A Station Eight Fan Web Site
*leaves out smelling salts to revive patrick after his half hour bombardment of the dreaded "E*g*n P*x"*
Sunday, June 22, 2003 03:02:53 PM
Five days left until The Gathering.
Three episodes of "The Goliath Chronicles" left to dub for the friend I promised to deliver a tape to at the Gathering. I've been watching my tapes of the original ABC airings and editting out the commercials so I can fit all 13 on one tape. I just finished with "For It May Come True"... which means the next one I have to watch is "To Serve Mankind." I hope I survive this next half hour...
Sunday, June 22, 2003 12:13:58 PM
DPH: OH, I forgot about the points. Hm, I'm going to say three points. YES, the question is worth three points, people! Now, who dares to answer it? ;)
Leo: Just for the record, Goliath doesn't stroke Elisa's hair in Eye of the Beholder... And don't worry, you're getting there! Keep trying!
Demona Taina - [demona3@hotmail.com]
Sunday, June 22, 2003 01:34:18 AM
Demona Taina:>Feh, thought so. I'm surprised the "gargoyle" version of a kiss (which was what I was thinking with my other answer) doesen't count when its Goliath (nominative) kissing Elisa (accusative). If that were the case though I guess you would have put "kiss" in quotes. :p I eagerly await the answer to this.
Sunday, June 22, 2003 01:13:35 AM
Demona Taina - How many points is that question worth?
Oh yea, I plan on participating in the contest once the 1st two questions are answered correctly unless somebody objects. I don't plan on adding any more rules at all; I want the contest to be as simple, fun, and fair as possible.
I'm getting ready to watch Metamorphosis.
Everytime I watch "Reawakening", I get the impression that somehow Matt knows about Elisa's connection to the gargoyles; otherwise interesting plot holes fall in place.
Sunday, June 22, 2003 12:10:54 AM
Ugh....I think I have just witnessed the absolute worst in animation. That's probably an overstatement, but, man....this comes close. Just finished capturing "Seeing Isn't Believing" from the Goliath Chronicles. The episode wasn't soo bad (not THAT bad anyway), but the animation ruined it. I'd have to say that it is the worst animation I have seen in a Gargoyles episode.
*shivers* now that I've finished transferring the Chronicles to cd, I know that I will not transfer them to dvd.
Still working on a dvd menu. I have the first 3 parts of Awakening finished and ready to go. Got my menu background image (close up of Goliath with green eyes from part 1). Got my thumbnail images for the episodes (close up of Demona hissing for part 1, Goliath in stone sleep with the full moon in the background for part 2, and Goliath holding Elisa with a little smile on his face for part 3). I just found out how to add music. Still debating on which tune to put in. I may put some quotes from the first 3 parts mingled in with music. What do you folks think?
Nickerous - [nickerous@yahoo.com]
Saturday, June 21, 2003 11:55:58 PM
Leo: Heh heh, it was a trick question. And yes, I meant where Elisa is the submissive one... Where GOLIATH kisses ELISA. Now that you mention it, let me rephrase my question...
In which episodes does Goliath kiss Elisa? Note that there's more than one episode, and that I meant GOLIATH kissing ELISA, not the other way around. ;)
And "Eye of the Beholder" is incorrect. Better luck next time!
Demona Taina - [demona3@hotmail.com]
Saturday, June 21, 2003 11:17:40 PM
Demona Tiana: Re- "In what episode of Season Two does Goliath kiss Elisa?" Well If you mean which one does ELISA kiss GOLIATH (where Goliath is the 'submissive') It's "Hunters Moon pt3"
However, If you mean GOLIATH kisses ELISA (where Elisa is the 'sub') then possibly "Eye of the Beholder" (and then it wasn't a 'real' kiss) :)
Saturday, June 21, 2003 10:44:41 PM
DPH: I got it right? YAY! I got it right!
Jade: Thanks. I wish you luck next time. :D
And here is my question. I hope that it is not too difficult, but I figured that you guys would LOVE a challenge. In what episode of Season Two does Goliath kiss Elisa? Good luck! ;)
Demona Taina - [demona3@hotmail.com]
Saturday, June 21, 2003 04:28:16 PM
Mandolin - well, i don't have any suggestions for your costume, but I say-don't sweat it. Being at the gathering is what's important, not the costume. Just come and enjoy
- and be sure & say hi to me^_^
Saturday, June 21, 2003 03:45:28 PM
*delurks and waves half-heartedly*
Man, I am SO mad at myself...
Couple months ago, I tried to start putting together a costume to go as the Banshee. It largely fell through, mainly because of personal problems work, and the fact that Dad likes rushing into things...
So I'm digging through my closet and pull out the ONE costume piece I managed to get before everything went nuts: a purple wig that, while I got it on sale, wasn't all that cheap. I wouldn't care, but I'd like to get my money's worth, you know?
And that's all I've got. I'd totally forgotten about it. I have no energy and what with Dad's wedding tomorrow, I have no time to pull together the rest of it. I'm getting on a train to New York on Thursday afternoon. I just don't know what I'm going to do about this wig.
Any suggestions?
Saturday, June 21, 2003 02:41:46 PM
AIRWALKER - I hadn't thought of that particular aspect of why Demona would have wanted Brooklyn to take his time, but that is an interesting possibility. Thanks for mentioning it.
Demona would probably have argued that Elisa was also befriending Goliath and his clan for her own personal benefit; Elisa is a police officer, after all, and having Goliath and his clan around to help out against the local criminals like Tony Dracon and his gang would definitely seem appealling to her - in other words, an alliance like the Macbeth case. Of course, we know that that isn't so, but given what an utter cynic Demona is about humanity, she'd certainly believe that to be the case.
Todd Jensen - [merlyn1@mindspring.com]
St. Louis, MO
Saturday, June 21, 2003 07:03:41 AM
Just My Thoughts on Demona (If Anyone Cares To Read Them):
When I think of Demona, I think of her being for a thousand year, 994-1994. If we look at ONLY the last two hundred years, think of all the bloodshed we see JUST in wars and not every day to day living....The American Revolution, The War of 1812, The Civil War, The War of 1877, WWI, WWII, The Korean War, Vietnam, Desert Storm, and Desert Storm II, etc. Think of all the thousands of men, woman, and children that died in those wars.
When I think of it, not only does it make me sick, but if I let it, it could make me go insane, it could make anyone go insane....just think of all the people, people like you and me, just trying to live. Luckily I've never had to go to war, I never had to go on the battlefield, and hearing all the stories I hear just in the news makes me even more thankful that I've never had to go to war.
But Demona, she may not have fought in any of the wars I mentioned above (she did her fair share in the dark ages), but she was there. I'm sure she watched and perhaps even hoped that humans would kill each other off, but even though she hated humans, seeing humans slaughter each other, for a thousand years, had to take it's toll, and it did.
Demona got so used to seeing and hearing death, and having to kill to survive, that death just didn't bother her anymore, and the fact that she'll never die (unless MacBeth kills her). Not to mention the hatred she has for humans, hate is like a fire and if you hold onto it, it'll burn away at your heart and soul, and sadly this is what happened to Demona. It shouldn't happen to anyone, but it does, it's one of those sad facts of life.
I think that perhaps the greatest lesson that Gargoyles had to offer (at least for me), was Demona. Through Demona they showed, they didn't tell, what hate could do to the heart and soul. I mean Demona is one of the coolest characters, but I don't want to end up like her, alone and with your family's backs to you. I rather not be alone and with my family, and Demona would still be with Goliath and her clan if she had only let go of her hate long ago...but I could understand why she would have so much hate towards humans...look what the Vikings did to her clan in 994 and then the above comes into play.
To be honest, if what happened to Demona happened to me, I would be the same way, wanting revenge...its human/gargoyle nature. Sorry for the ramble and all the space it took up.
Saturday, June 21, 2003 02:41:07 AM
Saw HULK today. Its a fantastic, well done movie. The only thing I felt it was missing was Rick Jones although I can see why he was left out. The effects were very well done and it had an intelligent, compelling story that even managed to throw in a fight between Hulk and Absorbing Man. It stuck to all the core story points behind the character and the comic. Go see it.
Can't wait to see the sequel - I'm wondering if they'll do Grey Hulk or even move into Intelligent Hulk. Dumb Hulk is interesting but limited - its not a character that can carry that many movies without making everything seem repetative. When Banner develops then the Hulk is going to have to also.
TODD - You wrote: [The big difficulty that I have with the blend of medieval and high-tech is that it's generally improbable;]
I don't think its as improbable as it might seem at first; there are many factors that drive technological development. And while political environment does have an effect on technological development, its not the only thing involved.
It is true though that without a well thought out development (regressed civilization like you mentioned or accelerated development like I'm suggesting - if the Dark Ages hadn't occurred and development remained constant then we could have gotten a technologically advanced world that is politically backward; of course that would require some major historical change to make it possible) the idea will seem hard to swallow.
You wrote: [And it definitely shows us why (more or less) Demona is so convinced that humanity is evil]
Demona's real problem is that her equivilent of Elisa was The Captain. Its not a perfect analogy but he was the one human ally she had who she trusted to a certain extent and he just wasn't as steadfast as Elisa. And from that point on she had no positive human influence until very late in life; her cementing an allience with Macbeth came when she was already set in her ways and opinions. The time when he could have effected her views was in 1020, not in 1040.
On top of everything Macbeth wasn't exactly the perfect vehicle to help change someone like Demona; she needed an Elisa like person, not a King with his own major policy interests to involve her in. On top of all the positive personality traits Elisa has that helped bring Goliath and his clan to trusting her, it also helped alot that she didn't have any alternate motivation for wanting to be friends with them. She wanted to really be friends; Macbeth on the other hand wanted an allience which is what he got. He's just upset that he confused allience with friendship. The two don't have to go together after all.
You wrote: [she describes it as complex]
I wonder about that; was it really that complex? Or did she really want to ditch Brooklyn for a while so that she could search for the other pages that she took out of the book at the end of the episode?
Airwalker - [airwalker9999@yahoo.com]
Brooklyn, NY
Saturday, June 21, 2003 12:04:59 AM
I'm looking for some information that I can't seem to find.
I remember a discussion here in the comment room about MacBeth banishing young Canmore. Greg added a brief statement to the discussion and mentioned Donald Ban who, if I remember correctly, is Canmore's brother(?)
Does anyone else remember this discussion? Can anyone fill me in on who Donald Ban is and what Greg said about him?
I would greatly appreciate it!
Phil - [p1anderson@go.com]
Friday, June 20, 2003 11:05:38 PM
DPH: Darn, I knew it was either black or white, and I still missed the 50% chance of getting it right! ;)
Demona Taina: Congrats on getting the right answer.
Friday, June 20, 2003 09:38:50 PM
I watched my tape of "Temptation" today.
This episode confirms even more that Demona's story about being in stone sleep for a thousand years was a lie, before we even get to "City of Stone". And it definitely shows us why (more or less) Demona is so convinced that humanity is evil, after all the things that she shows Brooklyn (robberies, domestic strife, even a murder scene). What I like about it, at the same time, is that Elisa can show at the end that Demona's story isn't the whole truth by coming to Goliath's rescue and freeing him from Demona's spell. (I wish that the people who had made "Generations" had paid close attention to that part.)
When they did Demona coming to Brooklyn's rescue, the animators cheated a little; she's shown in shadow throughout even while next to Brooklyn who's shown very clearly.
We get some idea about just how difficult magic is in the Gargoyles Universe with Demona's spell; she describes it as complex, but it consists (on the surface level) of just three Latin words. I suspect that the indication is that there's more to magic than just saying certain words (hand gestures undoubtedly play a major role, at the least).
The animation at the end with the sun rising and Elisa standing there with the Grimorum is great. (So is Lexington's shocked response to the motorcycle getting blown up.)
Todd Jensen - [merlyn1@mindspring.com]
St. Louis, MO
Friday, June 20, 2003 07:27:14 PM
Demona Taina - Correct Answer. You get to ask the next question or designate somebody else to ask it. Just remember you can't answer the next 2 questions for points.
Jade - <Well, a rider on horseback (Who I always thought was the Captain of the Guard), was dressed in a black robe> Check again. There's a lot of shadow, but the robe is clearly white.
Friday, June 20, 2003 01:14:46 PM
I'm going to recheck my answer pretty soon because I thought the robe was white.
Matt - <well, who do YOU think created the claw marks in that stone in the street. just curious what your answer would've been.> Hypothetically, I'd have to have someone else play around with some nice graphics software to determine exactly where that section fell from and then, from there, if that same section was shown earlier. But it isn't worth the effort. I'll admit the 1st time I saw the clawmarks, my initial response was it came from Goliath during the battle. (That was way back when). Now, I know better. I'd say every gargoyle shown (not garg dogs) is possible candidate.+ The bigger question is how clawmarks came to be in that spot, if you don't believe the clawmarks occured in modern times. Gargoyles just don't get shot down that easily during the Dark Ages because of the available weapons.
Friday, June 20, 2003 11:26:06 AM
DPH> well, who do YOU think created the claw marks in that stone in the street. just curious what your answer would've been...
Friday, June 20, 2003 10:02:43 AM
DPH: I'm going to go with... white. He was wearing a white robe. Wasn't he?
Demona Taina - [demona3@hotmail.com]
Friday, June 20, 2003 03:58:54 AM
Blaise> "Happy Birthday to you!"
Thank you. Happy belated birthday. :)
Bud-Clare - [budclare@yahoo.com]
Friday, June 20, 2003 03:26:23 AM
BATTLE BEAST - Thanks for the welcome.
RAC - Thanks for letting me know there's no time or date other than 2004 being set for the DVD release.
DPH - "What color was the robe the Captain of the Guard was wearing after he left the castle to approach Hakon?" Well, a rider on horseback (Who I always thought was the Captain of the Guard), was dressed in a black robe when he approach Hakon about a "bargain" that could be made so the Vikings could overtake Wyvern. So black is my answer.
Friday, June 20, 2003 01:28:12 AM
Ok, I'm changing my question. (I spent a few hours going through Ask Greg and convinced nobody knows the answer and it is not that important anyways.) Here's my alternate question for 3 points: What color was the robe the Captain of the Guard was wearing after he left the castle to approach Hakon?
Thursday, June 19, 2003 10:04:33 PM
how bout this one....
Nickerous - [nickerous@yahoo.com]
Thursday, June 19, 2003 06:33:28 PM
Wingless> I'm just getting into dvd burning as well (DVD+R for me). So far, the menu I use has come out ok, but it is VERY basic. Using as many bits as I can for the episodes, it doesn't leave much room for a menu. I'm still in the testing phase tho. I got the episodes right, now I'll work on the menu and chapters. Check out the link I posted (if I did it right). I read it for months before getting any stuff for my cd-rs. At the time, the Canopus ADVC-100 was the highest rated capture device. It has not done me wrong so far. I don't use my beta much at all. I haven't bought any blank tapes for it in years (haven't seen any). Now, I can record straight to my computer. Just haven't had the time for any Gargoyles episodes.
Battle Beast> The advc-100 is a small box that has rca inputs/outputs, and s-video inputs. It also has the firewire port for connection to a firewire card in your computer. It doesn't come with any software, but there are a lot of good ones to use. Also, there are no drivers to install. Nothing to install if you've already got a firewire card in. Windows will recognize it as a digital camera (at least, XP Pro does). Check out the site I have linked. It is the first and last place for capturing video information.
I have quite a few football games on tape. Most are University of South Carolina games. I have a few Super Bowls, and that wonderful championship game from last year (Ohio State-vs-Miami). I have the '91 super bowl, but my team lost and I don't like revisting that one. : (
The other Super bowls are '96, last years (New England/St. Louis), and the one this past January. If the games are not all that great, I usually don't keep them tho. I'll probably tape over this past super bowl.
Hope I did that link right......
Nickerous - [nickerous@yahoo.com]
Thursday, June 19, 2003 06:32:26 PM
*Stumbles in, weak after oatmeal cookie incident*
Nickerous> So, let me get this straight: your VCR plugs into this "Canopus ADVC-100" and then to your PC?
My ORIGINAL source for the Stuff I want to burn was from a Beta tape... and the VHS it was transfered to was done at ITV / Global T.V. Studios in Edmonton... So it's a good source tape.
What is a good number of frames per second?
BTW> I just curious, but what football games do you want to convert??
NICKEROUS> Thanks for answering all my questions anyway!
Battle Beast
CanadaThursday, June 19, 2003 04:14:18 PM
Nickerous - wow! someone that actually knows what a Betamax is! ^_^ I still have 3 Super Beta Hi Fi machines - and allthough I use them less than I did, I still use them as my main recording source. I do have a good VHS HI FI machine thats about 11 years old, but still - I prefer the betas(that, and I get free betacam tapes from a friend who works in Television - they're the same tapes, only difference is the Betacam machines run about 6x faster than a home beta machine a 30 min betacam tape is like a L750 beta tape. Anyway, When family channel was airing Gargs, I did tape the shows over and over as many as I could get, then I got a digital box, and though it had its problems too-I got most of the eps in digital. Problem was, family channel had a chronic audio problem that had this buzzing noise that would crop up in one audio channel from time to time, thus it was a challange getting all the eps. The lone advantage is Family channel aired them without commercials and unedited. Now that i have a DVD burner(DVD-R for those in the know), I want to start transfering them, but am a little weak on the know how to do it-especially when it comes to creating menus and linking those to the mpg files.
If anyone can suggest software or how to do this, I'm anxious to hear from you.
See yas at the Gathering..well, You'll see me better than I will you, so come up and say hi to the big guy with funny lookin glasses.
Wingless - [mrstereo@rogers.com]
Thursday, June 19, 2003 02:09:25 PM
Battle Beast> I have the Canopus ADVC-100 connected by firewire card that gets the info from VHS to my hd in .avi format. I have tried several programs to capture the video and the best quality is iuVCR. This program is little buggy and takes a few tries to get the entire episode in without dropping frames. 22 minutes of video takes up 10.5 GB, so you've got to have a lot of space. I encode that .avi file to a dvd compliant .mpeg file using TMPGEnc. This is where the time aspect comes into play. One 22-min episode takes around 15 hours to encode. This is using the best encoding settings.
The ADVC-100 is not cheap. It retails for $250, but I got mine used off of ebay for around half that price (and haven't had any problems with....so far...).
Were these games taped back in 1984? If so, then your dvd will not be the best quality. Maybe a little better, or as good as, the source video. TMPGEnc will clean it up a little, but not much. My original Gargoyles episodes that I taped in 1995-96 are not the best quality. I've got a couple of football games that I want to transfer. They are from 1984. Actually, they were taped on a Betamax vcr (wow, showing my age here).
One last thing, you've got to have a computer with some "horse-power" to it. I first tried capturing with a pentium 2, 233mHz machine. It would capture about a minute then would pop up a message telling me that my computer was too slow for this operation. It would still capture, but I would drop about 10,000 frames per minute. ^_^
Nickerous - [nickerous@yahoo.com]
Thursday, June 19, 2003 01:38:28 PM
2004 is the only released date that was given. I don't think it has been narrowed to a specific month and day.
Troy, NY, USA
Thursday, June 19, 2003 12:36:33 PM
Leo - <Maybe that should be a rule as well: "You have to know the answer to your own question."> Well, I really do want to know the answer. I'm fairly the answer isn't Goliath's from the occuring battle and I'm hoping somebody has read the correct answer *somewhere*, maybe in an episode ramble. Oh yea, I'll add rules 5 & 6. 5)If nobody gives good attempts to answer the question correctly within 48 hours, then a new question is asked. (how long to wait for a correct answer when good attempts is open to the person asking the question, but at least 72 hours are needed) 6)Rules can be modified to ensure fairness for all. (The wait 2 questions rule is about keeping 2 people from going back and forth one night answering and asking questions.)
Thursday, June 19, 2003 11:16:39 AM
Clawmarks question> thats a really difficult question. in theory, it could have been any of the Wyvern Clan, including any of those massacred in 994. but if i had to take a guess based on what we actually saw in the show, i would say it was Bronx. when he leaped at Hakon in Awakening Pt. 1, he left some similiar claw marks on a piece of stone... now i'm not sure how that piece ended up on the street, but thats all i got. i'm pretty sure someone will come along with some brilliant answer that i havn't considered and i'm looking forward to it...
Thursday, June 19, 2003 10:32:02 AM
DPH:"(Since I'm not quite sure of the answer, I'm going to rely on consensus)." Maybe that should be a rule as well: "You have to know the answer to your own question." :pp
Thursday, June 19, 2003 08:01:20 AM
Ok, I'd like to start the trivia contest from stratch with four rules. 1)If you get a correct answer, you must wait until after 2 questions are answered correctly before you can go for more points. (This is to keep anybody from running away with points) 2)As soon as a person gets the confirmation that he/she gave the correct answer, that person can either ask the next question or designate somebody else to ask the next question. (If somebody else is chosen to ask the next question, of course that person can't get points for answering the question) 3)Only 2-3 points can be earned through any question unless the question is multipart. In that case, each part can be worth 2-3 points. 4)We're playing until somebody reaches at least 25 points *AND* has a 4 point lead over 2nd place.
Since I'm the winner from the last contest, I'll start this one: For 3 points, whose clawmarks are in that piece of concrete from Awakening part 1? (Since I'm not quite sure of the answer, I'm going to rely on consensus).
Thursday, June 19, 2003 12:58:10 AM
WELCOME JADE! ... ... ... ... Cookies? I never got a cookie. I'm a taki' one now cuz I never got one.
Nickerous> Waht hard/soft wear do you use to get the media off the VHS tapes? I am interested becuase I have several 1984 hockey games that I want to put on DVD, as well as "Who shot J.R.?" for my Mom, and they are all on one VHS tape.
POINT STANDINGS> Well, the contest never got to "50" but here are the final standings.
DPH - 25
Demona Taina - 8
Matt - 8
Enigma - 7
Nickerous - 7
Gabriel - 6
Vashkoda - 6
Cassie - 5
Rac - 5
Todd Jensen - 5
Wingless - 4
Aaron - 3
Spacebabie - 3
Blaise - 2
Leo - 2
Silverbolt - 2
Warrioress - 2
Jimmy - 1
Lurking Fish - 1
Way to go, all of you!
... ... ... WHAT?! Oatmeal Cookies?!
... ... ...
... ... ...
Battle Beast
CanadaWednesday, June 18, 2003 11:05:13 PM
Mother of Abraham Lincoln. Almost ten YEARS already?? I was starting college when it first came out...
D*mn I *do* feel old....yeek.
Wednesday, June 18, 2003 06:36:54 PM
DPH - Unfortunately, I don't yet have authorization from Greg Weisman to clear requests for lists of characters. His thoughts on the matter are that, while such questions tend to be a nuisance and are a major reason for the queue being so bulky, if the questions get deleted, the people who ask them will get upset and be less likely to support "Gargoyles". So they're presently something that we simply have to put up with.
QUESTION - I'm afraid that I don't follow the comics enough to know about Etrigan being a villain. I was simply naming him because I knew that Cartoon Network has some DC Comics ties and Etrigan is the only DC character that I know of with Arthurian background to him. Are there any others?
Todd Jensen - [merlyn1@mindspring.com]
St. Louis, MO
Wednesday, June 18, 2003 06:35:55 PM
RAC, AIRWALKER, MATT, and NICKEROUS: Thanks for welcoming me, posting my first post here made me feel like I was going to the first day of school or something. Guess I was nervous!
NICKEROUS: I know you do hardly find the large applause figures on eBay. I was lucky enough to get two Demonas, one with a tag and the other without, and one Brooklyn with the tag. Other than that, I was outbid. :( Also, the small applause figures are so rare to come up, last summer or so I saw a set of them sell for fifty dollars! I couldn't believe how many eBayers were after Gargoyles figures. People who sell the Gargoyles figures make a lot of money too, too bad Disney didn't have a look at eBay and see how much the Gargoyles are selling for, with all the money that is involved they might consider to put out a collectors edition of Gargoyles figures. Maybe someone should drop a hint about it at Disney's front door step. :)
GARGOYLES DVD: I've been reading up on when the first DVD will be released (2004) and I can't wait. To bad they didn't release it now, but it's kind of cool that they are waiting so the DVD release will coincide with the series' ten year anniversary. Hopefully it'll sell well so they'll put the rest of the first season and then the second season on DVD. Has there been a release date given out besides 2004?
Wednesday, June 18, 2003 05:55:03 PM
Well, I finished the Awakening 5-parter. I put it on a dvd-rw to test and I'm glad I did. Originally, I had the "next time on Gargoyles" segment after the first episode (I just love how they roll right into the show's intro), but i was 71 MB over the limit with that in. Sooo, I had to redo part 1 and cut that out. I also had to give up a little bit of quality. Now, it is unacceptable. The rest of the episodes are ok, but I realized that I didn't want just ok. So, I'm going back and redoing the episodes for maximum quality (only 3 episodes per dvd). Just finished part one and while there is still room for improvement (my source IS vhs), there is virtually no difference from the source and my disc. Now, I gotta get me some double-disc cases and I'll be all set.
DPH> I've not forgotten about your disc. I sent a bonus disc to Battle Beast and I'm looking for some stuff for yours. I know I've got those clips somewhere.....
Jade> Howdy! Glad to see new folks. I think I'm going to go after figures eventually, but right now, I'm trying to find the large, applause figures. I just got Goliath a couple months ago. Don't see those on eBay too much tho. :(
Nickerous - [nickerous@yahoo.com]
Wednesday, June 18, 2003 04:44:52 PM
Todd Jensen<Since they were able to have Etrigan guest-star on an episode of "The New Batman/Superman Adventures", I suppose that they could still do an Etrigan-episode that would simply be "toned down" a little.>
I really don't think it is even possible given the fact that Etrigan has been a villain in the DCU and DC's darker Vertigo universe for the last twenty or so years. In my view it would be easier for Death or Dream of Neil Gaiman's Sandman to get an animated series than it is for Etrigan.
Airwalker<Actually something like that could work if done right; for example if it wasn't the actual King Arthur and the Round Table but instead someone drawing inspiration from hearing bits and pieces of the original story. Or perhaps even the original legend becoming a bit of mythology to Humanity in those times with the heroes in question adopting the story and ideas almost as a religion and trying to make it work for them. >
Sounds alittle bit like that Xyber 9 series that use to air on Fox.
Wednesday, June 18, 2003 02:47:14 PM
Todd - Have you cleared this question?:
Monday, December 16, 2002 10:17:48 PM
juan writes...
can i have a list of oberon's children?please
Wednesday, June 18, 2003 12:10:48 PM
Only 9 days left until The Gathering!
Wednesday, June 18, 2003 08:06:15 AM
JIMMY - I hope that that's a question that I haven't gotten to yet in going through the queue, because if I did clear it, it'd be really embarrassing for me. (The spelling is pretty depressing as well; it really makes you worry about the quality of education in this country.)
RAC - "King Arthur and the Knights of Justice" was dreadful. I have the uneasy suspicion from the character designs that it was based on an action figure line, and the title characters being a time-warped football team seemed done purely to allow them to say things like "Let's do it, dude!" in a medieval setting. It's a sad commentary on television animation that this series got two whole seasons while Greg's "Pendragon" idea never even got made.
AIRWALKER - The big difficulty that I have with the blend of medieval and high-tech is that it's generally improbable; a society which has achieved the technological capacity to build robots, lasers, spaceships, etc. would most likely have abandoned a feudal society long ago and gone for either representative democracy or totalitarianism in its place. The one way that it could work would be if it was portrayed as taking place after some "cataclysm" which had reverted society to an earlier level but in which much of the technological apparatus had somehow survived.
And I agree with you that "Pendragon", as Greg Weisman had envisioned it, wouldn't work outside of "Gargoyles"; I believe that if Greg Weisman wanted to do a "return of Arthur" story set outside of "Gargoyles", he'd have to do it from scratch (coming up with a different means of awakening Arthur on Avalon, etc.). More likely if he did do an Arthurian series, it would be based on a different premise (maybe set directly during Arthur's time like the Prince Valiant animated series some years ago). I recall that he mentioned that Disney owns the rights to the projected Pendragon spin-off anyway.
Todd Jensen - [merlyn1@mindspring.com]
St. Louis, MO
Wednesday, June 18, 2003 07:26:07 AM
Jade> welcome to the comment room! have a cookie!
Wednesday, June 18, 2003 07:02:28 AM
PHIL - You wrote: [What if -- Cartoon Network contacted Greg and asked him to do an animated series based on the Legends of Arthur Pendragon.]
I don't think from all the spinoffs that CN would decide on PENDRAGON as one to do; given what they have on something with a more sci-fi bent would be more likely. (Then again INU YASHA does take place mostly in Medieval Japan; but its not really what you could call history oriented as a PENDRAGON series would be so it might not be a good example.)
You wrote: [Maybe Greg's Pendragon ideas are not as easily separated from Gargoyles as they seem. But it sure seems possible.]
A seperate unrelated to the Gargoyles Universe Pendragon series could be done. But it wouldn't be starring the King Arthur we saw in GARGOYLES; it wouldn't be a spinoff. It would be a seperate series. It could be done and I'd honestly love to watch anything interesting and animated on television. (That's how I started watching KIKAIDER, a pretty good show by the way.)
The PENDRAGON series as we know it with the version of King Arthur we saw in GARGOYLES is too tied up to the Gargoyles Universe. Thats why a PENDRAGON spinoff is difficult to do now - forget about dealing with the medieval material; the modern origin of main characters are tied to events in a long cancelled series.
TODD - You wrote: [I might add that if Cartoon Network wanted to do an Arthurian series, they'd be more likely to make it a DC-based one starring Etrigan.]
It wouldn't really be an Arthurian series though; It would have Arthurian elements to it and particularly in Etrigan's origin but with Etrigan it was mainly an origin. From there it tended to vector somewhere between superhero and supernatural depending on was doing the writing. (The best Etrigan appearances in the comics were mainly either in the second SPECTRE series or in Alan Moore's SWAMP THING.)
You wrote: [I suppose that they could still do an Etrigan-episode that would simply be "toned down" a little.]
He did show up in a two part JUSTICE LEAGUE episode together with Morgana and Mordred. But Etrigan is still only good as a guest star on these type of shows. Going too deep beyond his origin would make a solo series too dark for American television.
You wrote: [maybe even some "Camelot of the Future"]
Actually something like that could work if done right; for example if it wasn't the actual King Arthur and the Round Table but instead someone drawing inspiration from hearing bits and pieces of the original story. Or perhaps even the original legend becoming a bit of mythology to Humanity in those times with the heroes in question adopting the story and ideas almost as a religion and trying to make it work for them.
A universe with sci-fi tech, magic, and fedual society have been done repeated in comics. That formula isn't unworkable, its just that most of the time writers tend to get lazy or go over the top with it. But that doesn't mean that it can't make for an interesting or compelling story if there is one to be told. (By the way most of what you described sounds almost like some bits of STAR WARS.)
You wrote: [I hope that Airwalker comes back soon; this place is so much livelier when he's around.]
I was offline mainly due to massive computer trouble; let's just say that I now have a new motherboard. I've really got to get myself an IMac.
JADE - Welcome!
Airwalker - [airwalker9999@yahoo.com]
Brooklyn, NY
Tuesday, June 17, 2003 11:53:34 PM
King Arthur and the Knights of Justice:
Didn't they use a football team for that and have the main character called "Arthur King?" God, only a five year old would give that show a chance.
Nice to meet you Jade, you'll find a ton of info in the archive section here and there's TGS, though finishing the archive will take a month at least:)
Troy, NY, USA
Tuesday, June 17, 2003 10:02:24 PM
Hi everyone!
I'm new here, but not new to the series. I was lucky enough to catch it the first day it ran back in 1994. Wow, almost ten years ago....does any one else feel old with me? :) I don't really know how to introduce myself other than saying I've been a Gargoyles Fan for years and that I'm still working on getting all of the Gargoyles merchandise in its original box. I can't tell you how much I wish I bought two of each figure, (one to open up and put on display and the other just to keep it in its box), when they were still selling them in the toy store. Now you have to wage war against an E-bayer just to have a slim chance of winning one. :) Well, if anyone has any questions about me, feel free to ask, I don't bite.
Tuesday, June 17, 2003 09:24:23 PM
Looking through the Ask Greg queue today and stumbled upon this little Gem.
Anne Marie writes...
I have been looking for 4 days and i can'tget an answer si I'm hoppen that you can help me please All I want to know is what place is 800 miles east of Montreal Canada And what place is 800 miles weast of Montreal
I hope you can answer this for me Greg
Maybe it's not a very inporten question but it is to me
I Don't know if u need my email to send me an anser but i'm going to give it to youn
cause I would be great ful to u if u would send me a answer please Tank you so much Yours Turly Anne Marie
WTH, seriously, is it really necessary to waaste greg's time with this? Why not try Ask Jeeves or something instead?
Tuesday, June 17, 2003 07:16:10 PM
Boy, it's been slow around here; only one post since I logged off this morning. I hope that things pick up after the Gathering.
QUESTION - Since they were able to have Etrigan guest-star on an episode of "The New Batman/Superman Adventures", I suppose that they could still do an Etrigan-episode that would simply be "toned down" a little.
My own dread is that an animated Arthurian series would be like that dreadful "King Arthur and the Knights of Justice", or even worse - maybe even some "Camelot of the Future" where you've got all the usual absurdity of a world which has spaceships, robots, lasers, and all manner of advanced technology and yet is still governed by a feudal monarchy, has wizards and dragons, etc. - complete with knights armed with "light-sabers" and riding robot horses.
("Camelot 3000" I rather liked, though parts of it I thought could have done better. One of the biggest mistakes, in my opinion, was having Morgan le Fay invading Earth to conquer it; I think that she would have made a more chilling villain if she had been sending those aliens to Earth purely for the purpose of getting rid of Arthur on account of the old family feud that she had with Arthur over his father Uther killing her father and forcing himself on her mother. After all, which is worse: plunging the entire planet into chaos and misery because you want to enslave everyone, or plunging the entire planet into chaos and misery because you want to get rid of just one man over a private vendetta?)
Greg Weisman gave a new revelation at "Ask Greg": the names of Boreas's sons. (He also mentioned that Kiron initially had the role that Taurus wound up getting instead.)
I hope that Airwalker comes back soon; this place is so much livelier when he's around.
Todd Jensen - [merlyn1@mindspring.com]
St. Louis, MO
Tuesday, June 17, 2003 07:06:30 PM
Todd Jensen <(I might add that if Cartoon Network wanted to do an Arthurian series, they'd be more likely to make it a DC-based one starring Etrigan....) >
I doubt it. Etrigan, I think, is too dark and bloody even for Cartoon Network.
Frankly if they were going for a King Arthur series then they would probably go towards something like Prince Valiant or that Camelot 3000 series by DC.
Phil> If Greg Weisman did try something like what you suggested I think CN would have a lawsuit on their hands.
The Question
Tuesday, June 17, 2003 05:33:23 PM
The countdown enters the final stretch today...
10 days left until The Gathering!
Leo > I'd always wanted to see Matt Bluestone take Tony Dracon by the collar and say, "Now why don't you make like a tree and get out of here." ;)
Tuesday, June 17, 2003 07:07:58 AM
LEO - Well, I hadn't thought of that, but I do recall that Biff was played by the guy who voiced Matt Bluestone (Tom Wilson).
Todd Jensen - [merlyn1@mindspring.com]
St. Louis, MO
Monday, June 16, 2003 08:50:06 PM
Todd: "Sir Biff"
Every time I come across the name "Biff" I can't help but associate the name with "Back to the Future"'s Biff Tannon.
Biff's first encounter with Arthur: "What are you lookin' at, butthead?" :p
Monday, June 16, 2003 07:25:04 PM
PHIL - After reading that, I came to the conclusion that "Pendragon" would only work (at least in its original form) as a "Gargoyles" spin-off and that this sort of alteration (especially names like Sir Biff) would be too painful to anybody aware of the original series. (Incidentally, Oberon, Puck, and Queen Mab are all traditional legendary figures in the public domain and so their names would not need to be changed any more than Arthur's would, although Oberon and Puck would need different character designs.)
Greg's mentioned having other ideas for Arthurian series that wouldn't need to be set in the Gargoyles Universe anyway (as opposed to a simple rewrite of "Pendragon" to drop the Gargoyles elements out of it), so I don't think that such a route would be necessary.
(I might add that if Cartoon Network wanted to do an Arthurian series, they'd be more likely to make it a DC-based one starring Etrigan....)
Todd Jensen - [merlyn1@mindspring.com]
St. Louis, MO
Monday, June 16, 2003 06:54:01 PM
A few weeks ago we discussed the spin-offs (again) and which were more likely to be made. I was thinking that with all the ideas Greg has, it's a shame that they can't all get made, and that led me to the following scenario:
What if -- Cartoon Network contacted Greg and asked him to do an animated series based on the Legends of Arthur Pendragon. In this potential series, Arthur is awakened in the present day on the Island of Avalon, which is ruled by the Fairy King with his faithful servant, Robin Goodfellow. Arthur goes in search of Excalibur and meets an adventurous young man named Biff, who becomes his first new knight. After finding Excalibur, King Arthur and Sir Biff go in search of Merlin, who is eventually revealed to be the son of the Fairy King of Avalon. Their adversaries include Mr Purcell, the leader of a powerful but secret organization known as the Rosicrucian Society. Mr Purcell is later revealed as Arthur's old friend Sir Percival who has stayed alive all these years thanks to the Holy Grail. King Arthur and Sir Biff eventually establish New Camelot in Antarctica where they populate the new Round Table with heroes from around the world who are gathered to fight Chaos, mother of the Fairy King.
I don't know how plausible this scenario is. Maybe Greg's Pendragon ideas are not as easily separated from Gargoyles as they seem. But it sure seems possible.
What do you think? If such an offer came to him, do you think Greg would/should make such a series? And if he did, would/could you watch it?
Phil - [p1anderson@go.com]
Monday, June 16, 2003 05:11:29 PM
obviously, i can count...
Monday, June 16, 2003 03:04:57 PM
Very well then
Tenth in the name of
Monday, June 16, 2003 11:30:10 AM
Actually the "6th" post was Battle Beast's second so everyone after moves up a spot, starting with Mooncat in 5th. :)
I think 10 is still up for grabs
Monday, June 16, 2003 10:34:19 AM
heheh now for the post. :P
Congrats to Spike and Shinnigami!!! Our Most artistic and Most creative winners for May in MGC's TV Parodies Contest!!!
And of course gargs and goyles, there is still plenty of time to enter the Egyptian Gargoyles theme for this month's MGC!
For those who haven't heard, there is also a more adult-oriented MGC which is currently having its first contest which is designing its own mascot(s) and that will continue until June 30th as well.
If you'd like a link to it, feel free to email me, or look on the adult boards. (I'm not going to link it here. ^_^;;;)
Thankyou to everyone who entered in May!!! You all rock!
siryn - [siryn7@aol.com]
Monday, June 16, 2003 09:50:14 AM
Monday, June 16, 2003 09:44:11 AM
Due to the out of count, I guess I'm 9th !!!1
Monday, June 16, 2003 08:54:10 AM
Number eight... which this week shall come after six since someone can't count. ;)
And 11 days left until The Gathering 2003!
Monday, June 16, 2003 06:53:56 AM
*wakes up and realizes i'm actually 6TH!*
Monday, June 16, 2003 05:34:22 AM
7TH in the name of much needed zs...
Monday, June 16, 2003 05:32:40 AM
6th in the name of the Fay!
Monday, June 16, 2003 01:58:44 AM
I just found out that the voice of WOLF was played by Clancy Brown, who starred in my favourite movie, The Shawshank Redemption. As well, Bob Gunton was in Shawshank. He also starred in Ace Ventura 2, which has my favourite actor, Jim Carrey.
3 degrees of separation. WEIRD.
Battle Beast
CanadaMonday, June 16, 2003 01:36:11 AM
In the name of logic, I claim spot #4.
Monday, June 16, 2003 12:42:21 AM
BTW, what happened to the count down to the gathering. Someone's not doing their job. ^_^
Monday, June 16, 2003 12:08:00 AM
Monday, June 16, 2003 12:01:03 AM
Battle Beast
CanadaMonday, June 16, 2003 12:00:04 AM