A Station Eight Fan Web Site
Todd: Slip of the tongue..er, keyboard. I think the title at the top of the page says it all though.
Sunday, May 30, 2004 06:35:56 PM
WINGLESS - Shouldn't you say "Gargoyles comment room" as opposed to "Gargoyles chat room"? For one thing, that's what it is. And for another, we don't want to encourage people in their misinterpretation of it and have a lot of fresh people coming here and posting lots of times in ten minutes under the impression that this is a chat room.
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Sunday, May 30, 2004 06:07:28 PM
Wingless> The room'll wipe tonight, we'lls tart clena on Monday Morning. :)
That is all I will say.
Battle Beast
CANADASunday, May 30, 2004 11:07:51 AM
Battle Beast: Hull became part of the larger City of Gatineau about 2-3 years ago. Just like I used to live in Nepean-and it, along with Kanata, Orleans and a number of other smaller cities around Ottawa became merged with Ottawa - Which is been the worst possible nightmare for taxpayers ther world has ever seen. Same goes for the Gatineau situation - where there is currently a vote going on that might see those cities de-amalgamate. I hope we can do the same for Nepean.
Heh, I'll refrain from any more boring Canadian political and geographical lessons-after all, it's a Garg chat room.
Sunday, May 30, 2004 09:59:37 AM
<nice to hear the the good ole US of A isn't the only country with problems and controversy... guess its a human thing... >
Remember, if the world didn't suck, we'd fall off.
Sunday, May 30, 2004 03:50:41 AM
That is all i will ask.
Battle Beast
CANADASunday, May 30, 2004 12:53:06 AM
Matt: heh, nice to know our countries have lots in common, isn't it ^_^
Saturday, May 29, 2004 11:32:31 PM
nice to hear the the good ole US of A isn't the only country with problems and controversy... guess its a human thing...
Saturday, May 29, 2004 11:25:37 PM
Battle Beast: The gun registry!?! *cringe* (BTW, for those who haven't heard, this was to be a 2 million dollar project to register all long rifles in Canada-Basicall, force all the law abiding citizens to register their guns...only problem is the registry has ballooned in cost to over 1 BILLION dollars and growing.)
I'm In Ottawa, right next door to Gatineau, Quebec(formerly known as Hull). The City of ottawa has rammed through a federal style official bilingualism policy-so that to work for the city, you'll now have to be bilingual-whether it's needed or not. Now, imagine you're from western canada where there isn't alot of french spoken, you move to Ottawa and you want to get a job...guess what, you don't speak french, you can't get a job with the city or the federal government. For those who currently have jobs in the federal government that aren't bilingual-unless they take a course and learn the language-they can't get promotions(not to mention the cost and high failure rate for people who take those language courses).
I was speaking last night about launguage police in Quebec. There have been incidences where peple have been charged for simply having a "push" sign on their garbage cans or doors. This really is something the UN should be looking into and doing something about, but like in most cases, the UN has no backbone.
Er, just to make this somewhat gargoyle related. If you come to the gathering in Montreal and can take some time out to visit Ottawa(that's Canada's Capital city folks-which is a 2 hour drive from Montreal), check out our Parliament buildings-Canada's answer to the White house. Why? because they have have gargoyles and grotesques adorning the bulding(bring binoculars, since many of them are quite small).
Saturday, May 29, 2004 02:47:28 PM
WINGLESS> You're absolutly correct. Great points. I am from Edmonton, Where in Canada are you from?
On your notes... My uncle works for the feds. He got the job because he harrased them to hire him (he won't accept ANY other type of job other than a GOVERNMENT job. He works for the GUN REGISRY... which Laughable...) anyway, my uncle was hired and the only french he knows is along the lines of 'Es cur Ja Pur, A les au toilette sil vous ple' or something like that... (I'll leave you to guess.)
I HATE the uniligual laws in Quebec, but if we want them to stay, what choice do we have?
That is all I will say.
Battle Beast
Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA Go Flames Go
Saturday, May 29, 2004 12:59:11 AM
Todd; Since the series has not been made yet and the 'director' was suppose to be behind the scenes and after what I have stated, I am sure Demona would fit somewhere in there, maybe as financial backer for the 'director'.
Paul Cousins
Friday, May 28, 2004 09:26:32 PM
PAUL - Interesting, although I seriously doubt that that's a probable direction for Demona. For one thing, we already know from Greg Weisman that he'd intended the Director to be a male human who hadn't shown up in the series as yet (and who was to be voiced by William Devine).
Todd Jensen
Friday, May 28, 2004 09:15:58 PM
Todd, if you think about it, Demona is one of the most complex characters in the Gargoyles series; she is to Gargoyles, what Angel/Angelus is to Buffy: The Vampire Slayer series (there are so many parellels).
Whether you begin at the end of Hunter's Moon, The Journey or the end of Season 3; Demona is at a disadvantage. She may own and control Nightstone Inc, but that's about it.
Though, there is a solution to this…
And that would be for Demona to be the 'mysterious director' of the Bad Guys/Redemption Squad; if you think about it, it makes prefect sense.
First of all, while running Nightstone Inc, Demona is going to start to realize that she has more enemies than just Xanatos and the Wyvern Clan; namely the Illuminate Society; the chief villains in the Bad Guys series.
Demona is going to start realize the she is going to need a team to handle them and keep her business in one piece; and she has the means, motives and abilities to do. Also, she already knows most of the players that were to be in the Bad Guy series.
She knows Fang directly from the Episode "The Reckoning."
She probably knows about Dingo and the Matrix from her talks with Angela during "The Reckoning". Given how powerful Matrix is, Demona might want to keep them around to see if she might be able to use Matrix to try to destroy humanity.
It would make sense for Demona (as Dominique Destine) to hire Robyn Canmore (former hunter) so Demona can keep her hear to ground on about with the Hunters are doing. Plus Demona would probably get a kick out of the irony of having a former hunter unwittingly working for the very person her family is hunting.
Sevarius already works for Demona. I wonder what 'kind' words Demona had with Sevarius about Delilah between "The Reckoning" and "Hunter's Moon" ;D
Finally, the Bad Guys HQ was suppose to be Paris, France, Demona has been to Paris France on more than one occasion.
I could go on, but I think I have made my case. The above is NOT an idea, so much as logical observations and their logical conclusions that I have made of the Gargoyles series itself.
Paul Cousins
Friday, May 28, 2004 08:28:50 PM
Re French in Canada:
The other side of things is that the Federal government in Canada dumps millions of dollars into Quebec to basically bribe the seperatists into staying within Canada. Quebec demands that the rest of Canada become Bilingual while Quebec stays mainly French. In other words, to work for the Federal Government in Canada, you MUST be Bilingual, dispite your qualifications. If 2 people apply for a job-one English only and one Bilingual. The one unilingual person has higher qualifications than the person who also happens to speak french, the bilingual person will get hired (that includes in western Canada where the french speaking population is at a minimum)
People should be hired on Merit only, but that's not how things work with the Canadian government. Less than 20% of the population currently dictates what goes on in the rest of the country when it comes to language. Unilingual people in Quebec can't send their kids to an english School, They can't put English signs on their business(there are even launguage police that go around making certain you don't break language laws-and many people have been charged with violations). If you're defending yourself in a court case, you can't have the trial translated into English. Speeding/parking tickets are only in French.
Now, I'm all for providing French services where they are warrented, but things have to work both ways-but they currently do not. Keeping one's culture and language is one thing, but forcing it on someone else or taking away other peoples rights in the name of preserving a culture is wrong.
I could say more, but I'll leave it at that.
Friday, May 28, 2004 08:06:50 PM
Sheltie > you sure know what buttons to push!
French was the first language used prodominatly in Canada, from the time Jacques Cartier Came over to the new world and formed New France.
Although many of the orginal settlements never made it, the French culture and language rubbed off, especially on the local Native Canadians who used many European instruments to their benefit.
When Montreal was established in the 1600's, a new era in french culture was born. The second biggest French-speaking city in the world developed it's own identity. The French language has grown to include it's own regioncies and slang words, not unlike Australian (g'day), Canadaian (Eh?) and British (bugger [sorry, its the only one I can think of off hand]).
The Province of Quebec is embroiled in a bitter civil dispute on weather they should separate from Canada or stay a part of it. something like 50.3% want to stay in Canada, so the province is bascially split 50-50.
The French has been ticked off with the british ever since New France was handed over to the British and since Acadia (Nova Scotia), a french colony, was ransacked a dozen times during the late 17th and early 18th centuries. The French in Canada (in Quebec mostly) have had a small grudge you might say against the British, which has been fueled by different things over the years.
In the 1993 federal election, the Bloc Quebecios (A seperatist party) was the Official opposition to the ruling party (the Liberals.) They want to gain power in order to help Quebec separte from Canada, but it is unlikely they will ever gain power as no one other Quebecers would vote for them.
Provincially, the Party Quebecios (a Provincial seperatist party) are in power. They recently put into law a rule that no English signs maybe put up. So no dual language street signs, no english on food boxes, etc. (Which sucks because everywhere else in Canada we have tos ufer through frecnh on EVERYTHING yet they don't get ONE LICK OF ENGLISH).
Basically, with Bloc party taking a majority of the seats in Quebec, the Party Quebecois stronger than ever and the talk of separation entrenched in French minds for a long time to come, the French Language will stay strong for decades to come.
That is ALL I will say.
Battle Beast
CANADAFriday, May 28, 2004 07:06:52 PM
Continuing "Gargoyles" after "Angels in the Night" would be a challenge, in light of the ending being too much a "They lived happily ever after"-type one; the new production team would be struggling from the start to put together a new set of conflicts, with the "feared and hated by humanity" element over. (I don't think that the gargoyles rescuing everyone on the train would make all hatred of gargoyles go away, but I do think that it would mean the end of anti-gargoyle prejudice among the mainstream public taking the form of armed opposition and attempts to kill or capture the gargoyles; more likely, after this, the only people trying to hunt down the clan would be the "criminal portion" of society, with anti-gargoyle attitudes from people of the John or Jane Q. Public variety being far more likely to take the form of "We wouldn't want to have them over for dinner" or writing indignant letters to the editor about those "bat-winged freaks among us" than one of "Grab a hammer and hunt them down!")
If the series was going to be revived with the Goliath Chronicles treated as canon, its best hope would be to have Thailog revived (which they'd probably want to do anyway), especially since he's the only "big villain" who'd be plausible as a major adversary for the gargoyles after "Angels in the Night", with Xanatos now sheltering the gargs, Castaway most likely in prison for a good long time, and Demona (for reasons that I'll get to in a minute) having become almost irrelevant after "Angels in the Night" (the other possibility would be the Illuminati, but they're a little too faceless at present - something that Thailog certainly isn't). That and maybe Greg's plans for future Coyote robots becoming more sentient, to the point where one's setting up an Ultra-Pack.
In the post-"Angels in the Night" period, Demona would need to be either kept off-stage or seriously revised somehow, because she wouldn't work quite so well as an antagonist once you've reached the "humans making peace with gargoyles" level that we saw after the Great Train Rescue. One of the things that made Demona so effective as an antagonist was the fact that she had a believable cause, one that the audience could even be tempted to sympathize with: protecting her people from the humans who have persecuted and murdered them over the centuries (and if she can't protect them, then avenging them). Kind of the "Gargoyles" equivalent to Magneto in "X-Men". But once humans are now cheering for the gargoyles in large numbers, Demona's "Humanity is our enemy" attitude is going to seem out of touch with reality, an anachronism. So some change would be needed to keep her from seeming ridiculous.
I think that it would be too far-fetched to have Demona reform (at least, reform so soon after "Angels in the Night"), in light of how long she's been hating humans; you can't just overturn the habits of a thousand years overnight. (Also, a key element in her hatred of humanity isn't just what the humans have done to her and her fellow gargoyles, but also her unacknowledged guilt over the Wyvern Massacre; until she takes responsibility for her own complicity in the deaths of most of her clan, there's little hope of her being healed of her hatred.) But I certainly wouldn't want to see Demona reduced to a conventional "conquer-the-world" villain, either; that might work with the Archmage, but Demona needs something better than that. Unless the writers could find a surefire way for keeping Demona as effective and complex an antagonist in a way that fits the new setting as the old, I'd be in favor of having her absent.
If the new series was actually "Gargoyles 2198" as opposed to simply more present-day "Gargoyles", then the Goliath Chronicles becomes less of an obstacle. The only element in the Goliath Chronicles that clashes with Greg Weisman's description of "Gargoyles 2198" is Delilah, and we can always assume that she got somehow cured in time to become the ancestor of "Delilah II". Nothing else is a problem. The Gargoyle Minority Protection Act could easily have been passed by the United Nations in the aftermath of Goliath and his clan's rescuing the train and people realizing that the gargoyles aren't the evil monsters that they'd believed them to be, for example.
Even the Quarrymen still being around in 2198 wouldn't be an insurmountable obstacle. I believe that, in the short term, the organization would be in a lot of trouble after "Angels in the Night", since Castaway and almost everybody else in the Quarrymen would now be in prison for attacking the train (and hopefully for other things as well, such as all that heavy artillery in "For It May Come True") - the organization wouldn't necessarily be broken up, but with almost all of its individual members now being behind bars as felons, I doubt that it would be able to recover for a long time after that. Furthermore, I think that other gargoyle-haters in New York would disown the Quarrymen for having embarrassed their cause by engaging in all that reckless violence and giving anti-gargoyle attitudes a bad name; they'd be distancing themselves from Castaway and his gang like anything.
However, the Quarrymen could be revived in the future. (The Ku Klux Klan, whom the Quarrymen were based on, only lasted a couple of years originally, but a new organization based on the old one was formed in the early 20th century.) Maybe a few decades after "Angels in the Night", many humans, feeling irritated over all these gargoyle clans making their presence known, decide to found a new anti-gargoyle organization and name it after Castaway's group back in the 1990's. Who knows?
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Friday, May 28, 2004 06:57:54 PM
News headline today from Scotland's INVERNESS COURIER:
"Macbeth's castle unearthed in Inverness garden?"
Link: http://www.inverness-courier.co.uk/article.tvt?_ticket=3MTEDWX263RGUU4GKXMAAQ4S7AKACK5IURVFNQVCCSVIHKLAFSMY7QRFL1P9ANWP4879CHVTTRRMINNAHSSEARN9CHYSTRRLRNNAGQSEAOWRYR4R8K8X&_scope=Flow/Inverness%20Courier/News&id=14042&ARTICLECAT=News
Was going to pass that on to Greg W., as I strongly suspect he qualifies as a "MacBeth history afficionado," but I no longer have his email. Maybe someone else here can pass it on.
Pogo - [pogo101@yahoo.com]
Friday, May 28, 2004 04:12:12 PM
Ack, I meant Vertigo1, sorry! Geez, four years chasing a BA and a minor in English, you'd think I'd have learned to proofread by now.
Friday, May 28, 2004 03:08:53 PM
Thanks Vertio1!
Graymonk - [mmckinnongra@hotmail.com]
Friday, May 28, 2004 03:07:30 PM
Puck hasn't that before. = Puck hasn't done that before.
Paul Cousins
Friday, May 28, 2004 01:50:56 PM
They could write off TGC as one bad magical hallucination brought about by Puck, while teaching Alex magic; it's not like Puck hasn't that before. ;)
Paul Cousins
Friday, May 28, 2004 01:41:45 PM
that depends on what series comes back. if its something like Dark Ages, it would be a moot point, which is one of the reasons i like Dark Ages, it doesn't have to worry about TGC. it can avoid it, and get away with it...
Friday, May 28, 2004 12:40:38 PM
Here's one for everybody: Last week's talk about TGC ending vs. Hunter's Moon ending got me thinking, What we would we do if they decided to bring back the show but kept the TGC?
We've all kind of assumed that a revived series would pick up after "The Journey" rather than "Angels in the Night", but what if that wasn't the case?
Any thoughts?
CKayote - [CKayote@worldnet.att.net]
Orlando, FL
Friday, May 28, 2004 09:56:17 AM
Hi folks!
Just thought I'd peek in while I've got a spare minute.
Feels weird reading about all your bad weather over there, when its been gorgeous here the past couple days, and relatively warm too. (though we did have a few snow/sleet showers over the weekend which was odd - mind you, this is Shetland im speaking about).
Into revision frenzy right now. 1st exam is a week today, and they've clumped them all together, with the other 2 the following mon an hr between them.
Actually, while I'm thinking along those lines... had to do a case study on French in Quebec a couple weeks back. Just wondering what views those of you from the area have on the state of the language (its status, education, whatever) as it is today. Would be interesting to hear it from a local perspective. (Especially since I was assigned the historical bit, so haven't had chance to research more recent happenings)
Better go dive back into the books I suppose.
Hope you all have a good weekend.
Shetland, UK
Friday, May 28, 2004 06:18:12 AM
Patrick, but the snootiest of hotels are usually the most expensive.
If you host the convention in a hotel that is too costly, most people who would normally go will not be able to afford to do so.
I am not suggesting a cheap hotel either. But I suggest a medium level hotel like a Marietta or a Helton Hotel. Quality but affordable.
Paul Cousins
Friday, May 28, 2004 12:13:57 AM
Only the snootiest of hotels is ever going to turn away a group that wants to rent meeting rooms and bring in a couple hundred people from out of town who need beds to sleep in.
71 days left until The Gathering 2004 in Montreal, Quebec!
Thursday, May 27, 2004 10:34:51 PM
MATT - I'll admit that the only part of the Chase Park Plaza I'm really familiar with is the movie theatre; it is a very posh hotel, but so was the one that we had the 2001 Gathering at in L.A. - is it really that likely to turn its nose down at sci-fi/fantasy conventions?
P. S. I hope that you're all right; we seem to be getting nasty weather here yet again this evening.
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Thursday, May 27, 2004 08:46:46 PM
Todd> i can't see the Chase Park Plaza being very receptive to The Gathering. in fact, its almost funny to think about, and if more people in here were familiar with the Chase Park Plaza, i'd imagine we'd all have a good laugh. its just a bit too proper? snobish? something...
Thursday, May 27, 2004 08:20:22 PM
Three St. Louisans here (including myself). If we had a few more, we could work on the possibility of having the 2005 Gathering in St. Louis. (There's a hotel near where I live in the Central West End, the Chase Park Plaza, that looks nice enough to have a convention at, although I've no idea how hospitable the staff would be towards a Gathering. I've a certain fondness for it anyway; they have a movie theatre in the building, which is where I've seen all three Lord of the Rings movies and the first two Harry Potter movies.)
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Thursday, May 27, 2004 06:50:54 PM
Found it in under ten seconds on google....
Type in "Gargoyle Title Font" and hit "I'm Feeling Lucky". Its the second one down. Click on the image.
Thursday, May 27, 2004 02:52:44 PM
Minor ammendment, does anyone know of a website where I can find the font?
appologies for the double post
Thursday, May 27, 2004 02:15:07 PM
Greetings all, long time no see :)
I was hoping to get a little help with a photoshop project I'm working on. We have to mock up an animated movie poster and I was hoping to do one based on Gargoyles. I had this idea to write the tag line "They Live Again" at the top of the poster in the same font as the Gargoyles title logo. But as you can imagine my photoshop program has no such font on it. I recall hearing about fans writing a code or html or whatever its called for a Gargoyles title font a few years ago. I don't suppose anyone in the room might know where I could pick it up? Pretty please and thank you.
Graymonk - [mmckinnongra@hotmail.com]
Thursday, May 27, 2004 02:13:15 PM
MATT and TODD - Yep, I can relate. I live in Creve Coeur which reportedly got the worst part of the Tuesday storm. I spent about a half hour clearing tree branches from the street so I could leave that evening. All the trees trunks were stripped and our huge pine trees look like Charlie Brown Christmas trees now. We only had minimal roof damage, but a number of our neighbors weren't so lucky. One fella had every window broken, tree limbs inside the house, standing water on the entire first floor, and will basically need an entire new exterior of the house and interior on the first floor.
Wednesday night, I saw a tornado, which was subsequently confirmed by the National Weather Service, about a mile from my house at highways 270 and 40. It never touched down, so it caused little damage, but it was still a pretty impressive sight.
Other than that, life goes on, much as usual, except for the dozens of dead birds in my neighborhood. Even the living birds were in such shock for hours after the storm on Tuesday that you could walk right up to them and they wouldn't move. I hate to think how far from their homes they were blown. Poor things.
Thursday, May 27, 2004 10:01:54 AM
Ack... my posting got screwed up. See what happens when I'm deprived of the internet for more than a couple of days? :P
Wednesday, May 26, 2004 09:58:57 PM
37 days left to submit entries for the Music Video contest (deadline is July 1).
I've been offline for a few days, getting moved into a new house and battling SBC to get my phone hooked up. But now I'm back, and so is the countdown. So here we go...
42 days left to reserve your hotel room at the Delta Centre-Ville (deadline is July 6 at noon).
51 days left to pre-register for The Gathering 2004 (deadline is July 15).
And finally...
72 days left until The Gathering 2004 in Montreal, Quebec!
Wednesday, May 26, 2004 09:57:32 PM
MATT - I can easily imagine that, given the heavy downpour I had over in the part of St. Louis where I live (the Central West End) - even with my umbrella, I got all but soaked on my way to the grocery store this morning. (Not to mention that, when I got to Straub's, I discovered that it was closed due to a power failure - caused by the thunderstorm? - so I had to go to Schnuck's instead.)
Greg answered five questions today - and confirmed a suspicion of mine that the castle over Sevarius's Loch Ness base in "Monsters" was based on the real-life Castle Urquhart (a ruined castle by Loch Ness).
I finally got to see the series finale of "Angel" last night (I'm glad that they showed it on a Tuesday; I haven't been able to see it since they shifted it to Wednesdays since I'm always out on Wednesday evenings). I quite enjoyed it - talk about ending the series with a bang! I chuckled particularly at the bit where Gunn's in the demon-Senator's campaign headquarters, fighting her vampire henchmen, and comments, "And people wonder why nobody votes any more."
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Wednesday, May 26, 2004 06:48:48 PM
*enters room in water filled shoes and dripping clothes*
well, i have more time now to bum around online because yesterday my truck was completly flooded! it was parked in the St Louis Zoo's parking lot and apparently a sewer clogged or overfilled or something and half the parking lot became a lake. about 30 cars were flooded, most of them belonging to employees like myself... to get to my truck i had to walk across the parking lot in water up to my mid thighs! because my truck sits higher than most cars, i got lucky, only the upholstery and possibly engine was damaged. most people with lower sitting cars had everything flooded and their cars are probably totaled. my engine started, but it was barely drivable... anyway, sh*t happens. it was actually kinda funny to see my truck in the middle of a lake like that! thats what i have insurance for...
later everybody!
*sploshes my way out of the room...*
Wednesday, May 26, 2004 04:21:16 PM
*writes the word "sue" on Vertigo1's forehead* There, you've officially been "sue"d ^_^
Sorry, couldn't resist :o)
Wednesday, May 26, 2004 03:37:00 PM
Todd: It was late and I was tired. So sue me. ;)
Wednesday, May 26, 2004 01:22:56 PM
If anyone from the greater Philadelphia region (incl. South Jersey) could send me an email, I would greatly appreciate it.
Sincerely, Allaine
Allaine - [eac2nd@yahoo.com]
North Wales, PA, USA
Wednesday, May 26, 2004 09:35:30 AM
Sorry to be a bit of a nitpicker about this, but the correct spelling is "Macbeth" rather than "MacBeth" - for both the "Gargoyles" character and the Shakespearean character. The b shouldn't be capitalized.
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Wednesday, May 26, 2004 07:18:15 AM
a months ago=a month ago
Basically from what I understand from what I was told, that for Demona to kill MacBeth, she would have to directly attack him to kill him, thus killing herself; in other words, the virus would not kill MacBeth.
Paul Cousins
Wednesday, May 26, 2004 02:53:26 AM
Vertigo1, I asked that question a months ago and was told that Gerg said that it was very unlikely.
Good question though.
Paul Cousins
Wednesday, May 26, 2004 02:49:57 AM
Here's a real zinger for those that payed close attention to "Hunters Moon, part 3". Remember the description of the virus Demona made that the two hunters viewed? If that sucker wiped out all humans, wouldn't that have perminately killed Demona as well since she killed MacBeth via this bug? ;) Me thinkith that she wasn't thinking it through, or she didn't mind sacrificing herself to take out all the humans.
Wednesday, May 26, 2004 02:39:55 AM
*DPH walks into the CR, whistling.*
Exactly 100 questions left until all the Gathering 2002 Journals are processed.
Kudos to Greg Weisman for patiently answering my last 2 questions, especially the 1st one.
Patrick - Believe or not, I'm starting to miss you counting off days until the next Gathering.
Tuesday, May 25, 2004 11:38:56 PM
Buffy rocks!!! LOL and they built up a lot to the love-making scenes and it wasn't just about making love, it was about being in love. Tender moments shared before and after. It was just more real.
Hehe...on a Buffy kick now. Got the 6th season and can't wait to watch it tonight
I'll stop now, I know the board is about Gargoyles :)
Tuesday, May 25, 2004 07:44:50 PM
Ellen: Talk about wasted opportunity on those two shows. At least on Buffy they build things up.
Siren: Yea, I am glad you got that fixed.
Paul Cousins
Tuesday, May 25, 2004 01:31:53 PM
There's an interesting rant by Greg in the "Latest Responses" section.
Tuesday, May 25, 2004 10:00:56 AM
*In Tarzan's tone* Oh I see
Tuesday, May 25, 2004 08:07:18 AM
Okay, in Virtauldub, in the toolbar click Video, then Click Frame Rate, then at the top in "Source rate adjustment" click "Change so video and audio durations match".
That may fix it.
Paul Cousins
Tuesday, May 25, 2004 01:01:42 AM
I was working on that AVI. Still am on and off. Everytime I save the files to AVI, the audio is off by about 3-5 seconds. It doesn't seem like a lot, but after you spend hours on a video just so a word hits the action just right, it's a big deal.
Tuesday, May 25, 2004 12:43:20 AM
Siren, why do you use QT instead of AVI for your music videos?
The reason I ask this is because you cannot plug-in QT movies into other video/audio file players like BS Player (no jokes, it's a great v/a file player)
Paul Cousins
Tuesday, May 25, 2004 12:02:52 AM
Demona vs. Macbeth, IMO
Shamless self promotion time:
BTW, the three new videos are up on my website. Click my name!
Monday, May 24, 2004 11:39:13 PM
just a real quick thought (cuz it's this goyle's bed time)....What would you consider the greatest confrontation in the Gargoyles universe?
Goliath vs Xanatos
Demona vs Macbeth
Brooklyn vs Demona
Lexington vs the Pack
Coldstone vs Coldstone (other personalities)
Goliath vs The Archmage
Demona vs the Hunter (any incarnation)
or one I missed?
Nickerous - [nickerous@yahoo.com]
Monday, May 24, 2004 11:11:19 PM
Abby, these two links will should answer most of your questions, barring the release date, which is still up in the air.
Paul Cousins
Monday, May 24, 2004 09:50:03 PM
Sorry for the double post...the Amazon link in my previous message doesn't work, even when the Station 8 part is removed. The last digits change every time I try it. But you can get to it by going to www.imdb.com/title/tt0108783 and clicking on the "Shop Gargoyles DVD" link on the right side of the page.
Minneapolis, MN
Monday, May 24, 2004 08:51:15 PM
While visiting the Internet Movie Database (www.imdb.com) I noticed that the DVD icon for Gargoyles is now linked to Amazon. This usually means a DVD is available or scheduled for release. Following this link brings you to an Amazon screen that says:
"Availability: Not Yet Released. The studio is not yet producing this title on DVD, but to be notified when it is available, enter your email address at right. You'll also be voting for this release; we'll let the studio know how many customers are waiting for this title."
This is another way for fans to let Disney know we're waiting for and interested in this release (if you're willing to give Amazon your email address). You can click on my name to get to the amazon page. (Or, you can get to it from the DVD link on the IMDB Gargoyles page).
Minneapolis, MN
Monday, May 24, 2004 08:42:43 PM
that's a nice typo........finsing.....sounds like the sport doesn't it.....very nice...
Nickerous - [nickerous@yahoo.com]
Monday, May 24, 2004 08:04:18 PM
*sigh* Well, I've made the two videos I wanted to make, now I want to make more, but, I'm having a tough time finsing some inspiration. I have ideas, but can't find music to match those ideas to. I have one in mind, but I need to find a radio-edit version of a song for my video. I have a version of the song, but it has movie lines all through it. *sigh*
Inspiration....easy come....easy go...
Nickerous - [nickerous@yahoo.com]
Monday, May 24, 2004 08:02:11 PM
Erasing posts>> Well, that's why with every refresh I check the "Last Week's Posts" link. Normally I haven't missed anything, though.
Alex Garg
Monday, May 24, 2004 06:38:18 PM
< presumably everybody's a little nervous about the room about to be cleared and nobody dares post anything therefore for fear of it going unread after the wipe. >
Maybe the room should be on a rolling schedule. So last weeks posts stay on the page and then clear out the next week instead of leaving a blank comment room.
Monday, May 24, 2004 02:13:54 PM
I'm currently still updating the site. I planned to finish it the other night (put the 3 new videos up), but RL came crashing down. My grandmother was rushed to the hospital last Thursday. She's still in ICU. The doctor said she should come out of it though just fine. That woman has been at Death's door several times over the past 5 years or so and so far *knock on wood*, she's come out of it very well. She's doing much better since Friday. Alert and remembers who came over and when and what they said, etc. She's a tough ol' broad, lol. So now that she's out of the worst and soon to be leaving ICU in a couple of days, I can focus my energies back to my page. Keeps my mind off things anyways. By tonight, Written In The Stars, What's This?, and Fallen Angels will all be up. Still making Vows. Vows is still being a burden, but it's slowly getting done. And I still have many more Gargoyle videos to start. I don't think they'll shall ever be a a time when I won't have a Gargoyle video idea, lol.
You'll also take notice my site got a small make-over. And if anyone remembers the Disney animated short, "The Small One", Don Bluth's last work with Disney. I use to have a site on the movie on Geocities and recently, I found all the files and added quite a few more to it. So I brought it back by popular demand. Even after Geocities site hadn't been updated in like 6 years, I still get at least one email a week about it. lol
Monday, May 24, 2004 01:13:12 PM
Yes, things often get very quiet here on weekends - presumably everybody's a little nervous about the room about to be cleared and nobody dares post anything therefore for fear of it going unread after the wipe.
And I certainly hope that we get a longer flurry of activity this week.
Todd Jensen
St. Louis, MO
Monday, May 24, 2004 07:24:00 AM
and i'll finish off the Top Ten with 10th...
hope this week is more active than last week was. really got slow towards the end, hehee.
Monday, May 24, 2004 06:43:13 AM
Monday, May 24, 2004 02:32:40 AM
Monday, May 24, 2004 02:22:16 AM
Paul Cousins
Monday, May 24, 2004 01:34:42 AM
D. Taina
Monday, May 24, 2004 01:24:43 AM
Monday, May 24, 2004 01:23:36 AM
Monday, May 24, 2004 12:42:58 AM
Monday, May 24, 2004 12:37:01 AM
Yes Siren, you got First. I'se second. Woo!
Monday, May 24, 2004 12:25:00 AM
Did i get first?
Monday, May 24, 2004 12:17:12 AM