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How could Puck reveal himself to Xanitos? Woldn't that be INterviening in Human affairs?P.S any fans of the show who thinks they can answer this question can write to me at opinionsrgood@hotmail.com
That doesn't seem hard to justify in a bending the rules without breaking them sense.
When was Hudson born I figured it had to be pre 875 (1000, years sleep plus Hudson would have to be atleast 60 or 120 in Human years)P.S any fans of the show who thinks they can answer this question can write to me at opinionsrgood@hotmail.com
Hudson hatched in 878.
When Did Xanitos become a member of the Illuminati, did the letter he sent himself have anything to do with it?(other than his wealth)P.S any fans of the show who thinks they can answer this question can write to me at opinionsrgood@hotmail.com
Xanatos was already a member of the organization when we first met him in "Awakening, Part Two". His medieval stint may indeed have had something to do with his admittance.
First off, thank you for creating a masterpiece. Undoubtedly one of the greatest animated shows of all time.
Now some questions about the TV industry:
1.You are quoted in the FAQ as advising aspiring television authors "If you can be happy doing anything else, do that thing." Working in the industry for all these years, do you feel that most of your peers have taken this advice, or do you feel surrounded by bitter and disillusioned cynics?
2. Why is it that you were given such a position of significant control with "Gargoyles" relatively early in your career, yet have been unable to find a position in similar role since adding that credit to your resume? Despite being a moderate hit, did losing the ratings war with Power Rangers attach a stigma to the show (and thus you) as "not being able to hit a homerun ", making it harder to get future opportunities (you have done some good work since, but nothing with the creative control or depth of Gargoyles)? Or is the industry understanding of what Gargs was up against (A barinless "Pokemon" like monster) and don't disparage it as a "failure" simply because it couldn't defeat a (ratings) behemoth, and your current situation is just the brakes of a volatile industry?
3. I don't necessarily want to be a TV writer (I'm into prose) but I am a big fan of animation. Do you think the FoxBox and the new Ninja Turtles cartoon (the blocks highest rated program by far), in going up against Kids WB, is in the same position Gargoyles and Disney Afternoon was in in 1995/96? Foxbox has moved to Sundays ostensibly to avoid the competition. As a creative Producer once in a seemingly similar situation, could you just objectively tell a worried fan if this is a sign of The End? ( TMNT has, however been signed on for more episodes up to 52, which according to you is succesful in todays market.) As an aside to this question, how much of keeping an animated show on the air has to do with sales of merchandise as opposed to pure ratings?
Thank you for your time.
1. I am indeed surrounded by bitter and disillusioned cynics. Though most of us are pretty cheerful about it.
2. Mostly it's just the breaks. But I have been stigmatized here and there by various individuals who were in power... some of whom are no longer in power. Also there were a unique set of circumstances at Disney at the time of Gargoyles that resulted in me getting so much creative freedom and control. Circumstances that would be hard to duplicate. But since then, I have had substantial control over my ten Roughnecks episodes. I had some control over the first season of Max Steel. And on the show I'm working on now, W.I.T.C.H., I've had more control, more freedom -- and more fun -- than on any show I've done since Gargoyles.
3. I'm just not up to speed on the Fox Box/Kids WB situation, though I know that Kids WB is phasing out their weekday afternoon kids block. As for merchandise vs. ratings... Both can be HUGE factors. A network can't survive on bad ratings, but most shows have trouble making their budgets without merchandising revenue.
do elisa and goliath ever become a couple?
You mean they're not now?
Excuse, I have mistake forgive with forgoten.
I knew there was something wrong there. Thanks for the correction.
Dear mister weisman,
I'm a fan of your serie "gargoyles" and I tell this with admiration and respect.
Your behaviour with some fans is not very kind, I know you must be very tired to stand some fanatics of the serie, but remember, the word fan not always mean fanatic.
I Know, I Know, you are always answering the same question one time, and another and another and another, I understand it's must be very dull and boring, but understand us, we don't know the other fans´ questions and your answers, and we want to know all the details and tiny things of the serie.
Because is very possible that Disney will forgive the serie and we like to know , for example, what happen with Thailog or maybe Angela and Demona would be friends someday?, and only you have all the answers of our question, please, treat us with more respect and kind.
Remember, Disney could have forgive you, but we don't.
With all my respect and greatings from a group of fans of Spain (But this letter have been writing for only one person)
The evil forces and a group of fans.
Pd: forgive me if you didn't understand this letter, but my English is not very good ^_^.
I'm not sure if you're using the word "forgive" correctly. But maybe you are.
I have tried, always, to treat the fans with respect. I'll admit that I have slipped on occasion. Gotten cranky. But I do believe those slips are relatively rare, and I like to think I have an excellent relationship with the fandom at large and with most fans individually (fanatical or otherwise).
I apologise if I've given any other impression beyond the obvious: I am tremendously gratified that they have worked so hard to keep the show alive in their hearts and mine.
So please do forgive me, if I've trespassed.
Hello. I have an interesting question that I could not find answered in the archives. What, if any, are the differences between female gargoyles and human females when it comes to pregnency. Do they carry the egg for a length of time (and if so so long?) before laying it? Is it apparent when a female gargoyle is carrying an egg?
Maybe this question seems odd but it is something that's been rolling around in my head for a long time.
Gargoyle females carry their eggs for six months before laying them. Toward the end of the "pregnancy" it is indeed apparent.
I love the Gargoyles show! I am a Writer and I would like to write a book on the gargoyles, only it wouold be a little different. I would use the same characters in the same place only I would add new characters(good and bad) and have a different story. But to do that Legally i need written permission from all of the people who have stuff on Gargoyles copyrighted and proof of the copyrights. How can I go about this and who all own the copyrites. Thank you soooooo much! My Gratitude.
You'd have to check with Disney. They own ALL Copywrites on the material.
Of course, if you want to write this as not-for-profit fanfiction, go right ahead.
But if you want to write it for profit... uh... well, friend, go create something original. Don't poach on someone else's stuff.
Ah, I'm just kidding. I wouldn't do that to you. My question's about the theme song for the first 2 seasons. Carl Johnson's original cut of the theme had the drums followed by some subtle woodwind working of the theme, the buildup, then the hardcore horns doing the theme that we know and love. But over the opening credits, the woodwind piece is cut out, and the horn section plays twice. What happened there? Was the wood section deemed not "action-oriented" enough for the opening credits? I like it, personally, I feel it contrasts the horns well. It's also quite the shock, hearing the original cut for the first time, expecting the huge hit of the horns and instead being hit with this really cool wind solo.
I swear to God, I just don't remember. Sorry.
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