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REPLIES 2003-05 (May)

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Vorath writes...

How does the Quarrymen theory about Gargoyles evolved in 2198?

i.e.: Do they still view them as the usual "demons/monsters/super-natural beings" or that view changed to something else, like "rival sentinent being"?

Greg responds...

I think they see them as an insidious evil. Beyond that, even the Quarrymen aren't likely to be monolithic in the specifics of their beliefs.

Response recorded on May 29, 2003

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Shan writes...

Greg, I was thinking about your resume again recently because someone asked what other projects you were involved in. If I'm not mistaken, every show you've worked on has either been primarily boy-targeted (GARGOYLES, TROOPERS, MEN IN BLACK, MAX STEEL, etc.) or unisex-focused (DUCKTALES, BONKERS, etc.) To my knowledge, JEM is the only property you've ever done any work on that was primarily intended for girls. Did you find any unique challenges or concerns in that, or was it just simply a matter of telling a good story?

Greg responds...

The unique challenge to JEM was that I had NEVER written for animation before. Otherwise, I just try to tell a good story. I actually prefer to write female characters, which is not always appreciated in the conventional-wisdom-world-of-boys-action-shows.

Response recorded on May 29, 2003

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King Cobra3 writes...

The Mutates.

1. Why is Claw always mute? Who would be hired to do his voice if it was ever decided he would talk?
2. Did Elisa ever meet Delilah?
3. What are Fang and Claw's real names?

Greg responds...

1. Trauma. Claw's never going to talk as far as I'm concerned. His muteness is fundamental to his character.
2. Eventually.
3. I honestly haven't given them real names yet, because it hasn't been necessary. But they do have real names.

Response recorded on May 29, 2003

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Possibly starting a debate...

Galvatron> Umm... "western"-centric because Greg made western deities such as those of the Greeks or the Norse be children of Oberon? Do you think that Athens is somehow located to the *east* of Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Mecca?

I assure you, it's not. :-)

Anyway, the Greeks, Norse, whatever had their deities be finite creatures which began their lives within the universe. There's a difference between that and a supposedly infinite God which *created* the universe. I can imagine the monotheists being upset if they discovered their god was a fay - if The Infinite proved finite, only one of many. But the Norse and the ancient Greeks already believed that there existed many gods. Why be too upset at discovering a couple more they hadn't heard about?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 29, 2003

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Galvatron writes...

Don't you feel it's alittle bit western centric making the god of the Greeks, Norse and all the other "pagan cultures" Children of Oberon who are no better than the non-corporeal beings of scifi while the God of Judaism, Islam, Christianity is actually the creator of the universe? I mean it's like saying that they're stupid for getting suckered in by the Children while we're smart for actually worshipping the true God.

Greg responds...

Well, first off ALL THE GODS you mentioned are "Western Culture" gods. All of them. So it's hardly Western centric -- beyond the fact that we got more western culture into the show period.

Second, I have never confirmed or denied the existance of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic GOD in the series. I have left that to every individual character and viewer's view of the universe. So I've hardly given the Abrahamist religions priority over the old "pagan cultures".

Finally, not to split hairs, wow, you got me. I've made fictional characters out of the gods of myth. Shocking.

Response recorded on May 29, 2003

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Aris Katsaris writes...

<g> I'm asking this question with the assumption that it'll be past December 19th that you'll respond to it. And the assumption that you saw the movie. Uh... and the assumption that you took your family to see it also. :-)

What did you think about the Lord of the Rings movie? What did your children think?

Greg responds...

I have really loved BOTH LOTR movies. (See, you were right. It's past Dec. 19th. TWICE OVER.)

My kids, however, are six and eight. (Younger than that when the first one came out.) I don't think either film was appropriate viewing material for them. But I bought the DVD of the first one, so when their older, they can see it.

Response recorded on May 28, 2003

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The Cat writes...

This is The Cat,

Thank you for answering my questions. You answered the more important ones today or yesterday. Anyothers I have are a bit depressing and don't really need to be answered, so if you don't want to answer them that is okay.

Greg responds...

Uh... okay.

Response recorded on May 28, 2003

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Zelandonii writes...

Nought seems to be turning into the Boba Fett of the Gargoyles Universe. A split second cameo character that's gaining more and more fan curiosity. Including mine. Is Nought from any particular Mythology or work of fiction? Did you have plans for him later in the series?

Greg responds...

Nought is what it seems.

Response recorded on May 28, 2003

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what is king Duncan's reaction to the news that cawdor is a traitor ?what will happen to his title'
2-do Macbeth and Banquo have the same reaction to ROSS'NEWS?

Greg responds...

Are you writing a term paper, Hanna?

Or are you just quizzing me on my Reading Comprehension of the play?

This seems rather pointless.

Response recorded on May 28, 2003

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The Cat writes...

The Cat replying back on the question about The Gathering.

Ok, I live in Texas close to Corpus Christi, so that would probably be a better place to put The Gathering than in my small insignificant (I personally wouldn't call Ingleside a town considering that on most road maps it would probably get mistaken as a fly speck, but that is my opinion.) village. As for why college would put a stop to going to any of The Gatherings away from my home. 1st, I'm probably going to have to take classes in the summer just to catch up with my studies. Also, it takes quite a bit of money to drive or fly to where ever The Gathering is and most of my money is going towards college or making sure I've got food in my stomach. So, see I've got a bit of a problem. I am, however, saving every bit of change that I can keep. My mom wonders why. If only she knew. Um...I better go. I'm helping Alex Lyons3 with some of his fan fiction and he's yelling at me to move my tail, bye.

Greg responds...

I know it can be tough. I appreciate your trying. Did you make it to Virginia last year? To New York this year?

Good luck.

Response recorded on May 28, 2003

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Anonymous writes...

I'd just like to thank you for creating such an dramatic and educational show which got me interested in Shakespeare and all those legends that appeared in the Avalon World Tour including Cuchullain, Raven and the Kichinas. Finally I'd like to thank you for answering my hundred or so question which I imagine was a very tedious task.

Greg responds...

You're welcome.

Response recorded on May 27, 2003

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Zelandonii writes...

You've mentioned here on "Ask Greg" that you used to read Sandman. Has that influenced your Gargoyles stories? Have you ever worked with Neil Gaiman? If you haven't read "American Gods" yet, go for it!

Greg responds...

I've never worked with Neil Gaiman, though I once used Death in an issue of Captain Atom. An appearance that I've been told he hates, though I think it was misinterpreted, since I made a tremendous effort to be careful and respectful.

For example, Captain Atom asks Death who she is relative to the Black Racer. She asks him (in essence) to guess. He guesses. I heard (third hand) that Neil really disliked Cap's interpretation, but that's why I didn't put it in Death's mouth. It's only Captain Atom's guess. If it's wrong, no harm done. Or so I thought.

It certainly was okay with Karen Berger, Neil's editor on Sandman, who was shown the appearance before it was published. In my defense, I had permission, and we were all working in a shared universe. I would have been happy to have talked with Neil about the appearance in advance. But all I got from Karen and Denny O'Neil (my editor) was a go-ahead, so I figured it was all right. I certainly didn't write it to piss him off.

But after he protested, I know that I was forbidden from using Death again later.

Was I influenced by Neil? I don't think so, but I think we both share influences, obviously. Shakespearean and mythological influences for example. There's one way that I know Gaiman's work effected Gargoyles. When I was interpreting the Weird Sisters for the series, my first thought was to do the traditional Maid, Mother and Crone moon goddess. But because Neil was using that in his books, I went with the Triplet version that you saw.

I haven't read much of Neil's work beyond the comics he was doing in the 90s. But I liked that stuff -- a lot. I somehow doubt the feeling is mutual.

Response recorded on May 27, 2003

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alexandra writes...

is it true that gargoyles is coming back and if not is there a chance it ever will?

Greg responds...

Disney Home Entertainment is planning a release of the first season of Gargoyles on DVD in 2004. That's all that is currently planned, to my knowledge.

Is there a chance of more? Sure.

Response recorded on May 27, 2003

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Justin writes...

Dear Greg,

You said that, and Goliath has also said that, "Long ago there were clans all over the world." Well that is a pretty vague statement. I do understand it was intentional but the idea has bothered be for close to six years now, where were these clans? Were there any in the americas? Africa? Italy? Moscow? I really would like to know how far the species migrated.


Greg responds...

What part of "all over the world" don't you understand?

If you want me to list every clan location... well, I won't. I'm not going to go through an Atlas and start choosing spots.

The Americas? You know it. Africa? Sure. Italy? Absolutely. Moscow, specifically? I don't know.

They are an old race. Now on the verge of extinction, but once upon a time they were (briefly) the dominant species on the planet. They spread out.

Response recorded on May 27, 2003

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Zelandonii writes...

Will you be making any kind of public appearences in Northern California in the foreseeable future? Or anywhere else other than the Gathering? (I don't plan to bombard you with a dozen tedious questions about the ages of various characters while you're minding your own business at the supermarket or anything like that)

Greg responds...

I don't often get asked to make "public appearances".

I go to the Gathering every year, because (a) it's a blast and (b) they pay my way. I couldn't afford it otherwise.

I have been going to the San Diego Comiccon the last few years because the Starship Trooper fans have organized a panel and invited me. And I can afford to drive down to San Diego for a day. Don't know if I'm going this year. Don't know if they're doing the panel this year. I haven't been contacted.

I'd happily go anywhere I was invited assuming it was either close and uncostly and/or my way was paid.

So if you want me in NoCal, I'm not that hard to get. I'm a con-whore.

Response recorded on May 27, 2003

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Denis writes...

Hello again, Greg!

here's the secon of the two post, about the other topic.

Is there any chance that the Team Atlantis video will be aviable in time of Gathering 2002, or perhaps a preview screening, like we had for Buzz Lightyear or 3x3 Eyes at the G2K?

a little note to close this post. a belgian TV channel is now airing the Roughnecks' episode set on Earth, and man, do those episode rock! great job! Also got the second DVD. I hope that they'll put the last episodes back in production for a DVD release!

That's all for now!
See you at Williamsburg in 7 months!

Greg responds...

Hey! Well, I hope I see you in New York in one month.

Obviously, the Team Atlantis video wasn't ready a year ago. But it's out now. Out and available. We can certainly show a taste of it at this year's convention. If not the whole thing.

Response recorded on May 23, 2003

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matt writes...

this may or may not be a tough question:

if you were given a choice to either run a Gargoyles series again exactly how you wanted to or given $100,000, which would you choose?

Greg responds...

Are we assuming I get paid to do the Gargoyles series or does this preposterous hypothetical assume I have to work for free?

If the latter, than I'm afraid I'd HAVE to take the money.

If the former, well, then I'd wind up doing okay financially, and I'd much rather do the series.

Response recorded on May 23, 2003

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julio writes...

I am sorry greg that I am writing to you again but I just wanted if you could put back the gargoyles video clips back
on your website

thank you

Greg responds...

First off, this isn't my website. Station 8 belongs to Gorebash. He's generously created this sub-site for me to answer your questions.

I don't know anything about the video clips, so you should address that question to him -- assuming it isn't moot 18 months after you asked it.

Response recorded on May 23, 2003

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Shannon writes...

What proof Can we find that Macbeth was a man filed with greed, ambitons and desire

Greg responds...

Uh... beyond the fact that he's a human being and we are all filled with these things, at least to some extent...

And having said that, I wouldn't say that those are Macbeth's foremost qualities. (At least not in the Gargoyle Universe.) So how hard should I work to offer you proof?

I'm not sure I understand the question.

What proof do you require?

Response recorded on May 23, 2003

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Denis writes...

Hello, Greg!

here's the first of two post, about two separated topics.

Anonymous' question about Proteus' lifespan made me wonder; though not about his future, but about his past.
Have you set the year of his birth, or his age?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 23, 2003

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Sea Otter writes...

Hi Greg,
My grandson has been bugging me to purchase a "Goliath" figurine. (At LEAST 6" or 7" in height.) Do you know where one can be obtained?

Greg responds...

Nope. Sorry.

I'd try e-bay or one of the dealer's tables at the GATHERING 2003. For more info, check out...


Response recorded on May 22, 2003

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Justin writes...

This question has been bothering me for quite some time.

Is Hippolyta, (Hudson's daughter)in the 938 rookery ( Goliath's generation) or 978 rookery ( Bronx's generation) Cuz I have heard both.

Greg responds...

Heard from whom?

Anyway, the answer is Goliath's generation. And, btw, the spelling I've chosen is Hyppolyta.

Hudson does have a biological child that hatched in 978. I'm referring to her in my notes as "True". (I can't remember if I've mentioned her before to anyone but Todd.)

Response recorded on May 22, 2003

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Wingedbeast writes...

Questions regarding three of the Fair Folk

1. After the Wierd Sisters were banished by a simple parlor trick, they rather easily accepted the ARchmage's suggestion for help. Why that as opposed to just using Avalon's magic to destroy the clan?

Why put that much trust in a single human?

Did they even hedge their bets with attempts of their own to remove the clan?

2. When Odin went through his entire deal of getting his eye back, why didn't he, at one point, attempt identifying himself as Odin before threatening a Gargoyle's protectorate? It seems he'd tried everything but the truth before threatening Elisa... and then the truth at the same time, so what really could it have cost him to identify himself before going to threats?

3. While Oberon may have seen himself as being well in the right for wanting to rid Avalon of the mortals, why didn't he think to identify himself as Oberon: Rightful Lord of Avalon? Seems to be pretty much an obvious thing that he may have missed.

Basing this next question on the idea that Avalon wants the humans and Gargoyle clan to remain (or else why bring the world tour group back to Avalon just in time?). Why did Avalon obey Oberon's commands to attack Goliath, Angela, and Gabrial?

Greg responds...

1a. Well, I could say, "Why not?" But the not-quite-as-short answer had to do with their own banishment from the island by Oberon. By becoming "servants" to the Archmage, it enabled them to embark on the island at his command. Otherwise, how do they attack the Magus, et al, when they're forbidden to set foot on the island. There's also a longer answer and a very long answer, but I'm not getting into those now.

1b. They didn't.

1c. They have three plans in play and removing the clan is only a part of each.

2. Chalk it up, as he did, to recent inexperience at dealing with mortals.

3. I believe he did.

3a. That's a big assumption. The Island didn't bring the travellers back. To return to Avalon, the travellers use a spell. In any case, what the island wants and needs, doesn't change the fact that the island is soaked in magical energy, which Oberon is a master at utilizing.

Response recorded on May 22, 2003

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roxy J. writes...

I've heard that disney cancled Gargoyles because it was getting to in depth and lossing its whole "kiddy show" thing. Do you think that's true and if it is then what do you think about that?

Greg responds...

I don't think that's true.

They cancelled the show for a number of reasons which I have outlined in great detail here:


You could have found this by checking the ASK GREG FAQ, btw.

Response recorded on May 22, 2003

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Lily V. writes...

I read somewhere that Hudson had a child with mate. Was it a male child or female? Do you think he had grandchildren?

Greg responds...

Hudson has had three biological children, if that's what you're getting at, including Broadway.

But you're thinking like a human. Hudson has many rookery children and grandchildren, including Brooklyn, Lexington, Broadway and Angela.

Response recorded on May 21, 2003

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wizebeaz writes...

Hey Greg I just want to say you did a great job on the Gargoyles. Ok now for a couple of questions.
You know on 'hunter's moon 2' after Jason kissed Elisa, then Elisa went to the clock tower. Well, was she going to go visit the gargoyles, namely Goliath? And if she was would she tell him who she felt about him if she was?

Greg responds...

I do think she would have come to see them, to talk about the crisis in general. I don't know that they would have discussed the kiss. I don't know what she would have revealed about her own feelings. But I tend to think -- very little. It's just not her -- guarded, pretend to be invulnerable -- way.

Anyhow, it's moot.

Response recorded on May 21, 2003

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Zelandonii writes...

Have you written any novels? Have you thought of writing one in the Gargoyles universe?

Greg responds...

I have written the first draft of a novella. I'm about halfway through the second draft, though to be honest, I haven't worked on it in almost a year.

I have started a number of other novels, without finishing them. It's an unfortunate fact that I have trouble motivating myself without an externally enforced deadline.

I would absolutely LOVE to write a Gargoyles Novel. A series of them, actually. I've got a number of stories in mind. All I need is an interested publisher. I can't justify writing a book based on a property I don't own without one.

Response recorded on May 21, 2003

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Zelandonii writes...

In the Gargoyle universe, did Ragnarok already happen? Or is Fenrir still waiting for dinner...

Greg responds...

A Ragnarok happenned. Maybe not THE Ragnarok.

Response recorded on May 21, 2003

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adam writes...

in the labyrinth clan, who would be considered second after Talon?

Greg responds...

I don't think they are currently organized that way at this time. Ironically, by default, the answer might be Maggie. But I don't think it's formalized.

Response recorded on May 20, 2003

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adam writes...

who will delilah take as her make, one of the four original clones or another gargoyle?

Greg responds...

I'm not answering this at this time.

Response recorded on May 20, 2003

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Reno's Demona writes...

Greg-i love the show. I think it has some of the greatest character development i have ever seen. My question is this, would you say Demona is a tragic charachter? I would, but that's just me.... THANKS A BUNCH!!!

Greg responds...

I certainly think she's a tragic figure... the fact that she's her own worst enemy not-withstanding.

Response recorded on May 20, 2003

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Edward Haynes, Jr. writes...

Future Tense.

I won't keep you long, Greg. I just had some questions I thought you could clear for me about this particular episode.

Was the vision that Goliath saw just a dream or a prophecy? Why wouldn't Puck tell him which one it was? Would the events have REALLY started to come true if the series had continued after the the Goliath Chronicles??

Greg responds...

Some of each.

Why would he?

Some of them started to come true before the end of the second season. The birth of Alexander Fox Xanatos, for example. The destruction of the Clock Tower.

Response recorded on May 19, 2003

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The Souldier writes...

I have an off the wall question for you, in "Enter Macbeth," what was Macbeth drinking? Was it coffee, tea, or cocoa? It had to have been something hot because there was steam coming off of it. If it was cocoa, did he have marshmellows in it?

Greg responds...

I don't know.

Response recorded on May 19, 2003

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matt writes...

do gargoyles have any special terms or names for the years or the parts of the year that they mate, lay eggs, or eggs hatch?

Greg responds...

Gargoyles aren't too big on naming things. But, yeah, probably.

Response recorded on May 19, 2003

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Edward Haynes, Jr. writes...

In "Temptations" Demona mentions Goliath and Lexington being hunted by the Pack "like animals" to which Brooklyn responded with "How'd you know?" I noticed she never answered him, so my question is how DID she know? She never showed up in "Thrill Of The Hunt", so how did she know that it happened?

Greg responds...

Just cuz you didn't see her, doesn't mean she wasn't there.

Also, keep in mind that in those days, Demona was allied with Xanatos.

Response recorded on May 19, 2003

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Tukins writes...

Hey Greg
I'm not gonna bother you long, I only got one question

I was just wondering, since gargoyles see upon the entire clan as their family, and they concider them all brothers and sisters, how do they prevent interbreeding? I mean, they don't know just how closely they are related to eich other, doesn't that lead to problems sometimes?

That question has been bothering me for a while now, hope you can answer it for me

Greg responds...

It's been bugging you, but you chose not to check the archives for the answer. Instead you posted a question that I didn't get to for a year and a half.

Couldn't have been bugging you too much.

Within a generation, you're not going to get anyone mating with their biological brothers or sisters, because they don't have any among their rookery siblings. First Cousins are a possibility, I suppose. I have posited in the past that smell creates a natural anti-disposition for a gargoyle choosing a mate that he or she is too closely related to.

Response recorded on May 16, 2003

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Anonymous writes...

What is the true form of the Children of Oberon? Anything close to a Will O Wasps?

Greg responds...

Not particularly. I think of them as more solid than that. But I'm not sure even they know what their true forms are.

Response recorded on May 16, 2003

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Anonymous writes...

Did Oberon and his children invent the gods they were worshipped as or did humans invent them?

Greg responds...


If I'm getting your drift, the answer, I guess, is both.

Mostly, Oberon & Co. just were who they were, and various humans began to treat or worship them as gods.

Occasionally, I think it's possible that a culture had a god or two that one of the Children posed as.

Response recorded on May 16, 2003

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Todd Jensen writes...

Something that I've occasionally wondered about "Pendragon". Unlike the rest of the spin-offs (except maybe "New Olympians", which had connections to Greek mythology in its core concept in that the New Olympians are descended from the gods and monsters of classical myth), which were primarily based on the elements of the Gargoyles Universe ("Dark Ages" and "Gargoyles 2198" with the Wyvern clan's past and future, "Timedancer" with Brooklyn, and "Bad Guys" with some of the gargoyles' former antagonists), "Pendragon" appears based more on a "pre-existing mythology" (the Arthurian cycle), involving the return of King Arthur to the modern world. Of the five major characters that we know of in the projected spin-off (Arthur, Griff, Blanchefleur, Merlin, and Duval/Percival), all of them except for Griff are figures from the legend (though Percival is here the head of the Illuminati, a "Gargoyles" rather than Arthurian element). We do know that Griff would probably have stuck around as one of Arthur's knights for the duration of the series (and of their lives), and that a gargoyle clan would spring up at New Camelot when Arthur finally founds it (though I doubt that that would happen for a good long while in the spin-off if it had ever been made), but aside from that, the focus seems more on the Arthurian survivors (though we don't know as yet how large a role you'd planned for the other four survivors - the Lady of the Lake, Morgana, Nimue, and the Green Knight - in the series).

Did you primarily imagine "Pendragon" as more of a "return of Arthur" story that simply happened to be set in the Gargoyles Universe, or would "Gargoyles Universe" elements (as in, elements specifically created in the series, such as the gargoyles) have played about an equal role with the Arthurian aspects of it?

Greg responds...

I don't have a quota in mind. But I guess the answer is both.

Certainly, it was a "Return of the King" story set in the present of the Gargoyles Universe.

But I think one of the strengths of the Gargoyles Universe is its interconnectivity. So elements, like the Illuminati, the Gargoyles and Macbeth would have definitely entered into stories of the Questing Beast and the Holy Grail, and vice versa, etc.

Response recorded on May 16, 2003

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Jackie Hunter writes...

What is Hudson's favorite sport and what's his favorite

Greg responds...

Celebrity Hockey.

The B-Players.

Response recorded on May 15, 2003

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Alex Katsaros writes...

what is the significance of the bird on top of Hakon's helmet?

Greg responds...

Fresh eggs?

Response recorded on May 15, 2003

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matt writes...

in 2001 (or probably 2002 when you answer this :) ) is Elisa still a NY Cop? has she been promoted or still doing her detective work?

Greg responds...

How about in 2003?

Yes, I'd imagine she's still a cop. Hopefully, by now she's been promoted a grade or two. But I don't have a context to say how high.

Response recorded on May 15, 2003

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darkfiend666 writes...

How is Servarius's name pronounced? I've heard Xanatos pronounce it like the ar is pronounced air (Ser-Vair-e-us) and Elisa pronounce it like the ar is pronounced like it rhymes with bar. Which is correct? (I like the way Elisa
says it personally, it sounds more evil)

Greg responds...

I don't remember how Anton pronounced it?

I'm fine with either.

Response recorded on May 15, 2003

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Robert writes...

Hi mr. weisman! i am a big gargoyles fan and i am a webmaster of a gargoyles page. i have read some topics about the live-action gargoyles movie. you have said that touchstone pic. is looking for a good script, right? well, maybe is stupid, but i am a teather writer and in my free times i have writted a script for a "supposed" gargoyles film. i thogught that they (touch. pics) already have the script so i only did it for hobby but, do you think they could be interested in read it? who am i write to? i f you know please tell me ok? maybe sounds crazy but who knows?

Greg responds...


I'm sure that Touchstone is not interested (for legal reasons) in reading an unsolicited submission. Sorry.

But also a little advice...

You're post above is just chock full of typos and more. Bad spelling. Bad grammar. Bad punctuation.

Any teacher or writer should know that if you're looking for ANY work -- but particularly work as a writer (even if it is just on a whim) you need to proofread ruthlessly.

How could I or anyone recommend you to Touchstone based on the above?

I know that sounds harsh, but it's meant to help you, for future reference.

Response recorded on May 15, 2003

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Courtnie writes...

1. Is Wyvern based on a real castle?
2. What part of Scotland is Wyvern located?

Greg responds...

<sigh> I know I've answered these before. Did you even skim the Wyvern archive before posting questions that I wouldn't get to for over a year?

1. It is VERY loosely based -- at least in my mind on Tintagel.

2. The west coast of Scotland.

Response recorded on May 14, 2003

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Lynati writes...

Oh. and while I'm here...

Do you think when Aaron finally tracks down Marina Sirtis and asks her to sign the Demona tatoo on his chest that she'll do it gracefully, or will she have someone distract him and then run away really fast?

Greg responds...

Even odds.

(Although I can't imagine she hasn't encountered far weirder/scarier Trek fans than our Aaron -- who still reminds me of a young Tom McMinn.)

Response recorded on May 14, 2003

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Meteo writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman,

Do you see Disney's acquisition of Fox Family as increasing the chances for more Gargoyles? Thank you!

Greg responds...

Long term, perhaps.

Short term, no. I've inquired and they're not currently interested. Actually, the ABC Family guys were briefly interested in BAD GUYS. But their Disney Channel bosses put the kibosh on it.

Response recorded on May 14, 2003

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Lynati writes...

Why can't I sleep?
I've been up since 7 am yesterday. This just isn't fair.

Getting to the *actual* question...(I've looked through the archives, and haven't seen this one. I apologize if I missed it. And even more so If I've previously asked this question but forgot your response because it was a smart-ass one.)

"All things are true" you say, but I would appreciate it if you would clarify this for me:
In your conception of the gargoyles universe, are all "non-mortal" beings of the Fae race, or do you allow for the existence of anthropomorphic personifications?
(My, you do get a lot of Neil Gaimen inspired questions, don't you?)

[And as Aaron seems to have become lax in his posting of webcomic (and related) links...]

Greg responds...

Well, I hope you've been able to get some sleep since November 9, 2001...

I guess, and I'm not trying to be a smart-ass here, I'm not sure how you're defining "anthropomorphic personifications"? How is that different from, say, Anansi or The Stone of Destiny?

Anansi is definitely a "Child of Oberon." Not literally his kid, but one of his race. (Note: he's not Fae, which is not a term from the series. I view the Fae as a subset of the Children. Same with the Norse Pantheon and the Egyptian Pantheon, etc.)

Whereas, the Stone of Destiny is either an enchanted object or a Child of Oberon. I've intentionally left that vague for now.

As you've seen, the New Olympians are, strictly speaking, not Children of Oberon, though they are descended from them. Do they count as anthromorphic personifications?

So, I'm not trying to dodge the answer. I just honestly don't know how to define your terms.

Response recorded on May 14, 2003

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Saucer writes...

In the Reckoning, Demona stated, "I know every remaining gargoyle." Does that mean she knew every remaining clan including the ones that weren't introduced in the show. If not, which clans was she refering to?

Greg responds...

I'm going to leave that to your interpretation. Demona certainly seems to believe that she knows every remaining gargoyle, PERIOD.

But she could be (a) mistaken or (b) lying. She's certainly not above either possibility.

Response recorded on May 14, 2003

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matt writes...

some questions about Demona's "City of Stone Clan":

1. did Demona know any of them before the Wyvern Massacre?

2. were any of them once members of the Wyvern Clan?

3. were any of them once members of the clan that seperated from the Wyvern Clan?

4. were any of them banished gargoyles?

5. did you have any plans (in Gargoyles, or Dark Ages maybe) for showing where these gargs came from? i remember watching City of Stone for the first ime and wondering if i'd forgotten something from Awakenings or a flashback cuz one second they were the last of their kind and the next we found another group of them. kinda confused me...

Greg responds...

1. Yes.
2. Yes.
3. Yes.
4. Probably.
5. The group that was the "last of their kind" (which also turned out not to be true) in "Awakening" were the six survivors who woke up in Manhattan in 1994. Nobody in 994 ever said that the Wyvern clan were the last of their kind.

And as with most things, given enough episodes I would have eventually dealt with just about EVERYTHING.

Response recorded on May 13, 2003

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