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The Phoenix Gate

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Anonymous writes...

I am a fan that has been able to gather the first 65 shows, and a so so I have two questions for you. 1) how can I get the last 13 they were not played in the abc (or whatever) channel in my area and i would love to have them. 2) the stories were fantastic and I hate the fact that they must end, I could kill Mikey Mouse for cancelling the show (joke), anyway will you find some way to continue the storeis, ie your own production of them, a book or commic book and not like that short l ived one that did not follow the episodes at all, and if so how could I go about getting them. I am a fan of mythology and as such the way you incorporated so many differtent tales made the show extremly enjoyable....please for us poor and desperate fans is there something that can be done.
thank you for listing

Greg responds...

1. I don't know. Ask a web-friend?
2. I've talked about this before. I'd very much like to continue telling stories, but I need to work for a living. I need a venue. Hopefully, we'll find one together. I'll keep you posted.