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RETORTS 2004-06 (June)

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CMW writes...

This has probably been asked already, but why was Gargoyles: The Goliath Chronicles cancelled? it was such a great show and also are there any talks of continuing the epic saga of the Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

Gargoyles ended after 65 episodes in syndication, because 65 episodes is a standard syndication package.

Gargoyles: The Goliath Chronicles ended after 13 additional episodes on ABC, because of poor ratings and (I think) a generally lower quality of product.

I'm always talking about bringing it back, but I don't think anyone at Disney takes me seriously. However, if the DVDs sell well, that could change.

Response recorded on June 07, 2004

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Katarina Rodriguez writes...

I hope these questions are alright. I was wondering if there were any episodes on video, of Gargoyles and if not, why the show was never able to. And also, what caused Gargoyles to end so early, having only three seasons, or were there more?

Greg responds...

The entire first season of Gargoyles was released on video back in the day.

That same first season is being released this year on DVD.

The second season will no doubt become available if the first season sells well.

Response recorded on June 04, 2004

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Brad676 writes...

Who was Lexingtons mate

Greg responds...

Not saying at this time.

Response recorded on June 04, 2004

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Brad676 writes...

Will Goliath and Elsa get further into there relashiship

Greg responds...


Response recorded on June 04, 2004

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DeShawn writes...

Did you make up Oberon, or is he apart of real legend and myth.

Greg responds...

He's part of real myth & legend, and more importantly Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream".

Response recorded on June 03, 2004

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babs writes...

I was wondering,theres alot of people and i mean alot of people that love this show, cant we do something to try to get it back into the making, a online petition maybe,we could send it to Disney im sure once they see how many people want the show back on the air they wouldnt pass up the rattings and money that it could bring in.
my question:
this is one of my fav. parts in all of the shows, In the episode Vendettas the guy that creams Goliath in the face with the banana cream pie, I notcied that afterwards when he is walking away he starts to hum the Gargoyles theme song, I was Wondering whos idea was it to put that in there?

Out of all the shows if I were to have a Top 10 list for the funniest parts that would have to be in my Top 5. its good to see that a somewhat of a dark show has its funny, caring parts in it.
Gargoyles Forever !

Greg responds...

The two biggest things that you can do to revive the show are (a) attend the Gathering and (b) buy the DVD when it comes out later this year. Show Disney that you're willing to spend money to get more Gargoyles, and they'll take notice.

As for Vinnie's humming, that was my idea. Glad you liked it.

Response recorded on June 03, 2004

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Kameron writes...

Hey Greg, I'm a fan of Gargoyles and I just stumbled upon your website. So to get to the point I was wanting to know if you could tell me all the encantations/spells used in the show. I find them all really cool. I especially like Puck's spells (most likely because he's my favorite character).

Thank you very much!

Greg responds...

You know, I'd just have to go through all my tapes and/or scripts and transcribe them. And since it's been nearly two years since you posted, and I'm not even sure if you're still checking the site, I'm gonna pass on that chore.

Besides, just watch the eps and you can do it.

But I'm glad you liked the spells and Puck.

Response recorded on June 02, 2004

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Rebecca writes...

Who the hell is Katana??

Greg responds...

Brooklyn's mate, to be introduced in Feudal Japan (as part of the Ishimura Clan) during the course of the proposed TimeDancer spin-off series.

But why are you cursing? It's kinda rude.

Response recorded on June 02, 2004

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Denis writes...

Hello, Greg!

It was cool to see you again at the Gathering! and great radio-play, too!

I've a couple of questions, about Team Atlantis.

1) when did Demona heard about Atlantis? and that her race was named Gorlois by the city named above?

2)Can you tell us the title of the Team Atlantis episode set at the Loch Ness? (and I don't mean the Bush Garden's ride! ;-) )

that's all! pahgen! Gaa-moahk! ( thanks and Good bye. I know, my atlantean accent sucks!)

Greg responds...

1. Prior to 1920.

2. I'm sorry, but I just don't remember. That was three years ago.

Response recorded on June 02, 2004

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kEVO writes...

alright,i'd like to begin by saying how much i truly, deeply love Gargoyles. it is the most incredible show i have ever seen. but i'll save higher efforts of ego inflation for later.

my question is about the Gatherings. i've noticed that when people have asked you about Team Atlantis or, in one case, who created the Praying Gargoyle statue, you told them the answer would be revealed at G2002. i was unable to attend this Gathering, cuz of the whole "no money" thing so will these answers be brought up in 2003 or here on Station 8 or will i just never be able to find them out? i'm gonna try to go to G2003, because it's very close to where i live.

which brings me to my next question. am i allowed to attend The Gathering even if i'm not staying at the hotel there? i know i should probably try to find these answers online before asking you but i figured since i was already here.

thanks for your time, sir!


Greg responds...

I hope you attended G2003 and are planning to come to G2004 this month in Manhattan. You do NOT have to stay at the hotel, though I recommend it. For more info, check out:


Anyway, info on the Praying Gargoyle is available at every Gathering, starting in 2002. The short answer, however, is that the statuette was created by the Atlanteans.

Response recorded on June 01, 2004

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Firestar formerly The Souldier writes...

I was watching The Gathering part 2 recently, and got to wondering, what is Hudson's sword made out of? It's obviously not iron otherwise it would ave cut through Oberon's hair (jst as a reminder as the gargs were fighting Oberon he made strands of his hair go and grab Goliath). It was suggested to me that maybe the sword is bronze, but that has a couple of problems: 1. Obviously if it's bronze the color is wrong, 2. Bronze is a realtivly soft metal and doesn't hold an edge very well. The more logical possibility I can think of is that the sword has some sort of magic in it, but i would think that would allow it to harm Oberon, so it doesn't seem that that likely. The less logical possibility that popped into my head is that Gargoyles are secretly insanely good metal workers, and the had discovered some sort of alloy that worked very well in weaponry. If you don't know, it's no big deal, your a creator, not a metalurgist.

Greg responds...

I don't know. Can't it be steel?

By the way, he got the sword from a Viking.

Response recorded on June 01, 2004

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New b writes...

I just started watching you show. I really want to see "Hunters Moon". Last nights show was "The Reckoning". Which one comes first.

Greg responds...

Reckoning comes before Hunter's Moon.

Response recorded on June 01, 2004

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Nick writes...


What episodes was Faloog in? (Not sure if I spelled that correctly, Goliath's clone). He was really cool, but I was only able to catch the first time he appeared.

Greg responds...

Thailog was introduced in "Double Jeopardy". He next appeared in "Sanctuary" and "The Reckoning". "Thailog Shock Troops" appeared in "Future Tense", but they were just Puck's creations, used to fool Goliath. Thailog also appeared in some episode of Goliath Chronicles, but I can't remember the name.

Response recorded on June 01, 2004

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