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Anonymous writes...

Did Thailog plan on betraying Demona from the very start of their relationship? If no, then when did he decide to "get rid of" her?? Thank you!

Greg responds...

I think he certainly was using her from the outset. He quickly learned of her link to Macbeth and figured out a way to capitalize on it that involved Demona dying. "Betrayal" isn't a strong enough word.

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Anonymous writes...

I am a fan that has been able to gather the first 65 shows, and a so so I have two questions for you. 1) how can I get the last 13 they were not played in the abc (or whatever) channel in my area and i would love to have them. 2) the stories were fantastic and I hate the fact that they must end, I could kill Mikey Mouse for cancelling the show (joke), anyway will you find some way to continue the storeis, ie your own production of them, a book or commic book and not like that short l ived one that did not follow the episodes at all, and if so how could I go about getting them. I am a fan of mythology and as such the way you incorporated so many differtent tales made the show extremly enjoyable....please for us poor and desperate fans is there something that can be done.
thank you for listing

Greg responds...

1. I don't know. Ask a web-friend?
2. I've talked about this before. I'd very much like to continue telling stories, but I need to work for a living. I need a venue. Hopefully, we'll find one together. I'll keep you posted.

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Anonymous writes...

here is another question I just thought of. (1) The "Cat/Bat" creations of Dr. Sevarious Talon and all they all had tails when they first started out and then as time went on they did not have their tails. does this mean that their bodie s are going back to normal. (2)also along the same lines claw in future tense did not have his wings is this also realted or just "part of the dream" . (3) P.S. why does he not talk thank you

Greg responds...

1. No. I've answered this before. Check the archives for a more complete response.
2. This was just part of the dream, but Puck's idea here was that Claw had lost his wings in some battle.
3. Trauma.

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Anonymous writes...

1. How big was the clan in the Guatemalan Rainforest before the massacre?
2. Do the New Olympians share any genetic relationships or are they seperate intelligent species that just live together on one island? 3. How do they control overpopul ation (there must be many people on that one island after many generations). 4. How long do members of Nokkar's species live? 5. How many species were (are) involved in the galactic war?

Greg responds...

1. Probably the standard 40+.
2. Some of both.
3. I'm sure the population is larger now than when they started. They may not be particularly prolific. They also seem scientifically advanced enough to practice voluntary birth control.
4. A damn long time.
5. There are three main species engaged in the conflict, though many other species are involved.

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Anonymous writes...

Greg, First of all, thanks so much for your help in creating such a great show! My question has to do with the original 5 show Awakenings arch: Why, when he knew that the eggs in the rookery would be hatching soon, would Goliath request to be placed under the sleep spell? If he was concerned enough to see to their disposition by asking Katherine to care for them, why wouldn't he have simply stayed "awake" and cared for them himself when they hatched? He certainly wouldn't have bee n "alone" then and could have worked with the Magus to find a way to remove the sleep spell. In addition, turning the eggs over to someone else, specially someone like Katherine, who had been so bigoted against the gargoyles so recently, has never seemed to fit with the rest of Goliath's character.
Thanks in advance for your answer!

Greg responds...

The eggs weren't THAT close to hatching. Still...

I hate to say this, because I love Goliath, but he was clearly abdicating responsibility. There's no excuse, though the reason is obvious: he was overwhelmed by grief. Just overwhelmed. He couldn't face the years alone. He couldn't even face the prospect of raising the gargoyle babies alone. He made a rash and horrible decision. I'm not going to try to justify it.

Because if we're going to be brutally honest, Goliath believed he was committing a kind of suicide. The terms of the Magus' spell were that the Gargoyles would sleep until the castle rose above the clouds. To Goliath, that was like saying "'til Kingdom come". He didn't think the spell would ever be broken. He didn't think he'd ever wake up.

When he did wake up, and when Xanatos told him that the eggs had not survived, his guilt must have been enormous. Enormous. When he discovered that Angela and the others had survived, his relief was equally boundless.

And since we're on the subject, I want to give some credit where it's due. When Paul Lacy and I worked out the original flashback story and when Michael Reaves wrote the first draft teleplay, we had the Magus offer Goliath the option of joining his companions in sleep. When my boss Gary Krisel read that, he suggested we make it Goliath's own idea, his own request. Of course, Gary was absolutely right. But believe me, that was a daring thing for any executive to approve, let alone suggest. At the time, "Awakening" was a four parter, (before we realized we had too much material to fit into four parts). The entire 10th century flashback was stuffed into Part One. Gary was inviting us to end our FIRST EPISODE EVER with the implied suicide of our lead hero. I watched it again a few weeks ago. Even though it's now an act break in Part Two instead of an episode-ender, it's still a very powerful moment. And the idea for it came from a DISNEY EXECUTIVE. Those types get a lot of flack.
Witness some of the recent comments in Gore's comment room about TPTB at Disney. It doesn't hurt to occasionally remind everyone that executives are people too. And that sometimes they have great ideas and the courage of their convictions.
Hell, I was still an executive when I created and developed Gargoyles. In fact, I was still an executive while I was producing most of the first season of the show.

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Anonymous writes...

1. How many Episodes and Seasons would your PENDARGON CYCLE have? 2.
How many Eps and Seasons would the TIMEDANCER CYCLE and FUTURE TENSE SAGA have, if FUTURE TENSE was a CYCLE and if it wasn't? 3. How many Eps and Seasons would the BAD CHARACTER CYCLE have? 4. How many Eps ans Scenes would the NEW OLYMPIAN CYCLE have? 6. How many Episodes and Scenes would the DARK AGES CYCLE have? 7. Where would each CYCLE be in the timeline? If it might give away possible show secrets, please tell me if it would,and don't answer Question 7, if it won't give away secrets, please do. 8. If the conversation with Elisa and Jason on the Clocktower in HUNTER'S MOON hadn't been erased, please tell me EXACTLY what it would be like. If you don't have the time to be totally specific, please tell me so and I'll give you my E-Mail Address so you can tell me another time when you can or want to. 9. If GARGOYLES starts again, how would you get TGC back on track with your Master Plan?
10. Is there any possible way we can get you to remove your limitations on the questions, like promises about no claiming credit, etc.?

Greg responds...

1. How many would you give me?
2. TimeDancer: 40 years worth. Future Tense: Unlimited.
3. Bad Guys? Probably unlimited.
4. Unlimited.
5. There is no 5. So I'll take this opportunity to explain the point I'm trying to make above: so far, I haven't run out of stories to tell about these characters. Quite the reverse, each story I did tell suggested more and more possibilities. It may be moot now, but assuming I ever get the chance to start things up again, I really don't see that changing.
6. 23 years worth.
7. Uh. I'm not sure I understand the question. Gargoyles, Pendragon, Bad Guys and New Olympians were all to have been set in the present (which is not to say that they might not have included the occasional flashback). Dark Ages would have begun in the year 971 and moved forward from there, at least until we caught up to the events of 994. Future Tense would have started in 2158 and moved forward from there. TimeDancer would have, well, danced around in time.
8. Check the archives. I typed the whole thing in.
9. I'm not sure. I've seen each of the last 12 episodes exactly once.
I'd have to make myself watch them again with an eye toward assessing the damage to my planned continuity. I'm not eager to see those 12 again, so I'm not going to watch them until I have a reason to. Right now I don't.
10. No. Sorry. I'm not interested in removing those limitations at this time.

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Anonymous writes...

Just a quick Q: What part of the master plan would Ariel have appeared in?
What would the role be?

Greg responds...

Not telling.

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Greg, I know you've been asked, but you (ahem) asked for it!
(1) Could you PLEASE tell us all about the ep you couldn't show? How much of a shock value? How far in development did this ep get, did it begin to be animated?
(2) Also, Pulease find a way to start Gargoyles again. We'll do everything to help. (3) How is the movie developing? What is the newest scoop on that?
(4) What are these Gargoyles novels from 1994 I've heard about from a friend of mine?? Did it follow the sh ow's concept, or was it a seperate universe with the same characters,like the comic was? Be proud of me, oh great Creator. My twin and I have "converted" a bunch of our friends and classmates to Gargoyles! A new order begins, Gargoylism! Bwa ha ha!
Thank you in advance. (I know you've been asked some of these before, but please, we need some solace)

Greg responds...

1. I wrote a premise. That's it. A one-page summary of the story.
2. I'm doing my best, but it's really not in my control.
3. I don't know. I have no new info.
4. I've never heard of them. From 1994? Are you sure they exist? There certainly weren't any novels written based in any way on our show.

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Anonymous writes...

Greg. Thanks again for the opportunity to ask a few questions. 1.
Probably the most disturbing images from Gargoyles was Demona shattering all of those human statues.
What happened to those remnants when the spell was broken and ho w was the disappearance of so many explained? 2.What was your planned lifespan for the cold-trio? Since they have robot bodies they could theoretically exist for as long as spare parts were available. 3.If Oberon's children were banished from Avalon , how could the Weird Sisters accompany the Archmage there on his attack? Wouldn't this be considered a violation? 4.What did you cut from Avalon part 2?

Greg responds...

1. It was pretty gruesome, I'd guess. I'm not sure it ever was explained, but I'm sure that there's still an open case file somewhere.
2. Lifespan? I guess they were immortal until they were damaged beyond repair. That doesn't mean they'd wind up living forever.
3. They were left behind as Guardians. It's another loophole.
4. A line here. A short scene there. More background, mostly regarding the Weird Sisters following Macbeth and Demona's careers for centuries. Although that sounds more interesting than it was.

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Greg, I know this may be a funny Q. Were Owen and Xanatos really friends? Or was it just a matter of servitude. What were the reasons why Owen came back to help them in the GPart2. Myfriend says they weren't friends at all. If th ey were, when and how did that start?

Greg responds...

I think they are friends. Moreso than either would admit. And I'd say that friendship developed and deepened over time, though the starting point was probably Xanatos' choice of Owen over Puck.

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