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Comments for the week ending May 12, 2024

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****Blaise rides into the Room...on a cow. A stereotypical black and white "milk" cow.****
Seeing how it's Mother's Day and my own mother loves cows, this seemed appropriate.

Speaking of mothers, a little something relating to a fairly new one in the "Gargoyles" universe:
A CHANGE IN THE TRADE> I apologize if someone already covered this and I just missed it, but I've just started properly reading the trade collection of the first half of "Here in Manhattan" and I noticed a very interesting change/update/correction in the collected version of "Idyll or Nightmare".
Of course, we all know about the dialogue that was originally missing from page 12 in the individual issue. That has, as expected, been restored in the trade (though Mary is still without the red cross on her forehead cloth, but that would have required fixing more than just one page, so...[shrug] eh.).
But on page 13 there's been another change: In the original issue, the word bubble saying "Thanks for coming, Mary" pointed to Shari. I remember finding this interesting at the time and remarking when I wrote up my ramble here, based on Mary's response of "Any friend of Brooklyn's, you know," that this made it seem that Mary and Brooklyn already knew Shari somehow. Apparently, that was a mistake! Now, in the trade collection, that same word bubble points to Maggie. Honestly, it makes far more sense to me for that to be Maggie's line and for Mary to have been responding to her. I suppose that's another way in which the comics resemble the animated series: sometimes, you have to wait for the second go-round for some of the retakes to be done!

QUEST ISSUE 2 PREVIEW (PART DEUX): [SPOILER] NOW we get the first five pages (it looks like the first preview showed us the first three pages and then three more from further in--can't wait to see those in context). From these first five pages I can say:
* Looks like we're in for an "Every title begins with 'Q'" naming scheme for "Quest".
* Looking forward to the resolution of the Mayan Sun Amulet situation!
* I find myself wondering if Goliath knows that Vinnie's boss is Taro. It's possible, but I somehow doubt it. Then again, it could be we've all been assuming wrong and Vinnie's boss is actually NOT Taro...but I feel the safe bet is that it is.
Can't wait for Wednesday! [/SPOILER]

****Blaise prompts the cow he's riding to move out of the Room, which she does...in her own good time.****

"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes."--The Doctor

Happy Mother's Day, everyone!
Todd Jensen

[SPOILER] I wonder if the Amulet was kept in the "back room" of the Clock Tower (where the Keys of Power and Coldstone were kept for a time). Perhaps that room survived better than the more open areas of the tower.

I also wonder where Broadway has kept the Amulet since moving back to Castle Wyvern. It isn't something I'd imagine he'd just keep laying around. Maybe we'll get an answer soon.

In any event, I'm glad it will be returning the hands of the Mayan Clan. I recall that Greg had said it would either via Jade or Turquesa on their World Tour or via a visit to Manhattan by Zafiro. I always preferred to former explanation since I never saw why or how Zafiro would make the trek, so I'm glad that is finally happening. [/SPOILER]

"And, thus, given no choice, we waited..." - Alesand, "The Reach"

[SPOILER] ] Yes, the Mayan Sun Amulet was indeed fortunate to have survived the clock tower getting blown up, especially in light of this description of the aftermath from the "Hunter's Moon Part Three" radio play:

"As Jason’s sky-sled zooms off into the distance, we get a closer look at the decimated tower. Rubble and debris are everywhere. Part of the ruins still burn. The TV set is broken and overturned. Lex’s laptop has been crushed by the clock’s giant roman numeral "FIVE". A giant clock hand skewers Hudson’s recliner."

I remember this description, at the radio play performance at the 2001 Gathering, getting a "sick humor" laugh over just how meticulously the gargoyles' familiar belongings were all destroyed, as if they'd been targeted. It's a good thing the Sun Amulet didn't share their fate. [/SPOILER]

Todd Jensen

CarumboZarumbo> [SPOILER] Lol. "It's been 84 years!..." [/SPOILER]

Matt> [SPOILER] Yeah, it's very lucky that the Sun Tablet survived. The Hunters could have unwittingly messed things up more than they suspected. [/SPOILER]


Quest 2 Preview> [SPOILER] Interesting to get a second preview. This one seems more in order and we can combine it with the first one to get a few ideas of what is going on. I guessed correctly that Broadway was telling Jade and Turquesa to not go anywhere before turning to stone and also correct about why and where he is going when he wakes up. Glad that Amulet will be returning to its rightful owners, as I'm sure Jade and Turquesa are. I wonder if any mention will be made of it surviving the destruction of the Clock Tower. Angela hugging Turquesa is very cute. Anyway, good stuff. I'll have more complete thoughts when the issue officially drops in 3.5 days, but I'm just so excited about all the Mayan Clan material. [/SPOILER]
"And, thus, given no choice, we waited..." - Alesand, "The Reach"

CARUMBO - Thanks for the link.

[SPOILER] Thailog and his group are in Bermuda. We'd earlier discussed the possibility that one of those men in the earlier preview was Prospero from "The Tempest", and many Shakespearean scholars believe that one of Shakespeare's inspirations for the play was a shipwreck in the Bermudas in 1609. The Bermuda location might therefore strengthen that speculation (all the more so since Greg's "Rain of the Ghosts" books were set in the Bermudas and featured several allusions to "The Tempest").

And I also spotted Lexington's saying that they had something for Jade and Turquesa and guessed at once what that something was. [/SPOILER]

Todd Jensen

We have a new preview for Quest 2: https://icv2.com/gallery/56887/1
Some of the pages we already saw last time, but two are new.

[SPOILER] The title is "Quo Vadis Cum Hoc?", which roughly translates (I think) to "Where are you going with this?"

Sevarius is in this story too! Hot damn, soon enough Thailog won't even go to the bathroom without taking him along, they're pretty much always together these days.

And yes! After 28 years, that damn amulet will finally be given back! [/SPOILER]

Noi siamo le creature della notte! Noi siamo... i Gargoyles!

ANTIYONDER - Yes, I've bought a copy of that too.

I found out today that the Phoenix Public Library, which had earlier ordered eleven copies of "Here in Manhattan" Volume One, has now suddenly dropped them from its catalogue - though they still included Volume Two of "Here in Manhattan" and "Dark Ages: Alliance" as forthcoming books. Why they remoed "Here in Manhattan Volume One" from their catalogue I don't know. At least I've already bought a copy.

Todd Jensen

Todd Jensen> While I'm waiting for another week or two to do a picture of pick ups, got Phoebe & Her Unicorn Volume 19- Unicorn Crush.

It has been quiet in here, but I suspect that will change in less than five days!

Looking forward to Quest #2!

"And, thus, given no choice, we waited..." - Alesand, "The Reach"

ANTIYONDER - I recently learned about the upcoming Dark Horse omnibus of "Gunnerkrigg Court" as well (it'll be published on November 5- Guy Fawkes Day). I think it's a pity that Archaia never completed the reprint, but look forward to seeing the Dark Horse version. (And I recommend "Gunnerkrigg Court" to everyone here. It features Coyote the Trickster in the cast - though he's got a much bigger role than the Coyote of "Gargoyles".)
Todd Jensen

Kate> Thanks!

Todd Jenson> Well I have considered going for the published collections of Gunnerkrigg Court last decade, but had cold feet cause of volumes being out of print.

But yeah finally I should have a chance with the Omnibus.


Todd> That's what I was thinking. It was on me for not going out and getting the trade sooner!

Antiyonder> I don't think you have. Nice comic haul!


Hope I didn't kill the mood or anything.

Anyway my recent haul:
- https://www.deviantart.com/antiyonder/art/Collection-Addition-Picture-37-1049904499

- https://www.deviantart.com/antiyonder/art/Collection-Addition-Picture-38-1049904976


I'll be listing my FCBD haul later this week or just showing in next haul pic.

Like that they had a Phoebe and Her Unicorn sampler even if it is legally free to begin with. But some might night be familiar with Go Comics.

Anyone ever get into a comic especially outside of Marvel and DC cause of any freebies? Definitely late 2000s when I got Issue 6 of Thom Zahler's Love & Capes.

His webtoon, Cupid's Arrows has a few years back been collected in book form with a second volume due this year. Nice read and is about agents who help people to find love. Two agents fall for each other as well, even getting together by the end of the first book.

And before reading the Simpsons Comics regularly while it lasted, it became a tradition for me to get the Bongo Comics Free-For-All issues.

And more minor in comparison, but Allergic from 2021 which is really a single Graphic Novel about a girl looking to find a pet that doesn't set her allergies off.

Back in 2020, a Graphic Novel, Stepping Stones which is about a girl whose mom remarries to a farmer. And it along with a sequel is about her adjusting to farm life.


On the bright side, it meant that a lot of people (I assume; it depends on how many books were on the shelf) were eager to buy it.
Todd Jensen

Went out to get some free comics and to see if my local place had the new Gargoyles trade... Sadly they had already sold 'em all. :(

May brings flocks of pretty lambs,
Skipping by their fleecy dams.

{Sara Coleridge, "The Garden Year")

Thanks for sharing that information with us, Matthew. I hope the new location will be close by and easy to reach.

Todd Jensen

Matthew> That's an awesome bit of history to be connected to; I'm sorry they're closing but glad they found a new location.

B> About the well wishes on Free Comic Book Day, I'm sure I've mentioned this before but my local comic shop was actually the place where it first started, its owner came up with the idea. Well this was the last year Free Comic Book Day would be held in its original location due to the store's lease ending (thankfully they found a new spot to set up shop).

I've always had a little bit of pride over the fact that such a big event had its start in my neck of the woods.

Ain't nothing crazy 'bout me but my brain!