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ANGELA writes...

Hi, Greg. I noticed something in "Hunter's Moon: Part 2" that was inaccurate. When Angela wasn't breathing, and Elisa performed CPR on her, she was doing it wrong. Elisa was pushing directly on the breasts, when in reality you are suppossed to push just below the breastbone so that you can move the lung sac to force air into it. Now, if someone were to watch this particular show, and then in reality someone actually imitated what they saw to someone, they could make matters worse or even kill them. I was watching the news one day, and they were talking about how on the kids' show "Rugrats", a character was choking on an eraser and another character performed the hiemlich maneuver to save their life. This happened in real life at a grade school, and the child, remembering what they had seen on the TV show, preformed this procedure and ended up saving the other child's life. I was just concerned that if kids or anyone for that matter were to watch this scene in the Gargoyles show, then someone could die because the CPR procedure was not done correctly. Thanks for your time, Greg. I appreciate it! :)

Greg responds...

I'm embarrassed to admit that though I once knew CPR, I have long forgotten how to do it correctly. When we made the show, I asked everyone involved to make sure we were presenting it correctly. I was told we were, and I didn't double check myself. Obviously, I should have.

I don't love that it's wrong. But at the least, I hope that perhaps we can inspire a few people to learn CPR with the program. That was our main intent. Not to be an instruction manual on a relatively complicated procedure (relative to the Heimlich anyway) but to remind people that knowing CPR is a good thing. Unfortunately, I'm setting a very bad example by not following my own advice.

QUESTION: Do you think there would be any interest in having a CPR class at the L.A. GATHERING next year? Would people take the time to attend that? I would.

Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

In your "Re-Awakening memo", you mentioned a "Madame Serena" as a character who was finally dropped from the story (and never even showed up in the series, in fact). What was she going to be?

Greg responds...

A fortune teller, as I recall. That was a Reaves idea that didn't grab me -- obviously -- since I cut her from Reawakening and for once didn't reuse the character later.

Still, she's probably out there somewhere.

Response recorded on July 24, 2000

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Laura aka 'ad astra' writes...

I tend to annoying nitpicking, sorry. When somebody asked why gargoyles have breasts if they lay eggs you responded "Don't tell the platypus". I think they sweat milk all over their body to feed the younguns, and don't use actual breasts. I am less sure of it, but I believe the other egg laying mammal, the spiny anteater, feeds her young with breasts. I spent a lot of time watching PBS when I was little- it annoyed my baby sitters to no end.

The good thing about my extensive knowledge of mostly useless trivia does lead to some interesting tidbits- like: You seemed surprised to find out there is a town in Israel named Dimona. Here's the fun part: Dimona houses a 'toy factory' that is widely believed to be the nuclear weapons facilities. As for the etymology, I don't know.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 19, 2000

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LSZ writes...

1) In the Gargoyles universe, is it possible for magical talent to be inherited among gargoyles and fae? If you're descended from a sorceror, do you have the potential for magic-using?
2) If that is true, does Angela have any magical potential from Demona?

Greg responds...

1. If you're descended from a pianist, does that increase the liklihood that you can play the piano. Yep. So yep. But it's no guarantee.

2. Potential? Sure. But don't look for her to become a sorceress. Not really her style.

Response recorded on July 10, 2000

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Demona Taina writes...

One little question!

What do you mean when you say "cannon"? I'm a little confused because of that, since you use it to describe TGC, or something like that.

Thanks! :)

Greg responds...

I've never used the term "canon" in reference to TGC unless I was talking about "The Journey" or unless I used it to say that I do NOT consider the rest of TGC cannon.

I'm tempted as an English Teacher to just make you look it up in the dictionary. But basically, canon refers to material that is generally accepted to be a true part of some whole. For example, Shakespeare's canon includes many plays. But there are a couple more plays that some people think he wrote, but which most experts do NOT accept as "canon". Likewise, there are books of the bible which exist, but are not included in a standard biblical text. For example, "The Gospel of Thomas". These books are part of the "Apocrypha". They are not considered canon.

As for Gargoyles, there are only 66 canon stories, from my point of view. The first two seasons of the series, from "Awakening, Part One" through "Hunter's Moon, Part Three", plus "The Journey". Nothing else is canon. Not TGC, not TGS, not fan-fiction, the comic book stories, not even the stuff that I say is true here in ASK GREG. (Though the last is closer, since it at least reflects my intentions. I simply won't be held to it, if I change my mind before the canon gets into gear again. And I have, on occasion, changed my mind. On Samson for example.)

On the other hand, I wouldn't mind taking a "CANNON" to TGC. But that's an entirely different idea.

[Now, what do I file this one under?]

Response recorded on July 05, 2000

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A Fan writes...

I'd appreciate your thoughts on the accuracy of my hypothesis. I know you are likely to be cryptic, so I promise to be only somewhat annoyed it you are, although I'd prefer if you weren't.

About time travel, why is the Phoenix Gate the only time travel device out there? Or is it?

It is likely the only magical way, because if not, why would Oberon want it so badly? Unless it is like a washing machine. You can wash it by hand but you'd rather use a machine.

You've established that the past cannot be changed, and that Xanatos's current position in society is solely because of his little trip to the past.

Establishing that the Phoenix Gate is gone, except for its little TimeDancing trip, does that mean that time travel in the gargoyles universe is now totally impossible?

the final question would have to be, since you don't believe in a changable past, does the Gargoyles universe contain parallel time tracks, entire other universes with a different version of events.

Finally, I apologize if I missed previous answers to these questions. I have been reading the archive since it started, but my memory is a little bad at times.

Greg responds...

1. I didn't say that the Gate is the only device out there. Depending on your point of view, one could say the Grimorum acted as a one-way time travel device for Goliath et al. And for the Coldtrio as well.

2. Who said Oberon wanted it so badly? Puck thought it would make a good bribe. Who knows if he was even right?

3. I wouldn't say "solely" but sure, what's your point?

4. Not necessarily. But I'd never make it easy. (And calling TimeDancer a "little...trip" is the understatement of the day, at least.

5. Ehhh.... Those things tend to be abused whenever they're introduced. Look at the X-Men. That book became unreadable to me eventually. As I've said before, I'm open to thinking about parallel universe/tracks etc. But I tend to think I'll end up saying no.

6. S'O.K.

Response recorded on July 05, 2000

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Kayless writes...

Got a simple one for you. Was Robin Hood an actual person in the Gargoyle universe or simply a made up character?

Greg responds...

He's based on someone real.

Response recorded on June 29, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

A question about "The Silver Falcon". I recently discovered that the Chrysler Building was built in 1930. How, then, does Mace Malone manage to hide that bag with the marbles in it in one of its falcon-heads in 1924, six years earlier?

Greg responds...

Everyone has always assumed that that's the Chrysler Building. It's not. The script refers to it as "The Apex Tower". It's a fictional building, like the Eyrie. I won't deny that the artists used the Chrysler as inspiration. But we never called it the Chrysler. Never intended it to be the Chrysler.

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to set the record straight.

Response recorded on June 29, 2000

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Kayless writes...

Hey Greg, I have some religious questions for you.

1. Since you are seemingly very well versed in religious doctrine, I'm curious as to how you feel about the Judeo/Christian scriptures that prohibit wizardry. Deuteronomy 18:9-18:12 (Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord) makes it quite clear that God brooks no wizards in his fold. Is there a conflict for you since so much of the myth Gargoyles is based on revolves around magic?

2. What about the uncanny resemblance between gargoyles and demons? Why do the two look so much alike? Did dybbuks manifest themselves in the form of gargoyles in order to sow discord with humanity, hence the current demonic stereotype and poor human/garg relations?

3. How do the Fae feel about the whole God business? They seem a rather worldly lot, though some might be old enough to remember biblical events.

4. Why is Percy still using the grail? The Holy Grail is a sacred artifact, not your run-of-the-mill magical maguffin. Why would it continue to grant its power to Duval, who has since proved unworthy? I know you said it was costing him a high physical price but I find it odd that it should be giving him any kind of benefits at all (Anybody see what happened to the bad guy in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade?).

5. Last one. Is the Judeo/Christian God the supreme ruler of the Gargoyle universe? Given the plethora of Gods and Goddess on the show, I'm just wondering what your views on this are (I prefer to think that He's the one in charge, but I had to ask).

Thanks for your time, as always. Now I must return to the Vole Wars…

Greg responds...

1. I'm clearly less "versed" than you seem to think. I won't comment on your citation in a vacuum. And I don't have a bible here in the office to check the context.

When you ask if I'm conflicted, I'm not clear on your question. Are you looking for my opinion on the bible? Personally, I think the bible is an astounding piece of literature with much to teach us. But I see the hands of man all over that book. And although it might lose me some fans, I cannot believe that God authored it. Inspired it maybe, but authored it, no. At any rate, I think many things in the bible are subject to interpretation. Often multiple interpretations.

2. Where do you get the idea that there is ANY resemblance between gargoyles and demons? From Medieval painters? Look, we haven't seen any demons in the series. We haven't seen any demons in the gargoyles universe. No angels either. I'm not saying whether they exist or not. But you're question assumes facts not in evidence.

3. The whole God with a capital G business? Like humans, every Child of Oberon is different. I try not to make monolithic generalizations.

4. Assumes facts not in evidence. A. Who says he's still using the grail? I said he still had it. B. And in any case, your question asked "Why". Why wouldn't he if he could? C. Who said the grail can "grant" power? D. If it can, who said it is? E. Who said Duval has proven unworthy?

And I certainly refuse to use "Last Crusade" as an authority.

I will say that the Grail is part of the reason that Percival and Blanchefleur are still alive. And that a price for that has been paid. But don't oversimplify.

5. As you may know, I'm Jewish. Most of my fellow Jews would not consider me to be religious, though that's something I might argue with. Personally, I believe in God with a captial G. Whether that means he's the Judeo/Christian God seems like a parochial question to me. Almost an elitist question. I also believe that God is REAL BIG on free will. His miracles are many but subtle, and all come with a free scientific explanation -- because if he simply manifested like George Burns on trial, then where's the free will? So why should things be any easier in the Gargoyles Universe. The Gargs believe in a God that is the sum total of all things. They are monotheists and animists all at once. I don't think that's inconsistent with Judeo/Christian beliefs, but I also don't think you're going to see any purely objective evidence on the show, ever. Take to the Gargoyles Universe what you will. And it should, if I'm doing this right, give you something back -- whatever you do, or don't, believe in.

Look, I know it seems like I'm blowing off your questions. I'm not. But try reading them with a fresh eye. They're almost impossible TO answer in a straightforward manner, because they are extremely complex, and yet they take for granted so many things as fact that have not been established either in the cannon or here at ASK GREG. These are all interesting topics and I encourage you to pursue them. But break your questions down. It'll help you avoid making assumptions.

By the way, what's a Vole?

Response recorded on June 29, 2000

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Man Mountain writes...

I looked through the archives and could not find this question, but if it has been asked, then I apologize.

Can, in the Garg universe, Gargoyles become vampires? If so, does it manifest itself differently than it does in humans? How about Fae?

Greg responds...

Sorry. I'm not yet willing to answer these questions. Try again some other time.

Response recorded on June 26, 2000

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Lexy writes...

Hey Greg,

I looked up 'The Scream' for ya and it says that Edvard left most of his paintings in a museum in Oslo. He grew up there and after he died they build a museum in his honor. *shrugs* just incase you were still wondering.

Gee..I should have checked to see if anyone else wrote this..ah well *is lazy* *posts*

Greg responds...

Right, got it covered. Still feel like I saw it in Amsterdam in 1980 though.

Response recorded on June 23, 2000

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Abigail Thorne writes...

You know that helicopter Lexington fixed up in "Her Brother's Keeper?" What happened to it? It might have come in handy if the clan needed to do some speedy flying. Did they leave it somewhere for the police to find it, or what?

Greg responds...

The honest truth is that we were embarrassed by that helicopter. We let Kenner talk us into putting it into the series. And then Kenner wound up not even making a helicopter toy. So we let it fade from memory.....

Response recorded on June 21, 2000

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WereFox writes...


Even though her lycanthropy was induced by the eye of Oden, would Fox have been subject to the normal limitations associated with werewolves/foxes? Would she have had a vulnerabilty to silver? Also could she, and did she pass on her lycanthropy by bightring someone. I realize that we already have Wolf, our favorite mutate
Werewolf. What possible reason would we need another.

Greg responds...

I don't think so. Neither Wolf or Fox fit the traditional lycanthropic mode. Fara Maku and Tea are better examples.

Response recorded on June 21, 2000

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ExoLex writes...

Hi again. This is a question about Christianity. Would you have ever even considered making an episode dedicated to Lucifer, and or the Angel race? I bring this up because in the episode "Her Brother's Keeper", Derek Maza makes reference to the title "Prince of Darkness". Thanks.

Greg responds...

I might have dealt with Lucifer or angels at some point (if I could get it past S&P -- the former would be more difficult for obvious reasons), which doesn't necessarily mean that I'd be dealing with Christianity. Both concepts pre-date Christianity, after all.

Response recorded on April 07, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

This question seems to have gotten lost during the February "No questions in queue" glitch, so I'm sending it again.

The series took the attitude that most humans were a danger to gargoyles, and that it was mainly because of the humans that there were so few gargoyles left. But how much is humanity in general to blame? While most humans did indeed seem to fear gargoyles, the ordinary citizenry confined themselves to running away from them (like the yuppie couple) or socially snubbing them (like Princess Katharine and the Magus before their conversion). It was Hakon and his Viking raiders, barbarian invaders from outside, who destroyed the Wyvern clan, not Princess Katharine and her subjects. The gargoyles of 11th century Scotland under Demona were hunted down not by the regular Scots, but by a couple of tyrants (Duncan and Canmore) and a hired assassin (Gillecomgain). The Guatemalan gargoyles were slaughtered, not by the local farmers, but by a band of looters from outside. In fact, in general, the people who actually took up arms against the gargoyles (with one or two exceptions) seemed to be outside the norm of settled society, being outside enemies, tyrants, and criminals. (Admittedly, the Quarrymen in your vision would probably have been more representative of the community).

So, does the responsibility for the near-extinction of the gargoyle race rest on the majority of the human race, or is it more the work simply of the "black sheep" of the species, no more the "human norm" than Demona and Thailog are the "gargoyle norm"?

Greg responds...

Is there a middle ground?

Yes, it's the bad guys. But not necessarily only the BIG bad guys. It's the mob. The banality of evil contributes, and probably more than we showed on camera.

But of course, one of the points we tried to make with the show was that evil comes in all forms. "Human and Gargoyle alike."

Response recorded on April 04, 2000

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A Fan writes...

How would you say that the concept of Gargoyles and Oberon's Children and such fits into the Judeo-Christian bible? Were there certain things missing from the creation myth, deliberately or otherwise)?

As someone else asked, it does make you wonder if there were Gargoyles on Noah's Ark(you are lucky you got it as a portion, I got to read about Nazarites), and why Noah didn't send them out to find land, as they would more efficiently be able to tell him.

Greg responds...

Haven't mentally covered the Flood (Noah's or anyone's) yet.

But I think eventually everything fits. Just cuz so far it has. But I don't pretend to have it all worked out yet.

Response recorded on March 22, 2000

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Puck40 writes...

May... yeah. I bet you'll answer this by May. Just over three months. =)

Okay, you mentioned that you planned to use every legend etc etc etc. I have to know...
1) Would you have done a story about how evil was released into the world?
2) If you did, which form would you have taken? Adam and Eve? Pandora's box?

Greg responds...

Hah. March.

Evil was released? Hmmmm...

Response recorded on March 21, 2000

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Ambrosia writes...

Hi, again, Greg!
How long do you suppose it would be (in years or whatever) before the ridiculous humans put away their predjudices and, worldwide, it was cosidered perfectly normal for gagoyles, New Olympians, humans, and Oberon's Children to be seen wandering down a street or in a dance club? I'm not saying all humans, or every member of the other races for that matter, will ever completely accept the members of the others (Margot, for example. That woman...!), but do you forsee basic equality for all the races in the future?

BTW, I have to put this in... I was reading through the archives and I came accross Celano's post. S/he's right! That gargoyle mother in The Mirror really did have a beard! I've always wondered about that too...
thanks for your time, Greg! You're my hero!

Greg responds...

I don't remember any beard, and I've seen the episode about 50 times.

As to your real question, I like to think that as a species humans take two steps forward and 1.9 steps back. Meaning that eventually, we get where we should be going. But I'm not going to attempt to set a date on the end of universal prejudice. I'm not in the Utopia business.

Response recorded on March 19, 2000

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jenna writes...

Greg- I saw in your rambles that you wanted to see what fans thought of the clock tower being blown up, the "enter macbeth" ep, and the world tour--

How does the word awesome sound?

Seriously though, I must say that Gargoyles' strength is that the characters grow and change. It dared to be real because the "good guys" don't always win. This show had me on the edge of my seat many many times. Thanks for creating a show that dared to actually tell a story; that dared to go someplace; and where the world's problems were not solved within thirty minutes. This show was not afraid of change, and that's what made it awesome.

Greg responds...

Man, this is gratifying.

You are all too good to me.

Now someone tell me what archive I put this in.

Response recorded on March 17, 2000

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Aaron writes...

One of the great things about Gargoyles was that little things that seemed insignificant at the time could have major effects somewhere down the line. Someone asked a similar question about the mercenary from Double Jeopardy, and it made me wonder about another minor character. Anyway, would we have seen the weaponsmith/inventor who created Mr. Carter again?

And the idea about simply ignoring TGC and using the first season to bring the show from Hunter's Moon to the present sounds plausible, although subjects like the Stone of Destiny returning to Scotland and Y2K hype would show the true timeframe. (Assuming you chose to pursue either of those stories)

Greg responds...

Re: Mr. Acme. Maybe, occasionally. The problem is the name. Warner Bros thinks they own the Acme name. (It's been debated.) To use it briefly once made a good joke. A diminimous reference. To make him an on-going character though... I'd never be able to use his name.

Re: The Stone of Destiny. I'd still do that one. An informed audience would know about the date. But most wouldn't. So it works for everyone.

Re: Y2K. That one doesn't play. Everyone would know that I was cheating on the time. Plus, Y2K was a dud. As I figured. (Being Jewish, perhaps, gave me a different perspective on the calendar.) I had no Y2K story planned. So it's no great loss.

Response recorded on March 17, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

One thing that I'm going to confess here, and it's that I'm still feeling somewhat taken aback at the discovery that the mythological gods in the Gargoyles Universe are subject to Oberon, a "mere" faerie king (though don't tell him that I called him that :) In traditional legend, Oberon wasn't a divinity, so seeing him have authority over gods like Odin feels a little strange to me still. It's like seeing an earl giving orders to a king. I know that in the Gargoyles Universe, Oberon does outrank the gods of mythology and that they were really "just" powerful faerie-folk, but it does feel a little odd to me all the same.

Greg responds...

That is... an absolutely SHOCKING confession.

Or not.

Look, I knew it was going to be controversial (relatively speaking). Frank Paur wasn't particularly comfortable with the idea, but I'm a fast talker.

The main motivation was that I wanted the Garg Universe to have a certain cohesion. I wanted it to be rich and expansive, but not completely arbitrary. So after a bit of tease and mystery, we reveal a feudal system.

And Oberon's lack of shall we say, press, didn't bother me. He was the big man behind the scenes. And although he's not exactly Mr. Maturity, I don't think that bothered him.

And of course, he did have at least one spectacular press agent. Guy named Will.

Response recorded on March 17, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Has Macbeth or any other of your immortal/unaging characters (fays and the like) ever assumed a name we would recognize from the history books (as opposed to mythology)? And if so (though I don't expect you to reveal what that famous disguise would be :-), would you tell us which ones of your characters has indeed done so?

Greg responds...

Yes. And good guess. And no, not now.

Response recorded on March 09, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

Una and Griff, as we know, look very much like a unicorn and a griffon. In your opinion, are there actual unicorns and griffons out there in the Gargoyles Universe, or were the legends about them founded on sightings of London gargoyles of that sort?

Greg responds...

Probably the latter, unless some fae were goofin' on folk.

Response recorded on March 09, 2000

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Kalara of the Land of Athiria writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In your mind do you think dragons are evil or good? In the course of the show there are several references to these fantasy creatures. In the Gargoyles world are there any good dragons or only evil ones. Because in the episode "Pendragon" the stone dragon seems to be bad. It was only a stone dragon. However, is there a race of dragons like gargoyle or are they only a species of fantasty creatures?

Greg responds...

The stone dragon in "Pendragon" was a magical construct. Or at any rate it was brought to a semblance of life by magic. It wasn't truly alive. And I don't consider it a true dragon. Nor do I consider it evil. It was "programmed" to perform a specific function. To test for the one true king.

I'm not going to confirm or deny the existance of real dragons in the gargoyles universe, but if you've watched the series, you'll know thematically that I would never define an entire species, gargoyle, fae, human or dragons (if there are dragons) as either good or evil. To quote Goliath, "There is good and evil in all of us, human and gargoyle alike."

Nothing is one thing. Let alone an entire species.

Response recorded on March 08, 2000

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

How close is the world of "Gargoyles" to the real world? When I ask this I mean in the "Gargoyles" universe is Clinton the President. Is Giuliani (sp?) the mayor of NYC? Or would you create your own characters to fill the rolls of important well-known officials?

Greg responds...

I don't know for sure. I avoided that kind of thing so I wouldn't have to decide. I'd tend to lean toward keeping it more real. But if I had a really great story...

Response recorded on March 03, 2000

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