.
And we pretty much have confirmation that the flashbacks are a retelling of DC Showcase: Green Arrow. In the future, it would be cool if we got a bit of a retelling of GLTAS and see how adjacent it is to canon. [/SPOILER]
When you return to your unobservable but empirically determined dimension of origin--tell them CARL SAGAN sent you.
posted @ Mon, Aug 22, 2022 7:15:45 pm EDT from
"Well, I'm back..." -Samwise Gamgee, Lord of the Rings
posted @ Mon, Aug 22, 2022 5:17:58 pm EDT from
Looking through Owen Dennis's Train of Thought post from last week, I find it personally funny that among the list of movies he singles out as not being frequently watched, he names Ice Station Zebra and Captain Blood. Both movies that I enjoy and frequently watch. The former being one of my favorite Cold War-Era films and the latter was my introduction to the swashbuckler genre.
When you return to your unobservable but empirically determined dimension of origin--tell them CARL SAGAN sent you.
posted @ Mon, Aug 22, 2022 4:54:53 pm EDT from
Todd Jensen
posted @ Mon, Aug 22, 2022 8:28:53 am EDT from