A Station Eight Fan Web Site
Shogun Raptor>> I would think that the prosthetic limb would turn to stone. After all it is a part of the gargoyle (more so than their clothing is and a gargoyle's clothing turns to stone). Also I think I read somewhere once that something will turn to stone if the gargoyle wants it to and I don't see why they would want their clothes to turn to stone, but not a prosthetic arm.
Sunday, February 16, 2003 03:09:39 PM
in response to that question, I pose another one, say a gargoyle loses a limb, and that limb is replaced by a prosthetic one, does the prosthesis turn to stone at sunrise as well?
shogun raptor
Sunday, February 16, 2003 11:52:43 AM
The closest question I could find to the question I had was this one:
From the Ask Greg Archives:
Basilisk writes...
I have a question as to what would happen in a situatuion.
Let's use Brooklyn as an example. Say, somehow Brooklyn looses the end of his tail, whether it is severed in battle or broken off during the day when he turns to stone. Would a stonemason or a scupture, when he's in his stone sleep, be able to carve the remander of the tail so that it looks normal again, or at least not like part of it had been severed? I know it would shorten it by a good bit, but would it simply be a cosmetic change or would Brooklyn awake with a massively mauled tail? I'd bet that huge carvings (like Jackal's fantasy to carve Goliath's face into a likeness of his own) would kill them, but would something smaller, like a tail in this case?
Greg responds...
I doubt it would kill him. And the final extent of the damage would depend on how early in the day your stomemason set to work, i.e. how much time Brooklyn had to heal. But think about what you're asking. Your mason is carving away skin to reveal what is really bone, muscle, etc.
I mean, man, what a gross question. Yuck.
I saw one question about healing from Pyro X, but it didn't ask about *all* damage, just what happened if a Gargoyle lost a limb or something while in stone form, and the answer was "gone" -- couldn't find any mention of healed amputation.
Sunday, February 16, 2003 08:02:13 AM
Pyro X - are you sure? That makes no sense if the "ANY damage" did not actually break off a piece of the gargoyle. Why would having a line carved into the arm, not breaking it off, make an amputation? A scar maybe... I'm wondering how the original question was worded. I could understand breaking off an appendage in stone form and when 'waking' that part would be gone and the missing part be like a healed amputation. But there is all kinds of damage that can happen that doesn't mean a piece/hunk of gargoyle is taken off.
Sunday, February 16, 2003 03:00:43 AM
I asked Greg W that very question! From what I remember, he said that "If ANY part of a Gargoyle is damaged during stone sleep, it ends up like a healed amputation."
And, he goes on to say, that if Jackal had done that to Goliath, Goliath would be dead (Not wake up.)
"But I never saw the good side of the city... 'till I hitched a ride on a river boat queen..."
Battle Beast / Pyro X
CanadaSunday, February 16, 2003 12:25:22 AM
Watched my tape of "Sanctuary" again for Valentine's Day (I still find this episode an appropriate one for the most romantic day of the year, even if all the romances in it except for Goliath and Elisa are doomed, and even Goliath and Elisa aren't ready to move forward yet). Quite enjoyed it again, though I don't have anything new to say about it.
Todd Jensen - [merlyn1@mindspring.com]
St. Louis, MO
Saturday, February 15, 2003 07:41:17 PM
Just a quick reminder that today (saturday) is the last day for you to vote for the January MGC topic. :)
Saturday, February 15, 2003 11:55:38 AM
If you break off an appendage while the gargoyle's in stone sleep, I'd guess that the gargoyle would wake up bleeding and in a lot of pain. And if you were to carve something into the surface, it might leave a scar. If it's not a very deep scar, though, it might be only semi-permanent, disappearing over time as the gargoyle continues to shed stone skin.
Patrick Toman
Saturday, February 15, 2003 08:24:46 AM
I was just thinking what would have happened if Jackel had actually got the chance to live out his fantasy and redo Goliaths face into his own, (The Green I think that was from) I'd dread to think what Goliath would have said the next night!
Saturday, February 15, 2003 07:27:33 AM
It wouldn't matter if they erode or not, once they "wake up" the outer stone shell cracks off. You could probably etch your initials in one while he/she is in stone sleep, and it wouldn't stick after they wake up. Well, long as the etching didn't go *too* deep.
~Brooklyn looks down puzzled at the pink colored heart shape line dug into his forearm.~
I do wonder what effect a little judicious chiseling on a sleeping stone gargoyle would have. Would they wake up with scars? Would the stone sleep regenerate the odd crack in them before dawn? Hmmm.
Saturday, February 15, 2003 12:34:54 AM
****Blaise emerges from the shadows. With a gesture, he causes roses, tulips, forget-me-nots, and various other flowers to sprout about the Room.****
I know I haven't said much in the past few...um, weeks or so. But I've been lurking about in the shadows (and playing "Eternal Darkness" on GameCube).
ASK GREG> A lack of things to say has resulted in my rather lengthy silence, but I would like to register my extreme excitement that Greg's able to answer a question every now and then, and that the submit option has been closed for now to deal with the problem. Honestly, I haven't paid that much attention to the backlog of questions, but some of the ones mentioned in here have left me flabbergasted. Like Todd, Patrick and the rest, I do applaud Punchinello's (sp?) question--of course he (she/it) always has asked some of the more intriguing ones. Just out of curiosity, where is that located in the backlog? My little roundabout way of trying to figure out when Greg might be able to reach it.
DAVID KEITH AND KEITH DAVID> I got confused by that peculiarity a few times myself. Greg's suggestion of a series in which both of them were doing the voices of regulars sounds like it would be a great hoot, if just for the name thing alone.
There's not a whole heck of a lot more I can think of saying right now, but when there is, rest assured, I'll be back. Until then, farewell. ****Blaise wraps his cloak about himself and evaporates into a red mist. The mist seeps out through the chinks in the old walls.****
Friday, February 14, 2003 09:30:55 PM
Happy Valentines Day everyone *passes out choc and candy*
Take care
Friday, February 14, 2003 12:47:15 PM
Erosion> I read in the Guinness book of records that a man has been holding his hand above his head for over 40 years. They go on to say that his fingers have "weathered" into his hand (presumeably he's been clenching his hand.) If so, weathering is a form of erosion and thus his organic skin is eroding. Granted there are other factors to take into account.
My point in that Organic material CAN erode (SP?).
But, since the Gargoyles were under a spell, that might have some effect on why they didn't weather.
There are two sides to every coin here. The answer isn't entirely clear...
Battle Beast / Pyro X
CanadaFriday, February 14, 2003 10:12:16 AM
I don't know that gargoyles in stone sleep would be that subject to erosion, given that they're not really stone, but rather an organic substance that closely resembles stone.
The notion that people avoided the castle because of the local superstitions about it certainly seems probable (and we know from "Shadows of the Past" that those superstitions were not unfounded). Presumably, it also discouraged any official attempts from the Scottish kings after 994 to reclaim the castle.
PATRICK - I hadn't even thought of that, but that would be pretty entertaining, seeing how Renard would respond to Fox getting that tattoo! I'm certain that he wouldn't have approved (except for the fact that it probably was dwarfed by her general lifestyle of going out and getting into a lot of decidedly unethical adventurings - as in the Pack, for example, or her dating Xanatos).
Todd Jensen - [merlyn1@mindspring.com]
St. Louis, MO
Friday, February 14, 2003 07:32:02 AM
Gemini_Bloodian - 1,000 years is not much time at all in a geologic sense, so there probably wouldn't be all that much erosion. The magic spell they were under, though, probably also played a part in preserving them. Just like how in the fiary tales, the enspelled sleeping princess never ages during all those years she stays locked in a tower awaiting the prince who will awaken her.
Mooncat - Those are interesting questions. ;) And another one to add might be "What was her father's reaction the first time he saw his daughter with her new fox tatoo?"
Patrick Toman
Friday, February 14, 2003 07:00:19 AM
Sorry for the 2 posts...
Thanks Gabriel "gaygoyle"!!!
Battle Beast / Pyro X
CanadaFriday, February 14, 2003 12:44:56 AM
DAVID KEITH. He is the one in the film in question.
That site has ANYTHING you could want to know about films. Even has stuff on Greg W.
Anyone see Survivor?
Battle Beast / Pyro X
CanadaFriday, February 14, 2003 12:41:51 AM
Gemini_Bloodian - I would guess the Gargoyles weathered, but when they finally woke up they shed their outer stony shell. So they are nice and fresh and baby smooth (well gargoyle smooth) underneath, bright and shiny and good as new.
Otherwise... solid stone. Unless someone takes a crow bar to them, why wouldn't they survive? The rest of the castle did.
Christine- Ooo... Matt with a tatoo! heh... I still wanna know where they'd put them. Somewhere interesting I hope *^_~*
Thursday, February 13, 2003 11:32:52 PM
In Awakenings, Owen mentions that the locals think the castle is haunted and no construction crew will go near it. This fear would probably apply to superstitious midevil peasants as well.
Thursday, February 13, 2003 11:24:41 PM
I have a quick-question.The thousand years the gargoyles were turned to stone,how did the survive?
I mean would the be destroyed within that time.When Xanatos found the castle,They were in the exact same condition as they were with mage turned them to stone.
Could anyone give me a reasonable explanation on how the survive.
Gemini_Bloodian - [gemini_bloodian@battleancients.every1.net]
Pheonix, Arizona
Thursday, February 13, 2003 10:47:49 PM
Mooncat > well, obviously, as a member of the Illuminati, Xanatos was required to get the eye-and-pyramid tattoo done in the special ink that only shows up under certain types of light. Which means that Matt Bluestone has one too ;)
Thursday, February 13, 2003 08:38:25 PM
I haven't seen Daredevil, but I've seen the trailer. And my impression (and it's only that) is that DAVID KEITH (not Keith David) plays Matt's father, who is a boxer. But I could be wrong.
Interesting note, I once developed an animated series that, had I made it, would have starred (in my dream cast) Rocky Carroll, Keith David and David Keith. I just liked the idea of having both Keith and David (David and Keith) together.
Greg W.
Thursday, February 13, 2003 07:57:57 PM
I don't know if this is true, but I heard Keith David play's Matt Murdoc's boxing teacher in "Daredevil." I saw it on MSNBC but I haven't found anything else to confirm it. Is it the same Keith David?
Thursday, February 13, 2003 07:19:02 PM
PATRICK - The poster of that particular question in the "Ask Greg" queue was named Punchinello, but that's all that I know about him/her. (And I'm afraid that I don't have the technical know-how to advance that question in the queue).
At any rate, I'm glad that you all enjoyed it.
Todd Jensen - [merlyn1@mindspring.com]
St. Louis, MO
Thursday, February 13, 2003 06:28:02 PM
Todd> Quite possibly the most intelligent Ask Greg Q I have ever seen. It deserves to be put up or paraphrased somewhere where some of the ppl who flood the queue can see it.
Thursday, February 13, 2003 01:50:13 PM
Like Patrick said, that is a GREAT question.
Though, I myself wouldn't mind learning the circumstances of Fox getting her tatoo (the why and when mostly). I think that would be a great story, I just don't think Greg is going to write one (as whole story) if I asked that question. Anything else would be irrelavent minutia.
Hows this for questions (and no I won't submit it to the Ask Greg) *^_^* heh... "Does Fox have any other tatoos? Where Are they? Did getting them hurt? What does her husband think about her tatoos? Does he have any tatoos? Where are they? How about piercings?
--- Yes this was meant as a joke ---
Thursday, February 13, 2003 01:38:11 PM
Todd > Who posted that? He/she deserves a medal... or at least a pat on the back. And I think that comment should get jumped ahead right to the front of the queue, too, because the questions he asks and the points her make are valid ones.
I'm not sure where the trend of obsessing over the trivial details while remaining oblivious to the big picture got started. Maybe it comes from how TV these days assumes everyone only has a 30-second attention span... or maybe they're just not teaching literature in the schools the same way they used to, with an emphasis on analysis and critical thinking over rote memmorization.
I see the same thing happening more and more in fanfic lately, too. Too many new authors mistakenly believe that rattling off a hair color, shoe size, and birthdate is sufficient to give life to a character. You can spend forever detailing the events comprising the timeline of your character's life, but in the end it all means nothing if you can't extrapolate them into a personality.
The questions Greg gets about the triviata are, in an odd way though, kind of funny. So many people seem to assume Greg has EVERY single detail of the "Gargoyles" universe figured out, down to the last birthdate and distant relation of EVERY character. But I wager many of them would be hard pressed themselves to answer if similar type questions were directed back at them about their own families. What was your great grandmother's maiden name? What are the birthdates of all your siblings and first cousins? When will they each get married? How many children will they have? What will those children's names be?
See how quickly it just becomes an exercise in sillyness?
:: tosses two cents into the hat ::
Patrick Toman
Thursday, February 13, 2003 12:40:30 PM
Pyro X> Try either "Gargoyles Customes" or "Gargoyles Biology."
Gabriel "gaygoyle"
Thursday, February 13, 2003 10:18:26 AM
Hey... what's with the new search feature?
Anywho, do any of you know whaich catagory I might find ANY info on Gargoyle eggs in? (I'm talking about the archive (SP?).)
Battle Beast / Pyro X
CanadaThursday, February 13, 2003 10:11:01 AM
I hope that nobody minds my reprinting this long question to "Ask Greg" here (since the room's been a bit slow lately, it's probably actually something that helps rather than hurts), but I found this interesting in its relevance to the kind of questions that "Ask Greg"'s been overstuffed with (the bulk of our discussion on it focuses on the quantity of the questions, but I've noticed that there's definitely an inverse ratio here between their quantity and their quality):
<<Hello Mr. Weisman.
I was having a conversation with a friend of mine recently about new kinds of conventions in contemporary fiction, (it was less a conversation than a herculean effort on his part to _educate me_ about some of these things which I should know more about) and the topic of literary devices imported from things that are generally considered banal or somehow inferior to literature came up. The Sunday funnies, technical manuals, etc. He brought up something that I thought you would find interesting. I wanted to find out if you had any reaction to this, as I gather that you consider introducing young people to literature very important and this is something which is (possibly) maligning the way in which they perceive it.
My friend explained the phenomenon of these "adventure card games" to me. I guess the pokemon fall into this category. (Horrifying little things) There are also all manner of these dungeons and dragons type games. Apparently a convention has developed among people who play the games of generating fiction using the cards. For instance, each player would represent a character internal to a story and the cards they play with would dictate the structure of a work of fiction they were creating and "acting out" at the same time. The interesting thing about this is that characters within this convention are frequently developed by means of a pre defined list of "character attributes." Once again, for instance, you would have a condition like
10 personality types. Pick one.
10 types of conventional behavior. Pick one.
10 types of hats. Pick one.
The idea seems to be that character development emerges from the intersection of these variables. Even though I'm certain that this kind of convention could be exploited towards an interesting end in literature, I found this sort of "amateur authors" version of writing very limiting, and the whole method of lists of typical character attributes seems to be an arbitrary convention that was being maintained for the sake of game playing. It's all very silly.
The reason I mention all of this is because my friend told me that he has observed a trend among many amateur authors and many young aspiring authors to use this same kind of convention when writing. He sees characters being treated as though the author were at a buffet, and the author were allowed one "feature" for each little spot on his tray. He sees this a lot. He teaches a creative writing class at the moment and has noticed this sentiment that people are coming into the class with, that if they string together a lot of trivia about a fictional person, a real character will emerge as if by magic. He sees them conduct this exercise a lot where they define a character with...
John lives in Wisconsin.
John works in the Madison public Library.
John likes his job okay.
He mentioned he sees this limiting perspective carry over into their observations of other peoples writing. This way of thinking seems to prevent them from really experiencing a character. It seems they can only define the character for themselves from within the context of this kind of trivia.
He asked me if I had seen this obsession over trivia instead of character anywhere else. I immediately realized that I had! It usually takes the form of...
Where did fox get her tattoo?
Who were Mab's parents?
Who were Oberon's parents?
Who were Titania's parents?
Who were anansi's parents?
Will Brooklyn have children?
How many children?
Will his children have names?
Will those names begin with a consonant or a vowel?
This is why some people so appreciate your continued participation with this board. I'm really just writing this because I would like to read any general reaction you have to it. However, I think I would not be alone in wanting to hear you comment on the kind of questions outlined above (of which you field many). I think I kind of resent the implication in some of these questions that, as the author, you should know the names and mailing addresses of all of Elisa's cousin's three times removed, along with their favorite foods and weight at birth. Is there something you think is essentially being missed with questions like these? Maybe if you were to share with your fans, the kind of dialogue you think is worthwhile and exciting, you would see the trivia questions replaced with more real dialogue about "Gargoyles." >>
Todd Jensen - [merlyn1@mindspring.com]
St. Louis, MO
Thursday, February 13, 2003 07:24:37 AM
Hi all. Uhm, this is sorta self-promotion, but I have a deadjournal now. I felt compelled to get one after the hell that's been happening in my life. So there's the link to my journal if you want to read. Later.
Gabriel "gaygoyle"
Thursday, February 13, 2003 12:08:56 AM
Sorry for the double post, but this room probably needs some more posting anyway. But never mind, I found the game. If only I could figure out how to get it running.
Wednesday, February 12, 2003 07:26:48 PM
Anybody have a link to the Gargoyles Game thats up for download? I would appreciate it. Thanks.
Wednesday, February 12, 2003 07:12:57 PM
:: peeks in ::
Jeez... this room is even deader today than Saddam Hussein's chances of being in power by this time next month...
:: lurks back out ::
Patrick Toman
Wednesday, February 12, 2003 06:47:33 PM
So maybe there should be a big disclaimer right at the top of the page, too...
"This is NOT a chat room. This is NOT a realtime homework help site. It could be months or even years before any question submitted here receives an answer. If you need immediate answers in order to complete a school assignment due at the end of the week, please turn off your computer NOW and begin reading whatever book you haven't yet read. If your question is about something else, please take a few minutes to review the "Frequently Asked Questions" as you may find the answer has already been given. This will save you the aforementioned wait of months or years, and it will keep the size of the queue down so that Greg can still hope to get through it by the end of the decade. Questions submitted that have already been answered before will be pulled from the queue by the admins and referred to the FAQ. Random insanity on topics unrelated to "Gargoyles" and anything that appears to be purely the work of internet trolls will be deleted by the admins without hesitation. Thank you, please drive through. - The Management."
Re: "What comes out of a gargoyle?" - That would depend on what it was that went IN, wouldn't it? ;)
Patrick Toman
Wednesday, February 12, 2003 07:05:39 AM
Ask Greg stuff.
Actually, last summer in a fit of boredom (July 18th, 2002, by this account) I copied the entire blog as it stood and started going through it, partially to pick out what didn't belong there as per the most recent discussions in s8 at the time, and partially to MiST the mass number of stunningly stupid questions as amusement for myself and Mara. (then I hit on misting a whole fic as her birthday gift instead, and did that instead.)
On random points since then I've gone back and done more work; I've gone through 273 of them, and this only covers April 9th 2002 to July 28th 2002. about 300 questions in 3 months. The number of these that have been redmarked (ie, already been answered- often more than once-, having nothing to do with gargoyles or any show Greg Weisman has ever worked on, completely inane [like the questions that are quizzes on the material of random Shakespeare works, as if someone was looking for the answer to their homework and couldn't be bothered to look up the cliffnotes for the works], or glaringly obvious to anyone who'd ever seen the show and/or has basic math skills) would shock you.
Or, perhaps, it wouldn't.
The entire blog now spans Oct 10th, 2001 to Feb 3rd, 2003. Without weeding out the questions that don't belong there, it'll take years for Mr. Weisman to get through it all. Even with that being done, it could take that long. Tho there are a number I'm tempted to say should stay in, just because I'd love to see the true response they get. Like the last question asked, "what comes out of a gargoyle?" I myself do have an answer for this (but you'd have to be a Cyrway fan to truly appreciate it) but I kinda want to see what Greg has to say.
At the current way things stand, Mara's question about suggestions for putting together the *bid* for the 2003 NY con aren't going to be responded to until after the 2003 Gathering is over.
which leads to my theory that we should change the name of the page to "Ask Greg...Intelligible, Well-Worded, Relevant Questions".
Wednesday, February 12, 2003 12:10:47 AM
Patrick is right. The majority of those people were probably never going to check back to see if they had an answer if it took more then a week for Greg to get to it.
I'm in favor of two options: 1. a small committee wades through the backlog, answering or deleting the really inane ones and passing the good ones on to Greg. Something Aaron, Lynati and myself have often said we could get done in a week.
2. We delete the whole backlog. And we give two weeks warning so people can go through and save their questions, rambles, Gathering diaries, cause there are many good posts in there which don't deserve to be deleted... but if no one saves them, c'est la vie.
Greg Bishansky
Tuesday, February 11, 2003 10:16:56 PM
Shogun> I agree, but anything you can make money on can't be all bad. I'm usually pretty good at reading the minds of these people so I've won quite a few bucks in my day. I haven't seen movies lately though, so I don't know anymoe.
Tuesday, February 11, 2003 07:27:52 PM
my 2 cents on the oscars: I'll take the oscars seriously when the people who run the bloody thing take animation, fantasy and sci-fi seriously, because let's face it they still think the stuff's for kids and geeks, to which I think of them as pompous, self-congratulatory unimaginative, slow-witted horses arses who wouldn't know quality films if they walked up to them, tipped their hat, introduced themsleves and punched them in the stomach
shogun raptor
Tuesday, February 11, 2003 03:56:26 PM
Hi! Patrick>> You're probably right that the whole debate about the backlog list will start up once again. (Although atleast the submit button is shut off). I do agree with you though that the very worst questions should be pulled since Greg shouldn't have to deal with them. Anyway gotta go:)
Tuesday, February 11, 2003 01:19:59 PM
Spirited Away got a nomination, I wish I was able to see it. What are the calls for the best animated feature? I'll put down on "Lilo & Stich" even though I never saw that one either. Jeez, it's been soo long since I've been to a movie. I disgust myself.
Tuesday, February 11, 2003 12:59:18 PM
PYRO X> Dude, what are you talking about? Peter Jackson was nominated for Best Director last year. Of course they gave it to that hack; Ron Howard. But he was nominated.
My guess is they're going to wait till next year for "The Return of the King" to give Peter Jackson his much deserved Oscar. Because, Jackson's movie is really not finished yet.
I thought Andy Serkis was snubbed though... his performance was one of the best this year.
Though I will add that if Daniel Day Lewis doesn't win for Best Actor, there is no justice.
BEST PICTURE> "Two Towers" and "Gangs of New York" were the two best films of the year, and if either of them walks away with the Oscar for Best Picture, I'll be very happy.
Greg Bishansky
Tuesday, February 11, 2003 10:51:17 AM
Oscars> They were announced this morning. No surprises, except Peter Jackson was NOT nominated for "LOTR" again. (BIG TIME snub.)
I have a link to the nominess list. Clicky my name.
Battle Beast / Pyro X
CanadaTuesday, February 11, 2003 10:15:01 AM
And then there was the question about whether Oberon was created by the Gargoyles production team or whether he was a pre-existing legendary figure. I shudder to think over what that question says about the cultural literacy of today, that the questioner should have been that unaware of "A Midsummer Night's Dream". (Let's hope that nobody next asks whether Macbeth or King Arthur were created by the Gargoyles production team....)
Todd Jensen - [merlyn1@mindspring.com]
St. Louis, MO
Tuesday, February 11, 2003 07:52:21 AM
Answer > Maybe they were... or maybe Todd was right and their mind was in a slightly differnt place when asking that question.
The point is... who knows? Seriously... I don't think it's asking too much for people to phrase their question in a way that can be easily understood. Or for people to wait until they have a BASIC level of understanding before running to "Ask Greg." When questions like "What is a gargoyle?" start to appear, it shows (IMO) that someone is either purposefully being a troll or that a random someone who'll never be back again was just passing by and feels the urge to leave a comment on every message board they pass.
I suppose this is going to start the old debate back up again... but I really think a small committee of fans needs to be appointed to wade through the backlog and separate the wheat from the chafe. Greg shouldn't be forced to personally answer every single innane, trollish comment. And please don't come back with the "But it wouldn't be fair to the person who submitted the question if Greg himself didn't give the answer!" excuse. So the witty retort to an obviously stupid question comes from someone other than Greg Weisman. Boo-hoo. Life sucks... get over it.
:: tosses a quarter in the hat and heads off to work ::
Patrick Toman
Tuesday, February 11, 2003 07:24:07 AM
Todd Jensen> I think the said poster was referring to what comes out of the stone gargoyles on churches and cathedrals.
Tuesday, February 11, 2003 12:54:41 AM
Just skimming the "Ask Greg" questions submitted page... and I'm really beginning to wonder about some of these questions. For example:
"what is a safty issue for humans if they do have an incounter with a gorilla?"
What's up with that? Did someone confuse "Ask Greg" with "Ask Jane Goodall"?
Or how about this one:
"What do gagyles look like?"
A better question yet might be "What's a gagyles?"
Yes... it was definitely time to disable the "submit new question" feature. And I think it might be time for someone to sort through the backlog and weed out the legitimate questions from the random trollish ones.
Just my two cents.
Patrick Toman
Monday, February 10, 2003 09:49:43 PM
Yea, I meant Peter Parker. My brain is fried. Sorry.
Monday, February 10, 2003 08:29:21 PM
Minor correction: the animated series is "Ghosts of Albion", not "Knights of Albion". Sorry.
Todd Jensen - [merlyn1@mindspring.com]
St. Louis, MO
Monday, February 10, 2003 06:59:37 PM
I find myself (like a lot of the other folks here) wondering about many of the questions that have been submitted to "Ask Greg". A couple that I can particularly think of are:
1. There've been people who actually asked Greg - but he hasn't reached their questions yet - as to whether such figures as Prince Valiant and Etrigan would be showing up in "Pendragon". A little bit of common sense would have helped them realize that they obviously wouldn't since they're not public domain figures.
2. The most recent question asked - before the "submit question" feature was shut down - was "What comes out of a gargoyle?" I hope that that wasn't intended as being scatological, but I fear that it was. (At least they didn't ask about Bronx lifting his hind leg next to trees, fire hydrants, or Steel Clan robots....)
A more promising piece of news - according to this morning's Comics Continuum, Amber Benson (who played the part of Tara in "Buffy") is launching an animated series for the BBC called "Knights of Albion", a fantasy series set in Victorian England. (The description suggests that it might be an Internet animated series, rather than a televised one, although I'm not quite certain).
Todd Jensen - [merlyn1@mindspring.com]
St. Louis, MO
Monday, February 10, 2003 06:52:16 PM
Mesa claim number 10 in da name of da Gungans, okeyday?
:: plants a flag ::
Patrick Toman
Monday, February 10, 2003 12:24:38 PM
Battle Beast / Pyro X
CanadaMonday, February 10, 2003 09:50:34 AM
number 8 for me...
Monday, February 10, 2003 06:14:45 AM
And this spot (seventh) is claimed in the name of the noble Sloths (surprise, surprise).
Blaqthourne & Crimson Fury> Oh, yeah. Sorry, I just saw Tony Jay credited as Megabyte and then I saw a name I didn't recognize and assumed it was a different actor (without realizing that not too many people are named "Chiarface"). Silly moi.
Aha, so it's MY fault, well I must be punished then mustn't I <hits himself> your-a-naughty-boy-Basil-Faulty! Um, pardon me, I couldn't resist.
<Lord Sloth wanders off calling for someone named Manuel>
Lord Sloth
Oakville, ON, Canada
Monday, February 10, 2003 05:01:24 AM
I claim sixth in the name of cute fluffy wherewolf pups everywhere!
Monday, February 10, 2003 02:50:43 AM
Fifth in the name of the Fay!
Monday, February 10, 2003 01:39:35 AM
Ooooooh, fourth! The same number of essays that I've done for ENG 101 so far this semester...ughh!
Monday, February 10, 2003 01:28:07 AM
Third in the name of Alterity!!
Gabriel "gaygoyle"
Monday, February 10, 2003 12:57:00 AM
Oh yeah.
Today's Keith David "sighting":
Monday, February 10, 2003 12:08:21 AM
I claim this spot in the name of Mars. Isn't that lovely?
Monday, February 10, 2003 12:06:11 AM
I claim this spot in the name of aliens...and all the hunky characters from Gargoyles and fanfic universes.
Jimmy]--you did mean Peter Parker right?
Monday, February 10, 2003 12:03:04 AM