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Comments for the week ending March 10, 2024

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Reread "Gargoyles: Dark Ages" #6, with a couple more thoughts.

[SPOILER] I noted in the reread the mention that Wyvern the dragon stole Excalibur, which is how it wound up in his hoard. I'd still like to know how he stole it; most likely it had somehow been returned to the human world after Bedivere threw it into the lake (since I'm not sure even Wyvern could break into Avalon). At any rate, I think there's an interesting story behind that event.

I've also a speculation on Blanchefleur's glow. In Roger Lancelyn Green's book on King Arthur - which was Greg Weisman's source for the character - Blanchefleur was the "Grail Maiden", tasked with bearing the Holy Grail in ceremonies at Carbonek. I wonder whether this would explain the light shining around her, a consequence of that position. [/SPOILER]

Todd Jensen

Matt > Ah! Thanks for that. I'll freely admit that [SPOILER] I was coming up on the start of my work shift and didn't have time to go back and look up whether we'd actually seen them before. (The mention of Shahrizad should really have been a clue, I guess.) My bad memory for faces bit me again, helped by a bit of impatience.

Thinking it over afterward, though, I did kinda suspect it was Brother Valdez following them, although I'd wanted to go back an issue or two to check. It makes good sense, especially given their back-and-forth when they all met: there is something going on there between them, and somehow I expect we'll be hearing more from all of them in "Quest."

It's a miracle that the castle stood as long as it did with the architect missing for most of the construction, isn't it?

morrand - [morrand276 at gmail dot com]

morrand> If you have not realized this already, [SPOILER] the new characters you are talking about are not new to the story. They were the Player King and Queen that arrived with the Light Bringers (widely suspected to be Peredur and Fleur) and the man that ran after them to Carbonek was Brother Valdez. [/SPOILER] Hope that helps. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, I love hearing the different perspectives and takeaways from everyone!

Less than 11 days until the next new story! Good times!

"And, thus, given no choice, we waited..." - Alesand, "The Reach"

It's getting exciting!

It's a great morning to be caught up on "Dark Ages," especially given we're coming to the end.

Craig: A close examination of cover A backs that up: it is current Hudson pictured, or maybe the way to phrase that is, it's Hudson and not Mentor.

Spoiling it over:
[SPOILER] So the big fight kicks off with an echo of the "breathe the air" maxim and we know that the gargoyles are going all-in for their new allies, right from the start. I can say I am impressed that the builders have a number of archers among them, but I suppose that would make some sense.

On to the title spread, and holy fudge, is that one terrifying dragon. (I'll have to hit up TwiX and toss a cookie to Drew Moss.) Also, apparently, I *was* wrong, and the dragon's name really is "Wyvern," although what's interesting is that the dragon self-references as "The Wyvern." Is this a name or a reference to what it is? Coming back to some questions from here: it surely looks from the outside like the gargoyles (at least this clan) consider a name to be a mark of deeper identity rather than just a label. If this dragon is THE wyvern, then I think that's more than its name, and I could see that sense having been held in common between the dragon(s) and the gargoyles. But, you know, for our purposes its name is Wyvern, and I accept having been wrong about this previously.

Antiope's posture when defending Alesand is great. She may be young, but she's still a protector. Also great: the dripping in the cavern as Demona shows up. Very atmospheric.

On to the battle. I don't know exactly what Wyvern had planned by using fire against a castle, but perhaps that is just a first pass to eliminate the humans. Also unclear: what Malvolio and Benvolio are up to standing around behind the beasts. They don't exactly look to be cowering in fear or anything. I can't help but feel like they could be more than they appear.

It's pretty clear that everyone is outmatched: even the Archmage's power is sufficient mainly to irritate Wyvern (and to cost it sight in its left eye--I don't know what it is, but this universe seems to have it in for left eyes specifically).

Back in the cave, we get Demona digging into Wyvern's hoard and coming up with...a flute, and her look in that panel is terrific. And then...wait, new characters? This late? I don't recognize any of these people, sorry to say, but them finding Excalibur in Wyvern's hoard sure seems like a link to another story to come, especially with them being joined by an unexpected third person. Also, a clue to Shahrizad's identity. Also, as it turns out, a grace for the humans and gargoyles in drawing off Wyvern (for now; I cannot help thinking we have not seen the last of Wyvern).

And so we wrap up with the alliance deeper and stronger for it. And again, "that's a verity"! Some of these phrases are just echoing through time to an intriguing degree. Knowing what's about to come, the final two-page spread is sort of tragic, but for now, things are fine.

And then we have the last page of this series (complete with a little terrier dog up by the fire), and suddenly the text story connects very directly with the graphic one, taking us right around from issue #6 back to issue #1. A fine way to literally round out the story.

When one story closes, two or three more open. I can't wait to see what comes next.

Enough of that for now.

I've been on a sort of bent recently reliving the internet as it was in about 1997, partly because I note the Usenet group (alt.fan.disney.gargoyles) is still listed above in the "Other Sites" tab. (Yes, it's still there, although it's as deserted as 99% of Usenet is nowadays.)

Along that line, I wanted to know if anyone would be interested in getting up a chat on IRC this weekend. I've got a channel registered on DALnet, and they seem to have an option for chat via browser for anyone who doesn't have an IRC program installed (which, since it's not 1997, is most people).

morrand - [morrand276 at gmail dot com]

Nice site and blog
Accountants Hamilton - [buluksura at gmail dot com]

Thankyou for this post, Great One!
Oliviya Jasper - [support at plumbingyeg dot com]

A few thoughts on "Dark Ages" #6.

[SPOILER] The big surprise moment for me was Peredur and Blanchefleur finding Excalibur in Wyvern's hoard. I wondered: a) how it got there - particularly if the familiar "returning the sword to the lake" took place in the Gargoyles Universe and b) how it went from Peredur and Blanchefleur's keeping to the dragon statue at the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens. Did Peredur have the sword sent to the gardens, or did it wind up there some other way? (We also see Valdez running after them to Carbonek - is he already working with them, or is he pursuing them? I know there's been speculation that he's some version of Duval, and might this moment be him taking a step closer to becoming Duval?)

I also noticed, when "Angel" was looking over the hoard, a goblet being briefly prominent before she finds the flute (I think it was a flute; I'll have to reread that part) and takes it instead. I wondered whether that was a piece of misdirection - drawing on both "Beowulf" and "The Hobbit".

The battle ends quickly (if with a lot of excitement) - inevitable, given that this was the last issue. Of course, knowing what will happen to the clan twenty-three years later gives meaning to Wyvern's warning.

And I really liked the way they ended it, with everyone gathered to hear Shari's story.

More about this issue later, after I've had more time to digest it. [/SPOILER]

Todd Jensen

Just as a point of trivia, I'm going back over my preorders and it appears that some of the solicited covers have been shifted around. The Clayton Crain cover originally solicited as the cover of Quest #1 has now been used as the cover for Dark Ages #6. And the Jae Lee cover originally solicited for Quest #2 (which appears to show [SPOILER] Demona holding the Lance of Fate [/SPOILER]) is now Cover C of Dark Ages #6 (in the slot that has belonged to Mirka Andolfo for the first five issues).

Craig> [SPOILER] I had similar thoughts about the connection to the Pendragon dragon. I've thought so far as to consider that the Pendragon dragon may not be a magical construct at all. Perhaps it is just another dragon of the same kind as Wyvern. I can't see any reason it couldn't be. Sleeps as stone. Flies and breathes fire. Protective. Stone flesh (which Griff also "claws in"!). The only oddity is that Excalibur is stored inside of it. Still, the connections are intriguing. Guess we'll have to see. [/SPOILER]
"And, thus, given no choice, we waited..." - Alesand, "The Reach"

Dark Ages #6 [SPOILER]
Sorry to keep harping on this. Another thing that confuses me about the "claws in" scene is that the Coldtrio doesn't seem at all surprised when they dig into the dragon and dredge up stone chunks, which one would think would be rather alarming. I really wonder how much awareness the clan had of the dragon and their ancestral relationship to it, and kind of wish we'd gotten a little bit of discussion about that after the fact. Although it's admittedly fun this way, as we now have to use our imaginations and wonder for the time being.


Just got done reading Dark Ages 6, excellent stuff!
[SPOILER] I don't have too much to say myself, but I love reading all of your thoughts on these new issues, I lose track of characters and plots at times, so it's nice to follow along with the thoughts shared here. I must reiterate everyone's praises on the artwork as well, Wyvern's panels are stunning and depict a sense of scale that I haven't felt with a lot of comics before. 10/10. [/SPOILER]


Dark Ages #6 [SPOILER]
One interesting new tidbit about Wyvern is that he apparently has some regenerative abilities, as he claims his tooth will be repaired (albeit after decades).

Also, given that Wyvern's biological makeup seems to literally consist of stone to some extent, apparently, I wonder if he may have some connection to the living dragon statue in "Pendragon." Particularly given the Excalibur connection.


What a morning! Digital download didn't go as planned late last night, but I was finally able to download and read it this morning (which made me a little late for work!). Then took my students on a field trip all morning. Just got back and we are all taking a breath which means I have a chance to start writing this. I might not finish until this afternoon, but without further ado, here are my thoughts on Dark Ages Chapter 6 "The Pledge":

[SPOILER] - We start right where we left off. Everyone is reacting in different ways to the arrival of the dragon. Mostly disbelief, fear, and readiness for battle. We get Mentor's first mention of the gargoyle credo (more or less) since "Reawakening". Interesting he has already incorporated the word "castle" into it instead of rookery or reach or hill. Alternatively, this could be where the saying was forged for the first time and it would go on to become a clan credo. I kinda like both possibilities for different reasons. Might be a while before we find out which is true.

- Mentor's conversation with Wyvern is interesting. I almost get the sense that they've interacted before, or at least Mentor was aware that the dragon existed. Meanwhile, Wyvern continues to call the gargoyles his cousins and is reluctant (up to a point) to harm them. All too happy to attack humans though. Malcolm comes across as a wise leader during the battle and I was particularly intrigued how he would save the Archmage's life and how that contrasts with the Archmage attempting to kill him years later. Robbie comes across as a good leader of his troops and they follow him obediently. His call to regroup reminds me of Guardian calling the Avalon Clan to regroup on Avalon. But despite his focus on his duty, he is concerned for his daughter...

- Alesand and friends regroup in the caves. I love how fervently Antiope is ready to protect Alesand. These two are going to have an interesting fate, I feel. I worry for them both. They and the trio head out. Too late, but still eager to help. Meanwhile, Angel (on Archmage's orders) sneaks in. Here's the opportunity for anyone to steal some treasure while the dragon is away. (And Angel isn't the only one to seize the opportunity!). She investigates the hoard and uses some sort of scrying glass to find what she's looking for: a flute? Could this be the barely seen Puck's Flute? Fascinating. Then our Light Bringers arrive. And Fleur is actually glowing! Interesting new ability and I'm eager to hear what Todd and others have to say about it. They're looking for something as well. Something the dragon apparently stole. And probably the reason they are even in the region at all. They are hear to retrieve the sword Excalibur! Wow. I did not expect to see that here. Getting what they want, they flee to Castle Carbonek (another thing I didn't expect to see!). Shari will find her own way, but they gotta go. And as they disappear, they are followed by a certain Monk. Interesting. This starts to explain how Excalibur ended up in the Stone Dragon, but we may be waiting on that tale for some time.

- Back to the battle and the time for talk is over. The Archmage's signature lightning blast hurts Wyvern and seems to scar his eye just as it will do to Mentor years from now. And the gargoyles look like mosquitos next to him. Still, in great enough numbers, they can do some damage. Nice to see Goliath and Hyppolyta working together instead of at odds. And it was incredible to watch the other gargoyles literally tear stony chunks out of Wyvern's flesh. "Stone Flesh" may be more accurate than we thought for this gargate! Between the damage to flesh and eye and tooth and the sense that he has been robbed, the dragon is motivated to flee. He correctly predicts that the alliance will end poorly, but he apparently is no longer a direct threat. So that's that.

- And finally, alls well that ends well. Lots of reunions and everyone is okay. I love that we end on a high note here. The Alliance is strong. Gargoyles and humans are working together as friends. The castle is being built, the training of apprentices continues. Malcolm's use of the word "verity" is poignant and Mentor's thoughts lie with his mate. A very hopeful ending that seems to prove Wyvern wrong. But time will tell.

- Once more, the two clans gather around Shari for the ending of her tale. Which takes us right back to where we started. I love that last page image. I want it as a full size poster along with the title spread page from the first chapter. The text story is nothing too new, but I appreciated the note that Maol is called a tyrant. And I thought it interesting that Kenneth and Malcolm make the choice to fight Culen so that Maol and Kenny don't have to fight Constantine... which turns out happening anyway. I also liked Othello reacting to his description and Desdemona's calming of him. Great stuff. I feel that Shari is being a bit meta here too. It's almost like WE are around the fire and can better continue the tale.

- Since "no good story ever truly ends", I hope and expect to come back to this story again one day. Meanwhile, this beginning was awesome and more than I'd hoped. Well worth the wait and all of the delays. I'm excited to hear everyone else's thoughts! Never The End! [/SPOILER]

"And, thus, given no choice, we waited..." - Alesand, "The Reach"

Excellent, excellent issue. Not really in the zone for my usual deep-dive at present - another time maybe. Although right now, I just feel like I just want to bask in it. Greg, Drew, Martina, Nate and everyone have done this spin-off proud. Thank you to everyone involved.

The new Spectacular is out! I enjoyed it a lot, and in lieu of a longer comment I'd just like to note [SPOILER] that it was great to see Sha Shan again, and I noticed that she was reading Dumb Luck! I know that's not really a Young Justice reference, but it was a nice Easter egg. [/SPOILER]
Karrin Blue

Dark Ages #6
Interesting to see a more maternal side of Shari. She's a complex gal.

Terrific art from Drew Moss and colorist Martina Pignedoli throughout. They really went for broke here. All the stuff with the dragon is particularly stunning.

It's left kind of ambiguous whether or not Hudson knows the clan's history with the dragon, but my assumption is, not so much. We never do get an answer for why Antiope seems to have more knowledge of the dragon/cave than the rest of the clan, and/or a sort of sixth sense for this stuff. A story for another day, I suppose.

Not sure if there's a slight lettering error on page 5. "I swear I'll let no harm come to, friend Alesand!" is strange phrasing.

Nice to see Hudson quoting Verity. You really get a sense of how important this alliance is to him, as a sort of tribute to her, so that her death won't have been for nothing. I like how she has been kept alive throughout the miniseries in that way.

I cracked up at the Archmage's little moment of honesty about his self-preservation instincts. I can definitely hear David Warner delivering that line.

So are we to assume that Malvolio and Benvolio and Mack Kemp (and the Mighty General Bones) are not actually part of the Illuminati, and are just regular traveling players who Peredur and Fleur were using for cover? We don't see much of them here.

Interesting to see the Archmage give Wyvern a similar eye scar to the one he would later give to Hudson. I wonder what we're meant to make of that, if anything.

Very cool to see Malcolm saving the Archmage's life. At least in the moment, the Archmage seems legitimately grateful. That makes the events of "Long Way to Morning" a bit more complex and interesting.

What is the spyglass thing Demona is using in the cave?

Huh. So the Archmage, and by extension Demona, seem to know about Puck's flute, and acquire it for indeterminate purposes. Interesting.

I was a little confused by the "claws in" bit. They appear to dig their claws into Wyvern's flesh, and pull out chunks of stone? Do I have that right? Is Wyvern still partly stone even when he's "flesh"?

That Carbonek sequence is so cool. And we get one more little tantalizing tease on the Valdez of it all.

I don't like Hudson saying "got off easy," which feels like modern slang to me, and isn't something I can envision Asner's Hudson saying.

Who's the human helping Lefty with the construction? I feel like I should recognize him.

Similarly, on the same page, who are the two gargoyles sitting on a hilltop in silhouette?

Another little error on the final page of "Three Brothers." I believe the first paragraph at the top of the page should be italicized to match Alesand's other interjections.

Really fun issue with great art, and a fitting climax to what has been a great run. Dark Ages has always been the spinoff that excited me most, and it's so satisfying to have finally gotten a real taste of it. Kudos and thanks to Greg, Drew, Nate, and everyone else for this lovely gift!


All good things must come to an end, or at the very least, a break in the tale. Here's some quick thoughts on the finale of Dark Ages.

[SPOILER] For starters, I have to bring up the splash art on the third and fourth pages, the depiction of the dragon staring down the clan is terrific and Drew Moss should be proud of it. In fact, all the art surrounding the Wyvern (as that's what he calls himself) is exceptional and really highlights the size and danger of an enraged dragon.

That being said, is it weird that I was expecting more death and destruction? I realize we've been sitting on this cliffhanger for some time now but the conflict seems over before its properly begun. I have this odd feeling it would've been more impactful if the conflict with the dragon was spread out between two issues. Ah well.

There's been previous comparisons to Smaug and we get another one here, namely that the Wyvern can sense when treasures have been stolen from his hoard. It's pretty reminiscent of Smaug realizing that a cup was stolen from his golden bed and that's what sets off his confrontation with Bilbo. Here it's the theft of Excalibur and I want to say Puck's Flute that drives directs his anger elsewhere. If this leads to a battle between the Wyvern and the Illuminati that's going to be one hell of a spectacle. And we get to see Carbonek and learn that it can be summoned, that's really handy. I noticed that Shahrizad, in a surprising show of humanity, was more concerned for the children she had under her care rather than searching for Excalibur. Though I have to admit that a part of mean feels that as a storyteller, she's compelled to see this sort of thing to the end, no matter what tragedy might befall her.

Knowing his fondness for the film, I couldn't help but notice some similarities to the climax of the movie Dragonslayer. Like in the film, the final battle involves a wizard summoning lightning against a dragon and an emphasis that the heroes only have one chance to destroy the beast. That obviously doesn't happen here but it's food for thought.

In many ways, this feels like an ending that can have a closing to it but also has enough dangling plot threads in case the comic gets picked up for another round. What does the Player King and his troupe plan to do with Excalibur? Where will the Wyvern's fury take him? What of Alesand and Antiope and the other gargoyles that we don't see at the beginning of the series?
Quoth the Teller of Tales, "No good story ever truly ends.." [/SPOILER]

That's all for now, good reading everyone and good tale, O Weisman.

Ain't nothing crazy 'bout me but my brain!

It's up!


Greg Bishansky

Literally not available anywhere. I get delays, but this is getting ridiculous.

I can't see it either.

Am I missing something, or is Dark Ages #6 not on Amazon? Like, not even a pre-order option?

I just know they've occasionally released digital and physical on different days, though I think that was an accident.
Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]

JURGAN - I certainly hope so. But they came out with the physical copies for all the previous issues, so I doubt they'd stop now.
Todd Jensen

Are there going to be physical releases as well?
Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]

Whoops, sorry. Last post was me. I must have gotten logged out at some point and didn't notice.

Fourth! Very excited for the new issue. I think the long wait has amped my anticipation up even more, not to mention the added excitement of it being the final issue of this storyline; and, let's face it, dragons just make everything more exciting.


And finally we are to another release week! It has been a long time. Looking forward to it! Digital release in 1 Day, 15+ Hours, but who's counting?

"And, thus, given no choice, we waited..." - Alesand, "The Reach"

March brings breezes loud and shrill,
Stirs the dancing daffodil.

From "The Garden Year", by Sara Coleridge

Todd Jensen

1st and sharing my second haul of comics, including Dark Ages #5:
- https://www.deviantart.com/antiyonder/art/Collection-Addition-Picture-32-1027040075

- https://www.deviantart.com/antiyonder/art/Collection-Addition-Picture-33-1027041124
