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Kenneth Chisholm writes...

Apart from the DVD release, what was Disney management's reaction to the fact that with Gargoyles, they had a series that has a cult following as intense as Doctor Who's or Star Trek's. Were they suprised, confused, pleased or what?

Greg responds...

I don't know that we do have a following as intense as Doctor Who, and I'm quite sure that we don't have one as intense as Star Trek. That's not meant as a knock against our wonderful fans, but face it if we were on Star Trek's level, we wouldn't be worried about whether or not that last DVD set was going to come out.

Disney seems happy that Gargoyles has a solid fanbase, and I think that one or two executives were even hopeful that the Garg DVDs might represent a more-or-less out of left field windfall for the company. That didn't happen. So I think we need to prove all over again how powerful our fandom is.

Response recorded on October 02, 2006

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Scion writes...

What would be the most effective way of getting Disney to start up a new season of Gargoyles? Money? Petitions? Or maybe a plague of catchy t-shirts featuring the characters?
And how much of that would be necessary?
Also, as time passes, do you feel that a Gargoyle ressurgence is more and more unlikely? How long do you think it would be until it becomes too late?
Would you make another show for Disney, hoping that you can raise the needed funds and influence to continue Gargoyles again?

Greg responds...

The most effective thing is MONEY. Specifically, the best thing that people can do if they have spare cash is to buy one or both of the two DVD sets, especially Season Two, Volume One, to buy the comic book issues as they come out and to spend money to attend the Gathering year after year.

The second most effective thing at this point is communication... not with Disney, but with fellow fans, folks who have seen the show but aren't in the fandom and friends or relatives who know nothing about Gargoyles whatsoever. We need to spread the word BEYOND the immediate hard-core fans.

We need MORE, many more, PEOPLE to buy DVDs, comics and to attend the Gatherings. The larger the fanbase grows, the less expensive it is for everyone while at the same time the more money and attention the property gets. THAT is what will attract Disney's roving eye.

Gargoyles has its BEST shot in ten years RIGHT NOW. But if the DVDs and Comics don't sell... that moment will have passed.

And of course, I'd always be willing to do another show for Disney. In fact, I'm in post-production for W.I.T.C.H. for them right now, and my episodes have already started airing on Toon Disney and ABC Family's Jetix block. If that helps us with Gargoyles great, but mostly I'd refer you up to paragraphs one and two.

Response recorded on June 16, 2006

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Xodiac writes...

Everyone always asks whether there will ever be another season, or how it's coming along, or the like. I'm going to assume that, if one was in the works, you'd let us know. But I do have a few questions that are definitely related, although off to the side a little. To wit:

1) Is it even POSSIBLE for there to be another season? It certainly looks like Disney's given up on the series, so how likely is it another company would get the rights? What would they have to go through?

2) If there was another season, would The Goliath Chronicles be considered canon? Other than the fans almost unanimously hating it, there's really no justification to cut it from the continuity.

I hope you consider these as questions you are willing to answer, and not merely more irritating pleas for another season. :)

Greg responds...

1. The so-called THIRD SEASON OF GARGOYLES is now in the works... in comic book form. The folks at creaturecomics.com, SLG Publishing and Disney have teamed up to put out the new book with original canon stories due to hit the stands in June 2006.

2. I'm choosing to ignore the Goliath Chronicles in the comic book. The justification is that ... is that... well, heck, do I really NEED a justification?

Response recorded on March 08, 2006

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Cheryl Kiai writes...

Can the fans raise money via a campaign to purchase the rights to Gargoyles and get the series produced again since Disney is not interested in producing it again thus far. Or can a fan representative initiate doing this by petitioning another company to buy it! Is it unreasonable to try this approach!

Greg responds...

Both suggestions, sweet as they are, are completely unrealistic. If fans collectively have that much disposable income at hand, I urge them to spend that money on the two DVDs, the upcoming comic book series from SLG and CCC and on the Annual GATHERINGS. In lieu of money, please help to SPREAD THE WORD!

At this point in time, these are THE best methods for increasing the series' profile and giving us a REAL chance at bringing it back.

Response recorded on November 07, 2005

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Janelle Turner writes...

are there any more gargoyles in the future? Will there be another series, or a live action film like the Ninja Turtles did?

Greg responds...

Gargoyles Comic Books with new original stories will begin to see print in 2006.

No current plans for an animated series or live action movie.

Response recorded on October 31, 2005

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Anonymous writes...

Heis,I'm from Mexico city, here we also like Gargoyles, I've a question that everybody likes the question, bun nobody knows the answer, and I have search, but I can find, sorry if the answer had been answered, but, if you or your partners start again the cartoon, its going to be start by the beginning, remaked, its going to begin after the 2nd season, or it going to count the Goliath chronolitics(I don't remember the real name but I know that it is TGC)sorry if I spell all wrong, I'm good talking english, but no writing in english ^_^'

Greg responds...

There are no current plans to restart the cartoon show as a cartoon show, and any decision would have to wait until there ARE current plans.

There ARE current plans to restart the series as a comic book, and my plan is to pick up where HUNTER'S MOON left off... ignoring the GOLIATH CHRONICLES.

Response recorded on October 12, 2005

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bazan writes...

Is there going to be any more episodes? I have seen pretty much seen all of them from the beginning. Is there going to be a cartoon movie or a computer animated movie? I know in about 1997, there was a cartoon movie, is it going to be released? and when?

Greg responds...

There was no '97 cartoon movie. You may be referring to various versions of the 5-part pilot, including the 5-part pilot, the version for the World Premeire which became the Video release and the syndicated re-edit (my least favorite of the three).

There are currently no plans for new episodes on television, but the old episodes are coming out on DVD, and new adventures will be released in comic book form in 2006.

Response recorded on October 11, 2005

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Samantha writes...

I was wondering if they were going to make any new Gargoyles shows. I've only just gotten interested in the show about five months ago and its enthralled me quite thourghly. Other sights I've seen had hinted there might be new ones coming out. I was wondering if it was true??

Greg responds...

Depends on how medium-particular you are, Samantha.

New "episodes" of GARGOYLES will be coming out in Comic Book form from Slave Labor Graphics and CreatureComics.com. I'll be writing these issues picking up where Hunter's Moon left off.

Watch for the new issues in 2006!

Response recorded on September 15, 2005

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Charles Tran writes...

Hi Greg,

I know that you get this alot but what are you doing these days. I know that great shows like family guy and futurama (I know that you get a kick out of these shows) have done wonders for the revival of the series. Any chance that the cartoon network will pick up Gargoyles. BTW I'm a medical student and that your show reaches out to so many people from all walks of life

Greg responds...

Cartoon Network is owned by TimeWarner. Gargoyles is owned by Disney. You can do the math.

Response recorded on July 15, 2005

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Aves writes...

Considering that, since "The Journey," nothing horribly important happened in the rest of the series - except possibly the finale, and the death of all the clones (which, in the way it was done, would be relatively easy to get around) - if (various Gods willing) you did manage to resurrect the series or found a spin-off, would you pretend that the Goliath Chronicles never happened? Or would you make alterations to your Master Plan to allow for the events of the series? Or have you not decided/thought about it?

Greg responds...

I've thought about it a lot -- and gone back and forth a lot...

The current plan (which I hope to do in the new comic book series from Slave Labor Graphics and Creature Comics.Com) is very... nuancy.

I don't plan on denying the Chronicles, but I do plan on ignoring them. Eh, we'll see how it works...

Response recorded on June 27, 2005

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