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Rebel writes...

Which part of the world did gargoyles first arise in? For example, humans apparently arose in Africa and then migrated almost everywhere else, and then evolved. I'm curious to know which continent gargoyles first came from. If you'd care to narrow it down even further, that'd be great, since a continent is a really big place.

I did a search to see if this had already been answered, but I didn't see anything. If you've answered it already and I missed it, my apologies.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 22, 2009

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Clark Cradic writes...

I've loved this show ever since I was a kid. In fact you could say this show helped me get through elementary school cause I'd rush to get my homework completed so I could go right the tv when I got home to watch the newest episode. Now that I'm older I still get this wonderful since of nostalgia when I watch this and start asking questions about the Gargoyles I never thought of as a kid, specifically their biology and culture since I loved those electives in high school.

1. Are gargoyles more likely to get certain traits and characteristics if they're from a specific clan? If so, is it just genetics or do they aide them in their territory? If not, does that mean that all gargoyles are generally the same with just different looks that are just for show?

2. How do gargoyles see the sun? Do they see it with a sort of reverence like Demona and Hudson did in The Mirror, or do they see it more of a curse due to their vulnerability?

3. Are there any diseases only gargoyles can get?

Greg responds...

1. All of the above, if I understand your question.

2. All of the above, depending on the individual gargoyle.

3. None that I know of.

Response recorded on April 10, 2009

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The Flaming Tortoise writes...

Hi Greg,

Good to see this place open again!

My question is basically, how do Gargoyle populations sustain themselves? With females having (almost always I've believe you've said) a maximum of three eggs, and as you said in reference to why gargoyles practice communal parenting: "Perhaps this is the result of the high Gargoyle mortality rate. " would it not be an intense struggle to just maintain a clan's population?

And with this in mind, even considering that in modern day mortality rates for gargoyles has probably dropped significantly, wouldn't the practice of the London clan of limiting each pair to two eggs total be very risky for the continuation of their clan?

Thanks for you time

Greg responds...

1. Yes, it has been a struggle since at least the Iron Age of Man.

2. Obviously, if the population starts dropping dangerously low, they'll allow the third eggs to get it back. The point is to maintain a consistent quantity, not blindly follow rules for the sake of rules.

Response recorded on April 08, 2009

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

Well, I sadly can't buy the individual comic issues anymore. Since Disney won't let SLG publish any after 9/31, I'll have to wait for the trades. I can't afford to buy each issue twice.

I do have a question about the Labyrinth Clan, who are sort of topical:

We know that gargates gain energy by absorbing heat or sunlight during the day, and that if a gargoyle were deprived of this for enough nights in a row, she would eventually start feeling some kind of negative effects.

Given this, what will happen to the clones as they continue to sleep underground every day? It's dark and probably cold and damp down there.

Greg responds...

Um, there are no individual issues anymore, I'm afraid.

I'm not sure it's all that cold in the Labyrinth.

Response recorded on October 20, 2008

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Annie writes...

Hello I have a question. It may be a stupid one but its something I'm curious about. If someone, say for example broke the finger off a gargoyle durring the day while the gargoyle was stone then glued it back on before the gargoyle woke up, would the gargoyle wake up healed like it never happened or would they wake up with a stone finger glued to a stump?

Greg responds...

Probably the latter, but it depends on a lot of factors.

Response recorded on October 17, 2008

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Matt writes...

Since Sevarius was the first person in the series heard to use the term "Gargate", did he, in fact, invent this term in the Gargoyles Universe?

Greg responds...

"Coin" it might be more accurate.

Response recorded on October 13, 2008

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Curious writes...

I have two questions about gargoyle homosexuality:

We know there are homosexual male gargoyles, but are there any lesbians?

How do homosexual gargoyles fit into the gargoyle social structure? Do they face any difficulties socially because of their sexual orientation, either similarly or unexpectedly different from humans?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. I've answered this many times before. Check the archives under either Gargoyle Biology or Gargoyle Customs.

Response recorded on October 01, 2008

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Alberto Loera writes...

Una has elements of a unicorn, Coco looks like a wild boar, and Zafiro has a lot of reptilian elements, are there any animals that you don't think could be incorperated into a gargoyle design?

Greg responds...

There's not much point in me committing to the answer to this question.

Response recorded on September 30, 2008

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Matteo writes...

I know you got a tad cranky the last time this was asked, but I was wondering if I could be a little more specific. You said that a gargoyle in stone sleep might still wake-up after taking MINIMAL damage (if not life threatening). My question is If Jackal succeded in altering Goliath's face into his own would he wake up looking like Jackal, or be considered dead?
If you don't want to answer that I understand, but while i'm on the stone sleep subject I was also curious about something else. If a destroyed gargoyle was ground down and resculptured would he be "reborn?"

Greg responds...

Jackal's makeover would probably have killed Goliath.

And, no, they would not be reborn.

Response recorded on September 18, 2008

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DarkFae writes...

Since Demona turns into a human by day, courtesy of Puck in "The Mirror" (awesome episode), would she still lay eggs like a normal gargoyle or have liveborn offspring? Would it depend on her form at the time? What she mated with?

Greg responds...

Form at the time.

Response recorded on August 19, 2008

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Anonymous writes...

what do gargoyles eat

Greg responds...

Whatever they want.

Response recorded on August 12, 2008

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Anonymous writes...

Do you know if Brooklyn is right or left handed?

Greg responds...

Most animated characters are ambidextrous. So I'm leaning toward most gargoyles being ambidextrous.

Response recorded on August 07, 2008

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Matt writes...

Gargoyle Beasts

1. Back before humans became a serious threat to gargoyle clans, like lets say 5,000 years ago, did most/all clans have beasts members?

2. Why exactly did gargoyles "domesticate" the beasts? Did they actively bring them into the clan or have the two species always kinda stuck around together?

3. We've seen a beast member among the Ishimura Clan. From dialogue we learn that the clan has lived peacefully with humans for some time. Given that beasts reproduce sooner and more than gargoyles, why is the beast population of Ishimura so much smaller than the gargoyle population?

4. Did beasts evolve from winged gargates, merely losing their wings to become more terrestrial at some point? You've said before that beasts may have vestigial wing bones or something.

Thanks Greg!

Greg responds...

1. Probably.

2. We'll have to wait and see...

3. You can't be sure it is from what you've seen.

4. Yes... or at any rate, they evolved from having that extra set of limbs.

Response recorded on July 17, 2008

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dph writes...

Previously in Ask Greg - http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=10471 ,

dph writes...

Thank you for your previous response to my question about Ophelia. IYou have stated that the ability of a female gargoyles and female gargoyle beasts to become pregnant is tied to Earth's natural cycles. Are the abilities of female gargoyles and female gargoyle beasts to lay eggs also tied to Earth's natural cycles?
Greg responds...

Uh... probably.

Without getting to graphic, if a female gargoyle was artificially inseminated with the proper cells on the right day of the year but not in the right year, would her body start forming an egg so she could possibly lay an egg in an odd year?

Greg responds...

"Right day of the year"? You're assuming years act independent of these cycles... as if a right day COULD occur in a wrong year... or am I not understanding your question?

Response recorded on June 19, 2008

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Missi writes...

Kind of a random question, but when the Gargoyles lived in the clock tower, where did they use the bathroom? (Of course, this is assuming that they would need to considering they eat and it has to come out somewhere). While watching the show, I never saw some sort of random door or anything, so I figured I'd ask.

Greg responds...

Is this something anyone really needs to know the answer to? There's a bathroom up there, kay?

Response recorded on June 06, 2008

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John writes...

I looked through the archives and you seem to get this question somewhat often but I would really like to know at least vaguely what the heights of the major gargoyles are (within half a foot would work). At the very least could you give the height of Lexington? He tends to not stand up straight a lot and its a little hard to tell.

If its really that bothersome forget it but as I'm sure you know the estimates from fan vary so much even a guess from you would probably be more accurate. I suppose even one height would help as I could just estimate from that...

I'd appreciate any help on the subject but I would blame you if you have better things to do.

Greg responds...

It's not that I have better things to do, but I'm just not a numbers guy...

Response recorded on June 03, 2008

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

This isn't a question, it's really an answer to a question you once asked, and hopefully you'll find it useful or at least interesting.
Some years ago, somebody asked you if gargoyles are warm-blooded, and you answered:
<<"I guess so. Is there a third category?">>

Well, there ~is~ a third category, sort of. Animals can be partly warm-blooded and partly cold-blooded -- in-between, or "a little from column A, a little from column B," so to speak.

I'm sure you can imagine a mixture of warm-blooded-ness and cold-blooded-ness, but if you are interested in the details, they are on Wikipedia, in the articles "Cold-Blooded" and "Warm-Blooded." I don't want to sound like I'm lecturing you about science, so in short: being cold-blooded or warm-blooded are just the two most common combinations of six different metabolic traits, but other combinations do exist in nature. Just looking at canon and canon-in-training information, it appears to me that gargates have some cold-blooded traits (they absorb thermal energy, they apparently sleep in suspended animation, and they eat less than a mammal of their size) and some warm-blooded traits (they have hair, they're active in cold weather). I'm very interested in what your thoughts are about gargoyles, if you still feel they might be in a "third" category. I'm so curious about their biology.

Greg responds...

It sounds like they're some combo to me. In any case, I have no intention of changing the characters to match a category. Rather posit a new category. But if something exists that fits, great.

Response recorded on May 30, 2008

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holly clark writes...

where do gargoyles come from?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 28, 2008

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Anonymous writes...

I got a question about Staghart. (No, not THAT question!) Are his antlers deciduous or do they stay on all the time like true horns?

Greg responds...

Damnit, Jim, I'm a writer, not a biologist!

That being said, I'd tend to say the latter.

Response recorded on May 28, 2008

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melissa writes...

Little question about the stone healing. I noticed that some of your characters have piercings. Would they heal up if the rings weren't in when they went to sleep? Can gargoyles get tattoos? Also, do gargoyles have belly buttons? I'd think being oviparous means they wouldn't.

Greg responds...

If a piercing's completely scarred over, it might not heal -- or at least not in one night. But otherwise, yes.

Tatoos... I may not know enough about tatoos to answer that, but unless I'm missing something I don't see why not. Though you'd need a pretty thick needle, I'd think.

I wouldn't think they have belly buttons.

Response recorded on May 27, 2008

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Chimaraz writes...

Is the practice of raising eggs communally based on tradition for Gargoyles, or is it more of an instictual biological imperative? The answer we usually get is that it's the Gargoyle way, but is it the Gargoyle way because they're told they've always done it that way, or is it the Gargoyle way because instinct tells them that if they lay an egg in the rookery, all eggs in the rookery are theirs? It is the most sensible course of action, based on their reproduction, but did the practice arise because of how they reproduce universally as a species, or do they reproduce universally as a species because of how they practice parenting?

... Chicken or egg?

Greg responds...

Egg or gargoyle?

Response recorded on May 20, 2008

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dph writes...

Thank you for your previous response to my question about Ophelia. IYou have stated that the ability of a female gargoyles and female gargoyle beasts to become pregnant is tied to Earth's natural cycles. Are the abilities of female gargoyles and female gargoyle beasts to lay eggs also tied to Earth's natural cycles?

Greg responds...

Uh... probably.

Response recorded on May 13, 2008

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Anonymous writes...

Is there any gay or lebian gargoyles?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 07, 2008

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dph writes...

Previous in Ask Greg you've stated (from this page - http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=10195)

Matt writes...

I've been crunching some numbers concerning the Avalon Clan and their breeding cycles.

Now, the beasts on Avalon should have already started breeding by 1996. No eggs should've hatched yet, but there should be one egg on Avalon waiting to hatch in 2038.

The gargoyles however are another matter since they must be much older than beasts to reach breeding age.
Lets take Ophelia for example. In 1996, Angela and Ophelia (who hatched in 1058) are about 39 years old. The need to be about 50 before their first mating. For Angela, in the real world, this will come 11 years later when she concieves the egg containing Artus in 2007. For Ophelia on Avalon however, 11 more years will equal 264 real world years! Which means she wouldn't be old enough to mate until the year 2,260 AD (To get her in tune with the Earth rhtyms we'll say the fall equinox of 2,267AD.)

So, what I'm wondering is, you've said that the Avalon Clan would be bringing eggs to Queen Florence Island in 2198, but I think they are only gonna have a beast egg or two to bring since none of the gargoyles will be old enough yet, is this correct? What are your thoughts on this?

Thanks Greg.
Greg responds...

I'm not sure your premises follow...

I'm fairly certain Ophelia will lay an egg at the same time as Angela -- assuming she's alive at the time. The physical maturity to lay an egg may be reached before the planetary bio-rhythm is, if that makes sense.

The truth is... I've worked all this out in the past, but I just don't have the energy or the time right this minute to go back and confirm my math. But I think I'm right.

Also, previous in Ask Greg you've stated - ( http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=7564 )

Faieq writes...

A while ago I noticed a short ramble of yours entitled 'While I'm thinking of it...' It was rambled on Monday 4th March 2002. I won't repeat the whole thing here, however the beginning started off with you repeating an exchange between you and Aris Katsaris concerning the date Angela and the other eggs on Avalon would have hatched and underneath your response you wrote;

"With all this in mind...

I know I've established -- both here and in my own head (particularly with regards to G2198) that eggs hatch on the Spring Equinox.

But does anyone remember whether (and where) I've established what month the eggs are laid in?

I can't recall if this has come up yet.

Anyone know? And would this solve my problems at all?"

Recently I remember another question previously submitted on Friday October 13th by Aris Katsaris that may help you.

"Aris Katsaris writes...
A small tidbit that you revealed through the last contest was that the hatching of the eggs takes place in March 21st - the Spring Equinox, that is.

Now, I always felt it would be on an equinox or a solstice- those are the only dates that make sense really... Is the laying of the eggs also done on the Spring Equinox (ten years earlier ofcourse)?

How about the egg's conceiving? Have you decided how much time is spent between the eggs's conceiving and laying?

Greg responds...
That's interesting. Maybe.

As for conception, maybe I'll make it a six month term and put it on the fall equinox.

The truth is I chose March 21st because it's my son's birthday. But sometimes things in the Garg Universe just seem to come together. It's cool that way.
recorded on 10-20-00"

From your above response I assume that the eggs would be laid on the spring equinox, with the females being fertile on the fall equinox from the previous year.
I don't know whether this would clarify any problems over when the eggs hatched, but I hope it helps.
Greg responds...

I agree, it helps. Thanks.

I also don't know if it fixes my math problems, but I'm hopeful. And I like the idea of females being in heat at the fall equinox and laying their eggs in the spring (and the eggs hatching ten years later in the spring). For a race, that is so attuned to the bio-rhythms of their planet, it just feels right.

I don't think that literally all the eggs are conceived on the EXACT same night. Same with laying. Same with hatching to some extent too. There's probably something like a three night window for these things (say, two nights on either side of the equinox).

Now, here's my questions: Assuming that the fall equinox of 2008 is at night time on Avalon,
1)is the window of opportunity for Ophelia to became pregnant on Avalon a few hours or a few days? I know this sounds rather dumb, but given that time passes more slowly on Avalon and the in real world, you've there a window of opportunity of 2-3 days before and after, I was wondering if that window of opportunity was shortened on Avalon because of the difference in the way time passes.

2)Normal gargoyle pregnancies are 6 months. If that time was spent on Avalon, that amounts to 6 months * 24 Avalon time differential to equal 144 months or 12 years in the real world. If Ophelia was to become pregnant in 2008 and stay on Avalon the entire duration of her pregnancy, her egg wouldn't be ready to be laid until 2020. 2020 is 2 years after eggs normally laid in 2008 would normally hatch. Would Ophelia be able to lay the egg in 2020 or would she have to wait until 2028 to lay the egg?

Greg responds...

I don't know. I'm sorry, I should know, I guess. But this stuff is so damn complicated that I can't just answer off the top of my head anymore without getting myself in trouble.

Response recorded on April 07, 2008

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Woods writes...

In the Rock Hudson and Lexington wake up at 7:45 this is accounted to jet lag but in New York it would only be 2:45pm, so wouldn't have made more sense for Hudson and Lex to wake at elevenish in London

Greg responds...

Even after less than one night, they are already starting to adjust to the new timezone. That's how attuned to the biorhythms of the planet the ancient race of gargoyles are.

Response recorded on February 05, 2008

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Rebel writes...

Unfortunately, my comic book guy didn't get the TPB in yet, so I'll have to wait until next week to offer my praises. *sigh* So far I've heard good things from everyone else who already has it.

In the meantime, I do have a question about #7 that I meant to ask before. After Brooklyn decides to stay in Manhattan, Goliath says that Hudson can lead the expedition in London. I know Brooklyn has great leadership skills (after all he is the second) and Hudson is a proven leader, but to me that line made it seem like Goliath doesn't think any of the other clan members could be leaders, if given the chance. Surely Broadway and Lexington have SOME leadership capabilities, even if they are not as suited for a leadership role as Brooklyn. And if I had to guess, I would say Angela could DEFINITELY be a good leader, given an opportunity. After all, she's smart, intuitive, and she's got great parentage as well as her experience as second-in-command of Avalon on her side--though her leadership "style" would certainly be different than Goliath's or Brooklyn's.

So basically what I'm wondering is:
1. Does Goliath think any of the other clan members have leadership abilities?
2. Do YOU think any of the other clan members have (or will have) leadership abilities?
3. If any of them do, do you think they'll ever get a chance to show it?

I know it's kind of a silly question since the Manhattan clan already has a second-in-command, but I was just wondering. I informed a lot of my internet friends about the TPB, and many of them are now making plans to buy it :).

Greg responds...

1. I'm sure he does, but Goliath has a tendency to rely on Hudson for, I think, understandable reasons. Consider it a failing, if you like. I'm fine with that.

2. Yes.

3. Of course.

Response recorded on January 29, 2008

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simon jardine writes...

are there any homosexsual Gargoyles, if not is it posible for there to be any?

Greg responds...

There are, yes.

Response recorded on January 23, 2008

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Matt writes...

I've been crunching some numbers concerning the Avalon Clan and their breeding cycles.

Now, the beasts on Avalon should have already started breeding by 1996. No eggs should've hatched yet, but there should be one egg on Avalon waiting to hatch in 2038.

The gargoyles however are another matter since they must be much older than beasts to reach breeding age.
Lets take Ophelia for example. In 1996, Angela and Ophelia (who hatched in 1058) are about 39 years old. The need to be about 50 before their first mating. For Angela, in the real world, this will come 11 years later when she concieves the egg containing Artus in 2007. For Ophelia on Avalon however, 11 more years will equal 264 real world years! Which means she wouldn't be old enough to mate until the year 2,260 AD (To get her in tune with the Earth rhtyms we'll say the fall equinox of 2,267AD.)

So, what I'm wondering is, you've said that the Avalon Clan would be bringing eggs to Queen Florence Island in 2198, but I think they are only gonna have a beast egg or two to bring since none of the gargoyles will be old enough yet, is this correct? What are your thoughts on this?

Thanks Greg.

Greg responds...

I'm not sure your premises follow...

I'm fairly certain Ophelia will lay an egg at the same time as Angela -- assuming she's alive at the time. The physical maturity to lay an egg may be reached before the planetary bio-rhythm is, if that makes sense.

The truth is... I've worked all this out in the past, but I just don't have the energy or the time right this minute to go back and confirm my math. But I think I'm right.

Response recorded on January 11, 2008

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

Greetings, Greg.
I've been waiting a while to post this.

This summer at my Grandma's house I watched a National Geographic Channel special called "The Science of Dogs." Do you get that channel? The scientists wanted to find out how dogs can be bred to look so different from one another, so they started sequencing DNA. They found out that all canids have certain sections of their genomes that mutate easily and rapidly, and can create large physical differences with only small mutations. Apparently other mammals don't have these genes. Because of this, dogs can be bred to look very different from wolves, while other domestic animals like cats and cows all look pretty much the same.
So it seems that "chameleon genes" (or "dog genes"?) already exist in real life! Though gargoyle variation is rather more dramatic than the differences between dog breeds. I think wolves and other wild canids all look the same as their siblings, despite their "chamelon genes," because each species is optimally adapted to a particular habitat and niche, and each individual needs to be as well-adapted as possible. I wonder why it is that gargoyles (and beasts), instead of all having the same adaptations to where and how they live, look so different from one another.
So I don't find the "chameleon gene" idea implausible. I think it is highly unusual but still biologically plausible. I also watched a nature show (long time ago) that included a segment about a plant in Hawaii which basically has exactly that. No two plants look alike, they can be anything from a tree to a tiny herb or weed, or a long vine. Though I don't remember what that plant is called.

Greg responds...

I got beat down pretty bad over my chameleon gene theory, so I'm gratified to learn I might not have been TOO wrong. The thing that strikes me is that extreme environmental factors and/or isolation that might have caused hugely divergent visual changes in early gargoyles after they spread out across the world... may have been tempered as what was for a time the world's dominent and most intelligent species proliferated and interbred with each other as once isolated clans came into contact again. Does that make sense?

Response recorded on December 20, 2007

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Tanya writes...

As answered in a previous question, Gargoyle females (can) bare eggs at 'biological ages 25, 35, and 45'. What about the males; what's the age limit for their potency? Also, does age difference play a great role in choosing a mate or is it mostly love and good genes? Finally, how common is it to take a new mate after a previous mate has passed away?

Greg responds...

Re: the males. Don't know.

Age difference between mates is relatively rare. They usually are the exact same age, give or take a few hours.

Gargoyles RARELY take a new mate after a previous mate passes away.

Response recorded on November 15, 2007

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K9 the First writes...

"""Greg responds...

Family's good, thanks.

Camouflage... I don't know. Maybe that helps, but you don't need it to explain stone sleep evolution."""

True, but I'm the kind of guy who soaks this kind of stuff like a sponge. I guess I was pseudo-inspired by that Animal Planet documentary 'Dragons: A Fantasy Made Real', where they figured all the dragon stuff out from Evolutiary relatives(crocs and gators) to Fire breathing.

"""Stone sleep is a huge protection against predators in the pre-tool age. Claws and teeth don't bite through stone (or rather the organic stone-like substance that Gargoyles turn into). Even scent is altered. A stone gargoyle is of little interest to and in almost no danger from other animals. It's not until Humans developed tools -- thousands of years after Gargoyles evolved -- that stone sleep became a liability."""

Yes, I figured as much. Though the scent thing is surprisingly new to me. Why, I do not know. *shrugs*

Greg responds...

I find this stuff fascinating too. The Gargoyles Physiology and Culture panel was SO much fun at the last Gathering. We have smart fans.

Response recorded on November 09, 2007

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K9 The First writes...

I appologize ahead of time for and all spelling/grammar errors.

[i]Derek writes...

How could Zafiro and Obsidiana mate, anatomically there completely different?
Greg responds...

You mean one's a guy and one's a gal?[/i]

*chuckles* Okay, I think what he meant was: How could Zafiro and Obsidiana mate, if Obsidiana was humanoid from the waist down, but Zafiro was serpentine from the waist down.

And I'm not sure if you've dwelled on this, or even thought of it, but Zafiro is technically the only gargoyle to be shown fully naked in the show. (which, considering the location and the traditional dress of the deep inner jungle natives, it's not that shocking really)

Greg responds...

I don't feel like getting graphic here, but male snakes do have the necessary parts to mate, even if they're not always visible. Look up snake reproduction.

Response recorded on November 09, 2007

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Anonymous writes...

Greg, does the Greek god Priapus smile on Gargoyle males with large beaks?

By that I mean, does the rumor about men with big feet/ears/noses hold true with gargs like, say, Brooklyn?

Greg responds...

I'll leave that to your imagination.

Response recorded on November 08, 2007

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Manu writes...

If gargoyles die without enough sunlight, wouldn't their adjustment to 12-hour sleep cycles in the poles kill them during the 6 months of night?

Greg responds...

"Kill them" might be putting it a bit on the strong side, but it's certainly a problem. Of course there aren't any gargoyles at the poles currently, so it's a bit moot.

Response recorded on October 31, 2007

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Galahad writes...

I know you don't want to go into the specifics of Samson's parentage because it doesn't matter in Gargoyle culture but from what I've read on GargWiki <http://gargoyles.dracandros.com/> about Canon-in-training characters, you've hinted that "Artus will most closely resemble Broadway and Hudson," "Gwenyvere may most closely resemble Angela and Demona," and Lancelot "may resemble Goliath to some degree." (Did they misquote you?) You've said that Samson would also resemble Goliath. Sense Lancelot, among Broadway and Angela's children, resembles Goliath the most, wouldn't it be logical for fans to assume that Samson is the son of Lancelot, who he probably resembles as they both resemble Goliath? You don't have to say if I'm right or not, just tell me whether or not my logic is flawed in some way.

Greg responds...

Well, it's not that your logic isn't... logical, but of course it is flawed. I'm sure people in most families can point to someone who doesn't particularly look like his or her parents, but could be a dead ringer for old photos of a grandparent.

Response recorded on October 29, 2007

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coloer writes...

if a green and blue gargoyle mated would the hachling skin color be yellow

Greg responds...

Why does that follow?

Response recorded on October 25, 2007

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Demon@ writes...

Hello Greg!
We were discussing gargoyle`s anathomy a few weeks back and while commenting that gargoyles are the only vertebrates with 6 limbs I wonder about dragons. We have only seen one in the series and it certainly was a magic thing, though not related to Oberon`s children.
Do you have something about dragons in the gargoyles universe? Like what are they or if they are common? Or to whom they are related?

Thanks for any answer you give me :) Bye

Greg responds...

I have some notions.

Response recorded on October 23, 2007

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Kathy writes...

Does the gargoyles age same way with human? I was thinking that gargoyles age slowing as human does, could you give me sample please. I have search in the box by typing age too many but not the right one. Old same way and included more letters attach to the word old. I remember seeing an tv show on Gargoyles "Grief" was confused by what Goliath said to Eliza. Forgot what he said.

Greg responds...

Hey Kathy,

You should know that if your search doesn't work, it's always a good idea to try posting your question in the Station 8 Comment Room. The fans there are VERY knowledgable and could have answered this very quickly.

Bookmark this address: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/comment/index.php

Anyway, as I've answered many, many times before, gargoyles age at half the speed of humans. A twenty year old gargoyle is the biological equivalent of a ten year old human.

Response recorded on October 22, 2007

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Rebel writes...

Okey dokey! In my previous post, I had far too many topics in one question, so I am hoping that I have made this particular question inclusive enough to make the cut.

Anyway, hi Greg! I have some questions about hair in Gargoyles (insignificant topic, I know). Why do the artists keep making Angela's hair brown? In the show it looks black. Brooklyn has white hair in youth, whereas in "City of Stone", Demona's red hair turned white with age...so...was Hudson's hair always white or did it change with age? If it changed, what color was it; I would like to know this for possible fan art. Will any of Demona's descendants inherit her spiky red hair? I love the color and the spiky-ness of it and I'm really hoping a major future character gets it (note I am not asking you to specify WHO gets it, just whether *someone* will). And finally, will Brooklyn's children have black hair? It seems like most of the Asian gargoyles have black hair but I'm really hoping Brooklyn's children don't, as it seems kinda over-done in the Gargoyles universe.

Greg responds...

Angela and Goliath both have dark brown hair. Sometimes colorists emphasize the brown... sometimes the dark, which makes it look black. Personally, I prefer when it's nearly black myself, but it is brown.

Brooklyn's hair is white.

Whether Hudson had white hair as a youth is something that we'll have to wait and see about.

And I'm hardly likely to reveal or even commit to hair colors for Demona's descendents or Brooklyn's children. Why tie the hands of my colorists down the road?

Response recorded on October 15, 2007

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Charisma82 writes...

Hey! I understand the difference between having a biological and a rookery brother/sister/father/mother and so on and so forth. Gargoyles do not recognize their biological parents as their parents like we (humans) do; they have many parents. I also know that most gargoyles (at least the ones we see the most) find a mate that was born/hatched at the same time as them, but this is not the case for all of them (like Yama and his mate). I've also come to assume that gargoyles don't look for ways to relate themselves to each other biologically (I remember you saying that Broadway doesn't know Hudson is his biological father, and wouldn't have need to think so). So, I'm thinking that it could be possible for two gargoyles that were closely related biologically (like a brother & sister), could end up as mates. If they had children, wouldn't the children have deformities? So I'm wondering, would gargoyles try to stay away from other gargoyles that look a lot like them, so that they won't become mates and therefore won't have children so that their children wouldn't end up looking deformed and have problems in life? I'm having a difficult time trying to get this question put into words here, so I hope you get what I'm saying.

Thank you for your time and all that you do.


Greg responds...

And I've answered this before as well. Check the archives or ask in the comment room.

Response recorded on October 15, 2007

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mike myers writes...

are gargoyles apart of the reptilian species or something else?

Greg responds...

They're gargates.

Response recorded on August 29, 2007

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Bazell writes...

Is there any specific, ritualized behavior associated with Gargoyle mating habits (as in, different from humans)?
I'm not trying to ask any, um... dirty questions here, but are Gargoyles anatomically equipt the same (or analogous) as humans?
Speaking of which, Gargates are mammals arn't they? What else would breasts be for, if not for suckling young?

Greg responds...

Gargates are gargates, which doesn't mean they don't have things in common with mammals, including breasts which are indeed for nursing and genitals. I think at the Gathering we called this convergent evolution or somesuch.

Response recorded on August 28, 2007

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Bazell writes...

In "A Long Way To Morning," Demona, Hudson and Goliath do not turn to stone until the clouds clear and the sunlight shines through - with the sun clearly well over the horizon, suggesting a bit of time has passed after sunrise. However, in "The Silver Falcon," Broadway turns to stone even though he is in a basement, cut off from the light of the sun, suggesting a circadian rhythm. Was it simply an animation error in "A Long Way To Morning," or is there a reason for this. (I assume it's the animation, but I was curious)

Greg responds...

A little from column A, a little from column B.

Response recorded on August 20, 2007

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Grey Wolf writes...

Can gargoyles be born with mental dissablities such as autism (or aspergers)?

P.S. I did have a gathering journal, but my computer froze up and ate the file. I'll try to make a new one
P.P.S. I didn't mind playing Maggie in the radio play. I kinda saw it comming, actually...

Greg responds...

I don't know.

Response recorded on August 17, 2007

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Bazell writes...

"Gargoyles protect." It's fairly straight-forward, but how did this cultural tradition begin? As the credo exists throughout the world, it was obviously some instance that happened very early in the evolutionary history of the Gargate species. Was it a pact made by the original gargoyle clan with a single human or community? Is it a biological urge (doubtful though, i.e. Demona, Thailog)? Or is it a tradition orally passed from generation to generation from the earliest of times by a single, extremely noble gargoyle/clan?

Greg responds...

I think it originates with the need to protect the gargoyles' own rookery. Which would, I imagine, be a biological imperative.

Response recorded on August 17, 2007

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Derek writes...

Will we ever see the biological parents of Demona, Goliath, Lexington or Brooklyn in the comics in Flashbacks?

Greg responds...

Sure. But you might not know it, as it's of no moment to these characters. If I hadn't let it slip that Hudson was Broadway's bio-dad, would you have guessed, known or cared?

Response recorded on August 10, 2007

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Derek writes...

How could Zafiro and Obsidiana mate, anatomically there completely different?

Greg responds...

You mean one's a guy and one's a gal?

Response recorded on August 10, 2007

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brooklyn the red one writes...

are gargoyles affekted by the summer and winter sulstist/longest day/nignt of the year

Greg responds...

Yes. (I'm pretty sure this is covered in the archives in more detail.)

Response recorded on July 30, 2007

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racheal writes...

what substance were gargoyles made of in the medieval times

Greg responds...


We talking living gargoyles or stone faux gargoyles ... ?

Response recorded on July 24, 2007

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Turner writes...

A gargoyles science related question: you have previously said that gargoyles derive their energy from the sun while in their stonesleep so where do they get the basic elements needed to create the essential organic chemicals and compounds such as proteins and amino acids?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 19, 2007

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