A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Is Gabriel Coldstones son? If so then does that make his love his mother?
Yes, Gabriel is the biological son of Coldstone and Coldfire. But from a gargoyle's point of view, Goliath is as much Gabriel's father as Coldstone is.
What did Titania say to Fox at the end of The Gathering?
If you dont answer this(like you dont to all the other people who ask you this)I will assume that you dont even know the answer.
Assume what you want. I maintain that I know MY answer. But that at this point, I've come to believe that no answer I could supply could live up to the hype.
hi, how can I get my hands on the original Gargoyles, tv series, all 66 episodes? Are they on vhs or something? Thanks.
Episodes 14-66 are currently not available.
Episodes 1-13 were once available on VHS.
But they will be coming out again on DVD on December 7th, 2004.
Where could i find the old episodes of Gargoyles?
On December 7th, 2004, you can find them on DVD!!!
In the epasode "The Edge" owen's eyes are brown,but thay are blue in the other epasodes,was it an error?
Assuming your information is accurate, then some error did occur. But it might have been Puck's error.
I have a language question. The gargoyles (Manhattan Clan)come from medevil Scotland, right? Well, English 1000 years ago wasn't the same as it is now. It actually bears little resemblence to old English, so how could the gargoyles understand our English (Modern English) when they woke up in NY in 1994?
When you really think about it they should be speaking Scottish since they're from a time when people in Scotland spoke Scottish, not English.
So either way you look at it there should have been a lot of communication problems at first. (I can accept we can understand everyone in Scotland 994 since you'd have to use subtitles otherwise. Thanks :)
You are essentially correct, although I'd use the term Gaelic, I think, rather than Scottish.
The "behind the scenes" answer, as I've mentioned before, was that we chose Scotland in part because it's a place where people CURRENTLY speak English, so we felt we could skate past the language question without too much of a problem.
The "in universe" answer, which I've also mentioned before, came, I believe, from Michael Reaves, who suggested that a spell was cast (perhaps by Demona before Goliath & Company were brought to the top of the Eyrie Building) to bring the Gargoyles up to speed language-wise without any of them realizing that they'd been effected.
Hey gang,
I got a job!!!!
I'll be producing the SECOND season of a series called W.I.T.C.H. for SIP Animation and ABC Family's Jetix block.
I had nothing to do with the FIRST season, but I'm rooting for its success... because frankly if it doesn't do well, then you'll never get to see the neatokeen stuff I'm planning for season two.
The first W.I.T.C.H. "minisode" premieres on Jetix on Saturday morning, October 30th. (Check your local listings.) Again, I had nothing to do with it, but I do think it's fun stuff. (And if you love me, you'll support it ;)
Oh, and while I'm at it, I think my first episode of THE BATMAN, "The Big Chill" featuring Mr. Freeze airs THIS Saturday, October 23rd on Kids WB. (Again, check your local listings.) It features the voice of Clancy Brown (Hakon, Wolf) as Freeze.
And also keep an eye out for the two episodes of SUPER ROBOT MONKEY TEAM HYPERFORCE GO! which I wrote for Jetix. I'm not sure exactly when they're airing, but I'll keep you posted.
Dear Gregg, I do not know if this message will get through but, i figured i would try. Have you ever given thought about how to continue the gargoyles saga without the t.v show? a.k.a. roll playing game. If so, please at least e-mail me at www.Tapewormsupreme@aol.com to let me know. I am sure the prospect has been mentioned in the past, but i would like to know if perhaps it could happen some day?
I'd love to continue working on Gargoyles in any format. No one has offered.
You are NEVER going to tell us what Titania said to Fox at the end of the episode i cant recall he name of?
It was "The Gathering, Part Two".
Why don't you guys have a how to draw Disney Gargoyles
US guys?
Well, there's only me here, and I can't draw. Plenty of the fans can though. Ask them in the comment room.
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