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Gargoyle Biology

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Drew Middlemas writes...

Hullo, just wanted to say first of all that I enjoyed Clan Building and Bad Guys immensely, and I hope that someday we get to see more Gargoyles stories being told.

Anyway, I have a question that I suppose loosely connects to the 2198 spin-off (I'm not sure if this has already been asked; I couldn't find it on the archives). What would happen to a gargoyle if they were ever up in space? Since technically there's no day or night in space, how would that affect them?

Thanks in advance, and wishing you all the best with your future projects.

Greg responds...

It's a good question, one which I plan to explore.

Response recorded on March 24, 2010

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Do Gargates nurse? I think that egg laying mammals nurse, so it isn't inconceivable. Why else evolve to have breats? (Though I vaguely remember something about Duck Billed Platapai sweating milk.)

Greg responds...

Yes, they do nurse.

Response recorded on March 18, 2010

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

I was sure this was in the archive, but when I checked I couldn't find it. The clones coloring is different because of the forced maturation process. Is that also why Thailog's eyes glow red instead of white.

(I could've sworn I remembered you answering it, but when I looked to confirm the answer, even going into the Thailog section and manually searching for 'red' turned up nothing.)

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 18, 2010

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TK writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman,

After Goliath falls in love with Elisa, would her menstrual cycles have any biological effect on him? Yes, I know...that's a very ODD question, to say the least. Thank you, regardless.

Greg responds...

Why would it?

Response recorded on February 17, 2010

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Rebel writes...

Hi Greg, I have some questions for you about the functions of gargoyle stone sleep. I checked the archives and saw lots of questions about stone sleep, but as far as I could tell, no one asked these questions specifically.

We know that stone sleep serves the following functions:
-rest and rejuvenation
-healing of injuries
-storing of energy (as hypothesized by Sevarius)

However, based on what we've seen in the series and comics, it seems like it probably serves other functions as well. So I have some questions for you about other possible functions of stone sleep.

1. Does it cleanse the gargoyle? We've never heard any mentions of gargoyles bathing and there probably wasn't a shower in the clock tower. So does dirt, grime, and body emollients turn to stone with the gargoyle, or does it sit on top of their stone skin and get sloughed off when the gargoyle awakens?

2. Does it cleanse the gargoyle's clothes? If stone sleep cleanses a gargoyle, it seems logical to me that it would clean the gargoyles' clothes as well. After all, the Humility Spell would turn a gargoyle's clothes to stone because he considers those clothes to belong to him. But, presumably, he would not consider any dirt that is on those clothes to be his, so it seems like any dirt on his clothes might get shed when he wakes up. This could explain why the gargoyles in the show are always wearing the same clothes and we've heard no mentions of doing laundry.

3. Does stone sleep serve as a way to expel wastes? When gargoyles wake up, they end up shedding a bunch of skin. Where does all that mass come from? That's probably at least a pound or two of stone skin being shed per gargoyle, and they do it everyday. If gargoyles are shedding all that stone skin AND pooping, it seems like they would constantly be losing mass or having to eat more to put on mass. Yet if the mass from their food goes towards the outer-most layer of stone skin everyday, that makes sense to me from a conservation of mass perspective. That's why I'm wondering if the stone skin that gets shed every night is mostly gargoyle solid waste.

Not a question about stone sleep functions, but a question about it in general

4. Did Lexington and Hudson get to watch the sun rise (or at least part of it) when they were in London? It seems logical that if their awakening got delayed due to jet lag, maybe their falling asleep got delayed too.

Greg responds...

1. On some level at least, yes. Cleanses them of toxins, certainly. And the rest, which isn't to say they might not enjoy a shower now and then.

2. Makes sense to me.

3. Yes, I think so.

4. Yes.

Response recorded on February 12, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

Okay, so the London Clan has a strict limit of two eggs per breeding couple to avoid a Clan population that could not be supported at Knight's Spur. This I understand. What I'm curious about is Coco's comment about how the limitation is enforced by isolating Gargoyles from their mates “during the FEMALE'S final heat”. Does this mean that the mating seasons only affect the fertility of female Gargoyles and that male Gargoyles might possibly be fertile throughout most of their life and not just during the mating seasons? I mean, if male Gargoyles can only become fertile at the same ages as the females (50, 70, and 90 years old), then how could Yama and Sora have a third child (not that they necesarily WILL have a third child, or any children for that matter, I'm just saying COULD they have a third child?) Sora's third potential egg would be laid when she's 90, at which point Yama would be 110 years old (he's from an older rookery). Females cannot become pregnant at the age of 110 and if males are the same way, Yama would not be able to impregnate Sora with a third egg at the ag of 110. So, do male Gargoyles follow the same fertility pattern as females or could Yama and Sora potentially have a third child?

Greg responds...

These are good questions. Normally, I'd refer these questions to the Gargoyles Biology & Culture Panel at the Gathering, but since we're all out of Gatherings for the time being...

My guess based on my very limited knowledge of biology is that male sperm is less cyclical than female eggs. But I'm open to input here. Matt? Jade? Lynati? Anyone?

Response recorded on February 12, 2010

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RandomStan writes...

If a gargoyle got a permanent tattoo (as opposed to henna), would it stay on their skin or would teh stone sleep break it down the next sunset?

Greg responds...

I don't know. Kinda feel like it would go away, but I'm really not sure.

Response recorded on February 03, 2010

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Kozispoon writes...

"Do gargoyles suffer from gargoyle-specific illnesses or handicaps?"

Greg responds...

Not many. Stone sleep goes a long way toward heeling or curing.

Response recorded on January 06, 2010

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Dean Cain writes...

Here's a question about Lexington, and how Gargoyle culture pertains to him.

According to you, Gargoyles show affection to each other by stroking each others' hair.

Lexington is (As far as I know), the only bald Gargoyle. He is also (As far as the fans know) the only homosexual gargoyle. Did him not having hair factor into him leaning toward homosexuality? Or did that just happen to fall into place?

Greg responds...

Uh... remember Broadway? Kinda puts the lie to your theory.

Response recorded on January 06, 2010

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Gargoyle Fan writes...

in Goliath and Elisa's relationship can Hummans mate with Gargoyles.has it done so in the past?

Greg responds...

It depends what you mean by mate. Check the archives for a fuller answer.

Response recorded on December 18, 2009

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Hyun-Ae writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman. I was curious about Gargoyle twins, but I don't have any questions on the subject as much as I do have some rambles. Please keep in mind I am no expert on biology and I may be completely off. Having said that, here are my thoughts on twins.

I did a little research on egg twins -- double yolked eggs -- and thought it could _possibly_ be attributed to gargoyles. A twin yolked egg occurs when (for example) a chicken's ovary will make two yolks at once. The shell is formed over both yolks, and results in a longer, larger egg being laid. With chickens, twin chicks hatching is almost non-existent. Eggs must be turned so that the chick's head can reach the air cell to breath while inside the egg. Then it will peck it's way out if all goes as planned. In the case of twins, they fight each other inside the egg, fail to reach the air cell and suffocate. Human intervention can result in both chicks surviving (the egg is opened for the chicks) but, yet again, it's rare.

Okay, I know Gargoyles are _not_ chickens, but it still got me to thinking. IF a female gargoyle did lay a twin yolked egg, it would stand out as being a bit bigger than the other eggs. Surely the soon-to-be parents would notice this and probably deduce what the larger egg meant. I believe you said that gargoyle parents do not aid the hatchlings to break out their shells, but MAYBE an exception could possibly be made for the unhatched twins since such a phenomenon doesn't happen often anyway. IF the developing babies survived to the point of hatching and IF they either a) somehow managed to successfully escape their egg themselves, or b) had adult intervention, you would be left with fraternal twin gargoyle hatchlings, not identical twins. In theory, this could also further support the idea that no two gargoyles look exactly alike.

Oof, sorry if I am making no sense. I never was good at being succinct, but I suppose that's why they are called 'rambles'. Anyway, these are just some ideas on the subject and I thought you might like to hear them. :) Of course please feel free to disregard anything I've said. I am not out to "trip you up" or tell you what is what in the world you created.

On another note, I just wanted to say that Gargoyles is a wonderful, thought provoking universe with deep, multiple layered characters and absolutely terrific stories! I am deeply sorry that I will not be able to attend the final Gathering (you have no idea how sorry!!) but I'm still glad to have been given the chance to experience the world of Gargoyles. Thank you so much for sharing them with us!

Greg responds...

I'd think Gargoyles twins would be exceedingly rare. (At best.)

Response recorded on November 24, 2009

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GATHERING 2009 - Monday, August 24th

GATHERING 2009 - Monday, August 24th

Midnight - The goodbyes begin for folks who are leaving first thing Monday morning or right now. Said goodbye to Marina, Zehra, Sarah, Michael McAdam and probably quite a few others...

1:30am - The party downstairs finally breaks up and I head up to my room.

4am - Went to bed. But I just couldn't sleep at all.

8am - Finally gave up and got up.

9am - Brought my luggage to my car and then went to the staff breakfast: crepe, ham, potatoes, OJ.

10am - Comic book panel with Karine Charlebois and Greg Guler. I'll just repeat the main message I gave. I have no info on the future of Gargoyles comics beyond this: SLG's Dan Vado is sincerely interested in doing more. His ability to make an offer for the license to Disney will depend on the sales of the three trade paperbacks. Beyond that, we had some really interesting discussions about the books.

11:30am - Gargoyles Biology and Culture panel with Jade Griffin and Matt Parker. I love this panel. Always full of interesting discussions, that influence how I handle things in the Gargoyles Universe.

1pm - Closing Ceremonies. Okay, I admit it. I pretty much lost it more than once. It was VERY emotional. A number of us told stories of past Gatherings and how they changed our lives. It was warm and all too fuzzy, but wonderful. I love all you guys. Thank you.

2:30pm - We finally closed the Closing Ceremonies. I helped Patrick and a bunch of other volunteers carry things down to Patrick's rented van. Then we headed up to the Constaff Suite for a dead dog party. Christopher bought pizza for everyone, which was very generous. I had a coke and a virgin jello shot. And we just hung out.

5:45pm - Time to go, to return to real life. I hugged EVERYONE. Jennifer Anderson walked me to the elevator. I was pretty wrecked. It felt a bit like it felt to end a long job. You walk away. What else can you do? You take your memories with you, but you also know you're leaving a piece behind.

But it's been a FANTASTIC THIRTEEN YEARS. Thanks to everyone who ever attended a Gathering. You really changed my life!

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the shadow writes...

I'd like to Know something.Why does it take ten years for a Gargoyle egg to hach

Greg responds...

Why does it take 9 months for a human baby to be born?

That's how long it takes.

Response recorded on August 06, 2009

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Clark Cradic writes...

Can gargoyles recieve the same negative side effects from cigarettes or alcohol like humans do or does their stone sleep negate these effects?

Greg responds...

Largely would negate those effects... largely.

Response recorded on July 27, 2009

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Clark Cradic writes...

Can Oberon's Children breed with Gargoyles?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on June 26, 2009

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Matt writes...

I have a question about this response you gave to Rebel:

Rebel writes...
Which part of the world did gargoyles first arise in? For example, humans apparently arose in Africa and then migrated almost everywhere else, and then evolved. I'm curious to know which continent gargoyles first came from. If you'd care to narrow it down even further, that'd be great, since a continent is a really big place.

I did a search to see if this had already been answered, but I didn't see anything. If you've answered it already and I missed it, my apologies.

Greg responds...

Response recorded on April 22, 2009

Did you mean that the gargoyles species as it exists today originated on Pangea or that gargates as a whole originated on Pangea?

Greg responds...

The latter, probably. But let's talk about it in person in August, 'kay?

Response recorded on June 24, 2009

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Nelio writes...

Thank you again Mr. Wiseman for answering these question from your fans. I have two related questions for you this time.

1. In regards to stone sleep, I had always imagined that the Gargoyles always biologically shift into "stone". The Gargoyles wiki talks about how when gargoyles are "stone" they are not actually stone but just really hard material that resembles stone. Assuming this is all true, I was wondering if then in the case of a broken statue, if you would be able to see the internal biology of the gargoyle such as bones, organ, blood vessels, etc. Granted they would be stone, but would they still be there?

2. This relates to Cold Stone and the stone pieces of his make-up. It was stated in the show that Cold Stone is made up of stone from three different gargoyles. Assuming that the various parts of the gargoyle anatomy would still exist in a stone state, would these not be visible upon inspection of Cold Stone's body?

3. When Demona turned the citizens of Manhattan to stone in City of Stone, was their stone sleep the same or similar to the Gargoyles? More importantly did their anatomy stay in tact like I am imagining the Gargoyle's do when they undergo stone sleep?

I have a lot of cool, though slightly morbid imaginer in my head about all of this. As always, I look forward to your response.

Greg responds...

1. Given that the organic, stone-like substance is all the same color and consistency, it would be very difficult to discern specifics, but in theory, yes.

2. I'm not sure what you're asking. But I think the answer is yes.

3. I'm really not getting the distinction you're making here. Totally different process with the humans in City of Stone. They were magically turned to stone, but I don't see how that changes anything. You saw their facial features turn to stone. Within their bodies, their heart, liver, etc. also turned to stone. What did you USED to think happened?

Response recorded on June 09, 2009

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

This isn't really a question, but a conversational response to a question Rebel asked.

"Which part of the world did gargoyles first arise in? For example, humans apparently arose in Africa and then migrated almost everywhere else, and then evolved."

While there has been disagreement for years about precisely where and when our species evolved, the evidence is now accumulating very strongly on the side of the "Out of Africa" theory. The evidence is pretty strong now that our species had fully evolved into our modern form before migrating out of Africa, although other human species had migrated to Asia and Europe before we did.

Greg responds...

That was my understanding, yes.

Response recorded on June 05, 2009

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rick writes...

Dont think Im perverted for asking this but after seeing Goliath and elisa's relationship on the show I just got really curious,is it possible for gargoyles to mate with humans not reproduce just simply mate.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on June 03, 2009

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Matt writes...

Just a quick question. I don't need any specifics or anything, but I wonder if you've ever decided what happens to gargoyles/beasts during solar eclipses. You mentioned you might have a story to tell there, have you ever figured it out?

It'd be interesting to see what happens. A gargoyle in a cave still wakes and sleeps normally because it isn't about sunlight, but about biological clock stuff. So, a solar eclipse shouldn't bother them... right? I dunno. An interesting thought. Any ideas?

Thanks Greg.

Greg responds...

Many ideas. Some that contradict others. But I'm not scooping any of them now.

Response recorded on May 21, 2009

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Rebel writes...

Which part of the world did gargoyles first arise in? For example, humans apparently arose in Africa and then migrated almost everywhere else, and then evolved. I'm curious to know which continent gargoyles first came from. If you'd care to narrow it down even further, that'd be great, since a continent is a really big place.

I did a search to see if this had already been answered, but I didn't see anything. If you've answered it already and I missed it, my apologies.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 22, 2009

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Clark Cradic writes...

I've loved this show ever since I was a kid. In fact you could say this show helped me get through elementary school cause I'd rush to get my homework completed so I could go right the tv when I got home to watch the newest episode. Now that I'm older I still get this wonderful since of nostalgia when I watch this and start asking questions about the Gargoyles I never thought of as a kid, specifically their biology and culture since I loved those electives in high school.

1. Are gargoyles more likely to get certain traits and characteristics if they're from a specific clan? If so, is it just genetics or do they aide them in their territory? If not, does that mean that all gargoyles are generally the same with just different looks that are just for show?

2. How do gargoyles see the sun? Do they see it with a sort of reverence like Demona and Hudson did in The Mirror, or do they see it more of a curse due to their vulnerability?

3. Are there any diseases only gargoyles can get?

Greg responds...

1. All of the above, if I understand your question.

2. All of the above, depending on the individual gargoyle.

3. None that I know of.

Response recorded on April 10, 2009

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The Flaming Tortoise writes...

Hi Greg,

Good to see this place open again!

My question is basically, how do Gargoyle populations sustain themselves? With females having (almost always I've believe you've said) a maximum of three eggs, and as you said in reference to why gargoyles practice communal parenting: "Perhaps this is the result of the high Gargoyle mortality rate. " would it not be an intense struggle to just maintain a clan's population?

And with this in mind, even considering that in modern day mortality rates for gargoyles has probably dropped significantly, wouldn't the practice of the London clan of limiting each pair to two eggs total be very risky for the continuation of their clan?

Thanks for you time

Greg responds...

1. Yes, it has been a struggle since at least the Iron Age of Man.

2. Obviously, if the population starts dropping dangerously low, they'll allow the third eggs to get it back. The point is to maintain a consistent quantity, not blindly follow rules for the sake of rules.

Response recorded on April 08, 2009

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

Well, I sadly can't buy the individual comic issues anymore. Since Disney won't let SLG publish any after 9/31, I'll have to wait for the trades. I can't afford to buy each issue twice.

I do have a question about the Labyrinth Clan, who are sort of topical:

We know that gargates gain energy by absorbing heat or sunlight during the day, and that if a gargoyle were deprived of this for enough nights in a row, she would eventually start feeling some kind of negative effects.

Given this, what will happen to the clones as they continue to sleep underground every day? It's dark and probably cold and damp down there.

Greg responds...

Um, there are no individual issues anymore, I'm afraid.

I'm not sure it's all that cold in the Labyrinth.

Response recorded on October 20, 2008

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Annie writes...

Hello I have a question. It may be a stupid one but its something I'm curious about. If someone, say for example broke the finger off a gargoyle durring the day while the gargoyle was stone then glued it back on before the gargoyle woke up, would the gargoyle wake up healed like it never happened or would they wake up with a stone finger glued to a stump?

Greg responds...

Probably the latter, but it depends on a lot of factors.

Response recorded on October 17, 2008

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