Just wanted to add, to Alex, that I understood what you meant. Greg has a tendency to try to retroactively find rationales for stuff that was initially the result of animation realities. The "humility spell" is a big example. It's a perfectly legitimate opinion to feel that this kind of thing is unnecessary, or that some of the explanations feel over-wrought or just don't work for an individual fan. (I'm personally not that into the humility spell.) Just as it's equally a legitimate opinion to appreciate Greg's attempts to incorporate everything we see onscreen and create explanations.
Greg also has a tendency to alternate between "serious" answers and more flippant answers that are designed to amuse himself more than to inform (that's not meant as a condemnation...he's been extraordinarily generous with his time here over the years, so he's entitled to have some fun). The humility spell is again a good example of this...some answers about it are more serious, but his earlier responses were much sillier, talking about how the spell has the backing of all the Standards & Practices people in Ancient Rome or whatever. I agree with Bishansky that the "Magic of Animation" response vis a vis Demona's eyes in "High Noon" qualifies as a typical Greg "smartass" reply, not an admission that it was an error. He was asked how her eyes glowed, and he answered accurately (albeit in silly fashion).
morrand > The scene in question in "Kingdom" is at 13:20 on the DVD. Right before the gargoyles turn to stone. Talon walks by Hudson, walks by Bronx (who is supposed to be away on the World Tour), and then...walks up to Hudson and has a conversation with him, even though he had just previously passed by Hudson! Weird stuff. I would admittedly be very intrigued to hear Greg's retcon explaining that one. :)
posted @ Sun, Apr 14, 2024 7:21:59 pm EDT from