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Lia writes...

Hello Greg,
1st I'd like to say thanks for making the best show of my young life and 2nd I'd like to ask you if You R aware that Disney is planing on making a Live Action Gargoyles movie? When I first heard of this I thought I was going to be the Gargoyles you created but instead its going to be a movie that doesn't follow your storyline at all. It's still going to be of Gargoyles set in modern time and turning to stone and even have some history in it. BUT when I found out it wasn't your Gargoyles I could honestly say that I was heart broken along with a lot of my friends. Many of us are outraged that Disney would do this because we know that it will just ruin things to have a REAL Gargoyles movie made with your ideas. I even considerd writing to the produser and asking them not to make the movie unless you worked with them with your story line because I alway felt that Gargoyles would make a great movie. But only if it's the Gargoyles that we know and love. Well anyways sory about my rant and I you ever do make a Gargoyles movie of the greates 90's cartoon, you can bet that I'll be one of the first in line to see it along with the rest of my friends.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 09, 2010