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Todd Jensen writes...

In "The New Olympians", when Proteus is masquerading as Goliath and Elisa suddenly notices that he doesn't turn to stone in the daytime, Proteus replies that New Olympus's cloaking device must be altering the sun's rays so as to allow him to remain flesh by day. It recently struck me that this was not only a lie, but actually a rather poor lie, because of this: as we know, it isn't sunlight that causes gargoyles to turn to stone in the daytime, but rather their internal biological clock. So whatever effect the New Olympians' concealment technology would have on the sunlight, it wouldn't prevent the gargoyles from turning to stone by day (for that matter, we do know that gargoyles on New Olympus must turn to stone in the daytime on account of such a thing happening to Goliath, Angela, and Bronx while they were on the island).

So was Proteus not too well-versed in gargoyle biology, that he made such an error about what causes them to turn to stone by day? Or did he know the truth, but assume that Elisa didn't?

Greg responds...

He was vamping.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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Tim writes...

What was that place that Oberon sent Angela and Brooklyn too in Gathering pt 1 where they floated and stammered that it was cold? A part of Oberon himself, or another dimension, or something else entirely?

Greg responds...

A part of his cloak.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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Faieq writes...

Probably a pointless question, but in 'Deadly Force', just before Broadway shot Elisa, she was cooking something on the stove. Who turned the cooker off? We saw Broadway pick up Elisa and just glide off. He didn't turn the stove off. Who did?

Greg responds...

The cops.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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Monzo writes...

Since you ramble on "Eye of the Beholder", I have a Silly question. Any reasons why Owen took the Commandoes' armored heliopter instead of the usual 'civilian' helicopter?

Greg responds...

In case there was trouble, I guess. But I hadn't noticed.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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Maverick writes...

I saw recently the episode "Upgrade". My thought is:

1) Goliath must make a BIG choice
2) Brooklyn/Lexington/Broadway must proove themself worthy
3) The Pack get a *New* look
4) (In my opinion) The is the first step to Dingo's *turn Around* (Becoming a good guy eventually in the Matrix Ep)

In your opinion, is this a very immportant episode, A *Pivitol* episode, more so than, say Avalon Prt 1, in your views?

Greg responds...

In my view, they're all fairly pivotal for different reasons, many of which weren't revealed in the first 66.

But Upgrade had soeme good stuff in it, yeah.

But quantifying "pivotalness" i.e. Upgrade vs. Avalon 1 seems beyond pointless to me.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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Faieq writes...

In Awakening Part one (and at the beginning of Awakening part two), Goliath was sure that those destroyed gargoyle peices he held were the remains of his mate. I get the feeling that the gargoyles had their own sleeping places on the castle battlements. Is this the case, or did Goliath assume that because he saw a few of the gargoyles destroyed, he assumed that the whole clan was destroyed?

Greg responds...

The former. With Demona absent, someone obviously chose to sleep in her spot.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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Vashkoda writes...

After asking about Goliath having foreknowledge of the Timedancer, I got to thinking of other gargoyles with foreknowledge of someone's fate--Hudson and Demona. In "Vows", Hudson's old self meets future Goliath, and Demona's old self meets future Goliath and Demona. My question is whether Hudson and/or Demona ever truly realized that those encounters meant that Goliath would survive for many years to come (well, exactly how many, they couldn't have known). Did Hudson ever use that as a reassurance that Goliath would return safely from patrols or other dangerous missions--because until "Vows", Hudson knew that Goliath didn't have access to the Gate, and wouldn't be able to accomplish his destined visit to the past? And during all those centuries, did Demona also rely on the memory of that visit as a reassurance that one day, Goliath would awaken?

Greg responds...

Maybe. But keep in mind, until "Vows" they didn't know that Time was immutable. There was no guarantee that the future hadn't been altered in such a way that Goliath would never travel.

Certainly, when Hudson heard about Xanatos' wedding invitation, he had a hunch where the whole thing was going.

Response recorded on November 01, 2000

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Emmlei writes...

In 'Future Tense', when Goliath first comes into the city, the Talon-esqe soldiers blast a woman's cart and steps on a framed photo. correct me if i'm wrong, but was it intentionally implied that the girl was supposed to be a daughter of Chavez? taller woman had a similar outfit as Chavez.

Greg responds...

Yes, it was implied. That was our intent anyway.

Response recorded on October 26, 2000

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Razorclawz writes...

In City of Stone 2, when Demona rip off the Hunter's mask, Gillecomegain shot something like: "Do you remember me? The boy you disfigured?" Demona said no. Did she lie or she didn't remember the boy?

Greg responds...

I don't think she knew who the hell he was.

Response recorded on October 26, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

By the time of "The Journey", have the public been informed that it was actually the Canmores who blew up the clock tower, and not the gargoyles?

Greg responds...

Probably, but that doesn't mean they listened.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Abbie writes...

Hunter's moon III-- the best episode ever made! I still like Goliath's surprised look in the romantic last few seconds of the episode. (save the best for last) I still love the goofy, lopsided grin he has on when he turns to stone after Elisa kisses him. Did you plan that, or did the animators just add it in 'cause it was cute??
NEway, on Toon Disney, on Friday the thirteenth, they have a Gargoyles marathon on. YES!!! WOOHOO~! I'm taping all of the twenty-two eps they're playing back 2 back!!!! Just thought you'd like to know!!!
*** Abbie smiles, scrunches up her thirteen-year old nose in a cutesy grin, and logs off, heading for bed... big science test 2morrow!***

Greg responds...


And good luck on your test.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

I was just watching my tape of "Possession", and thought that I'd ask you a question about it. In the scene where Goliath and Hudson are talking to a "Puck-possessed" Coldstone in the clock tower (who dupes them into thinking that Xanatos is planning a fresh offensive against them), Bronx walks over and rubs affectionately against Coldstone's legs. Now, we know that Bronx is a very good judge of character, and from that, I suspect that he'd probably be able to detect the fact that it was somebody other than any of the three gargoyles making up Coldstone inside his body. So - does Bronx like Puck, or was he still under the influence of the spell that Puck placed on him while disguised as Goliath earlier in the episode?

Greg responds...

Still spelled.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Vilija writes...

In "the Edge," Goliath sees Xanatos on tv, and Goliath gets pissed off. He runs away, but where does he go? To be alone?

Also, we see him in the library. Does he break in or what? (I take it he doesn't have a library card...)
Is that a public library or part of the police building?

Greg responds...

It's a public library that's part of the same building as the police station. If you watch the episode, you can see an exterior diagonal pan from the clock tower down to the library.

He does break in, sort of, but it's not hard. No one bothered to lock the attic.

He goes off for a glide to blow off steam.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Vilija writes...

Where did Demona get her armour suit in "Reckoning?" Did she make it? Did someone else? Did she steal it? Order it from the Sears catalouge? (Help me out here.)

Why was her tail not protected? Was the suit deigned for a human? (I'm guessing not, there was a space she could stick her tail out of.)

What was she stealing from that factory anyway?

Greg responds...

She had JUST stolen it from GoldenCup.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Darunia (no, a different one) writes...

Why didn't Thailog clone Angela or Bronx along with the other gargoyles in ''The Reckoning''?

Greg responds...

Bronx was never on guard. Demona didn't want Angela cloned and never released a mosquito while she was there.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Justin writes...

Dear Greg,
Here are some questions about Future Tense.
1)When did Brooklyn feel the need to don that armor? Obviously it wasn't right after Goliath left.
2)When exactly would you figure Lex would need cybernetic replacements?
3)I know the battle in which Broadway goes blind, but what's the year?
4)When was the Eerie Pyramid constructed?

I understand this was just a dream fabricated by Puck, if you could please answer it hypothetically.

Thanks a bunch

Greg responds...

But I'm not a big fan of hypotheticals. You're guess is as good as mine on all this stuff.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Kalafarski writes...

A question about Future Tense, a great episode that I recently rewatched. I loved your description of the Gargoyle Wind Ceremony....things like that enhance the depth of the series. But I wondered why no one performed the ceremony on Hudson's remains.

Obviously, it could have been a screw up on Puck's part, like not knowing that Demona had chosen Thailog as her mate. Then again, he seemed to know a lot about everything and everyone else. If Puck knew about the ceremony, did he think that the trio wouldn't or didn't know how to perform the ceremony? Or had you simply not developed the concept of the wind ceremony when the episode was produced (I realize that the dramatic element of Goliath's learning that his mentor is dead would have been reduced if there had been no remains). Anyway, just wondering.

Greg responds...

There were no remains. I'm not sure what you're talking about. Whether or not Puck knew about the Wind Ceremony (and I most certainly did back then) is immaterial, because in the reality that Puck presented to Goliath, Hudson had died years earlier. Goliath would have expected (had he thought about it) that the ceremony took place at the time of Hudson's death.

Perhaps you think that statue of Hudson WAS Hudson. But it was only a bronze statue. Metal -- not stone or sleeping Gargoyle. Specifically Bronze to make sure the audience didn't get confused.

Response recorded on October 19, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

Did Oberon remember to take Boudicca back to Avalon in "The Gathering"?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 19, 2000

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Adam Z. writes...

If all the Gargoyles have to do to defeat Oberon is ring a bell, then why didn't they simply do so during the Gathering. And why didn't Puck know that was his weakness.

Greg responds...

My guess is that (a) forging an iron bell is a bit harder than you think. And (b) Puck can't handle that bell or whip one up magically. And (c) I wouldn't be surprised if Oberon has a contingency for that now.

Response recorded on October 18, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

A question about "Ill Met By Moonlight". At the end of this episode, Oberon appoints the Avalon clan his "honor guard". Is this going to turn out to be a largely ceremonial function with little real work? I can't help but suspect this, in view of the fact that anything capable of seriously threatening Oberon, a fellow capable of swelling up to giant size, animating stone figures, and ordering the earth to swallow up intruders, (and I will confess that the only thing that I can think of in the Gargoyles Universe that could really endanger him at present is Queen Mab) would be able to easily wipe out a whole clan of gargoyles without much effort. (I do have the suspicion that Oberon's appointing the gargoyles to that position was more a matter of "practical politics" - giving them a definite role in Avalonian society - than a matter of "providing for defense", myself).

Greg responds...

Generally, an "honor guard" is by definition ceremonial. If not literal definition, then certainly by common practice.

So I agree. But it doesn't hurt to have loyal warriors handy the next time someone shows up with an iron bell.

Response recorded on September 30, 2000

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Brian writes...

In High Noon when Desdemona splits her self in three and says, "Even shadows must be true to thier shade". Her three images have the same different hair as the Wierd Sisters. Coincidence, I think not.

Greg responds...

I think not too.

Response recorded on September 27, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

I was watching my tape of "Cloud Fathers" and wondered over one line in it. In the "Arizona - 1960" flashback scene, Carlos Maza protests his son's decision to leave his people to live with the "Waseshu". Who are the "Waseshu"? (I assume that it's a name for the people of Manhattan, given the context, but want to make certain).

Greg responds...

It's a perjorative term for caucasians. Or so I was told.

Response recorded on September 26, 2000

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Denis writes...

Hello, Greg!

About the episode future Tense
when Goliath "kills" Xanatos' perso, shouldn't it have killed Lexington by feedback (like it killed Alexander, Brooklyn, Angela and Demona?

Was it a glitch in Puck's illusion, or the Xanatos persona was a mere artificial intelligence?
((Next time, before Puck create a cyberpunkish illusion, he would gain to read William Gibson's Neuromancer ;p))

Greg responds...

Why would it have killed Lex? He wasn't hooked into Xanatos. He simply manipulated the program.

Response recorded on September 26, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

In "Bushido", when Taro is arguing with Kai over Kai's decision to leave, he reaches for a small gargoyle statue on his podium and tilts the head. Nothing happens, however (the one element in the gargoyle theme park that we see afterwards that it could possibly have triggered, the laser weapons firing from the cathedral towers and other such places, doesn't start up until some time later, when Taro gives the actual verbal order for it). What exactly was it supposed to do?

Greg responds...

I'd have to watch it again. I don't remember.

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Sixshot writes...

In "The Reckoning", we see Demona in a exosuit. Did she built it or stole it from the Golden Cup?

Greg responds...

Stole it.

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Elizabeth Mason writes...

Okay, Hi I love your show and am currently watching City of Stone and reading the play Macbeth. But I do have a question reguarding the human statues.

1. Were the human beings killed and if so why wasnt there a news cast or some sort of uproar about it?

2. If they were killed then why is the lawyer couple Margert Yale and hubby still alive if they were statues, and I saw them as statues when demona was hanging on them.


Greg responds...

1. There might have been. We just didn't show it to you.

2. Looks a lot like them, doesn't it? But it wasn't.


Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Vilija (Demona's greatest fan) writes...

Hi Greg! I was wathching "The Reckoning" last night on the family channel (Yay, Canada!)I noticed that when (Fang?) was in the cell beside Demona's, he asked Goliath a joke. I couldn't help but wonder, what was the second part of "How many Gargoyles does it take to screw in a lightbulb?" Anyway, thank you to all of you guys for giving the fans a great show. Gargoyles is the best.

Greg responds...

Actually, I might save that for a contest. Thanks for reminding me.

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

In "M.I.A.", when Una is attempting to dissuade Griff from going off with Goliath to defend London from the Nazis during the Battle of Britain, she says that she has "a bad feeling about tonight". That very night, of course, is the night that Griff disappears (thanks to Goliath and the Phoenix Gate, who brought him to 1995).

Did Una's uneasy forebodings have a prophetic element in them (given that she is a practicing sorceress), or did they stem purely from her mundane fears that Griff would be killed in the fighting, that merely seemed prophetic from the vantage point of hindsight?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Mara Shinigami Cordova writes...

Quick Q...

In the FUTURE TENSE universe ( ie, had Goliath not realized that it all was a big hoax by the changeling Puck and it thereby became Goliath's reality)

1. Did Brooklyn and Demona have any eggs?
2. During the roof scene between Demona and Goliath, she begs him to save their daughter. I'm assuming off-camera he had explained the entire situation to the surviving clan... doesDemona at this point harbor any grudge towards Elisa or is she forgotten?
3. In Future tense... WOULD gargoyles make marks on hardwood floors?

suimasen, Weisman-sama

Greg responds...

None of these questions make much sense, except maybe 3. You're looking for completeness and rationales in a VERY incomplete faux world. Did you see the Truman Show? Think of what Goliath was presented with as a glorified Hollywood Movie set. Puck didn't work any harder than he had too.

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

In Puck's "Future Tense" illusion, was he attempting to use guilt as a weapon against Goliath to break him down, as well as shock and grief? Brooklyn and Lexington both berated Goliath severely for "running away" and leaving the clan and Manhattan defenceless against Xanatos, making it clear that in their eyes, it was all his fault that the city was in the condition that it was. Lexington also implied (at least, how I saw it) that Goliath's "abandoning" the clan was a reason for his turning evil. So, was Puck attempting to fill Goliath with guilt to weaken him all the more?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Phil writes...

Hi, Greg.

I love the show; thanks for answering our questions, etc.

Now that the clans contest is over, I have a question. In "Bushido," Taro built a gargoyles theme park. The first few times I watched it, I was too enthralled by the new Japanese gargoyles to notice the backgrounds. Recently I realized that the park was more than a re-creation of Ishimura. The castle looks just like Wyvern, Notre Dame de Paris can be seen, and there were a few other buildings of various architechtural design.

1) Did Taro really know there were gargoyles at Wyvern, Paris, etc. or did he just guess?
2) If he did know, how? Is he acquainted with Xanatos, the Illuminati, or someone else who knew?

Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

1. It's not Wyvern. It's Edinburgh, I believe. And no. He was creating different "lands" for his theme park. So he picked a medieval Scotish Castle. And he picked a cathedral in Paris that is famous for his gargoyles. And currently, there are no gargoyles in either location.

2. No.

Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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Faieq writes...

Did we see Brooklyn's permanent injury, in any form in the episode 'Future Tense'.

Greg responds...

Not that I can recall. Was he injured in that episode?

Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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Faieq writes...

I just read your scene that got cut out of 'Hunter's Moon part three' again and it made me wonder would you ever use that scene again in a flashback?

Greg responds...

I'd love to if I could work it in organically and not force it in, simply because I think it's cool.

Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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Ambrosia writes...

Okay, another question from someone else's question:
Ed asked about vampires in the Gargoyle universe. I've never really thought about vampires myself, but since you mentioned that vampirism is a curse, not a race, I started wondering, can gargoyles become vampires?

Greg responds...

We tried to make in ambiguous for the hopeful. Obvious, for the cynical. Does that make sense?

Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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Ambrosia writes...

Sixshot asked if anyone survived the crash of Fortress I and you responded: "I'm not saying until the families can be notified."
They haven't been notified after 6 years??? :)
Anyway, I think this was my "Omigosh, this is unlike any show I've ever seen before" moment. As each of the motors are blowing up, trhere's a scene where people are bailing out into the river and just before someone jumps, there's another explosion and he doesn't make it. I was aghast the first time I saw it. I kept thinking it would go back to that scene and make it clear that everyone was okay... but it never did. Tragedy is part of life... and it was a part of the show.

Greg responds...

We tried to make in ambiguous for the hopeful. Obvious, for the cynical. Does that make sense?

Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

How did the Banshee get around Oberon's non-intervention edict when she kidnapped Goliath, Elisa, and Angela, and took them to Cairn na Culainn for interrogation?

Greg responds...

Her excuse was she thought they were agents of Oberon. The scent of Avalon was upon them, so she thought she wasn't interfering with mortals. Just with Oberon. Of course, she did this at her own peril. But there was nothing magical preventing her from doing it.

Response recorded on September 09, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

You mentioned that the Archmage does take a little extra "time travel journey" in Avalon Part Three, if one watches carefully. Is this the part where the Archmage and Goliath are battling and the Phoenix Gate starts transporting the two of them all over the place? (I always liked that scene).

Greg responds...

Clever boy.

Response recorded on September 06, 2000

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Vashkoda writes...

Wyvern area questions:

1) Do the ancient ruins within/beneath the Archmage's lair have anything to do with that ancient--and now extinct--fourth race of sentient beings on Earth? 2) Did the presence of a gargoyle clan at the cliffs of Wyvern have anything to do with those ruins in the Archmage's lair? 3) When I asked about your answer that the area was "mostly" haunted by Hakon and the captain, you asked "when?". So to specify, who else haunted the area a) in the days the 4th race still roamed the Earth b) the time between their extinction and the appearance of the Wyvern clan on the cliffs c) the time between when the Wyvern clan appeared and when Malcolm constructed a castle on the cliff d) The time between when Malcolm's castle was built and Hakon and the Captain were killed (this includes the period directly after the Wyvern massacre). 4) In "Shadows of the Past", upon looking at the carvings, Angela sees the Archmage attacking a gargoyle. Yet you said that the hieroglyphics in this cave were ancient, so they *couldn't* be of the Archmage himself, right? And Goliath seems to see something different. So are different people *really* seeing different things, or is Goliath hallucinating because of the ghosts, or it a property of the carving itself? 5a) Are the ones who built the ruins beneath the cave, also the ones who built the ruins over which Malcolm built his castle? 5b) Did any of those ruins at the old castle site possess magical properties, like the temple building in the lair? 5c) Were any parts of these ruins directly incorporated into the foundations of Malcolm's new castle? 6a) When the captain explained why they were trapped there, he said "Maybe it was the magic in this place....". Is the magic he's referring to solely a property of the ruins that were constructed there, or is the area itself inherently magical? b) If it's the latter, how far does this magic extend? Outside of the cave? The entire cliff? Miles? c) If it includes the cliff, would this magic still remain in the pieces that were transported to Xanatos's building? d) If the magic of the area helped hold Hakon and the captain's spirits, was it also a factor in why the Coldtrio's spirits were held in suspension and still around to be transferred to Coldstone? e) Hakon and the Captain seemed to be able to animate bits rock to look and act like Goliath's clan. But Goliath's clan was also killed nearby, and their spirits could have animated the rock-clan (except Demona). Just to be clear, was the rock-clan controlled entirely by Hakon and the Captain?

Greg responds...

Vash, it would really make my life easier if you would hit the return key between each question.

1. I'm not saying.

2. Sorta.

3. Does 4th race equate with LSZ's "Zeroth" race or am I just getting confused again? Look let me just sum up by saying that the Captain and Hakon weren't the only ghosts to ever haunt that place.

4. All of the above. And it could be the Archmage, if the carving is prophetic.

5a. Kinda.

b. Not so much.

c. Yes.

6a. Both.

6b. Wyvern.

c. Like radiation? I'm not sure about that. It's the place. A nexus of power. Holy ground.

d. Maybe.

e. Yes. They were attempting to gaslight Goliath.

Response recorded on September 06, 2000

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Kelly L Creighton / Kya White Sapphire writes...

on august 23 you ansered someone's question about children coloring. ie- children are the color of their other-gender parent, but look like the same-gender parent. you said its not a rule, but its commonplace. then you said "Gabriel looks a bit like Coldstone with Coldfire's coloring." uhh.. did i miss something? ColdStone/Othello is grey with white hair, ColFire/Desdemona is brownsih with gold hair, and gabriel is GREEN... hes not colored like ColdFire... *blinks* or did i miss something? *laughs* i tend to do that..

Greg responds...

Keep in mind, I'm color-blind. I know what I asked for, but I may not have gotten it.

Response recorded on September 05, 2000

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Duncan Devlin writes...

In Avalon (part 1 0r 2, I don't remember), the Archmage says something to the extent of "the stories of the sleeping king are ture?!?"
One of the weird sisters responds "All things are true."
I don't quite understand the response. From my experience, not ALL things are true. This seems like one of those "English to English" translations.

Greg responds...

I don't understand what an "English to English translation" means...

But she was talking of stories, and she was being loose. All stories have some basis in truth. All legends in the Gargoyles Universe certainly. That doesn't mean they are all literally true.

Response recorded on September 02, 2000

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LSZ writes...

Did Anubis return all the lives Jackal/Anubis took(such as those crocodiles, and wipng out that town)?

Greg responds...

He could not.

Response recorded on August 22, 2000

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Demona Taina writes...

Three in a row! [laughs]

Okay, I just remembered that you had asked me to repost a question but with a little more detail. :P Sure! Why not? [chuckles]

Okay, in the episode "Upgrade," Goliath and the trio are patroling the city. "It's a quiet night," Goliath says. Guess again. The Pack are robbing a bank. Goliath and the trio swoop down to stop them. It's a hard battle, but Goliath keeps saving the trio. Helping Lex catch a current, flinging Wolf away from Brooklyn.. making it hard for the Pack to take them down. Wolf gets tired of it, and throws a device at Goliath, and it hits him right between the wings. [winces in sympathy] Electrocutes him, and then he passes out.

My question is.. how did the trio get Goliath back to the Clock Tower after he got electrocuted? He seemed unconscious, though I think he sort of moved when the trio started to help him up.

Thank you for your time. :)

Greg responds...

They carried him.

Response recorded on August 22, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

When and how did Owen/Puck find out about the gargoyles living in the clock tower? He clearly knows by "Possession", since he knew where to find them when he was taking Coldstone to the clock tower (and also clearly knows in "Hunter's Moon Part Three" when he comments that obviously the clan wouldn't have destroyed their own home). I'm assuming that he found out from Goliath during "Future Tense" when Goliath talked about getting back to the clock tower near the beginning; am I correct on that one?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 22, 2000

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aXvXia writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman:

Sadly, because i have only seen the episodes of the gargoyles aired on Toon Disney, I have NEVER seen the episode of DEADLY FORCE because they never air it.
Supposedly it is too violent. I know this is asking for some time here, but for the sake of a fan, could you give me a very brief synapses? Pretty please with jalepenas on top???
(axe-vix-ee-uh)cool name, huh??

P.s. say hi to your kitties and puppies for me!!! ^^

Greg responds...

Two cats. One dog. Hi has been said.

DEADLY FORCE (in brief):

Broadway accidentally shoots Elisa while playing with her gun. He drops her off at the hospital and then runs away, ashamed. Everyone assumes that Elisa was shot by Tony Dracon, a mob boss who she had encounted earlier. Goliath hunts down Dracon. Meanwhile Broadway goes on an anti-gun rampage that likewise leads him to Dracon. They attack, but Broadway admits that he shot Elisa to stop Goliath from killing Dracon.

Later, Broadway apologizes to Elisa for playing with her gun. Elisa apologizes for leaving it out.

Response recorded on August 22, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

An afterthought on "The Mirror": I've sometimes wondered about the fact that, during the time when all the New Yorkers are gargoyles, but Goliath and his clan haven't been changed into humans yet, nobody seems to notice that Goliath and the others are walking around the city dressed only in loincloths - not to mention Demona's own get-up. (Of course, this IS New York that we're talking about.... :)

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 22, 2000

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Sixshot writes...

Hi mr. Weisman

In Mark of The Panther, Goliath killed "Anansi". He used a spear, but was it in iron? If not, how could a spear make him disappear like that?

Greg responds...

It wasn't iron. So Anansi wasn't killed. But it still hurt, so he reverted to a small spider to escape.

Response recorded on August 22, 2000

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Demona Taina writes...

Here's a question that got lost in the crash. I posted it a LONG time ago, and I just realized that it got lost. o_O I think I posted it in May. [looks at the date] Yep. It's been a long time. :P

Okay, as I said in my previous post, my native language is Spanish, English is my second, and stuff like that. Well, first, I became a fan with the Spanish episodes first. I mean, sure, I loved the English episodes, but didn't have cable long enough to actually start taping them. [grumbles] At least the translations came along. Well, everything is different in Spanish. Goliath's voice is much less like Keith David's. I think it's done by Felipe Preciado, but I wouldn't bet on that. [laughs] Much less dramatic, let me tell you. It simply can't compare with Keith David's. His is SO dramatic, so powerful, and yet, so beautiful. [giggles]

I fell in LOVE with a cartoon character.. I mean, Goliath is SO perfect! Except for that temper, but I love him anyway! You probably found out about my love for him when you read my ramble on Goliath.. [giggles] And every word I said is true... ;)

Oops, I forgot about the question. o_O Anyway, here it goes before I forget and start talking about something else. :P

Okay, I taped the episodes in both Spanish and English, but I taped them in Spanish first. City of Stone 1 was the first I'm sure, because Demona started crying, and I totally got hooked with that scene.. it was so powerful.

Okay, so, I have the episode "Vows" in Spanish. In Spanish, it has Goliath and Demona in the Clock Tower, and they HUG. Awww... well, then my grandma got Cable again. The English episodes. USA Network. I was disappointed when I noticed that they cut out the best scenes, but at least the voices were new. I mean, they totally cut out the Keith David's narration!! I've never been able to actually see that narration in English.. [grumbles]

ANYWAY.. they aired the episodes Vows in English. Okay. so, everything seemed normal, except for the cuts, until they aired the ending. o_O It was different!! Instead of the couple being at the Clock Tower, they were in a castle! With a very bright light behind them! Well, I was beaming with joy because there was something new.

And then, Demona is left with her mouth open. I go O.O. Goliath SMILES, capes his wings around her, and brings her close. I'm like "DO IT! DO IT!" And they're about to kiss, but then they disappear into a star. [whimpers] WHY!? They were THIS close! WHY? WHY? WHY!? That was so cruel. [laughs] I wanted to see them kiss at least once. :P

Now let me put all that in a sentence. [laughs] Why are there two endings of the episode Vows? No other episode has two endings, to my knowledge anyway. [blinks, then pokes you] Are there anymore alternate endings?

You guys have done a GREAT job with the show. And you're a great guy, too. [grins] And you're cute. [snickers] Couldn't RESIST. [laughing]

That's all for now. :P

Greg responds...

Kissing is a human custom. Gargoyles stroke hair and or brow ridges.

There are two endings because one was a mistake that we couldn't get corrected in time for its first airing. That scene was supposed to be a flashback to them embracing at the castle. Instead it mistakenly has them embracing at the clock tower, which they've never done.

Response recorded on August 22, 2000

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Anonymous writes...

In Grief why did the Emir need Xanatos?

Greg responds...

Money, equipment, personel...

Response recorded on August 21, 2000

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Tk writes...

Hi Greg,
hope i didn't ask this yet.

Why do Goliath,Hudson, and Broadway look I guess upset or hard when Elisa is crying in Brother's Keeper?,Instead of looking at least compassionate, or look like they have pity for her. If not or i am totally off tract, please explain it to me.

Thanks so much!

Greg responds...

When does Elisa cry in "Her Brother's Keeper"?

Response recorded on August 19, 2000

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Abigail Thorne writes...

Did a lot of people see the Gargoyles during the Times Square Battle in "Reawakening"? I know they were just barely on the evening news, but I'm talking about the large number of police officers and civillians at the scene. There were several points where the clan (especially the Trio on the car) was fighting out in the open, exposed by headlights and everything. And I could have sworn Matt saw Goliath, or at least realised that Goliath and Elisa were connected after she shouted out his name. But when the next season started, Matt still had no clue, and the Gargoyles were still generally regarded as a myth. Is that just an extreme case of good luck, or were they not as out in the open during the fight as I thought?

Greg responds...

Less than YOU thought, clearly. Matt and Elisa weren't together after Coldstone threw that car, so he didn't make ANY connection between her and Goliath. Also, we had the broken fire-hydrant obscuring things. But Matt and Morgan and QUITE A FEW OTHER PEOPLE did see the gargs, etc.

But that wasn't the first time. There was still no proof. Matt knew what he saw, but didn't know how to pursue it. The Daily Tattler reported the sightings, but the "legit" papers wouldn't touch it for just that reason. So the public at large did not believe.

Response recorded on August 18, 2000

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