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Comments for the week ending September 29, 2024

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Happy Michaelmas, everyone! (And this is, in a sense, already the 30th anniversary of "Gargoyles", because it first aired in the "preview movie" format on this day in 1994 - Goliath's badge number at the end of "Here in Manhattan" even paid tribute to that.)
Todd Jensen

Happy Birthday, Greg!
"And, thus, given no choice, we waited..." - Alesand, "The Reach"

And another late happy birthday to Greg Weisman from me! Stick around, would you? I want to see you at the 50th anniversary.

Todd Jensen - It's an interesting point. It'll be even more interesting to see, if we ever do, exactly how he gained that name. Just the most obvious name available for a giant warrior, or did he do something in particular to inspire the comparison? Was he ever armored? Or, perhaps, would he think of that as a bit of an insult to his ability to defend himself? (I know there's a real-world history of humans thinking that way!) And, reaching, is there any connection between this and his reluctance to dress up for Halloween?

morrand - [morrand276 at gmail dot com]

Late Happy Birthday from me.

A little thought that came to me today - appropriately, on Greg Weisman's birthday - and thought I'd share with the room as a little birthday treat.

It struck me that there was another part of the David-and-Goliath story that "Gargoyles" reversed (besides the obvious "Goliath as the hero and David [Xanatos] as the antagonist"). In the original Biblical tale, Goliath is well-armed and equipped, he has a suit of armor, a helmet, greaves (leg armor), even not one but two shields (one - apparently a small one - he carries, while the other shield - presumably much larger - he has a servant carry for him), a spear as big as a weaver's beam, and a sword. David, of course, has just a slingshot and five stones in it, and no armor at all (King Saul offers to lend him his armor for the duel, but David, after trying it on, turns it down, saying that it's not for him).

In "Gargoyles", Goliath has no armor or weapons (apart from the natural weaponry of claws strong enough to dig into the side of a stone building, of course), while David Xanatos is the one with the big suit of armor (high-tech, of course) and weaponry. (Thailog, for that matter, has his own suit of armor, to make him stand out from Goliath.) Goliath's generally unarmed, apart from two occasions, in "Enter Macbeth" where he's battling Macbeth with a mace (a bit ironic, in light of maces generally being treated as used to slaughter gargoyles), and in "The Mirror" where he grabs a sword and shield from a store window to face Demona (required by the fact that he's temporarily human and thus no longer has natural gargoyle weaponry), and only had armor once (his "Odinized" form in "Eye of the Storm"). A far cry, indeed, from his Philistine namesake.

Todd Jensen

Greg Weisman

Happy happy birthday, from all of us to you!
We wish it was our birthday, so we could party too!
So happy happy birthday, may all your dreams come true!
Um... something something birthday, it's a doodley-doo!

Matthew the Fedora Guy
Ain't nothing crazy 'bout me but my brain!

(Clearly S8 doesn't care for accurate Hawaiian diacritics. The point still stands!)
Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"You said everything has a name. I'll name this ability of mine too. 'Stone Free.' Because I'll become free of this ocean of stone." - Jolyne Cujoh

Hauʻoli Lā Hānau, Greg! Wishing you and your family all the best!
Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"You said everything has a name. I'll name this ability of mine too. 'Stone Free.' Because I'll become free of this ocean of stone." - Jolyne Cujoh

Happy birthday Greg! Thanks for all that you’ve done and continue to do!

Happy birthday!
Karrin Blue

Happy birthday, Greg Weisman!
Todd Jensen

Happy Birthday, Greg Weisman!

It was a true delight to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the show and the second year of new canonical stories at CONvergence this year. A wonderful birthday weekend to you and yours! :--)

Gus: "I always forget you're there." Hooty: "I forget I'm here toooooo."

Cronyx, I can't speak to "getting the band back together," but if you want a Gargoyles Discord, I know of at least three. My own is linked via my handle below.

I don't think any of the servers still run RP; I know at least one had channels for it but removed them for lack of activity. Some of the old guard are on them, so you might be able to get a quicker response about the old fanfic archives on one of those (probably the Gathering of the Gargoyles server would be your best bet).

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

I don't know if anyone remembers me, I used to hang out on IRC in #gargoyles on starlink or sorcery.net or chatnet or whereever it was, I forget... also roleplayed a bit in #Castle_Wyvern.

I've been feeling very nostalgic lately for my first online home, my first group of friends made when I was roughly 15 or 16, whenever it was... I'm just wondering if anyone would be interested in a modern place to "get the gang back together", like a Discord server or something?

Also I'm trying to find out if anyone has a mirror of the fanfic archive. It's unbrowsable on archive.org due to having been designed as dynamic rather that static content.

Anyway, if anyone uses Discord now, I can be found on there under this name, shoot me a friend request. I'm also on Steam. 14328239 is my "friend code" on Steam, and this also works:

Cronyx - [cronyx at gmail dot com]

Just checked, and it's actually 247, a bit under 250. Sorry. But it still means it'll be a long time before Greg will be answering questions at "Ask Greg" again, if he ever does return to it.
Todd Jensen

The correct place to post these questions is at "Ask Greg", here: https://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/ There's also a link to it at the top of the page.

Actually, it might be best not to post questions there, since Greg's stopped answering questions and is just posting a list of "Young Justice" characters, one a day, with over 250 to go.

Todd Jensen

LIAM> "I have 2 questions how would of carnage had worked in the show"

I'm sure Greg Weisman would say: "Spoiler Request, No Comment."

"and is the crossover between Gargoyles and Spectacular Spider-Man Canon?"

It is not canon to either show.

Greg Bishansky

Yep I've messed up wrong section mb

Ah wait have I messed up is this just for gargoyles? Am I able to post Spider-Man questions? My bad

I have 2 questions how would of carnage had worked in the show and is the crossover between Gargoyles and Spectacular Spider-Man Canon?

CarumboZabumbo> Bishansky and I were well aware of Weisman's assertion that he was not done with the teenage characters. Our speculation was more about if characters as obscure as they were (never even seen and only passingly mentioned) would ever find their way into the a future story. There seemed to be many more major characters on which to focus. But here we are. We just had to wait 15+ years.
"And, thus, given no choice, we waited..." - Alesand, "The Reach"

Shared some mention of the Winter Special around.

Also while not tied to Puck, just remember that one of several Cam Clarke roles in Jem and the Hologram was Robin Goodfellow in the episode Renaissance Woman which he's played simply as Robin Hood.



Wait, so you guys were wondering in 2007 if Rosaria and Peter were ever going to appear even though Weisman had clearly said that the answer was "yes" all the way back in 2001 (https://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=5334)? And you call yourselves Gargoyles fans?/s

But yes, I was surprised about them being the kids of two mob families - up until that moment I had assumed they were just two random normal people meant to show us that anybody can be a hero; truth be told, I think I would have preferred Greg to go for that approach rather than turning them into the future protagonists of a romance novel.

Plus, now I can't help wondering what Ollie - the boy they saved - will turn out to be; for the moment, I'm going for "the human identity of Oberon and Titania's son".

Noi siamo le creature della notte! Noi siamo... i Gargoyles!


I've been looking through the comment room archives, and have found a few remarks that seem more entertaining in light of developments since then. For example, in early November 2007 (November 4-5, to be precise), Matt wondered here whether Rosario and Peter from "High Noon" would ever appear on-stage in "Gargoyles", and Bishansky (I'm not sure how seriously) speculated they might appear as Quarrymen. I wondered, after reading that, whether their turning out to be from rival organized crime families was a bigger surprise than the "Quarrymen speculation".

Todd Jensen

First! Again!
"And, thus, given no choice, we waited..." - Alesand, "The Reach"