Paul> Yes, Here in Manhattan is the name of this arc. The collection currently slated for next year comes in three varieties - trade paperback, collected hardcover, and autographed hardcover. All have different cover art from among the Issue #1 covers. They're currently up on Previews as follows:
https://previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAY230560 - trade paperback, $20
https://previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAY230561 - hardcover collection, $25
https://previewsworld.com/Catalog/MAY230562 - signed edition (hc), $40
They've been massively delayed though (apparently Dynamite has a problem with that) and were originally slated for July of this year. The delay has led some people to wonder if they'll put out all twelve instead of just the first half, but there's been no word on that change happening yet.
Todd Jensen> Regarding your questions/points last week about the video game remaster...no, it's not Thor. The game makers basically only had a few early episode scripts to work with (I believe an interview with one of the developers said the first six), so they basically went their own way; the game is DECIDEDLY an alternate universe. The Vikings are still sacking Castle Wyvern, but in the original version, none looked particularly Hakon-esque; the new remastered art has given us that. The "Thor" character you mentioned is a level boss, a Viking enhanced by the Eye of Odin, known as the Demi-Sorcerer as Craig said. There are also basic Viking enemies that, according to the original manual, serve as archers, berserkers, defenders, sorcerers, and valkyries. The Steel Clan robots actually looked MUCH different in the original game as well but now look much more accurate to the show, as do the Crimson Clan variety exclusive to the games (though admittedly both use Xanatos's exo-frame model with the air pressure system).
If you don't mind "spoilers" for a decades-old game, you can check out the original Genesis manual here: https://www.gamesdatabase.org/Media/SYSTEM/Sega_Genesis//Manual/formated/Gargoyles_-_1995_-_Buena_Vista_Interactive.pdf. It has line art of most of the basic enemies. You can also watch quite a few playthrough videos on YouTube if you'd like to see the original enemy styles, but you'll be able to see them in the unaltered graphics mode of the upcoming release anyway.
Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!
posted @ Sun, Sep 17, 2023 11:48:55 am EDT from