Speaking of, Oberon is blue and Titania green in The Sandman as well as in Gargoyles.
posted @ Sun, Aug 7, 2022 5:59:36 pm EDT from
A Station Eight Fan Web Site
Speaking of, Oberon is blue and Titania green in The Sandman as well as in Gargoyles.
posted @ Sun, Aug 7, 2022 5:59:36 pm EDT from
I'll admit I found the last coule of posts a bit confusing at first, before I realized "They're talking about Luthor, not Lexington". Having a name that could be shortened to the first name of a major DC Comics villain - it gives new meaning to his turning bad in "Future Tense".
Todd Jensen
posted @ Sun, Aug 7, 2022 9:22:22 am EDT from
Considering Lex had a tracker installed in the case, it wouldn't surprise me if he had a sensor installed to keep track of how many shields were left.
And he was really banking on Conner getting addicted to the power it provided so all he had to do was wait, maybe make sure there were moments where Conner was "incentivized" to use them.
When you return to your unobservable but empirically determined dimension of origin--tell them CARL SAGAN sent you.
posted @ Sun, Aug 7, 2022 1:10:56 am EDT from
Or just used math, even. "I can anticipate that in any fight with a combatant of X capabilities the chance of Superboy using his shields is going to be significantly more likely than not. So I'll just engineer Z number of fights with combatants of X capabilities where Z equals number of shields. Then Red Arrow can check in every once in a while to see if things are going according to projections." That's... plausible, I suppose.
The Star System Syndrome. That was it. I remember thinking it had a very Kim Newman feel to it. Haven't seen Sandman... yet, I suppose? I fear I may have an inherent mistrust of any shows which are new.
Friendly CIA Spook
People really underestimate the importance of proper dental care.
posted @ Sun, Aug 7, 2022 12:29:31 am EDT from
You know, I think I always figured Lex had put a little transmitter with a weight sensor or something in the box with the shields, so when it was empty he got an alert (and so that he knew when Superboy was using them.) That never seemed like a huge mystery to me, of course Lex is going to be kind of creepy and invasive in secret ways (I also assumed the shields were made with tailored withdrawal effects, just in case Superboy's self-esteem issues weren't enough to keep him coming back, although that's more in the realm of headcanon.)
Karrin Blue
posted @ Sat, Aug 6, 2022 10:24:38 pm EDT from
I recall that episode of "Men in Black"; it was an amusing piece of satire (the alien "monsters" - plus an alternate version of ALF - getting banished by the leads from the "sweet and wholesome" show - with one of the funniest moments being when the forgotten "monster actor" who's been the red herring suspect confronts them, asks them angrily if they were planning to target him next, and discovers that - as part of the "forgotten career" element - they have absolutely no idea who he is).
Todd Jensen
posted @ Sat, Aug 6, 2022 8:01:53 pm EDT from
I saw Prey, thought it was pretty good. Better than most of the other movies attached to the Predator series. Didn't know Greg wrote an episode of Men In Black the series, but I really don't remember much of that show. I remember more of Extreme Ghostbusters (done by the same studio).
In another digression, I have to bring up The Sandman (which you should totally watch) because I hit upon a similarity to Gargoyles.
In the comic, The Dreaming is mostly empty after Morpheus spends nearly 80 years in captivity, the dreams and nightmares have left and began to change on their own for better or worse. It reminds me of Oberon banishing his subjects from Avalon and how they changed since then but during the Gathering, he remains mostly the same.
When you return to your unobservable but empirically determined dimension of origin--tell them CARL SAGAN sent you.
posted @ Sat, Aug 6, 2022 6:41:19 pm EDT from
As a slight digression: there's a new Predator movie out!
Which reminds me that Greg is credited as writer for an episode of the Men In Black animated series, in which alien actors in LA start going missing. Including I-Am-Definitely-Not-Predator. I was surprised to learn it, I thought it was one of the best episodes in an already underrated series.
That is all.
Friendly CIA Spook
People really underestimate the importance of proper dental care.
posted @ Sat, Aug 6, 2022 3:10:34 pm EDT from
I vaguely remember hearing about that. Honestly, considering how toxic the shipping community can be (speaking as someone who was a Voltron fan for a while), that one was relatively tame.
When you return to your unobservable but empirically determined dimension of origin--tell them CARL SAGAN sent you.
posted @ Fri, Aug 5, 2022 5:53:10 pm EDT from
Matthew> Oh the Spitfire/Supermartian wasn't my opinion, just a quote from the radio play Musicology 101 where a fan says that to Weisman.
posted @ Fri, Aug 5, 2022 5:32:41 pm EDT from
"Who cares about Supermartian? Spitfire forever"
People, please. There's absolutely no reason the two relationships can't be given equal focus. The Ship Mates trope exists for a reason.
Now for the Merged 'Verse, this would be interesting. As I recall, Namor doesn't like sharing power, so unless there was some established lore on how he and Arthur settled ruling their kingdoms I imagine there would be quite the civil war.
Kida and that Atlantis is easily explained, the old kingdom being above water (so to speak) wouldn't interest either group so they'd be allowed to live in complete autonomy.
When you return to your unobservable but empirically determined dimension of origin--tell them CARL SAGAN sent you.
posted @ Fri, Aug 5, 2022 4:22:20 pm EDT from
Well, I definitely think they're the follow up to the 'why doesn't Garfield hate miss Martian for not revenge-murdering Queen Bee' flood. Probably the same person, too.
Karrin Blue
posted @ Fri, Aug 5, 2022 2:51:16 pm EDT from
Also I wonder if the countless Gar/Perdita posts can be factually counted as the new "Is Wally West coming back alive?" and of course "Who cares about Supermartian? Spitfire forever?".
posted @ Fri, Aug 5, 2022 1:26:31 pm EDT from
Re:Anonymous from January 4's question on Ask Greg> Ugh, I hate it when marketing comes up with a tagline they think is "cool" and then the showrunners are called to account for something that wasn't their idea. That's what "And they have a plan" was in Battlestar Galactica, you know. Marketing execs, not Ron Moore.
posted @ Fri, Aug 5, 2022 10:27:12 am EDT from
A merge of the "Gargoyles", DC, and Marvel universes raises so many complications I'd rather not contemplate it (beyond the series of not-too-serious radio plays).
Todd Jensen
posted @ Fri, Aug 5, 2022 9:50:31 am EDT from
Different city states in a confederated monarchy?
Friendly CIA Spook
Quickly, to the Friendlymobile
posted @ Fri, Aug 5, 2022 9:26:26 am EDT from
So in the merged radio play verse where ATLE would be part of Garg canon, how does say Arthur Curry, Namor the Submariner and Kida work how their ruling of Atlantis.
posted @ Fri, Aug 5, 2022 3:54:20 am EDT from
Incidentally, some legends make King Arthur a leader of the Wild Hunt (it's even called the "Chasse Artu" after him in France). Which might not be best to bring up around the gargoyles, given what the hunt and hunters would mean to them. (Odin's also been linked to the Wild Hunt, for that matter.)
And he and his knights are often depicted as going on hunts - if generally after regular (if often magically amplified) animals, like wild boar and stags. (Might be best not to bring this up around Coco and Amp, of course.)
Todd Jensen
posted @ Thu, Aug 4, 2022 9:23:46 pm EDT from
Yep, I meant Bedivere! I could also see him cameo-ing as the knight at Arthur's side when Morgan, Nimue, and the Lady of the Lake came to take him away, since he was the one who brought Arthur away from the battlefield and returned Excalibur to the lake.
I'd love to see the tale of Yvain and the lion-gargoyle! That's also a story I'm fond of, for the sheer comicsy weirdness of a knight travelling around with his best friend, a talking lion. It'd be great to see a Gargoyles take on that!
Karrin Blue
posted @ Thu, Aug 4, 2022 10:34:15 am EDT from
KARRIN BLUE - I assume that the "one-armed knight" you mentioned is Bedivere (who's given that description in "Culhwch and Olwen" - at least, according to one reading of it). And, yes, Lancelot tends to upstage the rest of the company of the Round Table, but I'm hoping that Greg would make an exception to that (especially given his interest in Gawain).
Thee are three ways I've already thought of in which gargoyles could have been involved in King Arthur's story.
1. According to Malory, not long after Arthur became king, he faced a rebellion by eleven kings who were suspicious of his credentials, arguing that it took more than pulling a sword out of a stone to make him king. Arthur fought against them at Bedegraine Forest (now Sherwood Forest, according to Malory - I'm amazed that this hasn't been brought up more often; Sherwood could boast links to two famous legendary British figures, rather than just one), and made a night attack on their camp on the eve of the main battle. I've imagined gargoyles allied to Arthur making the night attack on the eleven kings.
2. In the earlier versions of Arthur's story, he was credited at having defeated the invading Saxons at the Battle of Mount Badon (apparently an actual battle, though we don't know if Arthur really did fight there or if it was a case of "legend-embroidering"). One brief mention of Arthur's presence at Badon seems to state that the battle lasted three days and three nights (technically, it just says that Arthur bore the Cross on his shoulders during that time, not that that's how long the battle lasted, but the "three days and three nights" could be interpreted as matching the length of the battle); in this case, gargoyles could have fought against the Saxons during those three nights.
3. A story about one of Arthur's knights, variously called Yvain or Owain, tells how he came to the aid of a lion that was fighting a serpent or dragon and slew the dragon. The lion became friends with him, and accompanied him on his adventures after that. I've speculated that, in the Gargoyles Universe, the lion who befriended Yvain/Owain was actually a "lion-gargoyle" like Leo. (That suspicion became stronger after Lunette was introduced in "Clan-Building"; there's a major female character in the story of Yvain/Owain who bears that name.)
Todd Jensen
posted @ Thu, Aug 4, 2022 9:54:11 am EDT from
If it's down to corporate behind-the-scenes stuff, there's not much we can do about it either way. We'll just have to wait for the dust to settle and go from there, if whatever Powers That Be are still receptive to the #KeepBingingYJ campaigns. If we do get a season 5, I'm hoping it'll be more about Markovia and the Markovs, and reconcile the siblings; my guess is that there'd also be a plot about the Shazam family trying to save Mary, probably Conner and Clark trying to rescue Kara (once they know she exists.) Past that... I don't know, I'd be interested in continuing to check out the magic side (especially something to do with the elemental parliaments, if they exist - Greg kind-of sort-of implied they existed in an interview, but that's canon in training at the most generous, I think.)
Gargoyles in Arthurian times would be pretty fun. I'd love to see some of the knights, too, not just Arthur. Gawain's ability to become three times stronger under the sun could be interesting to work in somehow, and I'm pretty fond of Percival and Bedivere, just in general. Though if we see much of the knights, it'll probably mostly be Lancelot... ah well, I can hold out hope that maybe there'll be a cameo by a one-armed knight serving as Camelot's marshal, or somesuch.
Karrin Blue
posted @ Thu, Aug 4, 2022 9:37:44 am EDT from
Why Weissman and Vietti put Milestone characters in Young Justice?
posted @ Thu, Aug 4, 2022 9:35:59 am EDT from
One exciting tidbit at GargWiki; Greg Weisman's hinted that one of the features in the "Gargoyles" Dynamite story will be a few mentions of the roles gargoyles played in King Arthur's original reign. I'm definitely looking forward to that.
Todd Jensen
posted @ Thu, Aug 4, 2022 9:18:03 am EDT from
What are your predictions for Young Justice Season 5?
posted @ Wed, Aug 3, 2022 11:21:28 pm EDT from
Do you think they going to Young Justice cancelled again?
posted @ Wed, Aug 3, 2022 11:19:38 pm EDT from
I sincerely hope not, but with the merger of Warner Bros and Discovery, the rumors of putting everything in Discovery Plus and throwing HBO Max away, and the future of so many projects finished or not in question...
Well, all we can do is hope.
When you return to your unobservable but empirically determined dimension of origin--tell them CARL SAGAN sent you.
posted @ Wed, Aug 3, 2022 11:18:20 pm EDT from
Do you think they going to Young Justice cancelled again?
posted @ Wed, Aug 3, 2022 11:02:37 pm EDT from
Maybe the North Pole was a "home away from home" (and, remember, between 995 and 1996, during which period the Santa legend did the bulk of its developing, the Third Race were living in the outside world). Or maybe Santa's not one of the Third Race, but something else.
Todd Jensen
posted @ Wed, Aug 3, 2022 7:42:35 pm EDT from
That was my assumption. We've met elves. They're just called Oberon's Children.
I do find it curious that Avalon is specifically said to be eternally summery. Santa would presumably live where it's always wintry. Maybe he's like Oberon's brother and they've got a whole yin-yang thing going on.
Friendly CIA Spook
Quickly, to the Friendlymobile
posted @ Wed, Aug 3, 2022 7:08:39 pm EDT from
I looked it up in the "Ask Greg" archives. Someone called Joxter the Mighty asked Greg whether, when he'd brought in Santa, he'd bring in the elves, and Greg replied "I've already brought in the elves".
Greg might have been speaking of the "elves" in general (not just the ones specifically imagined as working for Santa) in the form of Oberon's Children (some of whom - though not all - are apparently the elves of legend).
Todd Jensen
posted @ Wed, Aug 3, 2022 10:09:28 am EDT from
Antiyonder> When?
posted @ Wed, Aug 3, 2022 9:56:13 am EDT from
Todd Jensen> Speaking of Santa, yeah perhaps one of my favorite underdiscussed bits of spoilers is how we actually did see Santa's elves.
posted @ Tue, Aug 2, 2022 8:17:35 pm EDT from
And we did see Fiona Canmore in the "Bad Guys" spin-off.
Todd Jensen
posted @ Tue, Aug 2, 2022 7:56:17 pm EDT from
Antiyonder> Greg said those same events happened in both universes. So yes, there are versions of the Team Atlantis characters in the Gargoyles universe. He also answered a question on Ask Greg about when Atlantis sank in the Gargoyles universe.
posted @ Tue, Aug 2, 2022 7:53:35 pm EDT from
Greg also once mentioned wanting to do a story where the gargoyles encountered Santa Claus, and I'm still curious about that one - mainly, how Santa would fit into a show as dark and "unconventional for Disney" as "Gargoyles". Would it have had a lighter than normal tone, or would Santa be much more solemn? (A bit, perhaps, like Father Christmas appearing in "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" and C. S. Lewis making it clear that this is a far more serious version of him.)
Todd Jensen
posted @ Tue, Aug 2, 2022 7:46:59 pm EDT from
Also another story I remember Greg wanting to do as mentioned on the site is that Team Atlantis episode either with the ATLE cast of stand ins.
You know I think we talked about this before, but how does the canonicity of it work. Like would the Gargoyles Universe version have counterparts to the Atlantis cast (with different details in their lives) involved or does the event occur without them entirely?
posted @ Tue, Aug 2, 2022 6:15:42 pm EDT from
So Todd brought up the planned Trickster story among the list of comic stories and how many characters were cut because four tricksters was too complicated.
It actually reminded me of a story I once pitched at a comic creator connection. It was about hapless schmo getting dragged along on a series of adventures involving no less than five different tricksters.
When you return to your unobservable but empirically determined dimension of origin--tell them CARL SAGAN sent you.
posted @ Mon, Aug 1, 2022 6:37:16 pm EDT from
Jurgan - I wasn't saying he should start with spin offs and other characters, sorry. I was more meaning to emphasize how you can tell the story in a non-linear way or in a non-traditional way. And that might be useful just to put new fans (who don't know anything about Gargoyles) and older fans (who want to read new stories) on the same page. You don't need 3 pages of exposition for the new fansy if *nobody* has any idea what's going on. Even if they recognize Goliath, Elisa, etc.
Alex (or Aldrius)
Check out my anime podcast "Two Gays One Episode" on Spotify or YouTube!
posted @ Mon, Aug 1, 2022 5:50:05 pm EDT from
ALGAE - Thanks for that bit of information. I'm amazed I missed that part (though the fact that he was one face in a brief shot of the "dog-crowd" would explain that).
Todd Jensen
posted @ Mon, Aug 1, 2022 1:43:53 pm EDT from
I really don't know what to say about Nichelle Nichols and her legacy that people far more eloquent than I, so I'll just leave this clip in her own words...
On a lighter note, it's recently come to my attention everyone's favorite good boy Bronx had a cameo on the first ep of Disney's new Chibiverse show...
'nuff said
posted @ Mon, Aug 1, 2022 1:29:39 pm EDT from
Jurgan - If I remember correctly, wasn't Gargoyles one of the most viewed shows when Disney+ first launched? I remember having hope that because of those viewing numbers, that it would lead to new Gargoyles stories. And now we are getting it.
posted @ Mon, Aug 1, 2022 11:49:21 am EDT from
Aldrius: My view is that a direct continuation is where you start. Those who remember Gargoyles or have discovered it on Disney+ want to see what happens to these characters. If that's a hit, then they can start with spin-offs and side stories that aren't focused on the core cast. We know Greg has enough stories to last a lifetime.
Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]
posted @ Mon, Aug 1, 2022 10:53:55 am EDT from
Alex/Aldrius > I agree. Comics are a less limited medium.
posted @ Mon, Aug 1, 2022 9:38:54 am EDT from
RIP, Nichelle Nichols. That's far too soon. She was an icon.
I heard about David Warner (here first, and then on Big Finish News and Doctor Who News) and Bernard Cribbins (also yesterday, on Doctor Who News), but not Nichelle, Paul Sorvino and Pat Carroll.
posted @ Mon, Aug 1, 2022 9:37:30 am EDT from
Should be "Nichelle". Sorry about that.
Todd Jensen
posted @ Mon, Aug 1, 2022 9:18:44 am EDT from
I'm sorry to hear about Nichole Nichols' passing. (I read a nice story about her time on "Gargoyles"; the crew wanted to get her autograph as a major "Star Trek" actor - only to discover that she wanted *their* autographs because she was so impressed with how skillful and professional their work on "Gargoyles" was.)
This may not be the right time, after such news, but I'd like to recommend a small graphic novel for younger readers that I recently discovered, "Ham-Let: A Shakespearean Mash-up" by Jim Burnstein, Garrett Schiff, and Elisa Ferrari (published by Dark Horse Books). It's a humorous re-imagining of Shakespeare's plays (mainly "Hamlet", as the title shows, but with others incorporated) in an animal world. Here, Hamlet (played by a pig - as are the rest of the members of the royal family of Denmark), out to expose Claudius' murder and usurpation, gets the help of a troupe of actors led by his friend Horatio (here a rabbit) - with the actors being adaptations of the leads of many other Shakespeare plays: Macbeth and Lady Macbeth (played by chickens), Lear and Cordelia (a bull and a cow), Othello, Desdemona, and Iago (played by a ram, a ewe, and a goat respectively), Romeo and Juliet (played by a dog and a cat respectively), and Nick Bottom (no prizes for guessing which animal he's done as). With the complications that the actors are having trouble working together because of flaws echoing those of their originals - and that Claudius' erstwhile allies (a pack of wolves led by Brassel - apparently the adaptation of Fortinbras) are ready to turn on him once they no longer need him.
It's a lot of fun, with many more Shakespeare allusions than just those stemming from the cast (for example, when rallying the actors, Hamlet gives an adaptation of the St. Crispin's Day oration - and wait until you see the last page!). I thought I'd mention it here given the prominence of Shakespeare in "Gargoyles" (and we even got some in "The Spectacular Spider-Man" - though hardly any in "Young Justice" unless you count Perdita being introduced in an episode with wintry weather).
Todd Jensen
posted @ Mon, Aug 1, 2022 8:37:36 am EDT from
My condolences to the Maza family, but especially to Elisa.
(Awaits tweets from other Gargoyles VAs)
posted @ Mon, Aug 1, 2022 1:11:56 am EDT from
In the span of one week we lost David Warner, Paul Sorvino, Nichelle Nichols and Pat Carroll.
That last piece of July was just awful.
When you return to your unobservable but empirically determined dimension of origin--tell them CARL SAGAN sent you.
posted @ Mon, Aug 1, 2022 12:37:08 am EDT from