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Maria writes...

Okay, got another question for ya. But it doesn't focus on
one character in particular. But rather on all gargoyles in General.
What sort of enzyme or bacteria in a gargoyles eye would cause his/her eyes to glow the way they do? How does that work?

Greg responds...

I don't know. Then again, I don't know what causes yawns in human beings either. But I know they happen.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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Almighty Hat writes...

AH-- Hey, is Griff (or any other Garg) fuzzy all over?

GW-- By fuzzy, do you mean furry?

Yeah, I kinda do. So... Is there an answer in sight here, or is Gargoyle hirsuteness too personal? (Is "hirsuteness" even a word?)

Greg responds...

Leo's furry. Una too.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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Almighty Hat writes...

Hey, is Griff (or any other Garg) fuzzy all over? Just curious.

Greg responds...

By fuzzy, you mean furry?

Response recorded on November 02, 2000

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Maverick writes...

Something you mentioned from the Ep "Silver Falcon,":

'Elisa nearly shoots brodway.'

1) What would happen if a bullet go lodged in Broadway? Would it vanish at dawn with the wound or would it stay there forever? [Apu on the Simpsons has something like 8 in his body.]

2) If *Elisa* was *Showing* Broadway the gun (In deadly Force) and it went off, hitting him, how bad would the wound be? Life threatning like Elisa's wound was, or would he have much more stamina to survive untill dawn like Goliath did in 'Long way 'till morning'?

3) When a gargoyle gets shot in the wings, are there nerves that allow it to feel the shot?

4) Can gargoyles, during the day, stop a bullet, [assuming they are stone]? Would it just bounce off him, or actually make a hole?

B) Would the gargoyle then wake up?

Greg responds...

1. It wouldn't vanish.

2. It depends where he was shot. It could kill him instantly.

3. Yes.

4. Probably make a hole, but it depends on other factors like range, caliber, etc.

B. No.

Response recorded on November 02, 2000

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Siren writes...

I might spark a debat in the comment room on this one...but it's a free country!...
Are there gay and lesbian gargoyles in the Gargoyles Universe?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 01, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

A weird biological comment:
I read that in almost all vertebrates (with the exception of newts and salamanders) digits II and III are formed first, then IV and finally I and V (digits being numbered from the thumb and moving to the pinky)

Now, when in the course of evolution a species of animal loses a couple of fingers, it's always done in the *reverse* order (because losing an "early" digit would destroy the development of all the following ones). So in evolution, when individual digits are lost, it's always either the "thumb" or the "pinky" first, followed by the other, then IV, and then II and III.

Which means that since Gargoyles have four digits in each hand, (and since they *do* have a thumb) it means that most probably it's the "pinky" that they are missing, and not one of the three fingers inbetween.

Now, was that more about digit evolution than you ever wanted to know? :-)

Greg responds...

Uh. Actually that was kinda fun.

But what if instead of "losing" a digit, they never had one in the first place?

Or what if two interior digits fused into one?

Response recorded on October 26, 2000

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Faieq writes...

1)How many sets of teeth do gargoyles have? Humans have two sets: their milk teeth and their adult teeth, (three sets if you count false teeth.) Do gargoyles have two sets of teeth as well, or just one set of teeth? Or do they have more than two sets of teeth?
2)At what age do the hatchlings start to teeth?

Greg responds...

1. I haven't given it any thought.

2. Born with teeth, I'd think.

Response recorded on October 26, 2000

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Faieq writes...

Are their any gargoyles that have eye color or do all gargoyles just have black pupils.

Greg responds...

Pretty much

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

A small tidbit that you revealed through the last contest was that the hatching of the eggs takes place in March 21st - the Spring Equinox, that is.

Now, I always felt it would be on an equinox or a solstice- those are the only dates that make sense really... Is the laying of the eggs also done on the Spring Equinox (ten years earlier ofcourse)?

How about the egg's conceiving? Have you decided how much time is spent between the eggs's conceiving and laying?

Greg responds...

That's interesting. Maybe.

As for conception, maybe I'll make it a six month term and put it on the fall equinox.

The truth is I chose March 21st because it's my son's birthday. But sometimes things in the Garg Universe just seem to come together. It's cool that way.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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icemann writes...

Just one question I've been wondering for a while

What would happen if a Gargoyle were to go into space (on a shuttle or something)? would it go into stone sleep until it came back to earth?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 19, 2000

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