I'm happy to see more updates coming in from the Kickstarter; it's looking more and more like the reprints are getting close. Here's hoping the momentum keeps up.
Commenting sort of late here, but I did mention I would have more to say about "The New Olympians." Fortunately, I think Craig has already said most of it by mentioning its heavy-handedness. The issue I had originally was that, but it went a bit further. That sort of heavy-handed treatment of prejudice and bigotry was more or less a standard-issue script in afternoon TV at the time. I've mentioned that "Protection" confirmed for me that the show wasn't going to follow boilerplate plots, and I'd been happy about that; now, suddenly, here is a (somewhat) boilerplate plot and I remember being deeply disappointed by that. Fortunately, I think I also realized this was probably more of a misfire than anything, but the thought that the writing could be caving in on itself is one I am sure I had at the time.
Having it followed by "The Green" didn't help things a whole lot, but at least that one had (to echo Craig again) a bit more nuance to it, so it didn't then feel as much like a boilerplate ecology plot. And I seem to remember it just being a lot more fun in the end.
Todd > Regarding "The Bright Sword," I picked that up together with "Le Morte d'Arthur" and "The Once and Future King"--I did kind of an Arthurian bulk buy--and opened the front pages to see the Monty Python quote. Not what I'd expected, and an interesting choice. But I will confirm that the first few paragraphs are a very good first-person description of a swordfight. I've forcibly refrained from reading further since I kind of wanted to take the books in order.
morrand - [morrand276 at gmail dot com]
posted @ Sun, Jan 26, 2025 7:45:23 pm EST from