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Jonny Modlin writes...

How many copies need to be sold of Gargoyles Season 1 and Season 2, Volume 1 for Disney to release Season 2, Volume 2?

Greg responds...

I think that ship has sailed.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Tobias writes...

Hey Greg,

I googled much about Vol. 2 but almost only found old threads, etc. about Disney leaving it be. Even here on s8 is a question to you what's about Vol. 2, but that's 2 - 3 years ago.
So I want to be up-to-date about Vol. 2. Is there anything new about the release? Is there any way to get the 2nd part of Season 2? I'll buy Season 1 and Season 2 Vol. 1 off of Amazon, but I want to watch the rest of Season 2, how could I do this?

Hope to hear soon from you! :)

PS: You made a nice show back then!

Greg responds...

No new news.

Response recorded on February 09, 2011

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Anonymous... for now writes...

Tell the rest of the Gargoyle fans to send questions to this link about Garoyles Season 2 Volume 2 and Season 3 being released. This will help alot for the DVDs to be considered for release by the Walt Disney Company. Tell them to spread the word and to contact this link as much as possible. This will truly help.


Greg responds...

Um... if you say so.

Go for it, gang!

Response recorded on February 02, 2011

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Chris writes...

Everyone knows by now that there weren't enough DVD sales of the Gargoyles series to support the release of the remaining episodes by Disney (i.e. not profitable). This is the same situation that Warner Brothers found with the DVD release of some Hanna Barbera cartoons. In the last year, Warner Brothers (through Warner Archives) have developed the MOD (manufacture on demand) Program. They will burn the complete series of a Hanna Barbera cartoon onto a DVD-R on an order by order basis. These DVD-R's only contain the episodes (not any special bonus features) and can only be ordered from Amazon or Warner Archive online store. According to Warner Brothers this has kept the production and distribution costs low so that they can make money at this and satisfy their fans. Is there any way to get Disney to do the same thing with regards to the remaining episodes of the Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

I don't know. Is there?

Response recorded on January 18, 2011

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Scott writes...

Hi Greg,

Who do we need to write to/petition for the rest of the Gargoyles series to be released on DVD?

Greg responds...

Disney or Buena Vista Home Entertainment, I suppose.

Response recorded on December 01, 2010

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Angela writes...

I've been a fan for many years! Kudos on the show, it's wonderful. I must also admit that even though I love the show I hate having to wake up at 4:00 am to watch it.
As to my inquiry...
I understand that you are no longer with Disney; however, I wondered if you had any more recent information than I've been able to find on:
1.) the release of the remaining episodes to dvd and
2.)what happened to the plan for the live action version that was in the works.
If you are unable to help me, could you please direct me (if possible) to the Disney website, persons name, or specific company I need to begin a letter writing campaign to (waking up at 4:00 am is killing me, but it's on!! LOL!!)
I hope the show is returned to you in the near future. It was amazing and I believe deserves another chance, particularly with the rise in interest in the supernatural television shows. Good luck to you with this and all your other projects and thanks for your time.

Greg responds...

I have no new information to report, I'm afraid. And no contacts for you either, I'm afraid. Maybe some of the fans do, however. You can ask at the Station 8 comment room, for example.

Response recorded on November 19, 2010

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Robert Browning writes...

Hello. I was wondering if there were any plans to have the complete series of Gargoyles released on DVD anytime in the near future. I think it would be great if there were because I love the show. Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

I think it would be great too. But no plans that I know of. (You know it's not up to me, right?)

Response recorded on November 02, 2010

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Hope writes...

I am one of those fans that doesn't get involved in 'fan' movements or sites, but I really want to see the vol 2 dvd come out. I know many fans are closet fans or, like myself, just don't have time or motivation to act on their love of the show, so I think it would take a lot to get word out. I do have one suggestion/question. If there were a convention of some sort or gathering of fans, I think they should have some sort of 'activity' of writing a letter to disney to release the vol 2 dvd set. People leading the rally would support/walk the fans through the process of writing a letter (providing the right place to send it and a loose outline of what to say) and everyone could send their letter in soon after. If there was that much of a concentrated request from fans to disney about the dvds, then I think it would at least help them to look into it if they got so many letters from fans at once, which may lay the path for more letters later on too and then disney must do SOMETHING. They already have vol 1 out and as long as they think they'd make money (that's the challenge, making them see how it will be profitable), then they wouldn't have much trouble putting it out there. Would something like that be possible?
*Also, for fans, widening the fan base by exposing friends and family to this relatively unknown but vastly epic series is always a good way to take some baby steps.

Greg responds...

Hey Hope,

None of these are particularly original ideas, I'm afraid. The Gathering is over for the foreseeable future, and I can't imagine any of us could put together a letter writing campaign massive enough to budge Disney off their current mindset that the DVDs didn't sell well enough to justify another release.

I don't want to seem negative, however, and as I've said for YEARS now, the best thing the fans can do is SPREAD THE WORD, exposing friends and family to the show and reminding "closet fans" of its existence.

Response recorded on November 02, 2010

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lamberto writes...

hi, greg.

thanks for coming out to comic con this year. always nice to see you.

just wondering if you ever caught pirates of dark water, and what you thought of it. i hear that WB's releasing the series DVD "made-on-demand". we need to get Disney to do that with Gargoyles. there probably wouldn't be any bells or whistles added to the release, but i'll take it any way i can!

Greg responds...

I never saw Pirates of Dark Water.

And I'm game for getting Gargoyles out any way we can.

Response recorded on September 18, 2010

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Patrick Gilchriest writes...

Hi Greg, I've been a HUGE Gargoyles fan ever since it first came out. Like most fans, I've been hoping against hope (while realizing it's probably not going to happen anytime this side of 1,000 years) that SEASON 2 VOLUME 2 will finally be released, even after five years. However, there's a new trend I see starting in the TV-on-DVD release universe that MAY provide us with a solution if fans can get back on board and start bugging Disney about it. Have you heard about Disc-on-Demand, sometimes referred to as MOD (Manufactured-on-Demand)? Just in case you haven't, it works just like it sounds...a company says they are going to "release" a season of a T.V. show, but not in stores...you order it online, either via their website or by Amazon, and when you order it and pay for it, they make the set then and ship it to you. They don't have to worry about shipping it to stores and making more sets than meet demand. This way, die-hard fans can get their hands on the material and the company doesn't lose money. CBS and Warner Bros. are both starting to do it with some of my favorite shows that haven't seen releases in a long time due to low sales of earlier sets, much like what GARGOYLES faced. But now, with this new capability, fans can get their hands on this material, and I think it would be terrific if Disney could get on board with this for GARGOYLES. What do you think? Could you post this idea on your site so fans can start writing Disney informing them of their interest? This seems much more possible to me than waiting for them to release it as a mass-release set in stores. Thanks, and have a great day!

Greg responds...

I love the idea!

I admit I don't know how to get Disney interested in doing this for Gargoyles if they aren't doing it for ANYTHING yet. But a letter-writing campaign is a good way to start. Patrick, I nominate you to spearhead this. Post this in the s8 Comment Room and any other Gargoyles site you can think of. (I think there are a couple on facebook.)

If people send actual LETTERS to Disney Home Entertainment, it may have some effect. Especially if a LOT of people send letters. (And if those letters sound reasonable and polite. Draft a sample letter and post that to give people a clear idea what to ask for.

In any case, it can't hurt.

Response recorded on September 17, 2010

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