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RESPONSES 2001-9 (Sept)

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Anonymous writes...

Is Titania or Odin close to matching Oberon in power?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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matt writes...

my brother got married toda.. er yesterday and they are off to Maine for their honeymoon. they plan to stop in Bar Harbor (Xanatos's birthplace) if for nothing else than to get me something to add to my Gargoyles collection. pretty cool, huh?
question time:

1. in 2198, is the Eyrie Pyramid look like the Eyrie Pyramid in "Future Tense"? if so, what purpose does the pyramid that crowns the top serve?

2. in 2198, will gargoyles working for the NYPD actually have badges or just coordinate efforts with the NYPD?

3. why did the practice of gargoyles acting as peacekeepers in the UN end with the arrival of the Space-Spawn?

4. would the Dracon family still be running a Crime Syndicate in 2198?

5. will Macbeth still be living near NYC in 2198?

6. will the Clocktower be around still in 2198? perhaps they finally got it working? :)

Greg responds...

1. Not gonna limit the artists at this time.

2. Both.

3. Why do you think?

4. Not saying.

5. No.

6. Not saying.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Jacob writes...

Hi Greg
Hope you are not angry because of my stupid qustions.

In 2198 is it possible for Gargoyles to walk over a crowdy street without being stared at, or will more time have to pass for that?

Greg responds...

It's possible.

And I rarely get angry over ASK GREG questions. (Sometimes I'm mildly annoyed, of course.) It just may seem that way because you don't hear my tone of voice in a typed response.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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matt writes...

1. will Artus be alive in 2198?
will Gwenyvere be alive in 2198?
will Lancelot be alive in 2198?

2. will any of the Trio's rookery children make appearences in Gargoyles: 2198?

Greg responds...

Not answering this now.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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matt writes...

will any humans be living in Wyvern with the New Wyvern Clan? will they build some sort of structure or will they live on the cliffs?

Greg responds...

I'm not revealing this now. The exploration of the twelve clans is one of the fun things about 2198. I don't want to blithely reveal everything here.

You may trick me into answering more specific questions, but big large ones are sure to go down without a fight.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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zakhur writes...

Hi Greg! When in 2198 the Matrix is taken by the Space Spawn, how will the New Camelot Clan adapt, if conditions on Antartica become like they were before, would they stay in the same place or would they have to move?

Greg responds...

That's a whole plotline. I'm not going to toss it off here in a couple of sentences.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Laura Ackerman writes...

A few weeks back you posted an explanation for Goliath and crew speaking modern English that you had seen and liked. It involved Demonia casting a spell before they awoke. There are a few problems with that theory, (sorry, I seem to live for nitpicking).

The most notable problem is how to extend it past the original seven that woke up in Manhattan. Excluding modern World Tour characters, who, it can be argued might have spoken English and were being polite to the Avalonauts by using it, (a stretch, but not the worse one to make, especially after hearing how Bushido orriginally started;), most everyone else had some connection to Avalon. I would find it easy to argue that the magic of Avalon made different languages moot, but only while on Avalon. Though I have been raised a Trekkie, a Universal Translator without explanation doesn't really fit into the Gargoyle world (IMHO).

Also, if there was a magic that acted on the Island (maybe extending to the skiff on the way to and from) there could have been fun effects of Angela suddenly being heard in a Medieval Scottish French blend, which Goliath doesn't realize is incomprehesible to Elisa. If I wanted to get fancy I would say that the Avalon clan was raised by a noble and would then have french and germanic languages, as well as possibly Latin, and thus made modern English less difficult to pick up- but there would still be a time of confusion.

Basically, I wonder if there is a way to explain the language problem away, or is it best left as a known element of suspension of disbelief? [Sorta like the scale in the Cloisters in Temptation :)]

Greg responds...

Michael Reaves idea, which I only heard second hand, is pretty new to me. So I don't pretend to have fully thought it out. I feel like there's something in it. But I just haven't dedicated the time to doing that mindwork yet.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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The Souldier writes...

Okie-dokie, I have a really kinda bizzare Owen/Puck question here. Is Puck Owen, and Owen isn't Puck? Or is it Owen is Puck, but Puck isn't Owen? Or is it something else entirely? If it is something else entirely different, would you explain it to me, and use small words, I can be easily confused.

I just realized this question makes a lot more sense when you hear it rather than read it, so try saying the word to the question, it might help, if it doesn't help, you just wasted a minute or so of your life on a silly question.

I'm gonna stop typing now. Really. I am.

Greg responds...

Well, you sure didn't help me out much, context-wise.

I assume you mean that Owen is just an aspect of Puck, not the whole and not the other way around.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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matt writes...

does Owen have a social security number, pay taxes, and all that stuff? does the government have him in their records?

Greg responds...

Of course.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Cygnus writes...

This question really isn't about the series, but:

Do you know where I might be able to find the complete gargoyles series on video or DVD or anything?

I've been looking everywhere for some kind of an idea where I could find it, but with no luck. Thanks for any help you could give me.

Greg responds...

Not really, no. Sorry.

Have you tried e-bay? Or asking in the s8 comment room?

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

Many mythological scholars believe that in the early days of the myths, humanity was matriarchal, worshipping some sort of "Great Goddess"-figure, but as time went on, it underwent a shift to a more patriarchal culture, producing male gods such as Zeus who toppled the "Great Goddess" and replaced her. Did such theories (assuming that you're aware of them) influence your vision of Oberon overthrowing his mother Mab and replacing her?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Chris J. writes...


I have a million questions, but I would prefer to leave them unaswered. However, I would like to thank you (and all those others involved) for creating such a magical series. Gargoyles is truly a work that raises that bar when it comes to storytelling in an animated series.

So, regardless of whatever happens in the future with Goliath and the gang, thank you for producing some of best storytelling this fan has seen in any medium.

Greg responds...

Thank you for taking the time to tell me. And I SO RESPECT your desire not to have your questions answered. Good for you. (Although if that sentiment spreads I could be outta business. Sigh. Fat chance. KIDDING!!)

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Entity writes...

Ok, you know what I have yet to do? Praise you on GARGOYLES 2198. I mean, there is so much worthy of praise. Here are some things I found most impressive:

1) Nicholas Natsilane Maza and the Order of the Guardian that he is a part of. It gives both Natsilane and good old Tom a legacy.

2) The idea of the Space-Spawn being born "amidst the fury of an exploding star." It's such an original idea, and in science-fiction, originality is sometimes very hard to come by. Speaking of which, maybe there's a question in here: do you know what element the Spawn Spawn are based off of? (e.g. carbon-based)

3) To have the Space-Spawn take over the world right off the bat, and in such a swift, painless manner. As you state, there is "very little loss of life, unless freedom matters to you." This puts drama before bloodshed, pure Gargoyles.

4) The Illuminati's dark pact with the Space-Spawn. This actually brings up another question (and I hope this one hasn't already been asked, if so I apologize): is Alexander Fox Xanatos IV a member of the Illuminati at the time of his abduction?

Greg responds...

2. I have some ideas, but I've done no research, and given how I'm taken to task on every LITTLE thing I say, I'd prefer not to embarrass myself at this time.

4. No way I'm telling you.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Kelly L Creighton/Kya White Sapphire writes...

Lord Sloth wrote some words he/she? had learned from the show. you couldnt decifer one of them. Im not sure how to spell it, but it sounds like ESH-ih-lon (he's one of our lower ranking members, etc. at least I think thats where i remember it from)

someone may have said this already. i havent read the questions being submitted archive.

Greg responds...

Echelon. Now just to be safe, I looked it up in the dictionary. Why am I the only one who did?

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Marty "Kaioto" Lund writes...

Not really a question, but you have my sympathy on Team Atlantis. Working in a corporation, I understand that nothing quite feels the same as having a project you've invested a hefty chunk of time into suddenly get displaced. Well, maybe being kicked in the guts by a mule or something comes close. :(

I wish people would make up their minds about projects before men and women started investing large amounts of time into making the project a reality. It is even worse in a creative process.

In systems design, it feels so insulting to get along the Systems Development Lifecycle to the point where you're working to fulfill agreed-upon specifications and suddenly the client does a 180 and tanks the entire project. I imagine it is even more frustrating in an artistic / creative setting where it is only natural to put large portions of yourself into a production.

So, to you and all those with whom you worked, my sympathies. I appreciate your efforts and I'm disappointed that we'll miss out on Team Atlantis.

Bona Fortuna
- Kai

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Sexy Queer writes...

Greg, I am so sorry to hear about Team Atlantis getting dropped before it even hit the air. This Demona and Fiona Cammore story did sound pretty interesting.
Hope you get another voice directing jod or somthing else soon.

Greg responds...

Thanks. Me too.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

Count me as another person who's sorry to hear that "Team Atlantis" won't be coming out after all. From what I had heard about it (especially at the Gathering), it had sounded good (and not just because Demona was going to guest star in it). Such a pity.

Greg responds...

Yep. Put a lot of people out of work too.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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zakhur writes...

This is more a comment than a question! I've been a Fan of Gargoyles for a long time, since it first aired on the Disney Afternoon! and after it stopped airing, I started looking in the internet, to see if the show would keep going, I mostly saw some fanfics, but it never was quite the same.
Although I was amazed on how many fans the show had, and more so that most the of the fans were adults.
now, when I rediscovered gargoyles on toon disney, and finding this site again, and actually asking questions, and joining the comment room.
I find myself so intrigued not only on how great the show is, but how many other people enjoy it and find so much entreteiment in it, and how wonderfull gargoyle fans are, they are very loyel and really care about Gargoyles.
So my question is, how does it make you feel, As one of the creators, that after the show has been cancelled for 5 years, so many people love and keep it alive in their hearts, through the internet and reunions such as the gathering?

Greg responds...


I mean, duh. GREAT!!!!

It's very gratifying. The Gatherings themselves are tremendously wonderful for me. Feeds my ego enough to last me a whole year.

Mostly, I'm just glad that the show reached people and that they largely responded to it as we all hoped.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Monzo writes...

How do you feel about male actor given there voice to female character in cartoons? How about the other way around? Do you thnik it would work in gargoyles?

Greg responds...

These decisions would all have to be made on a case by case basis.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Mary Mack writes...

Where can *I* buy a copy of Cree Summer's CD?

Everyone eat Round Table pizza!

Oh! And sign up for G2002!

And write to Disney asking for Gargoyles DVD's! (Greg, you can tell Mr. Fukuto that I'll by Gargs on DVD, and I don't have a DVD player.)

Greg responds...

I love Cree's CD. Have you tried a record store?

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Who exactly were Mab's parents?

Greg responds...

Archie and either Betty or Veronica.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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matt writes...

will there be any non-permanent members of the Redemption Squad? maybe those joining only for an episode or a multi-parter.
if so, do we know them, and will you tell us who they are?

Greg responds...

Yes. Some. No.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

During the course of the series, New York was struck by a number of events of a decidedly "unusual" variety, and ones which obviously weren't completely covered up (even if the true cause of them wasn't known to its citizens). Gargoyle sightings were the obvious part, but also so were the "missing nights" in "City of Stone" and Oberon putting everyone to sleep in "The Gathering", for example. By the time that the gargoyles were revealed to the public in "Hunter's Moon", therefore, New York had experienced two years' worth of Fortean activity.

While the obvious main reason for the public panic over the gargoyles in "Hunter's Moon" and "The Journey" was simple fear over them, do you suppose that the cumulative aftereffects of the two years' worth of weirdness (especially from "City of Stone" and "The Gathering") could have been a factor as well? After all, in real life, unexplained ongoing problems can often lead to people looking for scapegoats, and persecuting minority groups thereby (as in the case of persecutions of the Jews getting more severe in 14th century Europe during the Black Death). Do you think that some of that could have been at work here?

Greg responds...


Weirdness can in fact have a cumulative -- not simply a momentary -- effect.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

You idiot, do you actually think he'll answer everyone of those questions. If he actually gives straight forward and clear responses for half of these then I'm a monkey's uncle.

Greg responds...

Wow. Anonymous. Looks like you've got a new moniker.

Ladies and gentlemen, "A Monkey's Uncle".

I love being unpredictable.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Aris Katsaris writes...

You wrote: "Sentient races are few and far between in the Gargoyles Universe. Not commonplace."

I have to say that I found this somewhat funny (both haha-funny and weird-funny). You've placed the origins of *four* sentient races on a single planet, but say that sentient races are nonetheless few and far between...

[As a sidenote I have to say that this seems like a distinction between science fiction and fantasy - most fantasy does indeed place many sentient species on the same planet - science fiction tends to be more conservative in this regard...]

So... is there any special reason/explanation that Earth gave birth to so many sentient species or is it just an amazing statistical fluke?

Greg responds...

My explanation is that habitable planets are few and far between.

And four isn't that big a number in the grand scheme of things.

The statement you quoted is relative. I meant, don't expect to see a scene with 100s of alien species walking around.

But mostly, the reason is I want to keep the galaxy semi-quantifiable. Instead of constantly bringing in more and more random elements, I'd like to, in essence, create political situations and play with them. I'm not sure that's clear. But as you may have gathered, I like things defined so that the storylines have boundaries to push and bend and break. If you constantly feel like ANYTHING can happen, then I believe it hurts the drama.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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