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hmm... writes...

What were Zatanna's spells in cornered?

Greg responds...

Well, she had a fainting spell and a hunger spell and a chatty spell.

Of course, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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Anon writes...

Dear Greg,

Let me just start by saying that I am a complete fan of Young Justice. I absolutely love it and I am a fan.

I saw that you answered a question in which someone asked if Artemis knows Nightwing's secret identity. And you answered that as of Season 2, she did.

So my questions are:

1. Why did Dick tell Artemis his secret identity? Or did she figure it out herself? Or even through Wally?
2. Who else knows? (I know you might not answer this one, but I might as well give it a try.)

Greg responds...

1. Artemis saw Dick naked in the Cave's communal shower. Later, that same day, she saw him naked in the Gotham Academy's communal shower, and thus was able to identify him by a telltale zit. Frankly, it's ironic that she had to see him naked twice to make that identification, since the zit was on his chin. But that's what happened.

2. Well, the audience knows. But as far as I can tell from Ask Greg, they're all named "Anonymous".

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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Shade234 writes...

Hey Greg!I loved "Cornered"!
1.How old is Virgil Hawkins?
2.How old is Neutron/Nathaniel Tryon?
3.Why didn't Artemis with Kaldur just surrender to Beast Boy and M'gann? It would've been a good way to get them out of deep cover. After all, they'd found out who the Partner was.

Greg responds...

1. He's 75 if he's a day.

2. He's 75 if he's a day.

3. Because she's 75 if she's a day.

Of course, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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btgr writes...

My review and disappointments for YJI episode "Cornered":

I enjoyed the scenes with Captain Atom, Black Canary, Blue Beetle and Impulse. Captain Atom is most likely saying "Screw the Reach!" or "Nonsense!" inside his thoughts. I noticed Jaime Reyes is shirtless again in this episode!

Mal Duncan was funny in this episode and he resembles Steel/John Henry Irons from that terrible Shaquille O'Neal movie "Steel" while wearing that Guardian costume.

I don't trust that Wade Eiling. I still believe all the US Military soldiers who are working under his wing are dirty, corrupt, merciless, cold-blooded and bloodthirty terrorists in uniform, unless you can give evidence in the upcoming episodes.

And Miss Martian did indeed watered her uncle's plants after all. Oh and more hilarity from G. Gordon Godfrey and he's so obsessed with the Reach lately. Looking forward to True Colours.

My disappointments:
You win 10 points for introducing Static/Virgil Hawkins properly, but you lose 20 points for not introducing the other two unknown liberated abductees who were waiting in the corridor.

Greg responds...

In scenes that were cut for time, Wade sacrificed himself nobly in order to help Miss Martian get to Chicago in time to water her uncle's plants, so that the watering could all be done by the time Conner arrived, so that they could watch "Steel" on Netflix. Unfortunately, all this effort was for naught, as John Jones' Netflix subscription had run out while he was in space.

The good news is that Asami and Eduardo recovered from the amnesia they were experiencing during "Cornered" (which explains why they COULD NOT be introduced in the episode, since they didn't know their own names).

Of course, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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Gallex writes...

I find it funny that much of the YJ fandom is now pairing Bart with Jamie romantically. What are your thoughts on it?

Greg responds...

Do you mean before or after their on-screen kiss in Endgame?

Of course, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

1. Alot of the times in the comics when conners becomes the lizard, he always changes back because there are still trances of the formula in his system. Did the gene clenser completely remove all the lizard dna from his body, so that this isnt the case?
2.If peter had taken the gene clenser when he still worn the symbiote, would it remove both it and his powers?
3. Why was marco selected for ocks experiment first?

Greg responds...

1. The gene cleanser did remove all the lizard DNA, but unfortunately, the sample was contaminated with N'Kai DNA, so expect to see Conners transform into a Moai shortly. (How's that for obscure?!)

2. No, he'd need to go to a dry cleaner for that.

3. He wasn't. The first person selected was the Archmage. It turned him into a beach, until he used the Phoenix Gate to travel to Endor.

Of course, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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anonymous writes...

Will we see Superboy with a different hairstyle in the series? I know, weird question, but I just love his hairstyle in Teen Titans (which is post pretty similar to Red Arrow's) and New 52 (reminds me a bit of Louis Tomlinson???)
Also, kudos for such an awesome show to the whole cast and crew!!!

Greg responds...

We will see Louis Tomlinson with a new hairstyle. A very large afro or maybe a mohawk.

Of course, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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J writes...

At what point in the Leauge's history did they fight Starro?
Is that when Snapper first met the Leauge on Earth-16?
Is Starro still alive inside of the block of ice?

Greg responds...

Snapper stood alone against Starro, with nothing to help him except his college beer refrigerator.

Of course, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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Reiena Grayson writes...

Alright, I searched the archives, and couldn't find my question.

I was thinking about Aquaman and some of his weaknesses, and this one I don't believe was ever mentioned. The whole one hour away from water thing, is it valid on Earth 16. It's just one thing that came to mind.

So, I can't wait for the first part of season 2 to hit DVD on the 22nd, and then Young Justice Legacy is out next month. These next two months are going to be so crash.

Greg responds...

On Earth-16, Aquaman can't be out of the water for longer than 30 minutes and 30 seconds. I mean, take any episode of the series. Start the clock and don't turn it off until the episode is over. You'll see he NEVER stays out of the water longer than 30 minutes - including commercials!!!

Of course, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

If Match was indicated to be the FIRST clone of Superman on Young Justice, and IF he is able to age (unlike Superboy), wouldn't that technically mean that he'd eventually be renamed as Bizarro, and then Match and Bizarro would be one and the same individual on Earth-16?

Greg responds...

Match went to one high school dance before he was frozen. There he met a clone of Lana Lang. They had a baby. That baby became Bizarro. However, Bizarro was recently offered a job on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, so he changed his name to Comet, the Wonder Horse.

Of course, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Thank you for taking our questions Greg. I think you contributed to some of the best cartoons of my time (Gargoyles, Spectacular Spiderman, & Young Justice). With the cancellation of Spectacular and DC Nation's sudden hiatus back in Oct. you have a bit of the Peter Parker luck. Know if I had a truck load of money I'd fund one of your shows for at least 4 seasons. Alas I don't but that brings me to my questions:

1. As of this writing, Young Justice has not been renewed for season 3. Should you get the renewal, how long would the production of a new season take?

2a. If you do get renewal, does that lead to a bigger production budget?

2b. With a bigger budget, does it allow you to do things that you wanted to do but just couldn't afford (more voice actors, etc)?

Greg responds...

1. I think we could have new episodes on the air in about three weeks. Although I'd feel more comfortable if we had an entire month to give the animators more time.

2a. Hmmm. Let me think on this one. Is our budget bigger with or without a renewal? Hmmm. I'm going to say that Warner Brothers would give us a bigger budget to not make the show. Yes. That sounds right.

2b. A bigger budget usually gets in the way of creative choice. With more money, we're all way more tempted to pocket some of those dollars. And those kickbacks create shortages that mean we have less freedom to add actors, etc.

Of course, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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Tyler Chun writes...

Hi Greg, as a big fan of your work, Id love to hear your opinions on certain films I love:
-Terminator 2
-Francis Ford Coppola's Dracula
-Fight Club
-Silence of the Lambs
-The Shawshank Redemption

Hope to hear from you soon and thank you

Greg responds...

Terminator 2 - Best movie ever!!

Francis Ford Coppola's Dracula - Did not once induce uncomfortable snickers!

Fight Club - I've seen it!!

Silence of the Lambs - Did not care for the lambs.

The Shawshank Redemption - Was that the one with Dingo, Matrix, Yama and Fang?

Of course, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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J writes...

Since the Hawks' wings are real, are they still mamillian or are they primarily avian, or a mix of both?
If they are a mix, how much mamillian-to-avian would you say they are? 50\50? 70\30?
If the Hawks were to have a child, would Shayara give live birth or lay an egg?

Greg responds...

1. They're gargates.

2. As a professional biologist, myself, I can say with tremendous certainty that they are 20% Thanagarian, 15% Mammal, 84% avian, 11% Kryptonian and the remaining 4% is a mix of Latverian and Rhelasian.

3. Katar lays the eggs, of course.

Anyway, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

1. Was the death of Marie Logan at the hands of Queen Bee is what prompted Miss Martian to use her powers in a more violent manner?

2. Before she realized she abused the use of her powers in "Before the Dawn," was Miss Martian considering ever using her more violent methods against Queen Bee (as payback/revenge for Marie Logan's death) if they were to ever meet again?

3. Beast Boy's designation as B19 means he joined The Team sometime in 2014, correct? Would that also possibly mean that Marie Logan was tragically killed during that same year?

Greg responds...

1. No. Miss Martian is the one who died. The real Marie Logan received a blood transfusion from Miss Martian three days before the incident. In order to protect herself and her son, Marie - once recovered - allowed the world to think that she was dead and took over the Miss Martian identity, having gained shape-shifting and telepathic powers from the transfusion. The violence was Marie's, who blamed villainy in general for the death of the girl she had come to regard as a daughter.

2. Again, the premise of your question is incorrect, so it's impossible to answer.

3. I think you mean 1814, right?

Anyway, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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Chris Lahm writes...

Who is taller, Superboy or Lagoon Boy? Or there the same height.

Greg responds...

Superboy is taller on land by about fifty feet - especially when leaping. But in the water, Lagoon Boy is taller due to the pressure. (When he's underwater, Superboy is reminded of being in a pod, which causes emotional pressure. So he slouches a lot.)

I would have thought that was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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jS-2814 writes...

As the comic #20 shows Artemis at least knows to Nightwing is- so have they laughed about the picture yet?

Greg responds...

I think my spellcheck has gone haywire. Oh, wait, no. It's YOURS.

Anyway, it's unfortunate, but all of Dick Grayson's digital photos were erased during the E.M.P. that Artemis set off in "Homefront". Plus, fans forbid us from allowing Dick to laugh anymore in Season Two. We received death threats.

I would have thought that was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

So, weird question: in Homefront what kind of... Whatever was used to hold Superboy and Kid Flash? It kinda looked like ice, but ice is usually clear, and that seemed opaque. And if it was ice, then how come Superboy didn't just busy out? Ice is brittle. It shatters easily.
I don't know. Maybe it was metal that Red Inferno melted and then Red Torpedo cooled again so it stopped them quick, but they didn't show burns... please explain this.

Greg responds...

It wasn't ice. It was flubber.

I would have thought that was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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J writes...

Back when the Superboy clone was first introduced into the DCU, he was given a pair of "specs" by Prof. Emil Hamilton that granted him X-ray, telescopic, microscopic, & heat vision powers...would the Superboy of Earth-16 ever consider useing that kind of technology (if it were available)?
Or did he learn his lesson bout augmenting his powers after the patches?
Would this violate his "no tights" policy in some way?

I'm not asking, or even hoping that he will use the "specs", just asking if he would if given the oppirtunity.

Greg responds...

Professor Hamilton gave Superboy contact lenses that grant him all those powers. In fact, he gave Lucas Carr the same lenses.

I would have thought that was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Greg, how can Wally suit up as Kid Flash, without being asked, in "BLOODLINES" claiming he did it because "it was an emergency and I was needed", and then justify sitting on the sidelines while almost everyone he cares about is risking their lives to stop the Light and an alien invasion?

I get that Wally was only included in "BLOODLINES" due to wanting to get all of the Flash family on the show at once as there was absolutely no other reason for him to be in that episode (he did nothing but get mocked), but it makes his inaction at the moment harder to understand and defend. I mean, Dick and Conner almost got killed and his own cousin got captured in "DARKEST", and yet Wally isn't doing anything to help out. Does he simply just not care about anything anymore besides Artemis?

Greg responds...

During the events you mention, Wally was in jail in the distant future, having been accidentally mistaken for Professor Zoom by Booster Gold. (It's the yellow costume, you see?)

I would have thought that was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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guy writes...

who is aquaman parents?

Greg responds...

Who ARE Aquaman's parents?

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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omondieu writes...

How are names chosen for members of the London Clan if the young are raised communally? Do the youngsters choose their own names when they grow older? Does each member of the clan choose a hatchling to name? Is there a gargoyle whose job it is to give every hatchling a name?

Greg responds...

There's this hat...

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Anon writes...

1. Was Mercy Graves a teen or an adult (or a teenage adult) when she met Luthor?
2. Was she trained in combat before she met him?
3. Is her weaponized arm the only cybernetic part of her body, or does she have other cyborg features? (I wondered after all those awesome moves in high heels during "Satisfaction" if she didn't have robot legs! Or else a VERY sturdy pair of shoes!!)

Love the show! "Satisfaction" was my favorite episode so far but I can't wait to see the remainder of Season 2. :)

Greg responds...



3. She has robot shoes. The left shoe allows her to travel seven leagues in one step. The right shoe cracks a lot of jokes at Luthor's expense.

Response recorded on February 26, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

On this day of this posting (which is the day before my 25th birthday), I woke up early in the morning with the anticipation of watching the newest episode of Young Justice. I do not watch it on TV because I do not have cable. However, I usually watch it after it is posted on the internet; this is the only way I am able to watch the show due to the lack of having cable television, as I mentioned before.

Being that I live in California, the sad news hit me when I looked into the AskGreg website to see if people from the East Coast were asking questions about this week's episode (since they would normally watch it first). Apparently, Young Justice never aired (as indicated by people asking questions about what happened). Cartoon Network threw a bombshell at us by celebrating its 20th anniversary or something and showing completely different cartoons.

I have to say that this was pretty poor timing on Cartoon Network's part. However, I am in no way blaming you, since you'd probably have no idea what the heck just happened. After I found out what Cartoon Network did, naturally, I was extremely disappointed.

The first announcement by Cartoon Network implied that Young Justice: Invasion was been held off until November. At the time, I wasn't worried. I figured since I learned that episode 19 and 20 were the only ones that weren't ready to be aired, I thought in my own mind that perhaps DC Nation was eventually going to do something special and throw some kind of 90-minute or 2-hour season finale for Young Justice: Invasion to compensate for the weeks in which the show was supposed to air.

THEN, sometime after 3 pm, more unfortunate news came in which Cartoon Network made an announcement that DC Nation would resume on JANUARY 2013. While I feel that this was an injustice, I did my best to maintain my cool. I'd imagine, however, that fans of your show throughout the country are probably throwing fits or are crying to their parents (all depending on their ages).

I have waited three months of the summer for Young Justice: Invasion to come back and I was happy that it did. However, after only seeing TWO episodes and having forced to go through ANOTHER hiatus, I feel that we, the fans, should be given some kind of compensation. I REFUSE to wait out another three months, just when the show was about to get exciting and we were about to see some kind of resolution after the "Darkest" episode…

Thanks for hearing me out,

Greg responds...

"Compensation"? Really?

And please do not "REFUSE to wait out another three months". That helps no one. We're coming back, that much I can guarantee. I think you'll like what you see when we do. So hold tight.

Meanwhile, I've convinced Cartoon Network to send a check for twelve cents to every fan of Young Justice: Invasion, who's home address was registered with the United Nations Cartoon Liberation Foundation. The Man from U.N.C.L.F. should be contacting you soon.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Clark Cradic writes...

Who makes the archers trick arrows? Are they made themselves or by a third party?

Greg responds...

Geno Mattos makes nearly all of them.

Response recorded on November 13, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Before the episode "Alienated" concluded, Wonder Woman stated that Icon was knowledgeable in intergalatic trial law. What other non-Earth related things is Icon knowledgeable in?

Greg responds...

The best way to prepare popcorn on Ceti Alpha Five.

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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Marco Cool Dude writes...

Hi, Greg. Love your show, never miss it.

Was Dick ever kidnapped (both as Robin and as Dick Grayson) at any point before the series began? If yes, would you have an estimate of how many times it occurred?

Greg responds...

Nine-hundred and ninety-four times.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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mrs.west writes...

hi gref , just wanted to ask a wierd question Does wally like twinkies? YES,NO,MAYBE SO.....??????

Greg responds...

I guef so.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

A 2-3 year time skip I could understand, but a 5 year one seems a little drastic. Was this move influenced by the knowledge that the show might only end up with a total of 2-3 seasons?

Greg responds...

It had nothing whatsover to do with our so-called 'prospects'. It had everything to do with what Brandon and I WANTED to do with the show from Day One.

And, just so I'm clear, three years is understandable, but five isn't, so would four have been okay? Four and a half? Three years and seven months and eighteen days?

(Okay, yeah, now I'm being a smartass. But think about it.)

Response recorded on September 24, 2012

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Finister2 writes...

1) Why did Haly lie to Faraday regarding his troupe's whereabouts?
2) Why did Intergang want to create a black hole in Geneva?
3) Where did Lex Luthor, Queen Bee, and Sportsmaster want to take Superboy, Miss Martian, and Artemis from Santa Prisca?
4) How long ago was Roy Harper cloned?
5) Was the Zeta-Beam portal in Star City in "Insecurity" a deliberate cultural reference to the TARDIS in Doctor Who.

Greg responds...

1. He was protecting (in a fatherly way) his people.

2. They wanted to test the tech.

3. Du-Pars. For pancakes.

4. Three years prior, give or take.

5. Uh huh.

Response recorded on September 10, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

How did parasite get his absorbation superpowers?

Greg responds...

Why does "absorbation" sound dirty to me?

Response recorded on August 24, 2012

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Greg Bishansky writes...

So, I've got to ask.

Does "Hello Megan" have a small but dedicated fanbase that petitions for the series to be released on DVD, that has held at least ten conventions celebrating it with Greg Vietti and Branden Weisman as guests... and which actor from the show drops his pants at conventions?


Greg responds...

"Hello, Megan!" does have a small but dedicated fanbase that petitions for the series to be released on DVD. But no conventions.

Curiously, the president of the "Hello, Megan!" fan club is Edmund Tsabard.

Response recorded on May 22, 2012

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Primrose writes...

Are Superman and Wonder Woman in a relationship on this earth?

Greg responds...

Is it really any of your business? Can't their private lives remain private. ;)

Or if you prefer a serious answer: SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

Response recorded on May 07, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

First I want to say that I love Young Justice but I have few questions
1. Will there be any completly original heroes and/or villians
2. Will there be any character that have only been animated and not in the comics, for example See-More from the Teen Titans series
3. What exactly are rocket's powers
4. Is the team a strictly sidekick team or can idividual teen heroes join
5. We have seen the covert, snow, and regular suits for the team are there any other suits

Greg responds...

1. Terror Twins, anyone?

2. There are certainly characters that originated in cartoons. Can't be sure if they've all made it into the comics or not.

3. Flight and force fields.

4. There are no rules in that sense.

5. There's the 70s disco versions.

Response recorded on April 25, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

In Alpha Male when Brain prepares to escape, he starts dispensing sorts of compartments/tools(?) and then he vanished. Did he teleport or did he simply slip away in the darkness? What happened?

Greg responds...

The world may never know.

Response recorded on March 08, 2012

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The Question writes...

Could you describe every member of The Team in one word (each)?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 10, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

who founded the jsa?

Greg responds...

Sheldon Mayer and Gardner Fox, I think.

Response recorded on January 09, 2012

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Another fan writes...

Without spoilers

how would you compare Lex Luthor from earth 16 with David Xanatos?

Greg responds...

Lex has less hair.

Response recorded on November 12, 2011

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Alma writes...

Love this series, it was the best Cartoon show of my childhood and now, almost 30 I am revisiting the series and am finding ALOT of adult humor, situations and no little amount of (sexual) tension between carachters.
I could babble on but I honestly don't have the time to do it now, so I shall ask away...
At what point in Awakening do Goliath and Demona "break-up".
Yes I understand that he figured her dead for 1000 years but once he saw her, wouldn't he feel the same about her?

Look forward to hearing from you, and again, thanks for bestowing the awesomeness that is Gargolyes into our lives!!!!

Greg responds...

There's no one moment, though when she tries to kill him, the relationship really starts to go south.

Response recorded on July 28, 2011

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Grey Wolf writes...

In as far as Brooklyn traveled into the future, did disco ever come back?

Greg responds...

Yes. And went away again.

Response recorded on July 27, 2011

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Algernon writes...

“Schooled” Review



Yo Greg, sorry I’ve kinda fallen behind with these reviews but life sometimes gets in the way. Anyway, I enjoyed this ep a lot. I have to admit I did find Superboy’s anger issues a bit one not in “Welcome to Happy Harbor” even though I did understand why it was so. Lets face it, being raised in a tube by psychic goblins is probably going to leave you a little lacking in social skills. But this ep, (and to a certain extent “Drop-Zone”) has done a great job of letting us see other sides of his character, as well as exploring the underlying reasons for all that anger.

I particularly liked his exchange with Clark, poor kids practically giving Big Blue puppy dog eyes. Not that I don’t sympathise with Clark. Even with the best will in the world, dealing with your own clone/son has got to be a pretty daunting prospect. If I were brutally honest, I’d have to admit Clark is handling this way better then I would be. I know if I met a clone of myself, my first instinct would probably be to reach for a torch and pitch fork. Hardly the rational or ethical response I’ll readily admit, but luckily the Man of Steel is a lot more level headed then me.

Loved Peter MacNicol as Professor Ivo, he brought a great sense of humour and menace to the character without making him sound like a clone of Doc Ock. I just dig the idea tha this short skinny middle-aged nerd is able to strike terror into the hearts of the Justice League. I also noticed that his character design has a very similar colour scheme to AMAZO, red hair and green clothes. I loved this because it neatly explains AMAZO’s goofy silver design, Ivo designed the android to basically look like and idealised version of himself, brilliant! Hope we see the M.O.N.Q.I.s again. J

Black Canary was pretty cool, it’s good to hear Vanessa Marshall again. I’ve heard she’s your favourite DC character so I’m interested to see how you handle her.

All and all another great ep, I’ll try and get my “Infiltrator” review up sometime tomorrow.

Greg responds...

Vanessa Marshall is indeed my favorite DC character, so she'll be joining the Justice League in Season Two. Since Vanessa will be voicing/playing herself, we'll be recasting Black Canary to avoid confusion. Our leading candidates are all single-named celebrities: Roseanne, Cher, Lindsay, Madonna or Prince.

Oh, and in case it hasn't been clear for this and the last four questions as well: APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!

Response recorded on April 01, 2011

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Ceylan writes...

Hey Greg
loving what you're doing with the show and obviously I have some questions

1. Is there any relation between Artemis and Onyx Adams in any way cause I believe that they may have some common past.

2. Is the Superboy/Miss Martian/Kid Flash love triangle last just the first season?

3. I there going to be some sort of love/hate relationship between Artemis and Kid Flash like Miss Martian says in Denial??

It'd be great if you'd answer atleast one without saying no comment.

Greg responds...

1. Artemis and Onyx are deeply in love.

2. What love triangle? Miss Martian and Kid Flash have been sleeping together since episode four.

3. Again, I don't know what you're referring to. Artemis and Kid Flash will be revealed to be second cousins. They get along fine.

Response recorded on April 01, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

First of all, I am huge fan of your work, My question is, what DC comic characters are you not allowed to use In Young Justice?

Greg responds...

There was a short list of characters that formerly we were not allowed to use, but now they've all been okayed, so watch for Swamp Thing, Death of the Endless and Jonah Hex all in episode 25.

Response recorded on April 01, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Are you thinking of featuring the Flaming C in the series? Please :D Just a cameo would be good.

Greg responds...

Flaming C will be joining the Justice League officially in episode 11. But the Leaguers won't find out he's really Conan O'Brien until episode 24.

Response recorded on April 01, 2011

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Trevor Doyle writes...

Hello Greg. Congrats on the success of Young Justice so far. I just have one question, but I've noticed it takes about a month to reply to a post. So my question might be answered simply by watching each week. None the less. I just wanted to know if in this Young Justice time line if Jonathan and Martha Kent are both dead, or is Martha still alive? Thank for taking the time to answer our questions.

Greg responds...

They never existed in Earth-16 continuity. Instead, Jor-El and Lara came to Earth with Kal-El, were found by the U.S. Government and given witness relocation identities in Smallville as the Kents.

Response recorded on April 01, 2011

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Young Justice Happy Meal Toys!

Young Justice Happy Meal Toys!

So I got my complete set of YJ Happy Meal toys today, and I have three things to say:

1. Yes, I'm bummed that McDonalds chose to go with Littlest Pet Shop for girls, instead of creating a couple of kick-ass toys for Miss Martian and Artemis.

2. Nevertheless, the eight toys they did make are very cool!

3. But the choices made me stop and think: Black Manta is Aqualad's biological father. Batman is Robin's foster-father. Superman is Superboy's genetic father. So... is McDonalds trying to imply that Captain Cold is Kid Flash's father?!! OMG!!!

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AJC writes...

I just remmebered who you guys got to voice the boy wonder...So will robin sing in YJ? That'd be hilarious! Thoughts?

Greg responds...

By now, I'm sure you've seen the musical episode where ALL the characters break into song. What did you think?

Response recorded on March 11, 2011

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Clark Cradic writes...

What steps do usually go through when creating a new character?

Greg responds...

Foxtrot. Sometimes the Charleston.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Josh Noehring writes...

Love argoyles and now Young Justice. Thank you for your sophisticated art and storytelling. A question regarding Young Justice:

1. Will Ra's al Ghul or Talia at anytime be featured

Greg responds...

Argoyles! The best dressed monsters in tartan plaids and kilts!

(Sorry. But great typo, dude!)

1. No comment.

AND it seems time to reiterate AGAIN, once more for this additional time: I will NOT be scooping my own show by revealing spoilers. And of course, if I told you who WASN'T appearing, it would de facto reveal who WAS. So any questions like this will only get a NO COMMENT!

Response recorded on February 09, 2011

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Xander writes...

As the conspiracy buff that I am, I found a few references to the Erisian's Law of Fives on Gargoyles (most of which from "Revelations") that I would like you to bear in mind:

a) Mace Malone's key number was 23 (2+3=5).
b) Matt's key number was 13 (23-5-5=13; or 5+5+13=23)
c) Elisa and Matt work on the 23rd precinct;
d) and the most creepy of them all: this episode is the 36th to be produced, which means that by subtracting the 13 episodes of season one, it becomes the 23rd produced episode of season two!

I was wondering if these references were intentional or are just coincidental.

Greg responds...

Feels a little like answering could unleash a curse or something.

Response recorded on January 26, 2011

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Reya writes...

Carly Simon auctioned off the secret subject of "You're So Vain" for $50,000 at a charity auction. Would you ever consider selling the secret (for charity or self-gain)of what Titania whispered to Fox in "The Gathering: Part 2"?

Greg responds...

For $50K? Sure.

(Who didn't see THAT smart-ass response coming?)

Response recorded on January 21, 2011

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Xander writes...

Can you tell us who was the first (a) person, (b) being and (c) entity to figure out how to work the Phoenix Gate?

Greg responds...

Yes, I can.

Response recorded on January 20, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

That premiere was amazing!! One question though one that Im not even sure your allowed to anwser. When Blockbuster tells the scientist to clone Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad, Robin replies bys saying "Pass Batcaves Crowded Enough" can you elaborate on what he meant by this? Is their a Batgirl or Batwoman running around Gotham in this universe or maybe Bathound?

Greg responds...

Maybe it's just a REALLY small Batcave, huh? ;)

Response recorded on December 17, 2010

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Alix December Frost writes...

I was just reviewing the guidelines for asking question. i just want to make it clear, that I wasn't trying to submit any ideas.

Also, what DID Demona do during WW2?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 28, 2010

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patch writes...

i'm so excited for young justice but i have to ask
1. is artemis olivia queen?
2. there were some characters that were only in the comic(secret, empress, slobo) will they appear in the cartoon?

Greg responds...

You HAVE to ask? Because if you don't, you'll... what? Spontaneously combust? Sing a torch song? Juggle priceless Ming vases?

Well, I won't question it. Let's just say you HAVE to ask and leave it at that.

(Of course, I don't have to answer.)

[I think I am getting meaner and more sarcastic. I'm sure I'm alienating more people than I'm amusing.]

Response recorded on September 18, 2010

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Primal Slayer writes...

What's the status of Supergirl in this show... has she already arrived? will she arrive? does she not even exisist?

Greg responds...

I can state definitively that Supergirl will not be appearing... in Gargoyles.

Response recorded on September 17, 2010

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sagal writes...

Will Lex Luthor and Barbara Gordon/Batgirl appear in the young justice show?

Greg responds...

Please, sagal, allow me to scoop my own material by answering these questions. Please! What? You've changed your mind and don't want the answers? But I'm just dying to reveal everything here and now so that the viewing audience is protected from any surprises whatsoever. Besides, if you let me tell you everything now, it'll allow way more second-guessing and pre-judging of ideas, free of all that pesky execution of said ideas. So how 'bout it? Can I spill? Can I spoil? Ahhh, you're no fun.

[It's starting to get old now, isn't it?]

Response recorded on September 13, 2010

Bookmark Link

Chris writes...

Would Demona and Macbeth still blame each other if they knew how the Weird Sisters had manipulated them, or would they assume that the Sisters were responsible for their betrayals?

Greg responds...

Please, Chris, allow me to scoop my own material by answering these questions. Please! What? You've changed your mind and don't want the answers? But I'm just dying to reveal everything here and now so that the viewing audience is protected from any surprises whatsoever. Besides, if you let me tell you everything now, it'll allow way more second-guessing and pre-judging of ideas, free of all that pesky execution of said ideas. So how 'bout it? Can I spill? Can I spoil? Ahhh, you're no fun.

Wait, wait. This wasn't a YJ spoiler question. Sorry, I got carried away there for a second.

Anyway, I think there's blame enough to go around. Particularly with Demona, who likes to spread the blame, not absorb it.

Response recorded on September 13, 2010

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Anon. writes...

Hi Greg!!!! I hear rumors that Harley Quinn will be appearing! Will she? Also, can you give just one exclusive. Anything. Even something small. As long as it's new.

Greg responds...

Please, Anon., allow me to scoop my own material by answering these questions. Please! What? You've changed your mind and don't want the answers? But I'm just dying to reveal everything here and now so that the viewing audience is protected from any surprises whatsoever. Besides, if you let me tell you everything now, it'll allow way more second-guessing and pre-judging of ideas, free of all that pesky execution of said ideas. So how 'bout it? Can I spill? Can I spoil? Ahhh, you're no fun.

[Is it still mean the second time? Meaner? Less mean?]

Response recorded on September 13, 2010

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rex writes...

1.Will Superboy have a love interest?
2.If so who will it Be?

Greg responds...

Please, rex, allow me to scoop my own material by answering these questions. Please! What? You've changed your mind and don't want the answers? But I'm just dying to reveal everything here and now so that the viewing audience is protected from any surprises whatsoever. Besides, if you let me tell you everything now, it'll allow way more second-guessing and pre-judging of ideas, free of all that pesky execution of said ideas. So how 'bout it? Can I spill? Can I spoil? Ahhh, you're no fun.

[Was that too mean? Or just mean enough? I can never tell.]

Response recorded on September 13, 2010

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Adrianaa writes...

should i get married?

Greg responds...

Unsurprisingly, I have no idea.

(I thought about doing a Magic Eightball style smartass response, but was terrified it might be taken seriously.)

Response recorded on August 17, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

Does Demona like pudding? If so, what's her favorite kind?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 28, 2010

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David B. Jacobs writes...

Timothy Fackler writes...
Hello again,

you asked "But -- and this is the key question -- are you public domain?"

I'm not really sure what you mean by that, but I'm definitely not copyrighted.
So, I guess, sure, I'm public domain.
If you feel so inclined you could email me at: fackler.timothy@gmail.com

I'd love to hear from you and see if there is any possibility.
Thank your time again.

Greg responds...
I've forgotten what we're talking about, but if you are an individual then in fact you own you. So you're not public domain and not free for me to put into the series (if that's what this is about).

David B. Jacobs pipes in....
Why don't YOU check the archives, huh?


Greg responds...

I got your archives right here.

Seriously, though... under what? Sending me a fragment of a former post, with no clear topic makes it nearly impossible for me to even know which archive to check. Compare that to the previous poster, who asked about the DVDs and about Bringing Gargoyles Back. Two clear archive topics for him to check.

Response recorded on April 22, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

can you get the swine flu twice?

Greg responds...

I guess that depends on how badly you want it.

Response recorded on March 30, 2010

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lil c writes...

am i going 2 have a gurl

Greg responds...

I swear there's a smart-ass response in here somewhere, but I just can't find it.

Response recorded on February 22, 2010

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Gargoyles fan writes...

What is the future for Gargoyles?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 12, 2010

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Greg Bishansky writes...

"Gargoyles, Clan Building Chapter Eleven: Tyrants"

We're near the end of the road. Brooklyn, Mary and Finella approach the ruins of Castle Wyvern. Brooklyn determined to somehow get the Phoenix Gate so he can help Mary and Finella protect the Grimorum Arcanorum from King Constantine. I neglected to point out in my previous review that Mary and Finella's horse is named 'Magus.' Cute.

Meanwhile, at Edinburgh Castle... Constantine stands in front of a mirror as he shaves his head bald. For those of you history buffs out there who noted that historically, Constantine III was known as "Constantine the Bald," well, here we are. The sequence itself is creepy, as is Constantine's interest in Gillecomgain... but I just finished reading a book on Alexander the Great, so maybe I'm just projecting. But there seems to be a borderline paternal/sexual interest in the boy coming from Constantine. Even Gilly's father, Mael Brigti seems creeped out by it. Brother Valmont doesn't care... and it's obvious to me that he holds no real loyalty to Constantine, obviously he's someone to watch.

We cut back to Castle Wyvern where Brooklyn finds the whole situation as freaky as I find Constantine's seeming man/boy interest in Gillecomgain. Of course, I am amused at how he can't keep his beak shut... Mary's reaction to Tom being "married" is priceless. As for Brook, sadly, Goliath's half of the Phoenix Gate is unavailable to him. And hooray for the first canon mention of the modesty spell.

Speaking of canon mentions... the Wind Ceremony... Demona's clan wants to hold one for their shattered comrades. But Demona herself has no interest, as usual, she wants revenge on those who did it. Obviously, she is one of the tyrants referenced in the title.

Mary and Finella arrive with Brooklyn at the Grim's camp. BTW, I love that Kenneth III is called 'the Grim' when he is anything but. His cousin, Maol Chalvim on the other hand. Well, understandably, he doesn't trust Finella. But, as Kenneth pointed out, they need all the help they can get.

And being that they need all the help they can get, Brooklyn seeks out the one person he hates more than any in the world. Demona.

"Chill, Brook. Get a grip. Remember, this is Demona Classic. Tenth century and... ... and still the traitor who caused the Wyvern Massacre!!"

Loved that line. Also loved Brooklyn needling her about surviving the massacre and the sleep spell. I've got to say, this adds a whole new layer to their interaction in "Temptation."

So, the Grim's armies are amassing, and outnumbered. Brooklyn may or may not have gotten Demona to agree to help. Considering her hatred for humans, well, good luck, Brook.

Meanwhile, at Rathveramoen, a messenger from the Grim's army arrives to deliver a message to Constantine that the two armies will do battle at sunset, and what happens next? While Constantine's face is obscured by another mirror, he says...

"What an excellent message. What an excellent messenger. Kill him."

Whoa... um.... Constantine, meet me at Camera Three.

::Turns to Camera Three::

Look your royal baldness, there are some things you just don't do. You don't put anchovies on a pizza, you don't re-make Alfred Hitchcock movies, and you don't kill messengers. I mean, come on, messengers have tedious jobs anyway. They are so hard to come by anyway. I mean, what's the point? You're just being a jerk! And why are you hiding behind that mirror anyway....

Oh... um... that's some pretty interesting war paint you've got going there. Actually, you look pretty scary your baldness... um, I'm sorry, I mean, your highness.

Um, do you want that anchovy pizza after all? I hear Michael Bay is re-making "The Birds". I can get you tickets to the premiere at Mann's Chinese Theatre. And hey, I'm sure that messenger sold poison milk to school children... heh heh heh.... please don't kill me.

::Turns away from Camera Three::

Yes, Constantine has painted his hairless head black, and painted the scars of Gillecomgain on the front and back, along with a creepy pair of eyes on the back of his skull. That's really creepy. More to the point, the big revelation of the issue. Constantine was the first Hunter! Gillecomgain's scars inspired Constantine's look. That makes their relationship even creepier.

And, as promised, at sunset, the two armies meet. And Brooklyn arrives with Demona and her new clan. Smooth sailing from here on out, right?

Nope... Brother Valmont uses magical arrows to kill Mary and Finella's guards, and seized the Grimorum, and promises to kill Constantine and bring Scotland to it's knees. At that moment, Demona tells her second in command that once Constantine is dead, she will destroy the Grim's armies as well, and use the Grimorum to bring Scotland to it's knees.

Now that's the Demona I know and love!

Loved David Hutchinson's pencils, loved Robby's colors. Great looking issue.

"Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night."

To be concluded...

Greg responds...

I can't wait to find out what happens!!

Response recorded on December 09, 2009

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radioactivespiderman writes...

1. Will we see B list villains like Tarantula and Jack O Lantern? What about newer villains like Morlun or newer allies like Ezekiel?

2. Will you use Rocket Racer and Morbius as students and have them become villains later?

3. I heard you can't use Beetle why not?

4. Will Morris Bench become Hydro-Man and I doubt this but will Hobie Brown become Prowler?

5, Who is your favorite Spidey villain?

Greg responds...

1. No comment.

2. No comment.

3. Check the archives.

4. No comment.

5. I don't just have one.


Response recorded on December 01, 2009

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Noah Wotring writes...

I'm very nervous about the renewal of the show. I want a season 3! Any words of comfort?

Greg responds...

"Chicken Soup."

Response recorded on October 02, 2009

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Harlan Phoenix writes...

"Harlan Phoenix writes...

So, what's Midtown High student Greg Weisman like?
Greg responds...

I know you're kidding, but I'm not quite getting the joke."

Ah, that's fine. I was making a little gag about the minor cameo you had with your name on the Midsummer Night's Dream cast list in season 2 of Spidey. I thought it would've made a fun candidate for a Smart Ass Response.

Greg responds...

Life is full of disappointments.

Response recorded on October 01, 2009

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Timothy Fackler writes...

Hello Greg, and whoever Todd is.

I’m not really sure if this qualifies as a question, and I think it fits the guidelines…
Then again if it doesn’t I won’t get an answer anyways, but that’s not the point.
(Sorry, I’m nervous.)

I’m not sure if I’m too late or not, I don’t think I am.
I found out Lex is indeed a homosexual, but I don’t think his mate has been released yet.
I was wondering if I could in fact be with him, or at least go on a date maybe?
I Always had a bit of a crush on him, and I know Gargoyles and humans have been mates before.

A bit about myself:
I’m 20, which I think is close to Lex’s age if I remember.
I’m kinda nerdy, if you couldn’t tell by me asking to date a Gargoyle.
I’m in college for English and Psychology.
My interests are anime, comics, manga, hanging with friends, coffee, shopping, and obviously boys.
I’m tall, about 6 ft. and a little over 200 lbs. I guess I could send a picture if you want?
I don’t know if it really matters but I’m a versatile top >.<
Thank you for your time, and I hope I get to be with Lex soon.
I suppose you could email if your interested?

Greg responds...

But -- and this is the key question -- are you public domain?

Response recorded on July 14, 2009

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Martin writes...

Greg, I was looking at list of Spidey's villains and realized that there are 5 big villains left that you will/should introduce: Hobgoblin & Scorpion (both confirmed), Hydro-Man, Jackal & Carnage. I just hope you dont do like the 90s cartoon and have 3 awesome seasons and terrible 4th season (their season 4 was awful). there are good B and C list villains that deserve to be seen on your show - Spencer & Alistair Smythe, Swarm, Boomerang, Carrion, Jack O'Lantern, Sin-Eater, Spot. Not really a question, just thought I'd share this with you.

Greg responds...

Well, gee, Martin. I was planning to do a lousy fourth season, but since you feel so strongly about it, I guess I won't.

Response recorded on July 03, 2009

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Anonymous writes...

hi i just want to say that you are doing an awesome job on the spectacular spiderman series! this is properly beast version of spiderman ( Evin the 90s series) that i have ever scene! what i like the most about this that the characters are both close to the original characters and have new feel to them. but their one character that I'm curious of what you are going to do with and that gwen Stacy. most us that she hast a vary tragic history ( Evin the 90s show didn't show her until the last episode) so my Question is what are you going to do to her?

Greg responds...

Uh... hold her hand until we get a pick-up?

Response recorded on July 01, 2009

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Bazell writes...

For that matter, what was Owen/Puck doing when Demona summoned him? Doing a task for Xanatos? Making a sandwich?

Greg responds...

A smoothie, I think. Tropical blend. Non-alcoholic, of course. But with a little umbrella.

Response recorded on June 26, 2009

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sasuke writes...

can spider man punch more often?

Greg responds...

More often than who?

Response recorded on June 25, 2009

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Matteo Garofalo writes...

1. I am a huge fan of the show and I think that you have created the first truly perfect animated television series (it's not a question, but it's true).
2. I am also a fan of the J. Michael Straczynski run on ASM, will we see some of his villains (like Morlun, Shathra, est.) in any upcoming seasons?
3. Can you add in the Spider-Mobile, for one episode, just for the fun of it?
4. Will we be seeing Iron Patriot any time soon (I'm also a big Norman Osborn fan)?

Greg responds...

1. THANKS! (Uh, which show are we talking about?)

2. No comment.

3. No comment.

4. No comment, but now I'm guessing you were talking about Spectacular Spider-Man, right?

Response recorded on June 05, 2009

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RandomStan writes...

since the trade comic books are done and coloured can you please tell us what colour Katana, Fu-Dog, and Nashville will be? especially with Katana it has been the subject of much debate aroun the fans.

Greg responds...

Yes, I can.

Response recorded on May 28, 2009

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Roddy writes...

Question about "Accomplies" and Roderick Kingsley. Is this realy him or his brother? Because during the bidding, he acts like Roderick, but then, when he arrives to take the chip he's more like Daniel (I mean scared and stuff). Not to mention that in the closing credits it says only KINGSLEY. So which Kingsley we saw, Mr. Weisman?

Greg responds...


Fair question.

Response recorded on April 06, 2009

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Anonymous writes...

I know that gargoyle children belong to the entire clan, but who is Goliath's real parents?

Greg responds...

Me, Tad Stones, Greg Guler and Keith David.

Response recorded on September 29, 2008

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anonymous writes...

which comics were your season three ideas based on?

Greg responds...

Mostly Spider-Man comics.

(I haven't started season three yet.)

Response recorded on September 24, 2008

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Tex writes...

If Conan the Cimerian fought Goliath who would win?

Greg responds...

Uh... Disney?

Response recorded on September 24, 2008

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josh writes...

were do gargoyles come from

Greg responds...

A better question might be where don't?

Response recorded on September 24, 2008

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Greg Bishansky writes...

Just out of curiosity, the Norman Ambassador in "Vows." What was his Illuminati ranking?

Greg responds...

If I told you, I'd have to kill you. (Can't believe I've resorted to using that old chestnut.)

Response recorded on September 24, 2008

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vik writes...

vik again, wil any other symbiotes appear?

Greg responds...

Not in Bad Guys.

Response recorded on September 11, 2008

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vik writes...

will carnage appear?

Greg responds...

Not in Gargoyles.

Response recorded on September 11, 2008

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Jonny Modlin writes...

Hi Greg,
Did you announce the DVD release of Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 at The Gathering of the Gargoyles 2008 during opening ceremonies? Thank you.

Greg responds...

No... I'm keeping it a secret. Shhhhhh

Response recorded on August 12, 2008

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Anonymous writes...

what do gargoyles eat

Greg responds...

Whatever they want.

Response recorded on August 12, 2008

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Anonymous writes...

who is sitting next to me?

Greg responds...

On your right or left?

Response recorded on July 30, 2008

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Edward writes...

I just started reading the comics there awesome.

I was just wondering how the gargoyles feel about the human race knowing they exist? Matt wants to cover them up, Xanatos wants to slowly expose them, and of course Castaway wants them all dead. But we don't really know what the Gargoyles want. They seem more concerned with their love lifes.

Greg responds...

Don't they though?

However, I think we were pretty clear about Goliath, Angela, Hudson, Brooklyn and Broadway's responses in issues 1 & 2. I'll let the issues stand.

Response recorded on July 29, 2008

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save the shows writes...

i know this is not a question but it's a helpful way to save shows. if any one would like to save a show and get it aired again such as *hint hint* WITCH then go on this web http://help.savedisneyshows.org/ and follow the instructions also get as many people as possible to go on http://help.savedisneyshows.org/ and follow the instuctions (it says it was made by a greg, and im not sure if thats coincedental or the same person)
remember save great shows *hint hint* such as WITCH from not being aired ever again thank you

Greg responds...

a public service announcement -- all in lower case to save money, I suppose -- from save the show.

Response recorded on July 28, 2008

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tori writes...

what color is my hair

Greg responds...

Which one?

Response recorded on July 18, 2008

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sean writes...

Recently Amazon.com placed a link on their site, which will alert fans when Gargoyles: Season 2, Volume 2 becomes available. Have you heard anything on upcoming DVD releases? And if more Gargoyles DVDs are on the way will you be involved at all?

Greg responds...

Asked and answered, but in case I wasn't clear, I've heard NOTHING, and I see no movement currently from Walt Disney Home Entertainment. If and when I do, I promise to let you all know. Really. You can stop asking. I'll let you know. Seriously. No need to keep asking. The need to ask is unnecessary. It is totally not required. I swear. STOP!

Response recorded on July 17, 2008

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brooklyn fan #1 writes...

he grag what made won't to hAVE BROOKLYB HAVE TWO KIDS WHY can't he and katana just have nashville

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 17, 2008

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innyj writes...

help! i need facts on medieavl gargoyles where can i go

Greg responds...

Back in time?

Response recorded on July 15, 2008

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Dennis Knipper writes...

in the state of fla does the court consider the spouses, new spouses income in their calculations in fiquiring out how much child support is owed and is the law changing under the new regulations

Greg responds...

It's a fla'd state, so do the math.

Response recorded on July 15, 2008

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Anonymous writes...

who was the first women indy car driver

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 14, 2008

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bwyell writes...

If I buy 30 copies of every issue of the Gargoyles comic book, will you promise not to kill Gwen Stacey?

Greg responds...

Let's test the theory and find out.

Response recorded on June 25, 2008

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Anonymous writes...

what is the purpose of a gargoyle

Greg responds...

What is the purpose of anything... say... YOU, for example?

Response recorded on June 18, 2008

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p-tri writes...

are there any gargoyles in elkton maryland

Greg responds...

Don't turn around.

Response recorded on May 16, 2008

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raimus writes...

in the episode "the gathering" when the children of oberon are lined up to greet him, just before oberon speaks with oden you see a caped figure wearing a hat. was he supposed to resemble the comic book character the phantom stranger?

Greg responds...

That's naught for me to say.

Response recorded on May 14, 2008

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samantha writes...

i would like to know how to get rid of a gargoyle that is hanging over a little girl as it is not a good thing it is scarring her even thow she can not see it . i am not sure what to do thank you samantha

Greg responds...

I'm thinking... psychotherapy is your best bet.

Response recorded on May 03, 2008

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