MATT> "Gargoyles #11: [SPOILER] I'm going to assume this is about Broadway/Angela's ceremony and not Brook/Katana's. This will be exciting! Is the clan all back together? Does that include Goliath? I also hope that Angela muses about wishing Demona could attend and/or that Demona watches from afar (or through the Tracking Spell). I think its unlikely she'd be there. Awkward! [/SPOILER]"
[SPOILER] I think Demona watching from afar is more likely than Angela wishing Demona could attend. We don't know where exactly Angela's head's at at this point as far as the Demona topic is concerned. We knew where it was at the end of "The Reckoning", of course. But that was before the "murder six billion people in cold blood" scheme she tried to pull off the very next time they saw each other. And then that word, that one nihilistic word: "Catch" [/SPOILER]
[SPOILER] Personally, I thought Demona's complete non-reaction to Angela in "Everywhere" was interesting. As far as Demona is concerned, Angela most likely despises her. Now I think Demona, in her own messed up way cares, but I also think she's compartmentalizing. Her daughter, from her POV, hating her isn't something she wants to deal with. The next encounter should be fascinating. [/SPOILER]
[SPOILER] And while I'm musing, does anyone think it's possible that Demona already knows Katana? I mean the current present day of 1997 Demona? With time travel involved it's certainly possible. So maybe Demona's reaction won't be a "who are you?" But a rage-filled "You!" [/SPOILER]
Greg Bishansky - [<----- Voices from the Eyrie - Gargoyles Podcast]
posted @ Sun, Jul 23, 2023 9:08:22 pm EDT from