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Ross Killgrave writes...


Also i would like to ask one thing: if you were allowed to pledge for a kickstarter for the gargoyles 3d movie, would you have the orginal voice actors reprising their roles? I love keith david's voice as well as David Warner who played the archmage and jonathan frakes as xanatos.

p.s do you keep in contact with the gargoyles crews and voice actors and other actors you worked with on other shows?

Greg responds...

1. Kickstarter aside, if I had another chance to do Gargoyles, I would of course go back to the original cast whenever possible.

2. I'm in contact with many people from the Gargoyles cast and crew. Thom Adcox, for example, is one of my best friends. Same for other series, as well.

Response recorded on September 19, 2013

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Lylatroid writes...

I was heard that the new Gargoyles movie was going to be in 2013 by Disney, but it is now 2013 and I do not see or hear any news about the new project. Is it true that there's going to be a new movie?

Greg responds...

I have no idea, really. Disney announced a few years ago that they were making a GARGOYLES movie called "Gargoyles" but NOT based on the television show. (Though much of what I read about it seemed to be lifted right out of the show.)

Nothing happened after that. Then they changed writer and announced again. But that was a couple years ago now too.

Checked earlier this summer, and they still seem to be working on this non-Gargoyles Gargoyles movie, but no details. I don't even know if they have a script they like.

Response recorded on September 09, 2013

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Kenneth Mora-Hatcher writes...

Is it true that they are making a Gargoyles movie, only that it's not going to be about the series at all?

Greg responds...

I haven't heard anything about it recently, but that was their plan a couple years ago.

Response recorded on October 08, 2012

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Rory Gaff writes...

Hi Greg,
Is it possible that you have any plans/would be interested in making some to carry on the Gargoyles franchise by making a movie in the future. I would really like to see a live action movie of Gargoyles. In 3D and with current technology, it would be beautiful and I think it would be a great idea. It would also introduce post-gargoyle kids to the gargoyle world. I was a kid when the TV series was being aired and I am still an avid fan.

Greg responds...

Please check the ASK GREG ARCHIVES under "Live-Action Movie".

Response recorded on January 04, 2011

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K7OP writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman, it is me again Brian Bartoccini from Italy, how are you? I've recently heard some little new about that movie about the new gargoyles, it will call "Stone".
What do you think about that Disney' s idea, do a gargoyles movie, but not our gargoyles?
In my opinion is very terrible; Disney has already a good tv series (our Gargoyles) where they can take some base to do a good movie about gargoyles.
Besides if will be a real (and good) gargoyles movie, there will be hope that a lot of people can be interest to our gargoyles. They buy more DVDs and comic books, so a reason to release other DVDs and comic books and then release them in other countries (that I really hope).
But that (for now) it isn't happen; if you go on youtube you can see that a lot of fan from Italy, some spanish country, French, Germany, Brasil, etc. etc., are taking the episodes on youtube.
You know something? I really hope that movie "stone" will be very, very, very, very unsuccesful; and so then, maybe Disney will decide to do a REAL GARGOYLES MOVIE.
Well, I hope you understand my bad english. Good Bye.

Greg responds...

I'm not sure if your information is accurate, but if in fact they've renamed the movie "Stone" then I'm thrilled. As long as our "Gargoyles" keeps control of that name, we're in decent shape.

Unfortunately, I've seen no indication anywhere of a title change on the new movie. Where did you get your intel?

Response recorded on December 01, 2010

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Angela writes...

I've been a fan for many years! Kudos on the show, it's wonderful. I must also admit that even though I love the show I hate having to wake up at 4:00 am to watch it.
As to my inquiry...
I understand that you are no longer with Disney; however, I wondered if you had any more recent information than I've been able to find on:
1.) the release of the remaining episodes to dvd and
2.)what happened to the plan for the live action version that was in the works.
If you are unable to help me, could you please direct me (if possible) to the Disney website, persons name, or specific company I need to begin a letter writing campaign to (waking up at 4:00 am is killing me, but it's on!! LOL!!)
I hope the show is returned to you in the near future. It was amazing and I believe deserves another chance, particularly with the rise in interest in the supernatural television shows. Good luck to you with this and all your other projects and thanks for your time.

Greg responds...

I have no new information to report, I'm afraid. And no contacts for you either, I'm afraid. Maybe some of the fans do, however. You can ask at the Station 8 comment room, for example.

Response recorded on November 19, 2010

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Amanda writes...

dear greg

i grew up with gargoyles, infact, it helped me grow... when i was 9 i was shy and by coping brooklyns personality i grow in to a crazy person and i wanted to thank you... because with out gargoyles i would have never learned to draw and be an arist and now i am the top artist at my school.

and now my questiom: as you my know (and im sure this has been asked) lots of old shows have been remade in to these big epic moves (transformers for example) and i was wondering if there was anychance for a live action gargoyles movie? i know hundreds of people who would be so happy! so is there any chance??

Greg responds...

It's a confusing question right now, Amanda. Please check the ASK GREG Archives under "Live-Action Movie" to learn more.

Response recorded on September 18, 2010

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Lia writes...

Hello Greg,
1st I'd like to say thanks for making the best show of my young life and 2nd I'd like to ask you if You R aware that Disney is planing on making a Live Action Gargoyles movie? When I first heard of this I thought I was going to be the Gargoyles you created but instead its going to be a movie that doesn't follow your storyline at all. It's still going to be of Gargoyles set in modern time and turning to stone and even have some history in it. BUT when I found out it wasn't your Gargoyles I could honestly say that I was heart broken along with a lot of my friends. Many of us are outraged that Disney would do this because we know that it will just ruin things to have a REAL Gargoyles movie made with your ideas. I even considerd writing to the produser and asking them not to make the movie unless you worked with them with your story line because I alway felt that Gargoyles would make a great movie. But only if it's the Gargoyles that we know and love. Well anyways sory about my rant and I you ever do make a Gargoyles movie of the greates 90's cartoon, you can bet that I'll be one of the first in line to see it along with the rest of my friends.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 09, 2010

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Storyseeker writes...

Hey from England!

I heard about the Gargoyles film that Disney is making, yet not having anything to do with your series! I was outraged when I heard, and have already sent two letters to Donner and Brickhouse, asking that they reconsider. I know a lot of other fans are doing so, too.

Is Disney able to do this?...taking the idea from your series and messing around with it and such? I know Disney owns the rights, but you were the one who came up with the idea, wrote the series and everything! Shouldn't they have at least consulted with you about it? It's a disgrace that they should mess around with a great idea!

Greg responds...

According to the articles, this new movie has nothing to do with the series.

Response recorded on August 12, 2010

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Landon Thomas writes...

In mid-July, Variety wrote an article about Disney developing a new movie about gargoyles coming to life. http://www.variety.com/article/VR1118021704.html?categoryid=13&cs=1 Variety was clear that this movie is unrelated to the Gargoyles TV series or comic.

The Hollywood Reporter followed up with this line: "The project seeks to build a mythology around the carvings, originally designed in medieval times to act as spouts but later took on roles as powerful symbols to ward off or attract evil. The story is being developed, but it is known to be set in modern times." http://heatvision.hollywoodreporter.com/2010/07/disney-developing-gargoyles-project.html

Fans are understandably freaking out.

1. Were you aware of this project before the Variety article and has Disney contacted you about it?

2. Do you share fan fears that this project could replace the Gargoyles property in Disney's mind and hamper the chance of future Gargoyles stories being told?

3. How do you feel about the 'Make a REAL "Gargoyles" movie, Disney!' Facebook page effort? http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=142182852459700&v=wall

4. How many people have asked you about this already? ;)

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. It's... concerning.

3. It's really not wise of me to comment.

4. <sigh> A LOT!

Response recorded on July 27, 2010

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