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Gargoyles DVD

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Desiree writes...

Hey Greg how are you? Anyway I think if there is a petition started that maybe Disney will consider releasing the rest of the Gargoyle Series.http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/gargoylesseason2volume2todvd/
This is the website I found on line that already has 315 signatures. The goal is 100,000. Do you think if that goal is meant that Disney would consider releaseing it?

Greg responds...

Can't hurt.

Response recorded on November 24, 2009

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Desiree Perry writes...

Hello Greg how are you? Good I hope. Well I'll just get to the point. I'm a huge Gargoyles fan and I just recently decided to buy the DVDs but I found out that they're not releasing anymore of the volumes after Season 2 Volume 1. Can you please explain if they'll be coming out anytime soon? Thanks

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

I've already answered this one. Please check the archives.

Response recorded on November 19, 2009

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Jacqueline King writes...

Why hasn't the second half of season 2 of the Gargoyles been released on dvd?

Greg responds...

Check the archives.

Response recorded on November 04, 2009

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Clayton writes...

Did you know there's actually an online petition to release the rest of the Gargoyles series on DVD? And the comments on Youtube seem to support it. Would you please consider it?

Greg responds...

Don't you think I want them released? It's not up to me.

Response recorded on October 05, 2009

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David writes...

when do you think the will put the second part of season two on dvd & will they be puting the goliath chronicles on dvd too? also do you think you will be making more episodes os spin off of the series?

Greg responds...

The "more episodes" exist in comic book form. Check 'em out. And Disney currently has no plans to put out more DVDs. See the archives for more info.

Response recorded on September 17, 2009

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F.Z. writes...

Hi Greg, first time that I make a question here Xp, that thing is I am from Mexico and i really wish to buy the comics and the DvDs and apparently neither of them where imported, so the question is if I am gona need to buy them in english because they are never gona be translated or i can wait for them to been Translated?
i ask that because the shipment is expensive Xp, But i really want the comics
P.S. Sorry the bad english, and congratulations fot TSSP the series is awesome

Greg responds...

I don't remember off the top of my head whether the DVDs have a spanish language track or not. The comics probably won't be translated.

Response recorded on August 13, 2009

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Nelio Belmont writes...

Hi Greg, this time I have a production question about Gargoyles. Given that Youtube has started putting commercial products such as old TV shows and what not, do you think there is a chance that Gargoyles will be put up on it as well? More specifically, do you think the second half of Season 2 may be put up there? And finally, if those episodes gets lots and lots of views, do you think Disney would consider a DVD release of Vol 2?

Greg responds...

I think it's (illegally) on YouTube already. I have no idea if Disney intends to put it up legit. Or how that would effect their DVD plans.

Response recorded on July 07, 2009

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xephier writes...

Curious if there is any recent(within the past year or 2) updates to the 'gargoyles' is there any plans going underway, A live action or even computer animated movie (beowulf style)perhaps? Geting enough from the first and second season to consider releaseing the second part of season 2 or 3, or a new gargoyles tv series?

Thing is, i've seen rumors droped here and there, but most anything ive seen is at least 3-4 years old, so i've been dieing to know.

Ps: I was browseing through some other questions, one with someone askin if there was a washroom in the clocktower, never thought of it meself, always jus assumed they went well in flight :D

Greg responds...

Check the archives here. Plenty of recent answers, and in any case, I'd post any updates I had. I'm not keeping things from people.

Response recorded on October 22, 2008

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auzzie boy writes...

Yeah hi i was just wondering if you know when the rest of the series comes out on DVD, and do you have any idea where i could get it i already have season 1 and season 2 volume 1 but yeah just wondering.

Greg responds...

BVHE has no current plans for an additional realease.

Response recorded on October 20, 2008

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t4ci3 writes...

I own the complete first season and volume 1 of the second season DVDs, but they seem to be missing a couple episodes. The episodes where Coldstone and Thailog are created never happen. THe episides where they show up have "Last Time on Gargoyles" flashbacks showing scenes from the episodes of their creation, but the actual episodes aren't there. Why not and where can I get them?

Greg responds...

You have store bought DVDs, but you're missing episodes?

I have no explanation for that. My copies have all the episodes.

Response recorded on October 02, 2008

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Cerebros writes...

I know it's been two years since the announcement about Season 1 and Season 2 Part 1 needing 1000 sales to produce Season 2 part 2. How many more are needed at this point to warrant getting the second half of Season 2 on DVD? I'm planning on getting them shortly where I can find them.

Greg responds...

You're planning on getting as many as we need?

I can't give you numbers, I'm afraid. It's no longer as simple as reaching a number. We need to get Disney's attention to the property again.

And you can find them on Amazon.

Response recorded on September 17, 2008

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shoujax writes...

I've been a fan of this series since I was a little kid and it saw it on the disney afternoons. I'm 23 now and have bought the dvds. I know it's not likely but is it possible season 2 volume two will be released sometime within the next year or 2?

Greg responds...

It's possible. (Please check the archives before posting the same question for the umpteenth time.)

Response recorded on August 15, 2008

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Jonny Modlin writes...

Hi Greg,
Did you announce the DVD release of Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 at The Gathering of the Gargoyles 2008 during opening ceremonies? Thank you.

Greg responds...

No... I'm keeping it a secret. Shhhhhh

Response recorded on August 12, 2008

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Jonathan writes...

I know, I know you're tired of hearing this question. But Amazon.com has a listing for Gargoyles Season 2: Volume 2. And it's never been there before. Of course this has no release date but the fact that it's up, does that mean it's being considered for release? Or is Amazon.com just screwing with us?

Greg responds...

Neither. (And if you know I'm tired of the question, why are you asking it? Especially since at least four people ahead of you in the ASK GREG queue had already asked it.)

Response recorded on August 07, 2008

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Perri writes...

Disney won't release the Gargoyles DVD's in my country so I went looking on the internet and found all seasons for sale, but I know not all have been released yet so I was just wondering if it was legit?


Greg responds...

If they've got all seasons, then probably not.

Response recorded on August 01, 2008

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Anonymous writes...

Dear, Greg
I have a question regarding some strange postings I've recently come accross on amazon.com
They claim to be for the dvd releases of gargoyles season 2 vol 2 and season 3, are these really being considered by disney? There is no release date on the page either, but it looks like an official posting. Anyways these are the links, let me know what you think.



Greg responds...

Asked and answered.

Response recorded on August 01, 2008

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Alberto Loera writes...

I just heard that Season 2 Volume 2 was now listed on Amazon.com, I checked and sure enough it was there. Has Disney contacted you about this or asked you to participate in any way? I really hope this pans out and gets released.

Greg responds...

Guys... please check to make sure the question your posting wasn't JUST posted.

Response recorded on July 30, 2008

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Iago writes...

Hi Greg,

Hopefully I'm not beating a very dead horse here, but was wondering whether you'd seen- http://www.amazon.com/Gargoyles-Season-Two-Vol-2/dp/B00198X0YA/ref=pd_bbs_5?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1213507811&sr=8-5

It looks like Amazon's letting people sign up to be notified when Gargoyles S2V2 is released, and add it to their wishlists (of course, I'd scoop it up in a heartbeat if I could).

Do you know anything about this? Is there a good word on the much-anticipated release? At this point I'd even take barebones episodes (though I certainly wouldn't complain about commentary tracks).

Thanks for all the energy you've spent on this series, past and present.

Greg responds...

I have no new news, but it can't hurt to let Amazon know you'd buy it if it became available.

Response recorded on July 30, 2008

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Ernie writes...

I haven't seen it posted as a question yet, but Gargoyles Season 2 Vol. 2 is now listed on Amazon.com here:


for sign-up to be notified when it comes out and write reviews for it. I've heard before that if enough people show interest on Amazon they forward this on to the distributors and it can make a difference. Don't know if this is true or not or if you would know if this helps, but I thought it would be worth mentioning to the fans on this site in the hopes that maybe if enough people sign up to be notified and write reviews it will get Amazon's attention which will get Buena Vista's attention.

Greg responds...

I don't know if it helps either - but it certainly can't hurt. GO FOR IT!!

Response recorded on July 22, 2008

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sean writes...

Recently Amazon.com placed a link on their site, which will alert fans when Gargoyles: Season 2, Volume 2 becomes available. Have you heard anything on upcoming DVD releases? And if more Gargoyles DVDs are on the way will you be involved at all?

Greg responds...

Asked and answered, but in case I wasn't clear, I've heard NOTHING, and I see no movement currently from Walt Disney Home Entertainment. If and when I do, I promise to let you all know. Really. You can stop asking. I'll let you know. Seriously. No need to keep asking. The need to ask is unnecessary. It is totally not required. I swear. STOP!

Response recorded on July 17, 2008

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Benji writes...

Hi Greg. What's up? I know you've gotten swamped with questions about Season 2 Volume 2 and Season 3 of Gargoyles coming out to DVD, and you've been telling us all that Season 2 Volume 1 didn't sell enough copies. I have a new question however, has Disney changed their minds? The reason for this question is, I was just on Amazon.com and just happened to type in Gargoyles, and Season 2, Volume 2 and Season 3 are now listed. Right now it's currently saying the items aren't available but it's the first time I've ever seen them listed on there. Is Disney thinking about releasing the rest of the series? Maybe around Christmas time like they did the previous two releases?

Greg responds...

If and when I know anything, I'll let you know. I promise.

Response recorded on July 17, 2008

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Little Roma writes...

When is the second half of the second season going to come out? I've already got the first season, the first half of the second season and I'm making sure as hell to buy the comic books (both coming from the show and the Bad Guys one) but there are many episodes that I would like to watch again. Sadly they weren't on any of the DVD's that I have. Also, there is an episode where it shows re-caps of how Cold-Stone was made, but you never actually SHOWED the actual episode. What happend?

Greg responds...

The episode where Coldstone is made is on the FIRST SEASON DVD. Do you have that one?

Response recorded on July 17, 2008

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derek writes...

hey i am a longtime fan just wondering if there is any new news on the release of gargoyles season 2 vol 2. It has been a while and i keep hoping due to not having a incomplete season
thank You

Greg responds...

People... people... people... please check the archives before asking.

Response recorded on June 25, 2008

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Anonymous writes...

will there be a new gargoyles dvd

Greg responds...

I hope so.

Response recorded on June 24, 2008

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Rose writes...

I know that the first two seasons of "Gargoyles" are on DVD but are there anymore available? Or will there be?
And most importantly will they be available in Western Australia?

Greg responds...

Refer to the archives for your first couple questions, and I'm afraid I don't know anything about your last question.

Response recorded on June 16, 2008

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