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Comments for the week ending October 20, 2024

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That last post was me.


Greg Bishansky

"I could imagine an MCU style presentation of Gargoyles"



Also Greg's proposed movie version of Gargoyles would have had Macbeth ruling Castle Wyvern, in order to streamline the Scottish backstory.

I could imagine an MCU style presentation of Gargoyles, where the first movie is a standalone adventure with Goliath as the sole gargoyle, and then during the mid-credits scene revealing that the rest of the clan somehow survived and would join up with Goliath in the sequel.

Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]

MORRAND - I hadn't thought about whether the rest of the clan might appear in stone sleep or not. Though it does remind me now of a rejected live action adaptation that Greg Weisman drew up where the only gargoyles who'd awaken in the present day were Goliath, Lexington, and "Othello" (not yet Coldstone - with the idea that he'd apparently get smashed in stone sleep in the course of the movie, in such a way to pave the way for a Coldstone-focused sequel), but Goliath and Lex would find the rest of the Manhattan clan in stone sleep at the end and apparently look for a way to awaken them.

As for the spambots, it recently occurred to me that their visits could be worse. They could start posting the name of a certain "Goliath Chronicles" character non-stop, numerous times.

Todd Jensen

Ad-bot: Sorry, I am only seeking a website that is unreliable and occasionally switches to show just lutefisk recipes. Thanks for the offer, though.

Todd Jensen: Yes, I remember hearing about that or something like it, and being equally unenthusiastic about it then, too. I would hope that a move to cut it down to just Goliath would come back to something other than just cost savings, something plot-driven at least. Even, say, having him be the last one standing, with the rest of the "original six" still frozen in sleep, and Goliath trying to work out a way to wake them. The thought of revising the story to go in that direction, or something like that, is still not pleasant (such an enormous story universe and you go back and collapse it? C'mon.) but if cost were an issue then at least you leave room to up the costume budget for the next season (i.e., Goliath succeeds in awakening the others) so that in season 2 we get a fuller set of characters.

This is something where I would really like to be wrong. A well-done live-action Goliath (or any of the others) would be a treat to watch. It just feels like something that would take a huge amount of care and commitment to get right and, at the risk of being very unfair to them, I don't see Disney+ having that level of commitment to their shows in general. If it is, then I hope it's still an open prospect exactly because they're trying to figure out how to do it right, rather than just because they need a spare idea to keep on the board.

morrand - [morrand276 at gmail dot com]

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CRAIG - Thanks for sharing that with us.

And tonight is the Hunter's Moon.

Todd Jensen

Salem's Lot. Not Salem's Witch. I just watched the newest 'Agatha' episode on Disney+ and clearly have witches on the brain.

Todd > The showrunner for the Gargoyles live action show, Gary Dauberman, did mention it a few weeks ago in an interview. The interview was mainly about the new 'Salem's Witch' movie that he directed, but the interviewer touched on several of his other projects, and it seems that the Gargoyles show is still an ongoing prospect.

MORRAND - There were reports a while ago (last year, I recall) about a live-action remake of "Gargoyles" for Disney +, which would change the story so that Goliath was apparently the only gargoyle left. While it's an understandable move from the special effects perspective, it'd have the drawback of not matching the title - a single gargoyle in a series called "Gargoyles", plural. But we haven't heard anything more about it recently, and it's possible that it was abandoned.
Todd Jensen

Thinking it over for a while: of the current Manhattan clan, I agree that Lexington is the most likely to leave if anyone is. Based on where we are in the story right now, he's been getting pretty well alienated, and I could see him going out to find his place in the world. (And we do have hints in the canon-in-training of something like that happening, or at least of him going on some kind of a journey in a few years' time.)

If he did leave, though, barring some major breakdown, I couldn't see him completely abandoning the Manhattan clan, but more trying to expand it into a different environment, much as Angela (and others) have done. (I'm also not quite so definite that he wouldn't end up contributing an egg to the Rookery, somehow. To echo Carumbo's characterization, it would hardly be the most bizarre means to grow the clan.)

Him, or Gnash, though Gnash would likely not leave for a good many years to come if ever he did. Again, I can see the seeds being laid for him feeling somewhat out of place in Manhattan, and with his background, perhaps he'd eventually want to seek out new adventures.

Likely to happen? Eh. For where we are right now, probably not. Maybe it'll develop into a probability rather than a possibility. There's a lot of room for this story to move from here, though.

And speaking of which: it's easier for me to list off media I would rather not see. NFTs, for sure (though, happily, that fad seems to have petered out). Probably not live-action either: I could see it done well, but I could also see it done the cowardly way, by replaying the story we already have with live action in place of animation. (It would actually be more fun, if we had to have a live-action adaptation of a new story, to do any flashbacks in animation.) As far as collectibles, I just don't have any idea what that could encompass. I'm thrilled to have the NECA line, as much as we do have. A line of "props" could be interesting (full-size Phoenix Gate, Eye of Odin, etc.).

The major thing I want is good health and good life for Greg Weisman, so he can keep going with any of this until he's ready to stop.

By the way: our local news station has declared that tonight is the night of the Harvest Supermoon. I have no idea if that is right, but they seemed very excited about that so I thought I'd pass it along.

morrand - [morrand276 at gmail dot com]

Todd> Veterans Day is great, but clearly Greg was giving a nod to my wedding anniversary on 11-11.
"And, thus, given no choice, we waited..." - Alesand, "The Reach"

The history of Scotland that I had previously discussed, "Scotland: the Story of a Nation" by Magnus Magnusson, has just come to a close for me. From the Stone of Destiny story in "Clan-Building" we learned a great deal about its real-life occurrences, including its theft from Westminster Abbey in 1950 and its subsequent return to Scotland in 1996, in the concluding chapter.
gorilla tag - [tsicagaylord1 at gmail dot com]

BISHANSKY - Thanks for sharing that with us. That is good news indeed, and I'm looking forward to seeing what comes next.

I'd rather like seeing new scenarios for the Board Game myself, though enough time has passed since it was released that it doesn't seem so likely to happen.

A thought I've had on "Gargoyle Quest" #3 for a while. Near the end, as we skip forward from July (when the bulk of the events took place) to November (when Antoinette Dracon bought Cleopatra's Necklace at auction), we got a series of scenelets dated October 16 (we'll have that one's anniversary tomorrow), October 31, November 11, and November 17 - before the auction on November 18. I've wondered a bit about those specific dates.

The October 31 one is obvious, of course (all the more so with our glimpse of Gnash, Bronx, and Fu-Dog from the Halloween Special), but I'm curious about the specific choices of October 16, November 11, and November 17. Greg Weisman mentioned that the dates given in Sevarius's documentary files on Thailog were all significant dates for his family, so I've wondered whether the three dates above had similar significance. (November 11 is Veterans' Day, of course, but neither October 16 nor November 17 has a similar "landmark status" on the calendar, to the best of my knowledge.)

Todd Jensen

Fedora Guy - "Now that Gargoyles have been publicly revealed to the world, I can imagine the foundation of the Gargoyle Nation will soon follow." I don't think it'll be that soon: according to the 2198 pitch, the founding of the Gargoyle Nation happens as part of the Gargoyle Minority Protection Act; to get the GMPA, first Goliath needs to sacrifice himself; before that happens, him and Elisa have to adopt a kid; and before that happens, him and Elisa need to get their Commitment Ceremony; bottom line, it'll be a while yet (unless Greg starts giving us some really big time skips - I'm talking Young Justice on steroids).

Matt - "We know Artus was not the only egg hatched in 2018, so the clan is growing." True enough, although I think it bears noting that Lex won't be contributing any eggs to the rookery anyway; plus, Greg already confirmed that Bronx and Boudicca's pup will be born on Avalon (although they won't necessarily stay there). Of the current members, the only ones who may contribute an egg to that generation - aside from Broadway and Angela - are Brooklyn/Katana and Fu-Dog, which I've put on my "won't be leaving" list. I think in the coming years the Clan will get some new members through some new bizarre means (bizarre can mean but is not limited to: thousand-years curses breaking, lost eggs from magical islands, cybernetic zombies, time-travelling firebirds...).

Brainiac - As I've said before, I'd like to see short text stories at the end of the comic issues, like they did with Tale of the Three Brothers - since Dynamite has shown itself willing to give us stories in that format, I think it'd be a waste to only use it once, especially since Three Brothers wasn't even a 100% new story to begin with. I think it would have been great, for example, to have a short story about Demona's past at the end of each issue of Quest, or short stories about the younger days of Dino and Dominic Dracon in Here in Manhattan.

Noi siamo le creature della notte! Noi siamo... i Gargoyles!

A new interview with Greg has some good news for the comic: https://youtu.be/sdx2quFckg8?feature=shared

"To me, that group [the Dynamite comics through Quest #5] makes up what I would call season 4 of Gargoyles. Season 4 isn’t quite done yet because you’ve got 2 more issues of Gargoyles Quest to come out this year, issues 4 and 5. But then we also have big plans for in essence what would be season 5 of Gargoyles that are in the works at Dynamite. And other things going on too that are too early for me to talk about. But we’re not done. That’s the good news, that the book was doing well and we’re going to keep going.

"We’ve got multiple series in the works beyond Quest. I can’t talk about any of them yet except one, which is the Gargoyles Winter Special that is coming out this December. But we have a bunch of other things in the works at various stages that we just haven’t announced yet and I can’t talk about them. But it is fair to say that there’s more. There’s actually quite a lot more that we have planned at Dynamite."

Greg Bishansky

Brainiac> In addition to more comics, NECA, and the rest, I'd like to see more modules for the Board Game. More than anything though, I'd love to see the series back in some way. Any spinoff, but canon with Greg involved. Movies, novels, whatever is fine. The more merch, the better, but nothing can beat the property returning to its original format.

Personally, I think 2198 would be insane on Disney+.

"And, thus, given no choice, we waited..." - Alesand, "The Reach"

I believe I shall go foUrth with a question of my own (that bot post doesn't count).

So we've had a nice long run of comics now, well past the SLG days, not to mention the Kickstarter. We've got the board game and the video game remaster. We've got the Golden Book coming (supposedly). We've got the NECA figures. And of course, there's the original animated series from which this all springs. What else would we like to get? Any other mediums we'd like new stories from? Any other forms we'd like new collectables in? What would YOU buy?

Personally, I'd like more games. Interactivity is usually a plus for me and Gargoyles deserves something better than the remastered Genesis game (though the board game Awakening is darn good, in my opinion). I'm definitely down for any medium an enjoyable story can be told through, though I will admit given the animated origins, non-visual media might give me pause...but only slightly. As for what we already have, keep those comics coming, of course!

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

Fair points. However, I would still say that Angela is a member of the Avalon Clan. Something like Joint Citizenship. Same could be said for Katana and Fu-Dog probably. And Griff's Clan is clearly still the London Clan, despite his travels. Same for Brooklyn and others. I think Griff will likely form the Camelot Clan one day, so maybe at that point he'll leave officially, but I'm sure he'll always have a home in Knight's Spur.

I can't imagine a single member of the existing Manhattan Clan that would leave to join or form another clan. The closest I can picture is Lex, but his fate is too closely tied to Alex and Xanatos. Given that the London Clan is bursting at the seams (or would be without population control), it makes more sense for Staghart to go to Manhattan. The Manhattan Clan is just too small to be losing folks. Gargoyles must be joining it. We know Artus was not the only egg hatched in 2018, so the clan is growing.

Anyway, thats how I see it. Greg has absolutely indicated that full clans will be helping out those that are struggling, and a few news clans will be formed, so gargoyles will definitely be moving around. I just can't see any of the core Manhattan Clan members doing so.

"And, thus, given no choice, we waited..." - Alesand, "The Reach"

Friday Night Funkin' (FNF) is a rhythm-based music game where players must hit music notes (arrows) in time with the beat to defeat opponents in rap battles. The game has gained a lot of attention for its catchy tunes, retro art style, and unique characters.
Friday Night Funkin - [alicemagnet12 at gmail dot com]

Greg has made it a point especially with the last series that relationships must evolve of die and even if it's not to that extreme I can certainly imagine big changes in the future.

Now that Gargoyles have been publicly revealed to the world, I can imagine the foundation of the Gargoyle Nation will soon follow. And I can certainly imagine someone like Lex playing a role in the diplomatic relations between the clans, even if it's just leaving Manhattan to be closer to Amp. Or Brooklyn for that matter, he's traveled more than any other member and seen more than most people.

Matthew the Fedora Guy
Ain't nothing crazy 'bout me but my brain!

Come on, you can't just take a line, completely remove it from its proper context and then throw it at me; sure, those words from Goliath are appropriate when your home has just been blown up and your dear old mentor is telling you leave him behind, but they don't really apply to someone deciding to leave the Clan in peaceful times for reasons of their own - and if you think otherwise, then I assume you must consider Angela, Katana and Fu-Dog to be a bunch of a-holes for the way they all abandoned their original Clans, not to mention Griff for the fact that he spends most of his time gallivanting around the world with Arthur rather than staying in London. Do you consider them so?

Now, if you don't think that any member of the Clan will ever leave (and/or you don't want it to happen) that's fine, but it's senseless to try and use that line, of all things, to prove your point.

Noi siamo le creature della notte! Noi siamo... i Gargoyles!


"We are Clan. Family. We do not abandon each other."

"And, thus, given no choice, we waited..." - Alesand, "The Reach"


One thing I often wonder of late is if we'll ever see one of the main characters leave the Clan; not die - that's a completely separate discussion - but decide of their own volition that they want to go someplace else and then act on it. We've had temporary departures before, like the World Tour and TimeDancer, but we've never had a member of the main cast actually leave for good yet, and I think it could make for a nice status quo mix-up.

As for who I think may leave down the line... well, GOLIATH is out: the guy may have figured out that home isn't just the place you live in back in Enter Macbeth, but he's still fiercely territorial - I can't see him leaving Manhattan unless in the direst of circumstances (which we know won't ever happen because the Clan is still living in the Castle come 2198).

ELISA is out too: she may have given Goliath grief, back in the day, over his unwillingness to leave the Castle, but the girl is a New Yorker down to her DNA - again, I can't see her leaving unless in the direst of circumstances.

HUDSON... ah ah ah, no - the guy has made of being sedimentary an art form; ANGELA specifically left Avalon to find her place in the world, so now that she found it I doubt that she's going to leave it, give or take a visit to her original Clan once in a while; BROADWAY was never the most adventorous Gargoyle to begin with and he obviously won't leave Angela, so he's out too.

BROOKLYN is interesting: pre-TimeDancer, I could have seen him deciding to try and strike out on his own, but after 40 years of wanderings I think you'd need a herd of elephants to drag him out of Manhattan; KATANA, I presume, will stick with her man.

LEXINGTON could actually leave, I think - after all the relationship with Staghart can't remain long-distance forever, so at some point either Amp will come to Manhattan or Lex will have to go live in London; plus, we know he'll have to play some part in the founding of the Lexington-Xanatos Corporation in the future, and - assuming it's a big part - that might be the sort of thing that could force him to spend ever less time with the Clan.

BRONX is a maybe - he does have a mate on Avalon that I assume he'd like to see once in a while, after all (uh, has anyone ever theorized that Bronx may go live on the island at some point and therefore still be alive by the time of 2198? Because it doesn't sound like a bad idea to me); FU-DOG is unlikely - he'll probably always go wherever Brooklyn goes and stay wherever Brooklyn stays.

COLDSTONE may leave as early as the end of Quest, depending on how catastrophic his alliance with Demona ends up being, and COLDFIRE may decide to follow him - which I'm not sure I'd like, since it'd run the risk of feeling like a retread of their status quo from the tv show; GNASH... sure, why not? The kid seems adventurous enough, I could see him trying to do his own thing at some point of the future.

EGWARDO is an egg.


Noi siamo le creature della notte! Noi siamo... i Gargoyles!