"Jeff I think is entitled to raising his voice."
You're making the Thermian Argument here- defending a creative choice by giving an in-universe justification, when ultimately it's still a choice the creators made. To be clear, I'm not arguing it's unjustified in-universe. I'm saying that one: I find the screaming hard on the ears, and two: it's a bit problematic that the two prominent black characters in the show (unless you count Kaldur, and I don't think I would) were both portrayed as angry black men. I don't want to start a whole thing about this, as I'm sure it was accidental, but it feels a bit "yikes" to me.
"lying to her about her family not caring for her when in truth they paid with their lives taking a stand against meta-trafficking"
That's actually a good point that I may have overlooked. I was imagining Slade was telling a distorted version of the truth, but that's probably giving him too much credit. For most of the episode, we saw everyone else manipulating each other and I thought it was ironic that Slade was the anarchic figure of rebellion, the only one treating Tara like a person and not a tool. But no, he was using her too. There is an irony that Tara is usually portrayed as a traitor to the Team, and in this show we already know she's a traitor and wonder if she's going to double-reverse betray Slade.
Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]
posted @ Sun, Apr 2, 2023 9:38:51 pm EDT from