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Makhasu writes...

In COS part one, when Findlaech raises his sword to kill Gillecomgain, Bodhe can be seen next to Gruoch behind him at the entrance to the balcony. Do you consider this an animation mistake or canon?

Greg responds...

I'd have to look at it again.

Response recorded on February 21, 2007

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Battle Beast writes...


We wanted that giant pocket watch (or whatever) that Puck pulls out at the end to be a MICKEY MOUSE WATCH... but Disney would just not allow it. They were afraid it would come off as product placement in a kid's show or something.>>

...Because Puck is a mickey Mouse kinda guy???

Greg responds...

Because it was more specific, and thus funnier. Not to mention the in-jokiness of it.

Response recorded on February 08, 2007

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Todd Jensen writes...

I read and enjoyed your "pre-ramble" for "Possession". One tidbit that I especially liked was the very appropriate concept of Xanatos and Fox's specific destination when they went out that evening being a performance of Verdi's "Otello". Pity that it wasn't mentioned in the actual television episode.

Greg responds...

Yeah, why wasn't it mentioned? Fell away, I guess.

Response recorded on February 07, 2007

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Greg Weisguy writes...

In your ramble about the episode "The Mirror", you said you couldn't resist turning Bronx into a dog.

In response to why Thailog never cloned Bronx in "The Reckoning", you said it was because Bronx never guarded Demona like the other Gargoyles did.

Why is it that you made sure Bronx was included in the plot twist de jour of "The Mirror", but denied him similar inclusion in "The Reckoning", when it seems like it would have been relatively easy to just write him into having guard duty with one of the other Gargoyles. Did "cloning the dog" just seem like something too silly for Thailog and Demona to do?

Greg responds...

Not too silly, but the episode was pretty crowded already, and it felt like cloning Bronx would require explanation... screentime we just didn't have.

Response recorded on February 06, 2007

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Agoaj writes...

I thought the DVD was coming out next year! What a pleasure to have found it in the DVD aisle. I loved the extras, get more in the next volume if you can.

Now the question came from something I noticed on the DVD. During the episode Vows, around when Goliath and the two Demonas are using, Demona kicks Goliath and blood comes out of his mouth as he reels back from the hit. I was quite shocked when I saw this, having read about the three moments in the series where you used blood.
Was this blood in there on purpose? Was it put in by the animation staff and S&P just missed it?

Greg responds...

I honestly cannot remember. Sorry. It's just been so long...

Response recorded on January 16, 2007

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Idril writes...

I have a question about city of stone. Everyone kept saying that you had to see and hear the tv program to turn to stone. If thats true how can all those people outside driving or walking turn to stone? they were no where near a tv?

Greg responds...

The program was running non-stop for HOURS!! Obviously, all those people saw it at SOME point.

Response recorded on January 10, 2007

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Idril writes...

hi i have a question about the episode wear elisa goes under cover. At the end when elisa is talking to Goliaith and wearing her normal clothes. why dose she she suddenly wear her under cover cloths again for a few seconds? I haven't made a mistake I paused it right there and Its true. Is that a glich?

Greg responds...

I'd have to see it, but if you've described it accurately, then WOW congrats, you've found an animation error.

Response recorded on January 10, 2007

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Spen writes...

I just have one little comment about your ramble on "Awakening part V". You were wondering about Elisa holding up two fingers and her thumb instead of the usual three fingers. Now, I'm not sure if that is a Japanese custom or not, but I do know that my boss does that all the time, and he's Irish-American. My old Spanish teacher did the same thing.

Greg responds...

It strikes me as odd. But to each his or her own.

Response recorded on November 30, 2006

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Harvester of Eyes writes...

Hey, Greg. I just read your ramble on "Temptation," and since it was posted five years ago, what I'm about to ask might sound a bit dated, but I just watched the episode recently on my DVD (it being my favorite Season One episode), and noticed something. Did you ever find it odd that in Act III, when Demona lifted Brooklyn off the ground and is screaming at him, her eyes weren't glowing? The rage lines on her face were quite distinct, and on other episodes, I've seen gargoyle eyes glow over lesser things.

Greg responds...

Never leapt out at me, I'm afraid.

Response recorded on November 28, 2006

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Susan Leonard writes...

Something has always bothered me about the way the clan reacts to Elisa's hysterical sobbing on the hay at the end of the Metamorphosis episode. Why doesn't at least Goliath,who has more than a platonic interest in her at this point, go over to comfort her. The whole episode evolved with Brooklyn wanting to pursue Maggie due to his compassion over what she had gone through. I thought the episode was wonderfully done otherwise. I was despite knowing Xanatos always had some kind of agenda was willing to bite at first when he seemed shocked that Derek became a victim of Sevarius' mutagenic dart.

Greg responds...

I just think it's honest that sometimes big dumb guys (read the entire male population) don't know how to best handle public displays of emotion. We're not culturally trained.

But the other thing to keep in mind is that you're only seeing a fragment. The most dramatic, painful fragment, but a fragment nonetheless. You don't know what came before or after. Did she already tell them to give her a moment alone, and then when she broke down they didn't know how to respond (see above)? Or did Goliath head her way just after the scene ended?

I've been taken to task in the past for answers like this. Told that I was "cheating". That if it wasn't on screen, I can't fall back on the wiggle-room of what might have happened off-screen. But I don't think that's fair. 22 minutes an episode is all I get. (Or 24 pages an issue, which is a lot less, believe me.) I can't possiblly fit the entire range of responses to anything into that time. There MUST be off-screen moments. I go for the big punch on screen, as long as I feel that it's honest and not gratuitous, but there must be more.

Response recorded on November 17, 2006

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Rhea writes...

'The Mirror' is one of my favorites eps. But one thing bothered me about it when I first found out about Owen being Puck.
Did Puck transform Xanatos into a gargoyle with the rest of the city? Or did his terms/agreement with Xanatos prevent him from doing so?

Greg responds...

If X was in town, he got transformed.

Response recorded on November 13, 2006

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Wheeljack writes...

Hi Greg,
at the end of M.I.A there's a guy walking by playing on a Gameboy (not looking like the real one for legal issues or what?). The game he's playing looks so much like "Solar Striker". This can't be a coincidence, can it?

Oh... speaking of M.I.A. Una has a line like "I know the books I'm selling". Do the customers know, the books of the store actually contain real spells?

Greg responds...

I'm not a gamer, so I can't answer your first question.

As to your second question, I'd say some do and some don't.

Response recorded on October 20, 2006

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Joey writes...

How did Elisa know how to wake up Sleeping King Arthur in Avalon part 3?

Greg responds...

The Magus filled her in off-camera.

Response recorded on August 22, 2006

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Demona Taina writes...

Hi Greg! I couldn't make it to Montreal this year, but I've made up my mind to go to Vegas. Thank you so much for the DVD; I'll buy several copies when it comes out! Now, on to my questions... This is something that's been puzzling me for a while, and I couldn't find it anywhere on the archives. I'd be so happy if you had the answers.

1. In the episode Reawakening, after Coldstone and Goliath fell into the river and Goliath was losing consciousness, he holds on to Coldstone's forearm. Is there a deeper meaning behind that? Was it:

a) a warrior wrist-shake
b) a cry for help
c) asking forgiveness
d) an unconscious reaction

If the answer is a, b, c, or d, why? If none of the above, what? I'm just so curious about that scene. It's so deep and moving; definitely one of the best scenes in the entire series.

2. When Goliath and Coldstone are in the river, Hudson is heard in the background saying "A gargoyle can no more stop protecting the castle than breathing the air," it slowly trails off. Was Goliath thinking that and it trailed off as he lost consciousness? Was Othello? Or does it have a deeper meaning?

I would be so grateful if you had the answers! Thank you so much, and I look forward to meeting you in Vegas!

Greg responds...

1. All of the above.

2. It's somewhat symbolic, but yes, Goliath wa thinking of it. And it trailed off as Goliath began to lose consciousness. I like to think that Coldstone was thinking something similar.

Response recorded on August 17, 2006

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Gipdac writes...

I have a couple more questions about "Reckoning",
1. Does Demona know Thailog survived the fire?
2. Does Thailog know Demona survived the fire?

Greg responds...

As of when?

Immediately after the fire, I think neither of them could know. But I don't think either were sure that the other was dead either.

Response recorded on February 16, 2006

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Todd Jensen writes...

A long while ago, somebody asked you about what elements that you're strongly opposed to had been brought into "Gargoyles", and you said that illiteracy was one of them. Now, this clearly showed up in "A Lighthouse in the Sea of Time", with its point about how being able to read was important. But it recently occurred to me that the dangers of illiteracy showed up in another episode: "Awakening Part Two".

When Hakon tears a few pages out of the Grimorum and burns them (among them the counter-spell), he says sneeringly about the spell book, "Makes me glad I can't read." Thus, Hakon's illiteracy (and pride in it) is tied in to the destruction of the counter-spell, which results in the Magus being unable to undo his spell on the gargoyles, meaning that they're trapped in their stone sleep for the next thousand years.

I don't know whether you'd consciously planned for Hakon's illiteracy to be a factor in his act or if it was just a "fortunate accident", but I did find it interesting enough to mention it.

Greg responds...

It was VERY conscious. Long before "Lighthouse" was a glimmer in my eye, that was a message that I tried to get across with Hakon.

Response recorded on February 03, 2006

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Battle Beast writes...


I try not to 'ask Greg' very often because most of my questions have been answered before. However, this one has been gnawing at me for some time.

1. Was there a double meaning in the title "Long way to Morning," or did it mean just what it says, or could it have meant that 'it'll be a long time before there is mourning over a death,' or something to that effect?


Greg responds...

I'm not going to toss out secondary interpretations. And the morning/mourning wordplay has occured to me. But mostly when I came up with the title, I just thought it sounded cool. No particular double meaning was immediately in my thoughts.

Response recorded on November 09, 2005

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J writes...

How did the Hunters replace the hatch on their airship that Goliath flung off? If they didn't replace it, wouldn't that have caused some problems when their airship was submerged underwater in "Hunter's Moon Part Two"?

Greg responds...

I guess they had a spare.

Or maybe duct tape. Yeah, duct tape.

Response recorded on November 02, 2005

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LEET HAXOR writes...

1.In Hunter's Moon why did Demona use a carrier virus to spread the detergent? Why not a bacteria seeing how they are more resilent abd there has been more research in using bacteria to produce certain compounds while viruses generally seemed to be used to insert genes.

2.How exactly did Demona hope to stop the carrier virus from mutating the chemical that it was suppose to carry especially since the component like the detergent would have killed the hosts and thus the virus thus there would have been a lot of selective pressure for the virus to not kill the host so that the virus could reproduce more in the human?

Greg responds...

1. Maybe Demona isn't as up-to-speed as you are.

2. Uh... huh? Magic?

Response recorded on November 02, 2005

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Vinnie writes...

Hey Greg, my question is simple how long are the sleeves on Elisa's black shirt? Because I noticed in the episode "The Green" she has short sleeves and in "Sentinel" she has long sleeves in the scenes where Elisa takes off her jacket. This is most likely a typo unless Elisa had time to run home and get a change of clothes. Just thought I would mention it, because unless she was caring a change of clothes with her when they first set out for Avalon or unless she stopped off on the quest to buy a new shirt I don't see how her shirt could change so drasticly.

Greg responds...

I'd say at home, Elisa has both long and short sleeve black t-shirts, but she didn't exactly pack for the trip.

On the other hand, she did have plenty of opportunity to pick up some stuff (say in Paris) and plenty of motivation (you try wearing the same clothes for weeks on end). So maybe she bought a new shirt. Or maybe Princess Katharine sewed it for her on Avalon. (We didn't show it, but the Skiffers stopped back at Avalon between every adventure.)

My point is... if you want to view it as a mistake, be my guest. Congrats. You found one. But if you'd prefer to find an explanation for it, it's not exactly a challenge.

Response recorded on August 31, 2005

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Alex Garg writes...

"Although I don't know if they actually used the M.I.A. acronym as far back as WWII. I associate it with Vietnam. Does anyone else know?"

The farthest back I've seen militaries use "Missing," not necessarily "M.I.A.," on casualty lists is the Crimean War. I know the U.S. used "Missing" during the Civil War. Before then, armies had "Unclassified" casualties because it was nearly impossible to tell if someone was missing as a result of a battle, was mixed up with another unit or had gotten scared and ran from the battle.

But going back to your actual question, the acronym came about during WWI (or at least that's when the U.S. began keeping track of M.I.A. figures) and was very much used in WWII. The U.S. Department of Defense Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office's mission of recovering M.I.A.'s begins with those missing from WWII.

Probably the reason why you associate the acronym with Vietnam is because the U.S. added the acronym M.I.A.P.D. - Missing in Action Presumed Dead - to its acronym-heavy lexicon either shortly before or during Vietnam, and because the government didn't want to keep reporting PD's to the media, they more readily reported those who were M.I.A. and might be found alive (of course, they might have been reporting PD's as well and just never informed the general public about the acronym's extension).

Sobering statistic time: Of the 217,000 U.S. soldiers reported M.I.A. from WWI through Vietnam, 42% remain unaccounted for; 88,000 of those still missing are from WWII-Vietnam.

Anyway, that's the best I can do with that - maybe someone else knows more. Thanks for the ramble, I hope you have more on the way.

Greg responds...

That's a lot, and very helpful. It's good to know that the title isn't anachronisitic to the content of the episode. Thank you.

Response recorded on July 14, 2005

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Vitor writes...

In Future Tense, Xanatos kill Demona. A big mistake, because Macbeth was still alive. How do you explain this? Was the spell broken at that time?

Greg responds...

The entire thing was a dream-vision created by Puck. What else do I need to explain?

Response recorded on June 23, 2005

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Phoenician writes...

Dear Greg,
I remember in Awakening Part II when Xanatos asks Owen to bring in the construction crew to transport Castle Wyvern to Manhatten, and Owen replies saying that not only will the cost be "Astronomical," but not many are willing to do it because the locals say Castle Wyvern is Haunted. My question is are the hauntings Owen refers to created by the ghosts of Hakon and the Captain, since as far as I know they may have hovered there for over a thousand years (I think Hakon mentions that himself, but I won't promise to it). If this was asked at some Gathering I wouldn't know since I've never been to one. However I do plan on going to Montreal this coming year! (:

Greg responds...

Did you make it?

Anyway, yes. Hakon and the Captain.

Response recorded on May 17, 2005

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"drunk" writes...

On city of stone 1 when demona was casting the spell,was it on perpos that she used the "devel horns" hand gester?

Greg responds...

I don't know what you mean by "on purpose"...?

Response recorded on April 20, 2005

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Chaos9001 writes...

Hey greg

love the show(obviously) but i have a question, if Fang was cooped up with demona for at least five weeks by the day that it showed on screen demona changing form, why did he looked so shocked when she turned human?

Greg responds...

I don't think he looked shocked. It may have taken him five weeks to come up with a funny line.

Response recorded on April 06, 2005

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Lawrence Matheson writes...

I noticed In the mirror that when Elisa turned away from the mirror her image stayed still was this part of the mirrors magic or just an animation mix up?

Greg responds...

The former.

Response recorded on March 22, 2005

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Vinnie writes...

What did the Gargoyles do to the Pack's helicopter after "Her Brother's Keeper? When I went through the archives the only thing that I could find was that it was not popular or something.

Greg responds...

Perhaps they buried it. Or just left it at Xanatopia.

Response recorded on February 09, 2005

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Ineyboy writes...

Greg, I absolutely love Gargoyles, almost more than any other cartoon, ever (I'm sure that's been said before, but every fan should say it). I have some ?s for you, but I would like to apologize first if they have been asked previously, as I have not got a chance to read all the FAQ's. I would appreciate it if you could email me (inianj02@yahoo.com) your response, when you get to it. If you prefer to only post them, then I understand. You could say that my ?s may not be directly related, but they are both concerning Goliath's confusion about something.

1) In the beginning of "City of Stone: Part One", who was the Weird Sister referring to when she told Goliath that when he "...forgets that every life is precious..." he is just like "her"? I believe Goliath points to the girl he calls a "terrorist", but the Weird Sister was referring to someone else...Who? (Right after Goliath says this, the 3 sisters disappear; not that you don't know that, but for quick reference)

2) I won't torture you with everyone else's ? in "Ill met by moonlight," but I would like to know something else: At the end of the episode, what favor was Titania referring to when she thanks Goliath for a "favor rendered"?

Greg responds...

1. They were referring to Demona, who is the next person we see.

2. For saving her (and everyone) in "Walkabout".

Response recorded on February 03, 2005

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Todd Jensen writes...

In "Awakening Part Four", when Goliath and Demona are reunited and Demona claims that she was under the Magus's spell of sleep also for a thousand years, Xanatos mentions that he'd bought her and then, after seeing how transporting Castle Wyvern to the top of the Eyrie Building had freed Goliath and the other gargoyles from the Magus's spell, figured that if he brought Demona to the castle, that would break the Magus's spell on her.

Now, it occurred to me that that part obviously doesn't fit what we know about the Magus's spell, since all that was necessary to end it was for "the castle to rise above the clouds". In other words, once the castle was atop the Eyrie Building, all the gargoyles under the Magus's spell, including (in her story) Demona, would be freed from it, regardless of whether or not they were actually in the castle at the time. So it wouldn't be necessary to bring Demona to the castle to awaken her.

Of course, that doesn't matter, since we know that Xanatos and Demona's story was a lie anyway. But what I'd like to know is - was Xanatos's mention of bringing Demona to the castle in order to free her a deliberate (on the production team's part) discrepancy from the terms of the Magus's spell, as a hint to the audience that Xanatos and Demona were lying?

Greg responds...

I don't know that our thinking was or wasn't that sophisticated. We knew it was a lie. It had to sound convincing enough to temporarily fool Goliath and at least some of the audience. But I don't know if we cared too much whether it planted a seed of doubt because the lie was fundamentally unsound.

Response recorded on December 14, 2004

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Billy Kerfoot writes...

Dear Greg,

I can't believe I'm talking to YOU!

1) Did you and the others really have to make the Future Tense illusion the way it was? It was horrifying the way you made that woman(Chavez' daughter y'all call her) weeping in devastated New York, made all the good guys except for Goliath and Elisa dead, and the most hardest of all which is Lexington turning into a villain you see in your nightmares! Lexington's my favorite character but this eposide shook me up quite a bit due to his change in person. I hope you don't let Lex become something like that. You won't right? Because if you do I'll be torn.

2) How exactly was Lexington going to rule the world?

3) What made Goliath realize this was all an illusion?

4) Is there a theme to Future Tense? If not did you and the guys just make it for the action?

Greg responds...

1. We were going for shock value, certainly, among other things. Looks like we succeeded.

2. Through his e-Xanatos surrogate.

3. Elisa acting out of character, mostly.

4. There's always a theme. In fact, there are a few in this episode, including: "Be careful what you wish for." "Even the enemy cares about something." "No matter how bad things get, you never stop trying." Etc.

Response recorded on October 27, 2004

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More info...

Greg Bishansky's going to town (to save my reputation, I guess)...

Okay, just went and did some research...

The Hunter's Moon is technically not the first full moon of October. It's
the first full moon after the Harvest Moon, which is associated with the
beginning of autumn... usually close to mid-September.

So, the September 28th date is still possible :)

That's great. Although it was my understanding that if a month had a second full moon, it was a BLUE MOON. But thanks, Greg.

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I just received the following e-mail from Greg Bishansky:

Hey Greg,

I was reading your newest update, and you had this answer in there...

"I didn't MISS anything. Yes, I chose that date because it was my birthday.
But I also never claimed that the confrontation with Charles took place on
the Hunter's Moon. It was the final confrontation between Demona, the other
Gargoyles and the Hunters which took place at St. Damien's Cathedral on the
Hunter's Moon."

Now, I really hate to be nitpicky, but to be fair, in the actual episode,
during the flashback Charles Canmore says...

"Tonight is the Hunter's Moon. Our moon, my children."

Now... considering Charles' line, I thought your answer was a little on the unfair side.

That it was, Greg. Thank you for keeping me honest and pointing out my error. Double error, it seems. Both in the original series and in my answer to Richard of Portugal's question.

My apologies on both counts.

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Ricardo from Portugal writes...

One thing I just realized: Hunter's Moon is the traditional name of the first full moon of October, but when Charles Canmore confronted Demona it was the 28th of September.

How come did you miss that? Or did you choose that date just because it is you birthday?

Greg responds...

I didn't MISS anything. Yes, I chose that date because it was my birthday. But I also never claimed that the confrontation with Charles took place on the Hunter's Moon. It was the final confrontation between Demona, the other Gargoyles and the Hunters which took place at St. Damien's Cathedral on the Hunter's Moon.

Response recorded on September 14, 2004

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Ancient Kaa The Souless writes...

Just one question about Hunter's Moon 2.

Matt mention to Jon "Carter" that Aliens were Eastern Island.

Did Jon believe him or not?

BTW, WVRN, very cleaver.

Greg responds...

I doubt Jon took him seriously. Now if someone had told Jon Carter about aliens on Mars, that's a different story... ;)

Response recorded on July 21, 2004

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Kyle writes...

In "Awakening" when the trio were playing with Bronx and Tom comes to talk to them. His mom throws a stick at them. When their eyes started to glow. Were they trying to scare people away from them or were they just trying to have some fun?

Greg responds...

More the former. They were hurt and angry. Basically, you can take at face value what they say in that scene.

Response recorded on June 25, 2004

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Kyle writes...

I was looking on another website and I saw a picture of Broadway dead in Goliath's arms. Why did Broadway get killed?

Greg responds...

He didn't really. But in an episode called "Future Tense", Goliath was presented with a vision of a (largely) false future by Puck. Among other shocking occurences, was the Death of Broadway.

Response recorded on June 24, 2004

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Babs writes...

So many questions, so little time. So i'll get right the the question :)
In the episode "Hunter's Moon - Part 3" what ever happened to the vile of the fullfillment spell that Demona threw into the air and Goliath caught, I saw him hand it over to Hudson but where did it go after that ?
Danke for answering.
Gargoyles Forever !!

Greg responds...

The vial wasn't the spell. It was a mix of chemicals that would be harmless the next day and/or away from the Cathedral. I have to assume that Goliath and company destroyed it at the first opportunity.

Response recorded on June 10, 2004

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J.J. writes...

Hey Greg. I found a picture of Brooklyn and Demona together in armor. Did they fight against Goliath? And I also found a picture and it said, "Goliath holding a dead Broadway". What happened at the end of the Gargoyles's series?

Greg responds...

I'm guessing that these are stills from the episode "Future Tense".

In that episode, Puck created the illusion that Goliath arrived in Manhattan forty years into the future.

The episode was intentionally apocalyptic and many characters "died" inside the illusion before Goliath figured out the truth.

It was also designed to freak out Goliath (and the audience) as much as possible. So among other bizarre revelations, Brooklyn & Demona were mates.

Response recorded on June 08, 2004

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NiteShayde writes...

In "That Gathering" Part 2 where Owen reveals himself as Puck why are there two different introductions? In one he spins around, stops, bows and says "Heeerrrrrrreee's..."and flies towards the TV screen and says "Puck!" In the other one he spins while saying "Heeerrrrrrreee's..." then stops spinning and says "Puck" when he gets to the TV screen.

Greg responds...

I'm not aware of (or at least don't remember) two versions. My guess is (if what you say is accurarate) that one was a mistake that aired in the first airing only, and was fixed by the second airing. But I'm not sure. Blaise probably knows.

Response recorded on April 12, 2004

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The Cat writes...

Hello Greg,

The Cat here. Okay, I was watching a particular episode, though I can't remember the name of it right at this very moment, anyway. The episode had Wolf in it and it was right after the Avalon Tour ended. Wolf has Hakon, in a battle ax, with him. At the first part of this episode there is this Scotish police officer driving down the road.

I completely understand the use of artistic lisense, but I realized that since the officer was in Scotland that he was driving on the wrong side of the road and he had an American car. I looked around for a question asking about this but I did not find any. The question is, was this an accident or was it done on purpose?

Greg responds...

I don't remember.

Response recorded on April 08, 2004

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RA writes...

In one of the episodes Demona points a lazer canonn at Goliath and Elisa runs at Demona to block the shought, then Demona ends up firing at one of the towers and causing both her and Elisa to fall down. Goliath saves Elisa but doesn't save Demona. How come Goliath didn't save Demona even though she was far enought from the ground?

Greg responds...

Goliath turned to save Demona after saving Elisa, but he could not see her for the wreckage perhaps. (In fact, Demona recovered enough to glide off.)

Response recorded on April 08, 2004

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Sam writes...

Dear Greg, In the Hunter`s moon3 when Golith said the hi=unter`s will pay after blowing up the clock tower. The repoter`s had the footage of him saying that ( I think )How ( they even did ) get that footage of him saying that when they where down on the ground and the gargoyles were on the clock tower?

Greg responds...

Well, I haven't watched it in a while, but I'm fairly certain that you are incorrect, or at least confused. The reporter (jon) definitely did NOT have the footage of Goliath speaking. Only footage of the clan flying away from the ruined tower.

Response recorded on March 24, 2004

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matt writes...

woohoo! its my birthday, though by the time you read this it'll probably be either November 22nd, 2002 or January 3rd, 2003... am i close?
some more questions on "The Price":

1. what actually WAS the "magical" powder that the Macbeth robot tossed on Hudson?

2. why did Xanatos only program the MacBeth robot with a few sentences. Coyote can have long conversations, but Macbot (as i've started calling him) only knew a few words? wouldn't programming him with more dialogue made him more believable to the Clan?

3. would Bronx's stone skin worked in the Cauldron spell?

4. besides stone skin and water were there any other ingrediants for the spell? if so, what were they?

5. do you think Goliath and the Clan could've convinced Demona to help them break Hudsons sleep spell had it been real and they had sought her out?

thanx Greg!

Greg responds...

It depends if you consider between 17 and 14 months close.

1. Glitter.

2. Sure. But resources are more limited than you might imagine.

3. Sure.

4. Like I'd tell you.

5. Kinda moot. But it's possible. She hated Macbeth, afterall.

Response recorded on March 09, 2004

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matt writes...

while watching "The Price" tonight, something struck me for the first time: when Xanatos builds the robot to distract the Clan while he does his thing with Hudson, why does he model the robot after MacBeth? he could've modeled any number of 'villains' or even a new character, so why MacBeth?

Greg responds...

I think he felt that Macbeth would be the perfect character for misdirection. Had he chosen Demona, there would have been a greater risk of Goliath et al figuring out that it was a robot, because they know Demona so well. And obviously, he didn't want to chose any villains (Pack members, Thailog) that Goliath would associate with him.

Plus he needed someone that Goliath would believe knew some sorcery -- in order for his con to work.

Obviously, there were other options. But his pick made sense.

Response recorded on March 02, 2004

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Todd Jensen writes...

In the notes that you recently printed for "Double Jeopardy", you mentioned in the outline, just after Thailog emerges from his box for the first time in front of Sevarius and his mercenaries, that this is the last time in the series that we would be seeing that particular band of mercenaries. Was there something ominous intended about this statement - as in, hinting at just what happened to them after Thailog got out?

Greg responds...

I don't think I could be any less subtle, frankly. Use your imagination.

Response recorded on January 27, 2004

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Liz writes...

what is the name of the episode when broadway shoots elisa?and why?

Greg responds...

It's called "Deadly Force". And the reason it's called "Deadly Force" is because that's the title that Michael Reaves picked out, based on the technical/legal term.

Response recorded on January 07, 2004

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The Soulider writes...

In "The Mirror," why did Elisa get her shoes back and none of the other humans-turned-gargoyles get theirs back when the were changed back into humans? And where *did* Elisa'a Jacket go?

Greg responds...

I don't recall everyone else using/losing shoes. I'd have to watch it again. Maybe the other people you saw all transformed before they had their shoes on in the first place? Never put them on, so never got them back.

As for Elisa's jacket... I don't know. I've never known the answer to that one. Magic and Puck's personal aesthetic, perhaps.

Response recorded on January 06, 2004

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michael writes...

what is the name of the last episode of gargoyles

Greg responds...

I guess it depends what you mean.

The last episode of the first season was "Reawakening".

The last episode of the second season, which was also the last episode of the GARGOYLES syndicated series was "Hunter's Moon, Part Three".

The last episode that I worked on in any way, and thus the last one that I personally consider to be canon, was "The Journey".

The last episode of ABC's GARGOYLES: THE GOLIATH CHRONICLES was, I think, called "Angels of the Night" or something like that. I'm not sure.

Response recorded on November 20, 2003

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Lynn writes...

Where do Demona's wings go when she's inside her exoframe?

Greg responds...

I assume they're folded in some way over her shoulder. I'd have to look again.

Response recorded on October 03, 2003

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Samantha writes...

Dexter writes...
Hey Greg,
Call me stupid, but I've seen the pilot "Awakening" several times and I still do not follow the plot! I'm such an idiot. Ok, why did Xanatos got through all that trouble to wake up the Gargoyles just to have them steal disks? Then he used to information on them to makes the Steel Clan, what's the point of that? So now instead of real gargoyles, he had robotic ones. Doesn't make sense. Also, when Goliath and Elisa were attacked in central park, Elisa said she traced the logo back to Cyberbiotics, which Mr. X owned. So does that mean his own people stole disks from him and then he went and restole them back from his own people? Ah! It confuses me. Please clear me up, I've been meaning to ask you about this plot, and now I finally had time to. Thanks!

I can answer part of that! Xanatos did not steal back his own disks. They were from another company, the company that Fox's father owned. Xanatos faked a robbery to make the gargoyles think that when he told them about the disks they were his, when nothing had ever really been stolen from him.
He used the gargoyles to steal these disks to upload his steel clan. By using the Gargoyles, no one would ever suspect him. No one even knew what Gargoyles were I think.
Once he got the stolen disks, he was able to load up his
steel clan, which meant he no longer had a name for the clan.
Since they would be too hard to control, he decided to test his new clan on them. And I'm sure you know the rest. I hope this helps.

Greg responds...

It does. Thank you.

Guys, it just goes to show that the fans are a much better first resource than I am. I just flat out take to long (over a year) to get to your questions.

Response recorded on September 24, 2003

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