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Laura aka 'ad astra' writes...

Glad to see Ask Greg running again! I had downloaded the old archives, (or most of them) sometime last year. I checked periodically and it seemed the page was down. I gave up on the Ask Greg page and only checked it again on a lark. It took me weeks to read through everything!

Oh, a question-

You seem to have a much more optimistic view on the series coming back then when last I checked in. Has something changed? To be more precise- Before you seemed to say "long shot at best for the series in any form, even the live action movie seems dead". Now the movie doesn't sound dead, and the long term revival hopes good, (lost the quote, sorry). I am much heartened, and almost as curious.

I have many more questions to follow, but for now I want to say thank you for doing this, and thanks to Gorebash for running it.

Greg responds...

The movie isn't a lost cause. It hasn't progressed an inch really, but normally after this much time that would result in its death. They'd give up. But they absolutely haven't given up. In fact, they've just hired a NEW writer. Touchstone/Disney REALLY, REALLY wants to make this movie. So that keeps me optimistic. (And the success of X-Men doesn't hurt either.)

I don't love that Toon Disney is editing episodes and refuses to air "Deadly Force". But they ARE airing the show about twice a day. That gives me hope.

I haven't given up in any way, shape or form. I'm still in there trying to come up with ways to bring the show back in some, well, way, shape or form. In fact, I've got a new nefarious plan in the works now with Doug Murphy, a former GARGOYLES (and BAD GUYS) storyboard artist. Too soon to talk about now, but give me time.

The response here at ASK GREG is overwhelming. That means fan interest still exists. And I'm VERY heartened by the continuing success of the GATHERINGS. That gives me hope.

In fact, people ask me what they can do to help bring the show back, and what has become clear to me is that the best single way a fan can help is by attending one or more GATHERINGS. Aside from the sheer FUN FACTOR of the convention, it is the raw numbers in attendance that will help me prove to the powers that be at Disney that the show is still viable and ready to return. Come to Orlando next month. PLEASE. It's gonna be GREAT. Guests include myself, Thom Adcox, Brad Rader and Greg Guler.

And without doubt, plan to come to next years GATHERING in Los Angeles. I guarantee we will have over twenty members of the cast and crew in attendance. And if the fan attendance numbers are big enough, we will bring Disney Execs and show them first hand the opportunity they are missing out on. Do NOT MISS THAT ONE if you want to see the show back on the air.

Response recorded on July 18, 2000

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