A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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my brother got married toda.. er yesterday and they are off to Maine for their honeymoon. they plan to stop in Bar Harbor (Xanatos's birthplace) if for nothing else than to get me something to add to my Gargoyles collection. pretty cool, huh?
question time:
1. in 2198, is the Eyrie Pyramid look like the Eyrie Pyramid in "Future Tense"? if so, what purpose does the pyramid that crowns the top serve?
2. in 2198, will gargoyles working for the NYPD actually have badges or just coordinate efforts with the NYPD?
3. why did the practice of gargoyles acting as peacekeepers in the UN end with the arrival of the Space-Spawn?
4. would the Dracon family still be running a Crime Syndicate in 2198?
5. will Macbeth still be living near NYC in 2198?
6. will the Clocktower be around still in 2198? perhaps they finally got it working? :)
1. Not gonna limit the artists at this time.
2. Both.
3. Why do you think?
4. Not saying.
5. No.
6. Not saying.