I think that, pre-Gathering, Owen COULD have told Xanatos things he learned as Puck, but he WOULDN'T because of the deal. But Oberon's rules are much stricter, and require a direct, immediate object rather than a hypothetical one. For example, in the 2198 pitch, it's stated that Owen can't turn into Puck because Alex is gone and there's no way to help him. To me, it seems like "I should turn into Puck and stay that way until we get Alex back" is a valid argument. But OTOH, if you allow that sort of indirect justification, then it becomes so malleable that almost anything can be allowed. "I should really kill all of Xanatos's enemies as Puck, that would make Alex safer. And if I steal all their resources, I can teach him about how to use them!"
Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]
posted @ Sun, Aug 4, 2024 10:16:46 pm EDT from