A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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How would you categorize Nought in terms of his place among Oberon's Children? By which I mean would he be a trickster (IE Puck), or a mythical figure (IE banshee), a literary figure (IE Titania), a god figure (IE Anubis), or something else we have not yet encountered? I understand that you don't intend for all Oberon's children fall into only one or any of these, and I don't mean to imply that they all do, it just seems that a lot of the ones we have met tend to fall into these groups somewhere. I was just wondering how you would classify, or differentiate, Nought?
Thanks so Much!
Nought is the absense of category. He is nothing. The God of Nothing.
Was Nought made up or did he already exist in some myth or legend?
I have some notions to connect him to a couple of mythological figures, but that came after the fact. Originally, we just made up the visual. I added the name here at ASK GREG.
1.Did you have any plans for Nought?
Nought seems to be turning into the Boba Fett of the Gargoyles Universe. A split second cameo character that's gaining more and more fan curiosity. Including mine. Is Nought from any particular Mythology or work of fiction? Did you have plans for him later in the series?
Nought is what it seems.