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Mojo writes...

I purchased the graphic novels since I wanted to finish the stories from the comic books. After reading clan building again it made me try and find news about the gargoyles continuing in some way because I really enjoyed the show/comic. After being disappointed again for lack of good news, I went to imdb.com just to check out some of the actors. After seeing how many wonderful and "big name" actors were involved an idea hit me. So here is my question. I am sorry if it was asked already, is there a way to maybe some of these famous actors could be contacted? Then with some of them on board maybe they in-turn would be able to contact Disney on at least getting the last half of season two released. Maybe it is wishful thinking but it seems that they enjoyed the show as much as the fans did. Plus they have clout that we "fans" don't have. Maybe through their connections we can actually get that little bit of closure. I mean if I could play the game six degrees of Kevin Bacon and get to Robert A. Iger, surely then these actors have a more linear connection that could yield results. Just a thought and hope.

thank you and I hope to see the dvds and more comics/graphic novels

Greg responds...

Actors have WAY less clout than you seem to think they have.

Response recorded on September 09, 2010

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Brian Bartoccini writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman it is me again; I forgot to ask you an other question: will be a special edition of the goliath chronicles with the supervision of you and your colleagues(Frank Paur, Michael Riveas and the japanese film producers)? maybe with the episodes that you've wrote in the comic books(Clan Building volume 1 and the others)?I saw the Goliath chronicles on youtube and it disappointed me.
Hey when you have time why don't you see on youtube the italian episodes of the Gargoyles, the voices are pretty beautiful, Goliath is voiced by Alessandro Rossi.

Greg responds...

I'm not exactly sure what you're asking, Brian. Frank and Michael didn't work on Goliath Chronicles at all. Neither did Walt Disney Television Animation Japan. And I barely worked on any of it beyond the first episode. If this is a DVD question, than I doubt they'll be releasing Goliath Chronicles on DVD. Certainly not while Season Two isn't fully released.

Response recorded on August 31, 2010

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Greg Bishansky writes...

And now I have a question on Goliath and religion.

In the VHS version of "Awakening" as the trio glide off to steal the disc, Goliath says "godspeed lads. They'd better not be harmed." In the TV version he just says "They'd better not be harmed."

Since you edited the VHS release, I have to ask. Would Goliath say "godspeed?" Considering what you have since revealed about gargoyle religious beliefs, I was wondering. In your mind, did he say it?

And while I'm here, what's the canon status of the VHS version of "Awakening?" There is some material in it that wasn't in the TV and later DVD version?

Greg responds...

1. Yes. But as a colloquialism.

2. It's mooshy, since in my brain elements of both versions are mooshed together.

Response recorded on August 17, 2010

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Brian Bartoccini writes...

Hi Mr. Weisman, I'm from Italy and I'm a big fan of the Gargoyles since 1997(when the tv series arrives for the first time in my country).
My question is about the dvds(season 1 and season 2 volume 1) and the comic books: do you know by chance when they will released in the other countries?
Maybe if will happen the sales will increase more and then there will be hope for Gargoyles 2 season volume 2, what do you think?
Well I hope my english is understandable, and so goodbye Mr. Weisman.

Greg responds...

Your English is great. But my answer unfortunately remains the same: I don't know. I would think the comic books (in English) would be available on-line for anyone. Same with the DVDs but they might not work on non-American machines.

Response recorded on August 16, 2010

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Sam writes...

Hi Greg,
grew up watching Gargoyles, have a picture of Golaith tatooed on my arm with 3 birds over his shoulder, signifying myself, my dad and my younger brother as we all wathced it togeather. Most time I ever spent with them. Thanks for all the memories that came with Gargoyles. I own the 2 series that are on dvd, wish the new ones would come out. I was wondering if you are trying to get them out on dvd or bringing back the gathering of the gargoyles, its a shame that the program seems to be dien out, saddend me.
Much love and respect, Sam

Greg responds...

Dude, I wouldn't write the eulogy quite yet.

Still, there's nothing I can do right now about the DVDs.

As for the Gathering -- or any other convention -- that is (and always was) in the hands of the fans. I loved participating, but I was never the organizer.

Response recorded on August 12, 2010

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Brenda W writes...

Hi Greg, I hope everything is well with you. My question is: Is it possible to contact the 1994 cast members to come on board to assist us (Gargoyles fans) in convincing Disney to release the remaining 26 episodes? Do you think we have a chance?
Unfortunately, I have become very obsessed with this project. I think your ability
to create this type of animation is outstanding - it is sooooooo real.

Greg responds...

I'm sure any cast member asked would be happy to see the DVD come out, if for no other reason, then they'd get a royalty check out of it. But I don't see how they'd help us vis-a-vis changing DIsney's mind.

Response recorded on June 28, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

I was just wondering if there's any news on Disney reconsidering putting season 2 volume 2 of Gargoyles on dvd? I really enjoy the show and was hoping to get it on dvd. I know they dropped it because the first one didn't sell very well. Personally I'm one of those people who prefer buying whole seasons to partial sets but that was before I realized how many episodes were in season 2 for Gargoyles. Maybe others considered or felt the same way. Is there someone at Disney we can write to or maybe start a petition? There must be something we can do for them to reconsider.

Greg responds...

There's no news. This late in the game, I don't expect any.

Response recorded on June 23, 2010

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Brenda W writes...

Hi Greg, this is not a question but a statement: I have been a gargoyles fan for many years and I think your work is one of the greatest animated legend in history.
We the fans will not stop until the remaining 26 episodes are released on DVD. Your ability to capture the attention of adults as well as kids are outstanding. By the way, I do have Season One and Two. Thanks

Thank you...........

Greg responds...

No, thank YOU!

Response recorded on June 10, 2010

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IbanezJFS writes...

Any idea how many more copies of Season 2 Vol. 1 needs to be sold in order for us to see Vol. 2? And do you think there might be a chance we will see Gargoyles on Blue-Ray? Or atleast Season to be re-released but with episode introduction by you?

Greg responds...

1. No. Frankly, I think that ship has sailed.

2. No idea.

3. Seems unlikely at this point, unless something significant changes.

Response recorded on June 07, 2010

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Justin S. writes...

Dear Greg,

My name is Justin S. And I am from Westfield NY. I know Season 2 Vol.2 is on hold until more copies of season 2 Vol. 1 gets sold. But, is there anything else that can be done? I hate Not having the rest out on DVD. It feels so incomplete. I found a petition recently http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/gargoylesseason2volume2todvd I dont think its getting promoted enough. So I will pass it around. But I will help in any way I can. I have already purchesed Season 2 vol. 1 but I will probably buy some copies and give them as christmas presants. Whenever you can hit me back at IbanezJFS@gmail.com and hopefully I can make it out to the Gathering someday. SeE Ya

Greg responds...

Hey Justin,

As I've said many times, I don't e-mail people directly. But if you're still checking here, I'm afraid I have no new answers in the short term beyond what's already in the archives.

Response recorded on May 19, 2010

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