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Todd Jensen writes...

I know that you're not that fond of questions involving "The Goliath Chronicles", but this is something that I thought I should mention here anyway.

One of the episodes of "The Goliath Chronicles" (it was the one involving Taurus and Proteus in New York) has gained particular notoriety among "Gargoyles" fans because the animators somehow made Elisa resemble Jasmine from "Aladdin". As a result, I found it amusing when, in #4 of the new comic, you had Elisa going to the masquerade party as Jasmine.

Given your past comments on the Goliath Chronicles and how you don't even remember them that clearly, I doubt that you deliberately intended that as an in-joke; also, it makes sense that Elisa would choose that costume because in the previous Halloween party in "Gargoyles", she'd gone as another Disney heroine (Belle from "Beauty and the Beast"). But I still thought that I should mention the additional level of meaning that I'd gotten out of her costume choice to you.

Greg responds...

All things are true.

Response recorded on June 29, 2007

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Dustin writes...

Hey Greg
I have really been enjoying the comic and am very impressed with how you have stuck with the Gargoyles and also the fans all this time. I recently got a dvr and have been enjoying episodes I never saw from the latter part of season 2 (what isn't out on DVD) on toon Disney. You probably know this by now but they do air Lethal Force these days. I have also caught a couple episodes of The Goliath Chronicles (The Journey, Runaways, and the last episode), but not enough to form a real opinion on the overall quality. It seems to me though that animation as a medium gets a lot more viewers than comics attracts readers so I guess it feels sort of odd to discount those episodes when more people will watch those than read the comics I am guessing. I mean I am not saying you have to pick up where they left off, but it is sort of like in other comics continuity, you can ignore events without contradicting them. They are your creation and I trust your judgement, it just goes against my geeky continuity obsessed mind. It also makes me wonder what people who actually worked on that season think of the negativity surrounding their work. Maybe it was just a pay check to them, but maybe they actually did try to do right by what you had set up. They were also probably under more pressure with BS+P that year which may have affected what they could do. It also seems like it puts you at risk of burning certain bridges, but I do not know about animation so maybe it is a big enough world where it doesn't matter too much to express opinions like that. Alright questions.
1) I couldn't find it anywhere in the archive and maybe its none of my business but since you clearly love the universe you created so much, why did you leave Disney in the 1st place assuming you could have stayed and run season 3 the way you had wanted?

Well I guess thats all I have for questions. No further questions. Other things....you mentioned #6 is a stand alone issue, which sounds like a great idea to me. Comics is different medium than animation/television. Sometimes storytelling has to be compressed a bit. If each 3 issues=1 episode that is like $10 bucks an episode (that is like 3-4 episodes for the price of the entire Sedason 2 Vol.1 DVD, not that its not worth it ). There are a lot of great comics that tell complete stories in one issue. Especially with a bi-monthly schedule it is nice when each issue packs a lot of story (not at the sacrifice of character or pace or anything). I also sort of dislike the decision to use to 1st 2 issues to retell a story that has already been in the series. I understand why it was probably a necessary evil for bringing back a 10 year old world, but it just feels like it had the potential to kill the excitment and momentum of a new series for the loyal fans who will be the primary audience of the series most likely. And I thought if you were doing it anyway it would have been nice to have Vinnie decide not to go to Japan in the end since there is all this talk of him being your surrogate and now you are back with the characters. Seems like a missed opportunity for a nice little wink towards the die hard fans. Maybe you have plans for him in Japan? I am looking forward to having a consistent artist in the upcoming issues. Fill-ins really do have a negative effect on a series in my mind, but weighed against huge delays I suppose they are a better option in this case. Overall I am very excited to have new Gargoyles stories around and I hope the run ends up being very successful because I feel like once you guys get into the groove, it could end up being pretty fantastic and I would hate to see it get cancelled before you even really get into it. And at the end of an arc if time is an issue it seems like it would be pretty easy to skip ahead a few years to catch us up to the present. I personally do not mind it being set in the 90's and I think just not mentioning the year works just fine for casual readers and the loyal fanbase. I guess skipping ahead might ruin your whole timeline you have mapped out as well. I sort of wish a bigger publisher had teamed up with Disney because the issues seem to get shoved in the independent and or kids sections in some shops, when they would probably do much better just mixed in on the shelf with all the other titles.

How about a Northwest Gathering. Portland, Seattle? Maybe even somewhere in Montana.

I think your post about "second base" was probably one of the most entertaining read on this whole page. If you want an example of tv broaching the topic the OC comes to mind 1st when Seth has a hilariously awkward conversation with his father about "preheating the oven".

And you are one episode away from finishing your ramblings on your seasons of the series. Let's get that done. I really enjoy the commentary like feel to those. It might even be interesting to do The Goliath Chronicles to hear what you had to say about those, or at least The Journey.

Well thanks a lot for sticking with these characters and indulging the fans. I was planning just write something as a letter to the comic but my thoughts kind of spilled over into all things Gargoyle. Sorry to go on so long. Hope I didn't come off really critical, the show has been one of my favorites since I was a kid and one of the few shows from then that still holds up to regular viewings. Thanks for your time.
The letters page is called written in stone right? I do not have an issue with me, but if its not it should be. How is that for a ramble...

Greg responds...

Friends of mine worked on Goliath Chronicles. Including Cary Bates, one of my best friends. I know -- and have ALWAYS said -- that they were working very hard under nearly impossible constraints. They did not have the time to LEARN the show; they just had to hit the ground running -- and running very fast. In addition, TPTB changed nearly the ENTIRE crew. So there was nobody around -- or nearly nobody -- in any kind of position of authority to provide any continuity (to the production, let alone to the storyline). I have great sympathy for the people involved... but it just doesn't change how personally painful it was for me to watch those episodes. You're right of course, that the worst rated episode of Goliath Chronicles has been seen by WAY, WAY, WAY more people than have read all the issues of the comic book put together. But at the end of the day, I'm the goofball who has to write the darn thing. And it just would have been too painful to have to include Goliath Chronicles in the continuity. And simply ignoring it wouldn't work, as I think is obvious from issues 3 & 4. Think about it. No clones. No THAILOG?!! Sorry, couldn't do it.

1. This has been answered elsewhere in greater detail, but suffice it to say, I was being pushed out the door and back then -- as much as I appreciated what a unique and great thing Gargoyles was -- I didn't appreciate it enough, and allowed myself to be pushed. I could see the writing on the wall that resources would have been reduced on the show, and didn't want to preside over its demise. I myself was offered a demotion from Supervising Producer to Story Editor. And even before I said yes or no, my replacement was hired. Having said all that, I should have fought to stay. Really. It is the single biggest professional regret of my career. But BIG PICTURE, I can't regret it, because a million things effect each other, and my son was born (specific egg/specific sperm) while I was at DreamWorks. So it's really not even a contest, from a LIFE standpoint.

As for Vinnie, don't overplay the surrogate thing. Vinnie has a life of his own and a destiny to fulfill and if I didn't send him to Japan it would screw up all sorts of future plans. I am also not going to continue to defend my reasons for starting off the comic as I did. I've stated my case. You buy it or you don't.

If you want a Gathering in any specific area, put together a group of fans and submit a bid. It's not a magic process, but it is a lot of hard work.

And the letters page is called "Etched in Stone".

Response recorded on June 13, 2007

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Cole writes...

I recently watched "Goliath Chronicles" episode "Journey" and found it interesting that there were female quarrymen. I felt having the female quarrymen was a good idea and kind of original. I was curious if the later season three episodes featured any female quarrymen, or female voices for quarrymen?

Greg responds...

I don't recall what they did after "The Journey" in the Goliath Chronicles on this issue. It's been over ten years since I last saw any of those episodes. In the comics, there are definitely male and female Quarrymen.

Response recorded on June 01, 2007

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Cori writes...


Well, first of all, like everyone else here I loved the series (even though I started watching it many many years after it ended, xD).

But I have a small question. Why is "Seeing Isn't Believing" animated differently? It seams like a compleatly different style then all the other episodes.

Just wondering. :)

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

I don't know why.

Response recorded on March 09, 2007

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Bobby writes...

I was wondering if there was a place where I could find a bunch of quote that Goliath says later in the series during, The Goliath Chronicles. I love reading good quotes, and I remember this show having good ones. Thanks.

Greg responds...

You have a better memory than I, then. No, I'm afraid I don't have any info on Goliath Chronicles.

Response recorded on October 09, 2006

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Secret_Agent_Gerbil writes...

Is your timeline (you did once say you had some sorda timeline correct?) based on the fact that TGC isn't canon? How much would the timeline change if you had to consider TGc part of the storyline?

Greg responds...

The timeline wouldn't change, it would just add more events and material. But this is a pretty pointless hypothetical if ever there was one.

Response recorded on December 05, 2005

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Bass mexican guy(also my friends call me brooklyn ^^) writes...

hey, it's me again, the mexican guy, I wana know if they're going to bring the DVDs to Mexico too, cause they're a lot of fans too, but I didn't told that are going to be in DVD cause I don't know if it's going to come here too.
By the way, Who made the goliath chronicles? sorry, but a lot of them suck, I only like "The journey" and "runaways", but the others, I hate it, and, if it's not going to be in mexico, it's right if I search for the episodes in the internet? or it is illegal? cause in mexico I can't find some channel or videos(at least in VHS "piratas"(illegal copy)) cause in Disney Channel Mexico it doesn't appear, thanks to read all this thing(todo este rollo) I hope you can respond me this

Greg responds...

I don't know what the international gameplan (Mexico included) was or is. Sorry.

Goliath Chronicles was produced by Walt Disney Television Animation, but with the exception of the voice cast, nearly the entire crew was replaced. The new crew had very little time even to familiarize themselves with the existing series.

Response recorded on November 11, 2005

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proteus . writes...

How did proteus escape from new olympus - in seeing isn't believing .
How did proteus kill taurus's father , where , and when .

Greg responds...

I've only seen that episode of Goliath Chronicles once. And I have very little memory of it. I don't personally consider it canon.

As for how, where and when he killed Taurus' father, that's an entire story... for another day.

Response recorded on September 20, 2005

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Aves writes...

Considering that, since "The Journey," nothing horribly important happened in the rest of the series - except possibly the finale, and the death of all the clones (which, in the way it was done, would be relatively easy to get around) - if (various Gods willing) you did manage to resurrect the series or found a spin-off, would you pretend that the Goliath Chronicles never happened? Or would you make alterations to your Master Plan to allow for the events of the series? Or have you not decided/thought about it?

Greg responds...

I've thought about it a lot -- and gone back and forth a lot...

The current plan (which I hope to do in the new comic book series from Slave Labor Graphics and Creature Comics.Com) is very... nuancy.

I don't plan on denying the Chronicles, but I do plan on ignoring them. Eh, we'll see how it works...

Response recorded on June 27, 2005

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Karc writes...

First off, thank you and the staff of Gargoyles for giving us such a great series. I have a few questions about The Goliath Chronicles though, as I never got a good understanding of its production. Why was it distinctly different than the first two season of Gargoyles? Was there some sort of new direction that Disney decided to take with the series, or was this the sole discretion of the creators? Actually, I was also wondering how much creative freedom you really had on the first two seasons. My only guess has to do with syndication vs. network standards, but I think I'm way off. Help, I'm confused. Thanks.

Greg responds...

You're not way off. We had considerable freedom the first two years, and one of the main reasons was because we were a syndicated series.

The third year - The Goliath Chronicles - was network and had much tougher standard & practices rules. But the main reason that the third season was different was because they replaced nearly the entire crew, including all the producers and story editors.

Response recorded on April 27, 2005

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Babs writes...

hallo again,
In episode " seeing is'nt believeing, Elisa doesnt call Goliath by his name when he is human, was that done on purpose so it gave us a more understanding that he was human ( because no in thier right mind would name thier child that) or was it just left out for another reason and if so , what was it.
danke for answering,
Gargoyles Forever !
(man work is boring)

Greg responds...

I had nothing to do with the production of that episode. I've only ever seen it once. I have no idea what their intent was.

Response recorded on July 01, 2004

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Sata writes...

it seems to me there is a difference from season 3 Seeing Isn"t Bleaving maby more shadowing do you notice any difference?

Greg responds...

What's with all these "Seeing isn't Believing" questions recently? Is this one person posting under many names?

Anyway, I've seen this (and all non-Journey Chronicles episodes) exactly once, way back in '96/'97.

I remember there was one that was sort of Aladdinesque in its animation, but I'm not even sure which ep that was. And I don't know why.

Response recorded on June 21, 2004

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roxanne writes...

last night I whached the episode "seeing isn't believing". I think it's the second to last episode in The Goliath Chronicals. Anyway, the animation style was really really weird, I wondering if you happened to know what that was about.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on June 21, 2004

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Forliya writes...

hey,Um, I'm wondering if you could tell me how many gargoyal
cronicals are thear? because I'm embarresed to say that I'm in love with goliath. I know its stupid but I cant help it.Oh by the way can you tell me who dose the voice of goliath ? because it goes by so fast on the credits I cant read it on the screan!

Greg responds...

We made 65 episodes of "Gargoyles" over two seasons.

They made a third season, 13 episodes, called "Gargoyles: The Goliath Chronicles". I wrote the first of those 13, but had no real involvement beyond that script.

And the voice of Goliath is the amazing Keith David.

Response recorded on June 21, 2004

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Babs writes...

In the Episode Seeing isn't believeing I noticed that the drawings were different, which to say the truth I was thinking about how different they looked during the whole show which made it hard to pay attention to what was going on. I was wondering what happened to the orginal drawers, and why was the drawings of everyone different ?
Gargoyles Forever!

Greg responds...

Except for "The Journey", I've only seen each episode of "The Goliath Chronicles" once (back in 1996/97). Frankly, I can't even remember which episode you're referring to.

I do recall that one of the episodes looked like it was an episode of Aladdin.

In any case, I had nothing to do with the production of those episodes. Couldn't tell you why it looks the way it does. Sorry.

Response recorded on June 10, 2004

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Erin writes...

Have you made any progress on getting the new gargoyles series up and running? If so then when can we expect it? Also, if this series does get going, will you disregard what happened to the characters in the goliath chronicles?

Greg responds...

No real progress, no. Though I think some positive steps include (1) the fact that they're now airing reruns in the Jetix block on ABC Family and (2) the coming release of the DVD.

As to your second question, I've answered it many, many times before. It will depend on the situation of our pick-up.

Response recorded on May 04, 2004

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Jumping sharks...

My brother e-mailed me this link:


so I decided to check it out for myself. Might do a couple rambles on the commentary there, but today let's just look at the vote tally as to when people think the series "Jumped the Shark" (i.e. started to suck)...

Network Switch (SYN to ABC) - 8 votes
Never Jumped - 7
The third season - 3
The Goliath Chronicles - 2
They found the Island of Gargoyles - 1
Time Slot (They moved it to the morning) - 1
Xanatos repents - 1
Gargoyle of the Week - 1
Thailog - 1

Of course, four of those categories are really one and the same. The "Network Switch (SYN to ABC)" and "Time Slot (They moved it to the morning)" was for "The third season", which was subtitled "The Goliath Chronicles". So if you add up those votes, you get a whopping (if any number out of 25 can be called whopping) 14 out of 25 votes for TGC as our shark jumping moment. Since I have to agree and since another 7 voters (bringing the total up to 21 out of 25) think that the show didn't jump at all, I'm feeling pretty good right about now.

So let me obssess about the remaining four votes.

I'll try to take them in chronological order...

One person thought we jumped the shark by introducing Thailog. I don't know what to say, except that I disagree. I think Thailog was a pretty cool addition to the series. A great villain and a complex character. I'd tend to think that the fanbase would agree.

(I know that at this time the submit function here at ASK GREG has been suspended, but I invite folks at the Station 8 Gargoyles comment room at:


to entertain this topic.)

Another viewer thought we jumped the shark when "They found the Island of Gargoyles", (i.e. Avalon, I assume). Hard to figure exactly what the person didn't like about this. Don't know if it's Avalon itself that bothered the viewer or the addition of more gargs, or Angela or the World Tour that followed. Maybe it got too fantasy. But again, I have no regrets on this score.

Our third rogue shark-sighter cites "Gargoyle of the Week" as our problem. I can only guess that this refers to the World Tour. Of course, we certainly never intro'd anything close to a gargoyle a week. We intro'd four new clans (Avalon, London, Ishimura & Mayan) over twenty-three episodes (which initially aired over something like a six month period). But maybe Gargoyle-A-Month is a more accurate criticism. Did we make a mistake saying that our sextet (plus Demona) weren't the only survivors of the gargoyle race? Maybe. It does remove some drama. But I liked adding hope into the equation for the gargoyle race. And I definitely liked how the World Tour (and not just the new clans, but especially the new clans) widened the scope of our tapestry/series. But many have disagreed.

Finally, our last shark-sighter cites "Xanatos repents". But I'm not sure that Xanatos ever really repented. He called a truce certainly, but not until the fourth to last scene of the last episode of the 2nd season. And I don't think anyone really thinks that we jumped the shark during "Hunter's Moon". So I'm going to be generous to myself and assume that it was how X was handled during TGC that this guy was voting for. (That may include my episode "The Journey", but I'll have to live with that and the notion that if people had been able to see where _I_ would have taken David in subsequent episodes, they might be less inclined to even think he repented, let alone that it caused the series to jump.)

Well, that was fun. I'll try to tackle the commentary tomorrow...

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Arystella writes...

Why was Goliath's human form different when Puck made him human than when Titania made him human?

Greg responds...

I had nothing to do with the Goliath Chronicle episode where Titania made Goliath human. So I can't answer why they changed the model... though I'll question IF they truly changed it.

Aside from clothes and hair-length -- are you sure the model was different? (I've only seen that episode once, eight years ago, so I can't remember.)

Response recorded on February 23, 2004

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Todd Jensen writes...

I know that you don't like answering "Goliath Chronicles"-related questions, but this is something that's been puzzling me for some time, and I was hoping that you might be able to throw some light on the subject.

I was recalling your mention of how the production team for "The Goliath Chronicles" originally wanted to end the series with the clan and Elisa simply running away from New York and scattering, though you fortunately talked them out of it. I'm still grateful that you did so, but what really puzzles me is why they wanted to end it that way in the first place.

Now, a lot of the changes that the production team made do have a certain explicability about them, when you consider that the bulk of them were still new to "Gargoyles" and not very familiar with it (and didn't have enough time to become familiar with it). But that "original ending" didn't. Because, even if I wasn't familiar with the first two seasons, I'd still have considered a bad ending, simply because it had the protagonists just give up and run away instead of persevering. After spending the entire season attempting to make peace with the humans and solve the "racial hatred" problem, they just give up trying and run away in defeat. That would certainly be dramatically unsatisfying, even anticlimactic.

So what I'm wondering is: did the new production team ever tell you why they wanted to end "The Goliath Chronicles" that way, when you found out about their plan? Because that original ending certainly didn't make sense to me.

Greg responds...

I think they simply had a notion to bring the series to a definitive end (without literally killing everyone off). Why they would want to do that, I'm not sure. But that was the sense I had.

Response recorded on February 12, 2004

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