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Hi Greg
I help run an animation society at my university (it's in the UK so I can't organised a trip to the gathering and charge it to the Uni :( ) and I've just started showing the first season Gargoyles and everyone's loving it. I'm making a few new fans and rekindling some old ones.
I've also just got some brilliant news; my local comic show is getting in the 'Bad Guys' comics (unfortunately they can't get the main Gargoyles book for some reason). So I'll try to get as many people reading that book as I can.
So I have two questions for you:
1) Is there anything about the first season, or the show in general, that you'd like to mention to new fans just getting into it?
2) Since we can't feasibly watch all of the second season is there any episodes from that season that you'd recommend we watch? Bear in mind I've already got plans to show 'The Mirror' and 'City Of Stone 1-4' once we've finished watching season 1.
Have a good day.
First off -- I gotta say it just makes NO sense that a shop that can carry Bad Guys wouldn't also have access to Gargoyles itself. So really, I'd question that big time.
1. Nope. Just enjoy. I think the show stands up pretty well on its own. And then if they are curious and want MORE info, they can always come here or to the S8 comment room, etc.
2. Well, frankly, I'd start with the beginning of the season and go through as many episodes as you can in order. It doesn't seem useful to watch 'em out of order... and I like 'em all. Plus that might encourage some dvd sales, when people want more.
Here's the 2nd half of my ramble on the Gargoyles comic book #5.
Gargoyles: Clan-Building
Part Five: Bash
Part 2 Pages 13-24
Page 13: This is where we get to know more about Quincy Hemings (nice name; is it anyone you know or did you make it up?) and why he is meeting Xanatos. I like how he and Xanatos "shoot the breeze" while talking about past presidents that Quincy has known. Then Xanatos is given an envelope containing his first real assignment for the Illuminati. What will it be? Well, I don't really know… I guess we'll find out in another comic book, 'cause we don't find out in this one.
Page 14: Brandon mumbling to himself. Why doesn't that surprise me? He seems the type to go around mumbling about his problems and what he wishes he might have said in certain situations. It's a good thing he went by that window, or else he might not have seen that Goliath needed medical attention. I wonder how it worked when he was trying to find a doctor. Did he already know Dr. Sato was a doctor, or did he just rush into the party and start yelling out for a doctor? If he did that, I think there would be more people outside with Dr. Sato when he shows up to help Goliath, since people would be curious as to who was injured. So does that mean that Brandon knows the doctor (personally)? Oh, and I really like the big shot here, getting to see all the gargoyles fighting from up above.
Page 15: Hudson and Bronx finally show up. Would Thailog have come back at a later date if they hadn't shown up, seeing as he's collecting everyone's blood? I like Thailog's line (he has a lot of good lines in this comic) when he says, "Please, Hudson. You now I am the party!" Go Bronx! Way to try to take out the main bad guy, like you usually do.
Page 16: Now what is Delilah doing in one of Xanatos' laboratory rooms? I find this very odd. I have no clue as to why she'd be down there, except that maybe Owen told her to wait there. But I really don't think that could be the reason. So this question will haunt me until I figure it out… or until I go to the next page and forget about it. But still. Her DNA is partly from Demona. And that worries me just a little bit…
Page 17: More fighting, until Delilah shows up. Now I am wondering, had Thailog planned to go to the castle to take the gargoyles' blood right after he took his clones, or was it because Delilah was there that he decided to move his plans forward and attack that night, too? Well, whatever it was, he got what he came for. I guess that's all that matters.
Page 18: Wow, Delilah has really started to think more for herself. And she's coming along nicely with her speaking. The other clones still speak poorly, like they did in "Reckoning", but she has improved a lot. And I'm very glad that she stood up to the gargoyles, letting them know that she wasn't going to be used any more.
Page 19: And after Delilah stands up to the gargoyles, she stands up to Thailog too. She's on a roll! And I'm glad she included the other clones in the decision as well. I really like her character a lot more now that she has her "free will" worked out.
Page 20: Okay, I laughed so hard when I read Lexington's line, "Dude, you're really making me look bad." And Brentwood's expression when Lex says this to him is great too. Of course Goliath has his few inspiring words to the villain before he leaves, and Thailog has a great exit line before he goes, as usual.
Page 21: Entering now is Dr. Sato. Elisa is really giving out the orders now. And Dr. Sato is mystified, not knowing if he can help a gargoyle (and I'm not talking about the sense that he doesn't want to help him 'cause he's a gargoyle, but the fact that he doesn't know how to help since he's never worked on a gargoyle before; guess that never came up in doctor classes at his school).
Page 22: Owen is as calm as ever. Goliath and Elisa finally have their "I love you" moment. It wasn't that big of a moment for me, as some of the other moments in the comic were, but it was nice to see that there is hope for their relationship yet. I had a feeling that Elisa would show her true feelings once she saw Goliath in his current condition. And then, this was the 2nd big laugh I got out of this comic, Brooklyn's line after he sees Broadway and Angela holding hands and his clone with Delilah, "Oh, you gotta be kiddin' me…" Poor guy. But still, a really funny line, nonetheless.
Page 23: Okay, all those buildings look pretty normal, and then we see this huge, elaborate one on the corner of the block. What would be funny is if Thailog was really in the normal looking building next to the great looking one, with Sevarius complaining about why they couldn't have the great looking one. Anyways, here we finally find out what the real reason was for Thailog going to the castle and confronting Goliath and his clan. He was after their blood. One can only imagine what Thailog and Sevarius have planned for their DNA. Those two make a really scary pair of villains. And who are we about to add to this mix? Why, who other than…
Page 24: …Shari! So that's the mystery girl's name. So did she know Thailog's plan all along, and that's why she was down in the Labyrinth? Have we finally found someone who can play one of the ultimate players (Thailog) in the Gargoyle's universe? Perhaps. I suppose we'll find out later on in the comics. It's interesting to find out that they are both Illuminate. I wasn't all too surprised to find out Thailog was part of the society, but it was interesting to find out Shari is. I have to say that I just watched the Radio Play of this comic on You Tube, and the reaction from the crowd when they find out that these two characters were Illuminate was great. Everyone seemed surprised, which it's nice to get surprises every now and again. And I also have to say that I really liked the Radio Play performance. Everyone did great jobs, and I hope that the Radio Plays will continue to be put on You Tube from future Gatherings. It was a real treat to watch, seeing as I couldn't be there.
Well, there's the ramble. I'm glad I finally got to write it. I think that this comic has been my favorite one so far since the comics have come out. Thanks for doing such a great job on all of them.
Thank you for your time and all that you do.
THe "huge elaborate" building is Nightstone Unlimited.
Hey! Okay, I have to say that waiting for comic book #5 was VERY hard to do. I had so many temptations to find out what had really happened before getting the comic, but I did not give into them. First, I couldn't get the comic book when it came out because of certain reasons, and was hoping to get it for my birthday in late August. It turns out my sister tried to get it for me online, but the seller never came through with the comic book. Then I found out that the radio play is on You Tube. I watched it up to the point where comic book 5 starts, and it was very hard to stop it. On top of all that, I had to pass by every ramble done on #5 that is on Ask Greg & I couldn't look at any of the characters in the comic book on GargWiki or else I'd find out what happened (and I LOVE to go there and just look around). Finally, the 6th one comes out and I am finally able to get both of them. I order both online at the same time, but what happens? The 6th one gets here before the 5th one! I have had to stare at that 6th one, waiting for the 5th one, 'cause I don't want to spoil anything for me. AHHH!!! I think the worst part of it is being out of the loop here at Ask Greg, not being able to read at my leisure all the recent posts on here. But I now have the 5th one and I can't begin to express my joy seeing as I've waited around 5 months for it! I'll stop rambling on about my difficulties now, and get to the good stuff. So here it is, after much anticipation, the first half of my ramble on Gargoyles #5: Bash.
Gargoyles: Clan-Building
Part Five: Bash
Part 1 Pages 1-12
Page 1: Here we have a shot of Xanatos' place, castle and all. We get to see Sir Ian again, and he's talking to some new faces at the party, or more like old, familiar faces to Gargoyle fans. I really like that teaser, putting Finella and Mary in there (or two women who look exactly like them). I can't wait to find out why they were there, if the story is told either later in this series or, more likely, in Timedancer. Then in the bottom of the page we see Dr. Sato. I can't believe it! What is really funny about seeing him here is that about 2 months before this comic book came out, I wrote here to Ask Greg about Dr. Sato. I had been reading some of your rambles on different shows, was reading the one on Deadly Force, read that you really liked this character, and decided to write to you and see why you liked him (since there wasn't anything about him in the archives at the time). I also asked if he would have some kind of cameo appearance in any of the comics. I had no idea he'd be in the next comic coming out, 'cause he's a character we only see once in the series. How ironic is that?
Page 2: Morgan is finally coming out with what he's been thinking all night on this page. We also see Angela spying on Elisa, still thinking of her father. It's funny that she is judging Elisa on getting a date, but has nothing to say about Goliath bringing Delilah.
Page 3: Thailog being Thailog here. Still makes sarcastic remarks even when the only one smart enough to get the jokes there is dying. It's like he likes to hear himself make these puns, but really, in this scene, who is getting them but him? The clones don't even know if they want free will, so they're not likely to get it, and Goliath is concentrating on dying. I find it very humorous and very much like Thailog to be doing this.
Page 4: So Thailog got in the word "Bash". That's good, seeing as that is the name of the comic. Not much else going on here except Goliath colliding with a wall (which is ruining the castle; Owen won't be happy with that) and Thailog talking about his other 2 "fathers".
Page 5: It's not often we get to hear Xanatos sound genuinely surprised, but we do get to see it on this page. We also learn how many people are in the Illuminate and how their ranking order works.
Page 6: Margot is really being a pain in the… yeah, anyway, I really don't see why Brandon sticks around the woman. There must be some good explanation, just one I'm not seeing. And I LOVED Brooklyn's entrance, with his super-goyle costume, with the big "G" on it (hey, he has something in common with the kid running around in the Labyrinth!). Sadly for him, Angela wasn't there to see his grand entrance. She is much too busy with finding her father stabbed in the gut.
Page 7: So Angela, Broadway, & Lex finally find where the real party is happening. I find it funny that Angela thought that Thailog's voice was her father's. I don't know the tone Thailog used when he said her name, but I guess it wasn't too evil, like I thought it would be, or else Angela wouldn't have asked if it was Goliath. I like Lex's response to Angela blowing up with anger. He quickly gets out of her way. And then, Angela and her language. Wow. I didn't see that one coming. And of course Thailog is quick to tell her (with daggers in tow) "Language…"
Page 8: Wow, there's a lot of slashing with blood going on here with Thailog. There's no way that this episode could've been put on TV with all the blood and stuff. I guess that's one advantage of having a comic book now. Going back and reading this through a second time, I can see now why Thailog was wondering where the other gargoyles were and why he kept changing knives. Interesting bit of info I didn't get the first time though.
Page 9: Yes! It's Robbins again! I didn't think we'd see him again for a while. I thought after the last comic, you'd leave us in the air for a while about what Robbins thinks of Hudson and if he knew he was a gargoyle or not. But no, we get to see it here, which was a big, but great surprise for me, since Robbins is one of my favorite characters. I knew the way Robbins was talking to Hudson in issue #4 that something was up with him, and figured that he knew about Hudson's secret. In fact, that's what I wrote in my last review, and I'm really thrilled to see I was actually right about it. I'm really glad that Hudson no longer has to pretend any longer and that Robbins knows the truth. I love how they finally shake hands. I think this was one of the best parts in this comic book.
Page 10: It was really funny to hear Hollywood say "Gar-girl" in reference to Angela. I also love Angela's look as she fights in her Dorthy outfit. That's one side of Dorthy Kansas never thought they'd see.
Page 11: Again with the free will thing. Thailog's response to it is great. "Why does everyone insist on pitching free will to my minions?" Funny, funny (scary) Thailog.
Page 12: And now arriving to the party is Brooklyn and a distraught Elisa. Brooklyn has another nice entrance (using his already used "forgery" line from the episode "Reckoning") until we see that Thailog has no problem in taking him out. Elisa's short speech on her being part of the clan as Goliath dies is a nice touch. And then Thailog knifes her. I didn't quite expect him to do that, seeing as she wasn't fighting him (and I didn't know that he was collecting their blood the first time I read this) and he had never wanted to attack her before out of the blue like that (unless she was in his way). I guess I just assumed that he was doing it to make Goliath even madder than he already was. But still, I wasn't expecting that.
So there you have it. The first half of my review on comic book #5: Bash. Hope you liked it, and I'll get right on to the next half soon enough.
Thank you for your time and all that you do.
Thanks for your perserverance!
This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....
November 2nd...
Just after midnight, Angela and the Trio head out into the city. They're glad that both Goliath and Maggie are recovering.
Just before dawn, Shari tells Thailog the story of Goliath, Angela, Elisa and Bronx's journey from Avalon to the Himalayas in Tibet - where they encountered Coldstone - and of their subsequent arrival in Shambahla.
At dawn, Coldsteel joins Xanatos at Scarab Corp.
6:46am EST - [withheld]
6:47am EST - [withheld]
3:52pm EST - [withheld]
3:53pm EST - [withheld]
4:50pm EST - [withheld]
5:12pm EST - [withheld]
5:14pm EST - [withheld]
5:15pm EST - [withheld]
5:18pm EST - [withheld]
We know that there is faerie magic and mortal magic. Mortal magic seems mostly to be used by humans. Is it less common for gargoyles to study magic than humans? If so why?
Seems less common, but that may simply be because there are fewer gargoyles period.
Hey Greg,
Well, there seems to be some confusion over what exactly is going on at Nightstone Unlimited. Maybe some of the confusion is intentional on your part to keep us guessing, but the fact that you were clarifying some facts at the GargWiki suggest to me that we are all not on the same page. So, in an attempt to figure out whats up, I have some questions. I'll totally understand if you won't/can't answer some/all of these. I wouldn't want to you to reveal anything before you are ready.
1. Okay, in "Hunter's Moon" it seemed pretty obvious that Ms. Destine was running Nightstone. No one was sure if Mr. Thailog had survived the Coney Island fire yet, so there is no issue here, I guess. My question is does Demona know as of "Invitation Only" that Thailog is alive? If so, when/how did she find out?
2. Was Nightstone Unlimited ALWAYS Thailog's and Demona only took it over when he was assumed dead?
3. Has Demona returned to Nightstone since "Hunter's Moon"?
4. Is Sevarius an employee of Nightstone now, or is he just doing occasional contract jobs for Thailog?
5. Has Sevarius heard from Demona since "Hunter's Moon"?
6. Is there anything else you feel like telling us about the whole Thailog/Demona Nightstone situation? Did Thailog and Demona have a prenup or something? The transition from their business to her business to his business is just kinda hard to figure out.
Thanks Greg!
1. No comment.
2. Nightstone Unlimited belonged to both of them. Dominique never had Alexander Thailog declared deceased. Since no one ever saw the reclusive tycoon anyway, there didn't seem to be any point.
3. No.
4. He's pulling in a salary.
5. Not that he's mentioned.
6. There's no transition, really. They jointly held/hold title. He vanished for a time, and she took sole control. Now she's vanished, and he's taken sole control. As for what the future holds... well, that would be telling.
hello greg i love fox very much but how fox and xanatos meet
and he realy loved her or not
I think it's pretty clear by now that he really loves her. As to where they met, I'm saving that for now.
where did Fox and David Xanatos get to know each other?
Many places.
Hey! Do you ever miss teaching in a classroom setting, like at a school? I seem to remember you saying that you taught English at a college. I am in the process of becoming a high school English teacher (though most people think I'm crazy to do so), & I was wondering what your favorite part was about teaching English, & what you might have done differently.
Thank you for your time and all that you do.
I do sometimes miss the classroom itself. But I hated reading papers. Once in a blue moon I'd read something that really... sang... but otherwise, it wasn't too fun. Even the good papers weren't exactly my idea of fun reading. Grading just isn't fun in general. But I like the classroom (most of the time). I guess it's the performer in me, maybe. But I liked imparting stuff too.
What might I have done differently? I don't know.
But I admire what you're doing. I had a number of great and very inspirational high school English teachers (Mrs. Diskin, Mrs. Wardlaw, Mr. West, Mr. Holmes, Mr. McGrew and Mrs. Wardlaw again) without whom, we would not be sharing this forum.
This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....
November 1st...
Using the Phoenix Gate, Goliath, Demona, David Xanatos, Petros Xanatos and Fox come back in time from the year 1995. Demona immediately uses the Gate to disappear again. Xanatos saves the life of Princess Elena of Normandy. He is rewarded with a coin, which he gives to the Norman Ambassador, a fellow member of the Illuminati Society. The 1995 Goliath encounters the 975 Hudson. The 975 Demona is studying under the Archmage as his apprentice. He instructs her to steal the Phoenix Gate from Princess Elena, which she does. But then she is confronted by the 1995 Demona and Goliath. After a brief trip for all three to 994, the 975 Demona returns them to her time and winds up on the outs with the Archmage. She breaks the Phoenix Gate in two and gives half of it to the 975 Goliath at the wedding of Malcolm and Elena. Meanwhile, all the 1995 participants return to their own time.
David Xanatos receives an anonymous gift of a medieval coin worth $20 grand. It is the start of his fortune, and was actually sent to David by his 1995 counterpart, via the Illuminati Society from the year 975.
A fully-grown Thailog is released from his maturation chamber and takes up residence at the Eyrie Building. Xanatos receives a letter from the Illuminati Society. It is from himself, sent in the year 975. It explains that he sent himself the medieval coin that was the basis of all his wealth. The letter also explains how he set this all up by turning his wedding to Fox into a time travel excursion to 975.
Xanatos gets a new assignment from Quincy and the Illuminati. Hudson confirms he is a gargoyle to Robbins. Thailog and the clones fight the Manhattan Clan. During the battle, Thailog gets DNA samples from Goliath, Angela, Broadway, Lexington, Elisa, Brooklyn, Hudson and Bronx. Delilah, Malibu, Burbank and Hollywood reject Thailog, but Brentwood chooses to depart with him. Thailog gives the DNA to Sevarius and gains a new personal assistant, Shari. Doctor Sato treats Goliath. Goliath and Elisa declare their love for each other.
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