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Comments for the week ending May 26, 2013

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this is a test

Adams -- Not totally sure what you mean by "any word on his Captain Atom run being collected?" but a couple of years ago (2011, I believe) I dropped by my local comic shop to see what they might have had. Turns out they had all 50+ issues alongside both Annuals (there are issues after #50, but I believe both Cary and Greg left the book after that point) and even the JLA Showcase 80 Page Giant #1 that had his "Flashback of Notre Dame" parody. All of them in great, but used condition.

Granted, I believe my shop in Phoenix has quite the extensive collection (and every shop might not have that luxury), but ultimately, it wasn't that hard nor that expensive to find those first 50 issues (plus the annuals). So if you're wondering if its easy to collect, then yes. If you're wondering if there's any serious collector's value to them, then I wouldn't really know (but probably not).

"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Nathan Adams> You'd be better off directing those questions towards somebody at DC. Greg has zero control or input in that sort of thing.

When can we ask Greg questions? It always says.I can't at this time.

Can someone ask Greg is he is going to do any comics anytime soon e.g. Captain Atom

Also can someone ask if there's any word on his Captain Atom run being collected?

Nathan Adams - [tahmid8593 at gmail dot com]

My favorite Tim Curry role (outside of Gargoyles) was Stephen King's IT as Pennywise the Clown. That movie scared the crap out of me as a kid. Especially when they the kids are looking though the photo book and the picture starts moving and the Clown reaches through the picture to try to grab the kids.
Adam Carlson - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

@Chip - I love it when speculation roads cross.
@Phoenician - thanks, that must be where I got it from.

Tim Curry was the best part of the Three Musketeers and I only recognized him by his voice in Hunt for Red October. Versatile guy.


Tim Curry also did the voice of Sir Gawain in "The Legend of Prince Valiant". (Other "Gargoyles" voice actors in it include Efrem Zimbalist Jr. - the voice of Mace Malone in "Revelations" - who did King Arthur, the late Tony Jay, and John Rhys-Davies.)
Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are great finders

The latest Young Justice: Legacy trailer!!!


Beth Maza -- GargWiki's got the Canon-in-Training response from Greg Weisman that she's majored in Native American Studies . . . http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=5051

Tim Curry -- looks like the most recent news is saying he suffered the stroke back in July 2012. I'm at least happy that he seems to have been steadily recovering and in good spirits since then.


"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Paul> "...Gabriel Knight..."

Ah, my fellow old-school Sierra-fan. You paying attention to Jane Jensen's latest projects?

Also, Rocky Horror is kind of inescapable for Curry, as he himself has admitted.

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

It makes me kind of sad that Tim Curry is best known for being the star of Rocky Horror. But then, I'm more partial to such things as Gargoyles, Gabriel Knight, and Muppet Treasure Island.
Paul - [nampahcfluap at yahoo dot com]

Well, the Formspring folks seem to think so, since [SPOILER] They had Nick and Beth meet, fall in love, and get married last year...And were then killed-in-action (they were both Knights, in service to King Arthur) helping stop Demona's plan to destroy all humans in all Universes on Dec 21st. Goliath and Elisa have adopted Nick and Beth's twin kids. [/SPOILER] So...You DEFINITELY have supporters of this theory.
Chip - [Sir_Griff723 at yahoo dot com]
I am Bad. And that's good. I will never be Good. And that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be, than me~~Bad Guy Affirmation

Wasn't Beth supposed to be an Anthro major, with an emphasis on Native peoples, or was that something I just made up in my head? If not, I could see where her studies could cause her to meet up with Natsilane. I figured the kid Elisa adopted would be theirs, and something just ends up happening to them to cause that.

As a side note, I always thought it was kind of funny that both the Maza girls are basically named Elizabeth.


Thanks for the info, Chip.
Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are great finders

Some disturbing news:
"Rocky Horror star Tim Curry 'suffers major stroke'"
He appears to be recovering well. Wishing him a quick and complete recovery.


Well, Nick Natsilane Maza (from 2198) is supposed to be descended from the child that Elisa and Goliath end up adopting so at some point, a Maza and a Natsilane get together. But it's a long time between 1998 and 2198 so who knows when that connection occurs?

does anyone else think the Natsilane and Beth would make a good couple?

I honestly never thought about that, but now that you mention it, it would actually make sense oO

Double, double, toil and trouble. Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

Todd>> In the comics, Central City is an expy for St. Louis. That pretty much remains true in Young Justice, however, the Zeta Tube map in one of the episodes...I forget which one...Identified Central City as being located near or around Kansas City. (Other end of the state, for those not from around here.)
Chip - [Sir_Griff723 at yahoo dot com]
I am Bad. And that's good. I will never be Good. And that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be, than me~~Bad Guy Affirmation

Supermoff> I've often heard it said that Gotham is New York at night while Metropolis is New York during the day.

One thing that amused me about Grant Morrison's Seven Soldiers minis was how he kinda lampshaded this by making DC New York the overlooked "middle-child" of the "Three Sister Cities".


Sorry for the double post, but does anyone else think the Natsilane and Beth would make a good couple?
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Matt- I could see that after they learned that Macbeth was the actual former King Macbeth, that the clan did research on him and learned who his father was. When Brooklyn was in 997, he might not have realized who Findlaech was at the time, but came to the conclusion later on.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Todd> Addressing one of the un-spoilery bits in your spoiler post: in Young Justice/Earth-16, Gotham City is in Connecticut, not New York. I know that it's modelled on New York in other DC series, though.

Random thought I had today: I wonder if Brooklyn knew or realized or learned that one of the men at the Grim's camp was Macbeth's father...
Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" - Sevarius, "Louse"

Todd Jensen> It wasn't your imagination.
Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

Checked out from the library today the fourth "Young Justice" DVD, with the episodes from "Alpha-Male" to "Misplaced" on it; since today's my day off, I got to watch them this afternoo.

[SPOILER] I'd already picked up on the contents from here, probably more than I should have done, so I knew how most of it would go in broad outline - such as that "Failsafe" was the "Young Justice" counterpart of "Future Tense" or that the Injustice League was just a front for the Light, but still found it enjoyable. Here are a few thoughts I had while watching it.

ALPHA MALE: The opening with the gorilla with the gun confronting Mayor Hamilton Hall reminded me of a joke one of my English teachers used to make, when, discussing guns, he said that the right he was really interested in was not the right to bear arms but the right to arm bears - give them an opportunity to shoot back at the hunters.

Got a kick out of the depiction of Captain Marvel in the series - he might become an adult physically, but he clearly still thinks and talks like a child in that form. And the references to the ancient figures who'd provided the initials for "Shazam" - my favorite was the Brain's remark that the quality from Achilles Captain Marvel really should have taken was not his courage, but his invulnerability. (Good point. The Brain would have a much harder time extracting Captain Marvel's brain if the only part of him his instruments could penetrate was his heel.)

And some fine drama about everyone's response to Kaldur keeping the part about the mole secret.

REVELATION: The Joker was definitely the Joker here, with some of the best lines; I especially liked the part about "Retributionable! That one might not have been a real word, so sue me!" Good work, Brent Spiner, on that performance.

I kept wondering, though, whether Wotan's name should be pronounced with a v rather than a w, like the original. (And was it my imagination, or did he actually cry "Fulminus venite!" in the big fight?)

I don't remember how many people commented on it at the time, but apparently a few firemen do get killed by the Joker's venom.

Liked the callback to Kent Nelson at the end.

HUMANITY: This was another of the spoilers I'd picked up earlier, but it was still a shock to see the mad scientist (T. O. Morrow) be revealed as a robot when his latest creation turns on him.

Got a kick out of the way Zatanna got the information out of Professor Ivo.

I recognized Red Tornado's words to his fellow robots that they were never humans, but they were heroes, from one of the signatures here. (Good line, incidentally.)

And I liked the ending with first "She's grounded for life!" and then Captain Marvel and Wolf coming back and Captain Marvel asking when the rest of the team's coming out to play with him (and he was using a fallen tree to play "fetch" with Wolf).

FAILSAFE: One detail stood out to me; in the scene where the aliens are attacking Central City, they destroy an arch in the background that looks much like the Gateway Arch in St. Louis. I wonder if the animators deliberately modelled it on the Arch; if so, I appreciate the compliment (well, apart from the aliens blowing it up, that is - though getting destroyed in alien invasions does seem to be a status symbol for landmarks). For that matter, if Central City's name is an indication of its location in the United States, it could work as a DC Earth counterpart to St. Louis, the way Gotham City does to New York.

DISORDERED: One of my favorite parts was the consequences of "Failsafe" with everyone having therapy sessions with Black Canary, mostly serious - except for the scene where Wally's lying back tossing popcorn in his mouth, which made me laugh.

I recalled Desaad from the "New Batman/Superman Adventures"; he was definitely creepy here, when he popped out of that human disguise. I wonder whether, if there'd been a third season, there'd have been more with Darkseid himself showing up (he apparently didn't show up in the second season).

Liked Superboy's response to Sphere being really a high-tech vehicle (Wolf's also astounded) and "Sphere's a she?"

SECRETS: The Sword of Beowulf got my attention, of course, being the legend buff that I am (even as a child, I was far more at home with legendary figures from classical and Norse mythology and the stories about King Arthur and Robin Hood than with DC and Marvel super-heroes); the sword from the original story that would probably best fit it was the ancient sword belonging to the giants that Beowulf found in the lair of Grendel and his mother, but since its blade dissolved when he used it to finish off Grendel, this must have been some other sword. Liked the twist about how "pure of heart" could mean "pure evil" rather than "pure good", and Harm's style of speech was definitely disturbing.

Got a kick out of the Martian invasion hoax (and they're right about it being a cliche; it goes back at least to Orson Welles' "War of the Worlds" broadcast, which also aired around Halloween - though the day before, actually).

MISPLACED: Appropriate place to cast the big "disappearance" (well, not exactly that, as it turned out) spell: Roanoke Island! And, to top it off, I understand that they got an allusion to the Pied Piper of Hamelin in the incantation.

Some nice drama there; I particularly liked Superboy's response to the child's delight over the red "S" on his shirt, and Wally picking a juice box for his souvenir (though in a much more somber mood at the end, of course). And Artemis trying to sing nursery rhymes - and failing spectacularly.

Neat use of Captain Marvel's alter ego being a young boy.

Klarion says "Teamwork is so overrated" as another "Gargoyles" hommage.

And liked Commissioner Gordon telling the crowd that their rioting is a distraction from what's really important - and as he says it, we see Sportsmaster and Riddler driving off with that alien starfish-piece. Accurate words, indeed. [/SPOILER]

Looking forward to seeing the remaining episodes, when I have the opportunity to check them out from the library next.

Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are great finders

Matt> I just hope there's a non-human-looking alien lead character at all. One of my biggest pet peeves with much of the EU is its underuse of the galaxy's established species diversity. More Chadra-Fan and Trandoshans, damn it!

One last comment on Star Wars before I move on. For this series, I think Greg will have more than 2 seasons to work with. If the Clone Wars got 5 seasons, and Young Justice, Spectacular Spider-man and Gargoyles got a combined 6, I am hoping Greg and his team get at least 5 as well.

So, on to a Gargoyles question. Do you think the King Arthur has extablished New Camelot by now? I think that, because I believe Arthur ages normally, he would need to do it soon. Since he is 57 in 1996, he would be about 73 by now. And, how many Gargoyles do you think will go with him from the London clan? I would think that they could afford to loose about half their number.

Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Tony -- What, no thoughts on some rebels encountering a black, gooey symbiote that latched itself to some space ship? d:
"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Idea 1: You guys heard about "The Office" spin off series "The Farm" that didn't get picked up right? Well I think Dave, Greg and his team should borrow that idea and create a four episode arc called "Star Wars: The Farm". Luke, Biggs, and their dorky friend Dwight will frequent the Tosche Station. Dwight will complain that maybe a beet farm on Tatooine wasn't the best idea. Luke hooks Dwight up with some blue milk and saves his crops.

Idea 2: Brooklyn timedances into an X-wing. He throws on a helmet quick as the automatic pilot engages trapping him inside. He helps the Rebel spies steal the Death Star secret plans by causing a distraction and then timedances out of there before his ship is destroyed.

Idea 3: Jabba the Hutt's Celebrity Hot Tub - need I say more?

Anthony Tini

The Legacy comics take place 130+ years after the movies.

I don't know what characters will be on the show. I quess it depends on when the show will take place. If it is closer to ROTS, we will likely see surviving Jedi, Separtist holdouts, and see the Empire consolodate its hold on the galaxy. If the show is closer to the time of the first movie, then we will probably see more of the begining of the Rebellion and characters like Mon Mothma, Bail Organa, and Garm Bel Iblis. We could also see a young Han Solo and Dash Rendar.

But, most of all, I hope it takes place in a time where the show can use Thrawn. I would love to see Greg use him.

Also, I would like Star Wars authors like Zahn, Anderson, Stackpole, Alliston, and Michael Reaves as writers and contributers. Those men seem to know Star Wars the best.

Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

No, never read those, I don't think. In fact, none of the comics you mention ring a bell.

As for Greg writing Emperor Palpatine, I admit that I'd love for Greg and his team to give him a lot more depth. It brings me back to something I wondered about a few days ago: Will all the cast of Rebels be new faces or will any of them be characters we've met before? I can't help thinking that Captain Antilles, Bail Organa, Mon Mothma and a few others would likely have cameos at least. But who knows? Greg and his team are probably still fleshing out the cast.

I just hope there is an Ithorian lead character. And/or a Mon Cal. That'd rule.

Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" - Sevarius, "Louse"

Greg Wiseman> Congrats!!!


Battle Beast - [Canada]
I did it! I watched all 485 Best picture nominees in 365 days!

Matt- I kinda liked the New Jedi Order series, but the Legacy of the Force series was very up and down. Some cool moments but mostly average. The Fate of the Jedi series was pretty bad and there was only one moment in 9 novels that really meant something.

Have you ever read the Legacy comics? They where pretty good.

Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Greg Weisman was born to write Emperor Palpatine

Yeah. I did back in the day anyway. The Thrawn trilogy and Jedi Academy trilogy. Lots of other ones published in the 90s and early 00s. I walked away from Star Wars somewhere during the Yuzhan Vong series.

I was also really into some of the comics. The Tales of the Jedi series was fantastic, for instance.

Can't remember too much now, but all my old Star Wars books and comics are sitting in a bin in my mom's basement, so some day...

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to Rebels now. Here's hoping.

Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" - Sevarius, "Louse"

Matt- Have you read any of the Star Wars novels?
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

If I may, I'd like to drop this link off to help my friend promote his kickstarter campaign.


Anthony Tini

sorry for interrupting the Star Wars topic, but usally when I see a Gargoyles fanfiction....
.... I am like this.

Double, double, toil and trouble. Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

I used to be a big Star Wars fan, but dissapointment after dissapointment kinda killed the franchise for me.

But now hearing about Greg's involvement has me feeling a (dare I say it) New Hope. I eagerly wait to see what he and his team come up with.

Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" - Sevarius, "Louse"

Algernon- I know that only content Lucas himself touched is the highest level of canon, but that does not make it better. The only hightest level canon that is better than the rest of the EU are the first 2 movies.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Adam> You do realize everything other than the movies is only "sort of" canon, right? Not that I particularly care about any Clone Wars 'toon that doesn't involve Genndy Tartakovsky, mind you.

Anthony- If your only experience in Star Wars are the prequels and the Clone Wars cartoon, then you have experienced the worst of Star Wars. In my opinion, the Clone Wars are to rest of Star Wars as TGC is to the rest of Gargoyles.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

@Adam, yes I'm aware of everything that the recent "The Clone Wars" show did and I didn't care. I don't read the books and I'm not super familiar with the EU, so I just took TCW as canon and enjoyed it.
Anthony Tini

Anthony- Where you aware of the original timeline that earlier Clone Wars work set up. Like, Anakin becoming a Knight 6 months before episode 3, not right after episode 2. Or Even Piell dying after ROTS not before. Or Barriss Offee is supposed to be a contempory to Anakin and not Asoka. The Clone Wars cartoon screwed up the timeline and spoiled over to the rest of the Star Wars with the god awful "Ones" storyline.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

@Todd Jensen, I thought of that too, and if the need arises, I'd be willing to lend my Star Wars expertise as Masterdramon has lended his DC knowledge as Star Wars is definitely in my wheelhouse.

@Adam, the Clone Wars series was not terrible, but I will admit that there were some weaker episodes from time to time. Overall, as series go, it was pretty strong, especially when the writers were given 3-4 episodes to explore a story arc.

Anthony Tini

Let's hope that Greg won't be in for a lot of unpleasant questions from "Star Wars" fans once the new show comes out.
Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are great finders

For star wars, let a character stay evil this time, don't pull that [SPOILER] Mole stuff again [/SPOILER]
008 - [jiofreed at gmail dot com]

Just heard that Greg is going to be working on the new Star Wars project and have to say I'm excited for that. While I'm not a hard core fan I have been a Star Wars fan for as long as I can remember and I excited to see what Greg can bring to the franchise.
"Shall we their fond pageant see? Lord, what fools these mortals be!"-Puck

First of all, thanks again for all the graduation well-wishes, gang. And to Anthony...while I'm afraid I couldn't find the time for such frivolity, I did wear an MLP t-shirt with Twilight Sparkle in a labcoat and the phrase "Time for SCIENCE!!!" underneath my own cap and gown. ;D

Second of all...holy crap! Does every big piece of news have to come on days when I'm traveling?

I'm not the biggest "Star Wars" nut in the world (though I love Episode IV, Episode V, and KOTOR), but it's always struck me as a Universe brimming with undertapped potential.

Greatly looking forward to seeing how Greg and his latest cohorts will work to draw that potential out.

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Smokin', Smokin'...we're cookin' tonight, just keep on tokin'..." - Boston

Adam>"And when I found out Disney had bought Star Wars, I said to my friend "I felt a disterbance in the Force'"

Their track record with Marvel movies was less than stellar from a financial perspective, so that was a reasonable assumption.

Intrigued by what Weisman and the others'll do though. They're finally setting it in an era that isn't full of boring clones and political something something something, so it'll probably be a fun meal after Rain of the Ghosts book one.

Harlan Phoenix

I find it rather interesting that the League counts pretty much ran without a hitch while the Team counts both did not.

Ah, well. Glad to hear Greg's got work once again. Should be interesting.

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

Great to hear that Greg has work again! Speaking as a Star Wars fan whose enjoyment of the franchise has, over the years, become predominantly more of the "in concept" variety than "in execution", just the news of Greg's involvement has already gotten me more excited for this than any new Star Wars project has in a while. I'll definitely be checking it out.

Sorry for the double (triple post). I think I hit the post your comment button twice when the web was going slow.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Finally, hope for Star Wars. As a man who has been reading Star Wars novels, comics, RPG books, and playing video games for 20 years, I must say the last few years have been disapointing in Star Wars. The clone wars cartoon was terrible, the last two novel series have gotten worse, and The Old Republic was disapointing. And when I found out Disney had bought Star Wars, I said to my friend "I felt a disterbance in the Force". But finally, a ray of light in the Star Wars Universe. Someone who will actually pay attention to the existing cannon. I look forward to seeing this show that Greg is apart of.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Finally, hope for Star Wars. As a man who has been reading Star Wars novels, comics, RPG books, and playing video games for 20 years, I must say the last few years have been disapointing in Star Wars. The clone wars cartoon was terrible, the last two novel series have gotten worse, and The Old Republic was disapointing. And when I found out Disney had bought Star Wars, I said to my friend "I felt a disterbance in the Force". But finally, a ray of light in the Star Wars Universe. Someone who will actually pay attention to the existing cannon. I look forward to seeing this show that Greg is apart of.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

congrats to GW on the new show announcement!!!

but boo to me 'cause i don't get disneyxd; maybe will get to watch it per episode on itunes or something depending on its distribution.


Recognized: Lagoon Boy, B-One-Eight

I guess I have to care about Star Wars now.

This is a weird feeling.

Harlan Phoenix

Recognized: Bumblebee, B-One-SEVEN

A belated conGRADs to Masterdramon :)
. . . and Holy Snap on not only the recent Star Wars news, but also the now upcoming YJ Soundtrack news! :D

"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Recognized: Batgirl, B-One-Six

Sorry for the double, but holy shit! Congrats, Greg Weisman! Woohoo!


Anthony Tini

Recognized: Sergeant Marvel/Mary Bromfield, B-15.


Thanks and congrats, Masterdramon. Did you make a mini cap and gown for your little pony? :)

Anthony Tini

[Matt, you're Lieutenant Marvel/Freddy Freeman, B-14. The next person will be Sergeant Marvel/Mary Bromfield, B-15.]
Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Smokin', Smokin'...we're cookin' tonight, just keep on tokin'..." - Boston



Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" - Sevarius, "Louse"

Recognized: Robin, B-one-three.

Also, belated congrats, Masterdramon!


Recognized: Troia, B - One - Two.

And thanks to everyone who offered their congratulations. I write this now as an official college graduate. :D

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Smokin', Smokin'...we're cookin' tonight, just keep on tokin'..." - Boston

Okay, let's see if it works better this time...

Recognized: Aquagirl, B-One-One.

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!