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Hafiz writes...

Hey Greg,
Hello Greg.
Trevor Doyle writes...
Hello Greg. Congrats on the success of Young Justice so far. I just have one question, but I've noticed it takes about a month to reply to a post. So my question might be answered simply by watching each week. None the less. I just wanted to know if in this Young Justice time line if Jonathan and Martha Kent are both dead, or is Martha still alive? Thank for taking the time to answer our questions.

You responded by saying that "They never existed in Earth-16 continuity. Instead, Jor-El and Lara came to Earth with Kal-El, were found by the U.S. Government and given witness relocation identities in Smallville as the Kents."
Doesn't this contradict what we saw in "I Know Why the Caged Cat Sings" or are both "Martha" and "Jonathan" are kryptonians in disguise?

Greg responds...

Take a look at the date of my response, specifically the month and day. (The year's not important.)


Response recorded on August 18, 2022

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Steve Hockensmith writes...

When did David Reid become Magog?
When did Magog join the Justice League?
What was Robin doing with Batman in Insecurity?
How does Klarion know the four sorcerers in his "old band"?

Greg responds...

1. Team Year Six.

2. Team Year Seven.

3. No spoilers.

4. Recorder Club.

Response recorded on February 15, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

I have 3 Young Justice Related questions for you 1. In Artemis's limbo Fantasy in Overwhelmed what university did she and Mr west both teach at? 2. In the limbo fantasy did Wally and Artemis both wear Glasses (Like oracle or Dr Jace) when teaching? 3. I'm not going to ask who the Waitress with the Leagon Rig at the end of nevermore as but was she Wearing glasses (like Oricle) even though her face was not shown?

Greg responds...

1. They were still living in their Palo Alto apartment, so I imagine that she imagined it was Stanford.

2. Not that I'm aware of. But it didn't come up.

3. No spoilers.

I wear glasses, though. So does Brandon.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Pablo Torres writes...

Hello Greg, big fan of the show. Loved it since the beginning and I'll love it till the end.

In short, my question is about the newer members of the Justice League, the ones introduced in season 3. With your usage of designations, we are able to see the timeline of how the membership grew. From the first member (Superman 010 and the newest member from season 2 (Rocket 26). Now from the beginning of season 3 you showed us that Kaldur, now taking the Aquaman mantle from Orin, became a member of the League after Rocket, with a designation of 27. In the same episode you also show us another new member, Steel, who you gave the designation of 36. It would stand to reason that there is at least 8 additional members that we have not seen. In that same first episode you also showed us 3 other new heroes that were confirmed to be part of the JL (Batwoman, Katana and Hardware). That lead the total of members not known to be 5 members. Later, in another episode you confirmed that the character Fire (although not seen) and the character Elongated Man (introduced in another episode) to be members as well. This now leads to 3 unknown members. Now we also saw a couple of character on the first episode in the planet Rann with the league. This included Adam Stange, a character you introduced in season 2, and the character of Ice. However, you did not state if either of these two heroes were part of the League. And if they were members, that would still leave one spot in the league filled by an unknow character. Many have theorized that this spot belongs to Metamorpho, another character you introduced in season 3, but it is unknown.
So, my questions are:
1. Are Ice and Adam Strange official members of the JL?
2. Was Metamorpho ever a member of the JL?
3. Is Steel the latest recruit of the League or are there other heroes after him?
4. Could you fill the designations between Aquaman II (27) â€" Steel (36)

Greg responds...

1. Ice is.

2. Not through the first 25 and a half episodes of Season Three.

3. No spoilers.

4. Yes, I could.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Nick writes...

1. How old is Zviad Baazovi?
2. How old is Frederick DeLamb?

Greg responds...

By the END of Team Year THREE...

1. Zviad Baazovi is 23.

2. Frederick DeLamb is 32.

Yes, that's right. I'm torturing you by making you do math. (If you're gonna make me do it, I'm gonna make YOU share my pain.)

Response recorded on August 05, 2021

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DD writes...

So was that definitely Damian Wayne we saw in the Rescue Op episode of Young Justice?

Greg responds...

No spoilers. But figure there have to be hundreds of babies on Infinity Island, right? So it could be anyone. ;)

Response recorded on July 23, 2021

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EndBringer99 writes...

What is Black Beetle's real name?

Greg responds...

Edith Lynne Portafiro.

Serioualy, though, what makes you think the Reach have names?

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Lewys Tapscott-Nott writes...

How do you plan out a story Spider-Man?

Greg responds...

I'm not Spider-Man.

But basically, there's no difference in planning a Spidey story than planning a story for any show. It involves a lot of index cards, moving beats around until it gels.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Presto writes...

Favorite character to write ever? Go.

Greg responds...

Go where?

Response recorded on October 13, 2014

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James.B writes...

In the Young Justice:Invasion episode "Runaways" what was the contents of the duffle bag Virgil Hawkins had when he and the other runaways escaped from Star Labs?

Greg responds...

String cheese.

(Honestly, I don't know. Whatever stuff he thought he could use, I guess.)

Response recorded on September 24, 2014

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