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Faieq Ali writes...

Another chance at the clans contest
2)Labyrinth,New York
9)New Olympus
10)Loch Ness,Scotland
12)South Pole,Antartica
14)Xanadu, China

Greg responds...

11 full points. Two halves. tyca

(We're in a rut.)

Response recorded on July 30, 2000

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Ed writes...

Something just occured to me, so one more stab at them darn clans... :)





Greg responds...

11 full points, two half points

Response recorded on July 30, 2000

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Ed writes...

Clan Guesses for you... :)





Greg responds...

10 full points, three half points tyca

Response recorded on July 30, 2000

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Shari B writes...

Hey Greg, I just got the score from my first 14 clans guess - I've learned so much since then. But, it did still help me eliminate a couple things, so I guess that means it's time for another guess. Here's number five...

1 - London, England
2 - Ishimura, Japan
3 - Guatemala
4 - Antarctica
5 - Xanadu, China
6 - New Olympus
7 - Loch Ness, Scotland
8 - Avalon
9 - Manhattan, NY, USA
10 - Labyrinth, NY, USA
11 - Tintagel
12 - Wyvern, Scotland
13 - Paris, France
14 - Babylon

I still have a couple to narrow down, but this should help me confirm what I think I know. Or don't know as the case may be. TTFN!!

Greg responds...

11 full, 1 half tyca

Response recorded on July 30, 2000

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Michele Raralio (aka Kiva) writes...

Aloha Greg!

After all this time, I fugured I wanted to take a stab at the locations of the living clans contest. Here goes:

1. Disneyland (last I checked, they still had some Gargs)
2. Walt Disney World, Orlando (them, too)
3. Walt Disney Studios, Japan (heehee...)
4. The Disney Store (I'll lump all stores into one; they have occasional Garg goodies)
5. The Disney Archives (where they will be hidden away until the world is ready for them once more... ;)
6. The local video place (may there someday be a clan DVD)
7. My Video Library (self-explanitory)
8. "Your" Video Library ("your" meaning any collection that isn't mine)
9. Various Animators' Portfolios (trust me, I've looked!) ;)
10. Atop the desks, monitors, shelves, etc. of fans around the world (I am guilty as charged, my apartment is heavily Gargoyle-fortified)
11. The toy/comic/hobby store (although I've heard this variety or garg is becoming quite rare...)
12. eBay (you wouldn't believe some of the Gargs you come across there!)
11. The Internet (although those of clan Microsoft prove to be quite finicky at times)
14. In the hearts and minds of the former Garg staffers (I'd break into a chorus of "Remember Me This Way," but I'm afraid my singing is worse tham my attempts at humor...)

I'll also enter a little disclaimer: Given that I know a member of the Gargs staff (Roy Sato is my boyfriend), I think my entry would have to be disqualified, anyway, even if it was serious. ;)

Anyway, Greg, I just wanted to send you a little note to mention how awesome I think Gargoyles was. You and the Garg team brough a really terrific and unique show to the air. Sometimes I get to hear behind-the-scenes stories from the animation side of production; it's really cool to get the scoop from your camp, too! I'm not sure how many folks from the staff you still keep in touch with, but you all definitely deserve a huge "YOKU DEKIMASHITA!" (GREAT JOB!) Thanks again!


Greg responds...

Thank you.

(Uh, by the way, you officially scored ZERO. But hey, tyca, anyway, I don't mind if either you or Roy win the contest. Given the nature of it, i.e. everyone trying to guess what I've made up in my own personal brain, it doesn't seem to me like you've got an unfair advantage.)

I do hope to meet the two of you someday. I'm hoping that one of these years you guys might make it out to a Gathering.

Response recorded on July 29, 2000

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Nemi writes...

Alright, before my submission got deleted and now I have to send it again. Here goes:

2)Clones, Labyrinth
7)New Olympus
9)Xanadu, China
10) Loch Ness
11)Wyvern, Scotland
13)Wherever King Auther sets up his base in the future (Camalot/Tintagale)
14) Cold Trio, where ever they may be

Greg responds...

You only put down 13 guesses. You skipped #12.

Still you did pretty well. 11 full points. One half point. tyca

Response recorded on July 27, 2000

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Jherti writes...

Clan Contest

1.) Manhatten
2.) Avalon
3.) Ishimura
4.) London
5.) Guatemala
6.) Labyrinth
7.) Sydney
8.) Chicago
9.) Hawaii
10.) New Olympus
11.) Loch Ness
12.) Xanadu, China
13.) Camelot
14.) Easter Island

Greg responds...

Nine full points. One half point.

Response recorded on July 27, 2000

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Isaac Kelley writes...

How 'bout...
1. Manhatten
2. Avalon
3. London
4. Guatamala
5. Ishimura
6. New Olympus
7. The Labrynth
8. A space station
9. Transylvania
10. Mars
11. Underwater
12. China
13. Ireland
14. Egypt.

I think I'm on to something.

Greg responds...

Seven full points but only one half point. Now you're backsliding. Tyca

Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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Isaac Kelley writes...

Guess the Clans!
1. Avalon
2. London
3. Guatemala
4. Ishimura
5. New Olympus
6. Manhatten
7. Wyvern, Scotland
8. Nigeria
9. Camelot
10. Isreal
11. Easter Island
12. China
13. Antartica
14. Bermuda Triagle

Thanks for the contest.

Greg responds...

Seven full points. Three half points. You're improving, but you're still behind the pack. tyca

Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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Isaac Kelley writes...

Dammit, that's 15!

Let's try...
1. Avalon
2. London
3. Guatemala
4. Ishimura
5. New Olympus
6. Manhatten
7. Babylon
8. Africa
9. Camelot
10. Isreal
11. Easter Island
12. Mars
13. Antartica
14. Traveling the globe

Thanks for the contest.

Greg responds...

Six full points. Two halves. tyca

Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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Isaac Kelley writes...

Alright, time to nail down some clans.
How 'bout...
1. Avalon
2. London
3. Guatemala
4. Ishimura
5. New Olympus
6. Clones
7. Babylon
8. Africa
9. Camelot
10. Isreal
11. Easter Island
12. Mars
13. Antartica
14. Traveling the globe

Thanks for the contest.

Greg responds...

You've listed fifteen clans including Manhattan. That's cheating, so I won't score you any points. Sorry. But tyca.

Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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the mighty thor writes...

I hope that the contest isn't over but if it is would some one please tell me who the 14 clans are, here is my guess

7.new olympus
8.loch ness
11.athens, greece
13.new atlantas

Greg responds...

Nine full points. One half point. tyca

Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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Demonskrye writes...

Arthurian Contest

I'm adding in the reasoning behind my choices, just to make this a bit more interesting.

1. Arthur Pendragon (You already gave us this one. He's already appeared on the show. No-brainer.)
2. The Lady of the Lake (Another one you gave us. Also already showed up.)
3. Merlin (Various references to him in your replies make him an almost certain candidate.)
4. Morgan Le Fey (Some of the Arthurian baddies have to show up <though Morgan falls out of this category if you take the view of her from "Mists of Avalon"> Anyways, Morgan does survive in most versions I've read. And I rather see her than Morgause, especially as written by T.H. White <shudder>)
5. Percival (I didn't consider Percy until he came up in other people's guesses. He's one of the knights who found <or came close to finding, depending on who you read> the Grail. He could still be around somewhere.)
6. Galahad (He's kind of a long shot, but I'm basicly using the same logic I used for Percival. Plus he was considered Arthur's best knight, being Lancelot's son and all. So why not?)
7. Mordred (This one's a real dark horse <Hey everyone, go read "Hellboy"!> but like I said, there's got to be some villains. Plus, you've been talking about how you like the "bastard" achetype and Mordred's pretty much a bastard in every sense of the word.
8. Bedevere (He's the last Round Table knight...I think. Really wish I had a book with me. Anyways, he didn't die and it gives a sort of odd continuity to it. Assuming I've got the right name.)

Greg responds...

Well, this contest was over months and months ago.

Your first five guesses are correct. You're last three are wrong. Galahad ascended after drinking from the Grail. Mordred was killed by Arthur. Bedevere died en route to the Holy Land.

Instead of those three guys we have Nimue, Blanchefleur and the Green Knight.

Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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JP12@mail.csuchico.edu writes...

The clans contest (this may be rejeced, but I used to play mastermind):
1. The labarinth (clones)
2. Camelot, England
3. A lunar station on the Sea of Tranquility, The Moon
4. Loch Ness, Scotland
5. New Olympus Clan
6. Manhattan Clan, New York
7. Ishimura, Japan
8. Los Angeles, California
9. The Green, Guatemala
10. Easter Island, The Pacific
11. Avalon, Somewhere
12. Just outside London, England
13. Illuminati base, Rome, Italy
14. Mongolia, China

Thanks for the contest. The puzzle is fun.
John Peacock

Greg responds...

Eight full points. Two halves.


Response recorded on July 26, 2000

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Laura aka 'ad astra' writes...

Clan Contest

As the person who (if I remember correctly) guessed enough to be surprising when first you alluded to this on the old Ask Greg [I was the first to bring up Griff's 'Scottish Stock' comment] I feel I must try- but as I look at the many previous attempts I doubt I can get it. I also have a sneaking suspicion some of your answers where different in different replies. Here goes:

The six we know:
-Manhattan (Goliath's)
-New Olympus
-London (or just outside, but owning the London shop)

Certain to develop-
-Clones- in Manhattan for lack of a better place. The Labrynth if you want more specificity.

Probably existing already-
-Lochness -Griff's comment, Monsters' plot. And narrowed down from Lexy's multiples guesses

Probably revived in future-
-Wyvern Scotland

Now for intuitive guesses-
-Paris- guess
-China [sometimes seems in either or choice with Paris, sometimes not] probably .5, it is a big country. Since the Yetis in that lost World Tour ep were not gargoyles I can't guess Himalayas, (or have to comment on China and Tibet), and nothing else in that part of the world has been hinted to.

-Camelot- know is .5 from Lexy's multiples. If you want ~less~ specificity I'd say another British clan, around that area- Wales? [I've no sense of Arthurian geography].

-Space station- future (I have a vague memory of it being mentioned)

-California- future (a post with it did well)

Ironically, Africa having large undeveloped regions make it a good candidate for gargoyles surviving, but it seems be discounted by process if elimination.

[I put in my reasons so that my most wild suppositions may seem at least partially logical]

Greg responds...

ten full points. two half points.


Response recorded on July 19, 2000

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We have a winner:

Adam writes...


Hyena smiles because she's amused by Elisa's values. Elisa is clearly playing by the "good guy" rules, which
say that you don't shoot someone when you could arrest them, you don't drop Xanatos off the building, etc.
Hyena believes that when it's in your best interests for someone to be dead, you kill them. It's funny to
Hyena that Elisa could be so deluded by ideas of "right" and "wrong" that she would let someone as
dangerous as Hyena live to fight another day when it would be so easy just to kill her and solve the problem

Adam's entry came in first. And I kept waiting for someone to top it, but it never happened. Good work.

I'd like to thank Aaron, Jackal's Love, The Christine Morgan, Derek!, E.J. Kalafarski and Duncan Devlin for entering.

Adam, contact either Gore or Todd Jensen with your e-mail address so that we can arrange to give you your prize. Congratulations.

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Duncan Devlin writes...


Hyena realizes she will be able to get her revenge upon the person who truly put her in such a compromising position: Fox. Notice that Hyena closes her eyes in addition to smiling. In her mind, Hyena is playing a game of 'it's not my fault' with the intention of making Fox painfully find out it was her fault. She closes her eyes and envisions punishing, then smiles at her little fantasy. Hyena is a sadistic little bitch, as can be seen in the twinges of her smile.

Greg responds...

Thanks for entering. You entered twenty minutes under the wire. So we shouldn't have too many more entries left. Results soon.

Response recorded on July 18, 2000

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E.J. Kalafarski writes...


Elisa has her gun trained on Hyena. Hyena's beaten. But she smiles. Because, in her mind, Hyena truly believes that she cannot be beaten. She believes that she is infinitely superior to Elisa Maza, or the gargoyles, or anyone, for that matter. This superiority complex is later manifested when she and Jackal enhance themselves with cybernetic technology. They feel this unconscious need to prove that they are better than anyone else, that they are above society, and that they have no equals. This is why Hyena smiles. Because, someday, the world will know that she can never be beaten.

Greg responds...

Thanks for entering.

The contest is almost over. Results soon.

Response recorded on July 11, 2000

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Faieq Ali writes...

Another guess at the clans contest:
7.New Olympus
8.Xanadu, China
10.Loch Ness, Scotland
11.Athens, Greece
12.South Pole
13.Wyvern, Scotland
14. Camelot

Greg responds...

11 points. 2 halves.


Response recorded on July 10, 2000

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DragonWolf writes...

I apologize if this has been ended already, but I'm not sure, so I'll post my clan-area guesses anyway.

1. Manhattan
2. Avalon
3. London
4. Guatemala
5. Ishimura
6. Paris
7. New Olympus
8. Rome
9. China
10. Greece
11. Ireland
12. Germany
13. Canada (Because of the French influence)
14. Mongolia

I didn't say Scotland because Demona insists that there are no more Scottish gargoyles, save the Avalon and Manhattan clans.

Greg responds...

Seven full points. Two half points.

Response recorded on July 10, 2000

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Caitlin writes...

I've noticed that a lot of people are putting Antarctica down for the clan contest. But since Antarctica basically has one long day and one long night, what kind of effect would that have on the gargoyles stone sleep cycle?

Greg responds...

I can't answer this question while the contest is on-going. Ask me when or if the contest ever ends.

Response recorded on July 10, 2000

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Caitlin writes...

I'd like to take a shot at this clan contest.

1. Manhattan
2. China
3. Wyvern, Scotland
4. Ishimura, Japan
5. Guatemala
6. New Olympus
7. Avalon
8. London
9. The moon
10. Easter Island
11. Notre Dame, Paris
12. Rome
13. Outer Mongolia
14. Ireland

Greg responds...

Eight full points. One half.


Response recorded on July 10, 2000

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Michael Norton writes...

Yet another wild guess :)

2)Clones, Labyrinth
7)New Olympus
8)Wyvern, Scotland
9)Xanadu, China
10)Loch Ness, Scotland
11)Delphi, Greece
12)Mount Kirkpatrick, Antartica
14)Giza, Egypt

Greg responds...

ten full, two halves

Response recorded on July 07, 2000

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Nemi writes...

More gueses, and before you even answer my old ones:

2)Clones, Labyrinth
7)New Olympus
9)Xanadu, China
10) Loch Ness
11)Wyvern, Scotland
13)Wherever King Auther sets up his base in the future (Camalot/Tintagale)
14) Cold Trio, where ever they may be

Greg responds...

11 full, one half


Response recorded on July 07, 2000

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Ambrosia writes...

Yet another guess at the 14 clans:
1. Manhattan
2. London
3. Guatemala
4. Ishimura
5. Avalon
6. The Labyrinth
7. New Olympus
8. Rome
9. Wyvern, Scotland
10. India
11. Camelot
12. Xanadu, China
13. Greece
14. Loch Ness
thank you!

Greg responds...

10 full; 1 half.


Response recorded on July 07, 2000

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Vashkoda writes...

Ok, let's try to eliminate these in one fell swoop (this is for the clan contest, by the way): Earth's moon, Mars or its moons, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter or its moons, Saturn or its moons, Uranus or its moons, Neptune or its moons, Pluto or its moon, Planet X (the proposed planet beyond Pluto), 'Space Spawn' homeworld, Nokkar's homeworld, the 3rd alien race's homeworld, Manhattan

Greg responds...

One full point.

(Boy, that was fun.) :[

no tyca for you pal...

Response recorded on July 07, 2000

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Lexy writes...

Hello GregFrom a later post I did on what do you consider aclan...
Yes, unpure was what I had in mind when referring to
the New O. clan. But I think time has answered my Q
for me. Thanks. As for spelling..*sighs heavily* I'm
sorry. I promise from now on only to post after I have
gone through each word with a dictionary (has no spell
check:P can you believe that? on a 98'!) unless it is
an extream emergency Q. Your right, if I don't wait
for feed back it is pointless. As far as like where in
Italy..I guess I hadnt been putting down specific
places cuz I thought that would give me a mountain of
half points and drive me clean up a wall. But if it is
mandatory or just helps you out I will do so!:)

1) Manhattan
2) London
3) Ishimura
4) Guatemala
5) New Olympus
6) The Labyrith
7) Avalon

8) Xanadu,China
9) Italy,Rome
10) Turkey
11) Paris,France
12) Antarctica
12) Ireland
13) Lockness,Scotland

P.S: I really will try on the spelling..but..don't expect any miracles.

Greg responds...

I'm not big on spell-checks anyway. You tend to wind up with sentences like: "This is what I want from my COLLAGE education." or "I think we may be in a POSSESSION to help each other." Good old proof-reading is still the best method. Reading aloud helps too.

As for the contest...

Ten full points. One half point.

And you mispelled Loch Ness and Labyrinth.

But tyca...

And don't take this curmudgeon too seriously. I've had my fair share of typos too.

Response recorded on July 07, 2000

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Ambrosia writes...

guesses for the 14 clans:
1. Manhattan
2. London
3. Guatemala
4. Ishimura
5. Avalon
6. The Labyrinth
7. New Olympus
8. Rome
9. Wyvern, Scotland
10. Ireland
11. Tintagel
12. Xanadu, China
13. Athens
14. Loch Ness
thank you!

Greg responds...

Hey, Ambrosia. It was nice to see you at AnimeExpo.

Ten full points. Ø half points.


Response recorded on July 07, 2000

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galvatron writes...

clan contest
7.New Olympus(1)
8.Loch Ness(1)

minimum of 12
maximum of 12.5

Greg responds...

Eleven full points. Two half points.

I think you're tied for first too.


Response recorded on July 07, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Ed> Ofcourse if it turns out that "Xanadu, China" was completely wrong, everyone will have to *blame* me for misleading them (and yeah I think it was I who first made that guess - "woman wailing for her demon lover" reminded me gargoyles too much for me not to place that guess in there... :-)

Anyway, my own guess:

5.New Olympus
8.Lochness, Scotland
10.New Camelot
11.Xanadu, China

Greg responds...

Ten full points. Two half points.


Response recorded on July 07, 2000

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Ed writes...

Clan guesses... hmm, I'm bound to be useless at this, but I might as well have a go!

Clans existing in 1994:

1. London
2. Ishimura
3. Guatemala
4. New Olympus
5. Rome
6. Xanadu, China*
7. Paris
8. Avalon

New clans by 1996:

9. Castle Wyvern, Manhattan
10. Labyrinth, Manhattan
11. Cairo, Egypt
12. Wyvern, Scotland

13. Norway
14. New Camelot

*I'm not sure who I should give credit for the Xanadu bit to (Aris?) but this isn't one I'd have any idea about the exact location otherwise so apologies to whoever it was.

(And incidentally, responding to your point that Elisa used her thumb to count 'three' on her hand: I count using my thumb too. Sorry this is irrelevant, but it wasn't worth wasting a post over IMO).

Greg responds...

Ten full points. One half point.


Response recorded on July 07, 2000

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Vashkoda writes...

London, Ishimura, Guatemala, Avalon, Manhattan, New Olympus, Paris, Wyvern (Scotland), Xanadu (China), Loch Ness, Labyrinth (Clones), Antarctica, Camelot, Moon

I know I'm not being specific enough on the last few, but I want to be sure of the general location, first.

Greg responds...

Eleven full points. Two half points.

Good score. I think it ties our best to date.


Response recorded on July 07, 2000

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Lexy writes...

just another guess...

1) Manhattan
2) London
3) Ishimura
4) Guatemala
5) Avalon
6) New Olympus
7) Clones
8) China
9) Rome
10) Antartica
11) Turkey
12) Paris
13) Ireland
14) Scottland

Greg responds...

7 full points. 3 halfs.


Response recorded on July 07, 2000

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Galvatron writes...

Here are my guesses for the clan contest.
6.London,United Kingdom
7.New Olympus
8.Loch Ness,Scotland(the place in Monsters)

Greg responds...

Eleven full points. No half points. tyca

Response recorded on July 05, 2000

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Vashkoda writes...

Just trying to eliminate a few:

Moscow, Ishimura, Guatemala, Avalon, Manhattan, New Olympus, Paris, Labyrinth (clones), Easter Island, Loch Ness, space somewhere, Wyvern (Scotland), Antarctica, Ireland

Greg responds...

Nine full points and one half.


Response recorded on July 05, 2000

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Vashkoda writes...

More guesses:

London, Ishimura, Guatemala, Avalon, Manhattan, New Olympus, Paris, Labyrinth (clones), Easter Island, Loch Ness, space somewhere, Wyvern (Scotland), Antarctica, Camelot

Greg responds...

Ten full points. Two half points.


Response recorded on July 05, 2000

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Shari B writes...

Here's my fourth guess at the 14 clans...

1 - London, England
2 - Ishimura, Japan
3 - Guatemala
4 - Loch Ness, Scotland
5 - Wyvern, Scotland
6 - New Olympus
7 - Tintagel
8 - Avalon
9 - Manhattan, NY, USA
10 - Labyrinth, NY, USA
11 - Paris, France
12 - Victoria Land, Antarctica
13 - Xanadu, China
14 - Giza, Egypt

I'm having so much fun with this contest. I've been keeping track of everyone's guesses, and with every new answer I learn (or confirm) something. I was overjoyed when you actually started giving scores. It has become much easier for me to add up the scores since you started telling us the number of half points recently, but it was actually more fun when an 8 might mean 8, or 7 and 2 halves, or 6 and 4 halves, etc. I appreciate all the hints, but please don't give too many more, or you'll be making it too easy for us!


Greg responds...

11 full points. 1 half point. That's a damn good score. And, no, I'm gonna stick to this system now, but I'm gonna try NOT to give anymore EXTRA hints.

And frankly, as close as you guys are getting numerically, I still don't think anyone's ever going to solve this one.


Response recorded on July 05, 2000

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Nemi writes...

The 14 Clans:

2)Clones, Labyrinth
7)New Olympus
9)Xanadu, China
10)Bermuda Triangle
11)Steel calan New York
13)Easter Island
14)Cold Trio, where ever they may be


Greg responds...

Nine full points. Zero half points.

And you skipped number 12. Did you do that on purpose?


Response recorded on July 05, 2000

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Ambrosia writes...

Another try at the 14 clans:
1. Manhattan
2. Avalon
3. Ishimura
4. Guatemala
5. New Olympus
6. Clones/Mutates
7. London
8. Rome
9. Wyvern, Scotland
10. Xanadu, China
11. Loch Ness
12. Ireland
13. Camelot
14. Athens, Greece
thank you!

Greg responds...

Nine full points. One half point.

Response recorded on July 05, 2000

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Christine (who doesn't scare you) writes...


Hyena is smiling because she's eager to get back to women's prison and hopes her next cellmate will be more 'accomodating' than Fox ; )

Greg responds...

Except this episode takes place before Hyena went to prison and "roomed" with Fox. Who may or may not have been accomodating.

Now who scares who?

Response recorded on July 03, 2000

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DougJoe writes...

Attempt at the 14 Clans...

1. London, England
2. Ishimura, Japan
3. Guatemala
4. New Olympus
5. Manhattan, NY, USA
6. Camelot, England
7. Paris, France
8. Los Angeles, CA, USA
9. Wyvern, Scotland
10. Avalon
11. Ireland
12. Rome, Italy
13. Cairo, Egypt
14. Moscow, Russia

Greg responds...

Eight full points. One half point.

Response recorded on July 03, 2000

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Derek! writes...


From the beginning of the episode, we see that Hyena is not content with living a "normal life". She wants to be, if you'll excuse the teenage phrase, hardcore. Wolf and Fox had already proven they were tough by getting thrown into prison for taking a woman hostage. Perhaps in her somewhat warped view of things, she was proving she was as good, if not better than they were. They were arrested for taking a model hostage; she, however tried to assassinate one of the richest men on earth. Who do you think would be considered more dangerous?

Greg responds...

Thanks for participating. Results some day.

Response recorded on July 03, 2000

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Jackal's Love writes...

Hyena Contest:

Hyena says "I'm not beaten yet", and Elisa responds by shouting "Oh, yes you are!". Hyena looks angry for a second, then smiles. I think she does this because she's thinking "Oh, no I'm not." She realizes that she's down but not out, and that although she may have to bide her time, she'll get out, and in the meantime she's going to go to prison with her brother to plan what happens next. So Hyena's smile her way of laughing at Elisa, who has no idea just how wrong she is.

Greg responds...

Thank you for entering. Results when all the entries are in.

Response recorded on July 03, 2000

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Aaron writes...

Well, I guess I'll take a shot at this, before more eloquent guys like Aris and Airwalker take it.

The Hyena Contest.

I think the twins had a very... strange childhood, which didn't impress them with the fundamental goodness of humanity. At the end of the day, each is probably the only one that the other even partially trusts.

They're both terrified of being alone, which is why a psychopath and a sociopath stay together. Hyena is smiling because she knows, subconsciously, that getting captured is the only way to stay with her brother.

(Or maybe Hyena was so glad not to be blind after seeing a million candle-power searchlight through her NVGs, she was happy to see anything, even a cop)

Greg responds...

Thanks. Contests results to follow... someday....

Response recorded on July 03, 2000

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Adam writes...


Hyena smiles because she's amused by Elisa's values. Elisa is clearly playing by the "good guy" rules, which say that you don't shoot someone when you could arrest them, you don't drop Xanatos off the building, etc. Hyena believes that when it's in your best interests for someone to be dead, you kill them. It's funny to Hyena that Elisa could be so deluded by ideas of "right" and "wrong" that she would let someone as dangerous as Hyena live to fight another day when it would be so easy just to kill her and solve the problem permanently.

Greg responds...

Thanks Adam, good answer. I know you posted it in March. It's almost July, and you're the first entry to the contest I've seen. I had to go back and look up the rules, it's been so long. Anyway, when I finally get through all the April posts, I'll announce a winner.

Response recorded on June 30, 2000

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Zeliard writes...

More on 14 clan contest...

2.New Olympus

9.Planet Pluto (I think I watch too much Starship Troopers)
10.Labyrinth, the clones and mutates
13.Under the earth's surface, underground Gargoyles!

Greg responds...

Nine full. One half.


Response recorded on June 30, 2000

Bookmark Link

Zeliard writes...

Clan Contest

6.New Olympus


Greg responds...

Nine full points. One half point.

Is Circe a place? Where is it?


Response recorded on June 30, 2000

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Ambrosia writes...

hmm, how about these guesses:
1. Manhattan
2. Avalon
3. London
4. Quatemala
5. Ishimura
6. The Clones and Mutates
7. New Olympus
8. Rome
9. Wyvern
10. Bejing, China
11. Loch Ness
12. Ulster, Ireland
13. Easter Island
14. Camelot
thank you!

Greg responds...

Is Quatemala different from Guatemala? An alternate spelling, maybe? I'll assume so.

8 full, 2 half


Response recorded on June 30, 2000

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Scorch writes...

My 14 guesses:

1. Eyrie building, Manhattan
2. Ishimura
3. London
4. Guatemala
5. Avalon
6. New Olympus
7. Wyvern
8. Loch Ness
9. Underwater
10. Manhattan Sewers
11. The moon
12. Viet Nam
13. The Northwest Territories, Canada
14. Newfoundland, Canada

Greg responds...

Eight full points. Two half points.


Response recorded on June 30, 2000

Bookmark Link

Ambrosia writes...

yet again:
1. Manhattan
2. Avalon
3. London
4. Guatemala
5. Ishimura
6. Mutates/clones
7. New Olympus
8. Easter Island
9. Rome
10. Ireland
11. Wyvern, Scotland
12. China
13. Greece
14. Loch Ness
thank you!

Greg responds...

Eight full. One half.


Response recorded on June 30, 2000

Bookmark Link

Ambrosia writes...

Another try at the 14 clans:
1. Manhattan
2. Avalon
3. London
4. Guatemala
5. Ishimura
6. Mutates/Clones
7. New Olympus
8. The Coldtrio
9. Easter Island
10. Rome
11. Wyvern, Scotland
12. Xanadu, China
13. Ireland
14. Greece

Greg responds...

Eight full points.

Response recorded on June 30, 2000

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Faieq Ali writes...

Another guess at the 14 clans:

4.New Olympus
5.London, England
6.Ishimura, Japan
7.The Labyrinth
8.Xanadu, China
10.Paris, France
11.Pompeii, Italy
12.LA, California
13.Loch Ness, Scotland
14.Sydney, Austrailia

Greg responds...

Ten full. Ø halves.


Response recorded on June 30, 2000

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Shari B writes...

OK, I think I've actually figured something out this time, so let's see if I'm right. This one should be pretty close. Either that, or I need to totally rethink my reasoning! Here's my third guess on the 14 clans...

1 - London, England
2 - Ishimura, Japan
3 - Guatemala
4 - Loch Ness, Scotland
5 - Wyvern, Scotland
6 - New Olympus
7 - Camelot
8 - Avalon
9 - Manhattan
10 - Labyrinth
11 - Paris, France
12 - Antarctica
13 - Xanadu, China
14 - Giza, Egypt

Greg responds...


Is this the best score yet. I think so.


Response recorded on June 30, 2000

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Tana writes...

Yeah, I'm just trying out different specifics since you said being specific counted...just give me a score and my tyca. ^_^

1)Manhattan, New York
2)Clones, New York
5)New Olympus
6)Ishimura, Japan
7)London, England
8)Paris, France
9)Wyvern, Scotland
10)Beijing, China
11)Athens, Greece
12)Belfast, Northern Ireland (aka Ulster)
13)Kilaminjaro, Africa
14)Easter Island

Greg responds...

Eight full. Two half.


Response recorded on June 30, 2000

Bookmark Link

Tana writes...

1)Manhattan, New York
2)Clones, New York
5)New Olympus
6)Ishimura, Japan
7)London, England
8)Paris, France
9)Wyvern, Scotland
10)Xanadu, China
11)Athens, Greece
12)Belfast, Northern Ireland (aka Ulster)
13)Kilaminjaro, Africa
14)Easter Island

Greg responds...

9 full. 1 half.


Response recorded on June 30, 2000

Bookmark Link

Tana writes...

1)Manhattan, New York
2)Clones, New York
5)New Olympus
6)Ishimura, Japan
7)London, England
8)Paris, France
9)Wyvern, Scotland
10)Xanadu, China
11)Delphi, Greece
12)Belfast, Northern Ireland (aka Ulster)
13)Kilaminjaro, Africa
14)Easter Island

Greg responds...

Nine full. One half.


Response recorded on June 30, 2000

Bookmark Link

Tana writes...

Clans: I know I don't have them all right, but it's worth a shot...

1)Manhattan, New York
2)Clones, New York
5)New Olympus
6)Ishimura, Japan
7)London, England
8)Paris, France
9)Wyvern, Scotland
10)Bei-Jing, China
11)Delphi, Greece
12)Belfast, Northern Ireland (aka Ulster)
13)Kilaminjaro, Africa
14)Easter Island

Greg responds...

Where is "Clones, New York"? Is that near Yonkers?

8 full. 2 half.


Response recorded on June 30, 2000

Bookmark Link

Lexy writes...

1) Manhatten
2) Clones
3) London
4) Ishimura
5) Avalon
6) New Olympus
7) Guatemala
8) China
9) Italy
10) Paris
11) Ireland
12) Russia
13) Turkey
14) Greece

Greg responds...

7 full. 1 half.


Response recorded on June 30, 2000

Bookmark Link

Lexy writes...

Hey again

um sorry for spelling china weird..typo.

1) Manhatten
2) Clones
3) London
4) Ishimura
5) Avalon
6) New Olympus
7) Guatemala
8) China
9) Italy
10) Paris
11) Ireland
12) Russia
13) Scotland
14) Greece

Greg responds...

Too late! I was already obnoxious about it!

7 full. 2 half.


Response recorded on June 30, 2000

Bookmark Link

Lexy writes...

heres a guess *shrugs*

1) Manhatten
2) Clones
3) London
4) Ishimura
5) Avalon
6) New Olympus
7) Guatemala
8) Chaina
9) Rome
10) Scotland
11) Italy
12) Paris
13) Ireland
14) Greece

Greg responds...

Is "Chaina" China? I'll assume it is.

But Lexy, you're a big girl now. Time to start PROOF-READING!!!! (You spelled Manhattan wrong too.)

Seven full points. Two half points.

Response recorded on June 30, 2000

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Vashkoda writes...

Let's see how lucky I can be:

London, Ishimura, Guatamala, New Olympus, Avalon, Manhattan, Paris, Easter Island, Loch Ness, Wyvern

(I foresee a lot of 1/2 points here:) clones, China, not on Earth but within our galaxy, Antarctica

Greg responds...

Nine full points.

Two half points.


Response recorded on June 30, 2000

Bookmark Link

Michael Norton writes...

Another 14 clan guess.

1) Manhattan
2) Clones
3) Ishimura
4) Guatemala
5) London
6) Avalon
7) New Olympus
8) Mt. Everest
9) Mt. Olympus
10) Wyvern, Scotland
11) Loch Ness
12) Camelot
13) Valley of the Kings, Egypt
14) Mt. Kirkpatrick, Antartica

Greg responds...

Eight full points. Two half points.


Response recorded on June 30, 2000

Bookmark Link

Faieq Ali writes...

My guess at the 14 gargoyle clans:

1. Avalon
3.The Labyrinth
5.Ishimura, Japan
6.New Olympus
7.London, England
8.Loch Ness, Scotland
9.Paris, France
10.Bejing, China
11.Athens, Greece
12.Rome, Italy
13.Dublin, Ireland

Greg responds...

Nine full points and two half points.


Response recorded on June 30, 2000

Bookmark Link

Ambrosia writes...

Here's my try for the 14 clans, Greg:
1. Manhattan
2. Avalon
3. London
4. Guatemala
5. Ishimura
6. Mutates/clones
7. New Olympus
8. the Coldtrio
9. India
10. Paris
11. Ireland
12. a Space Station
13. China
14. Camelot

Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

O.K. Once more. "Mutates/Clones" isn't a place. "Coldtrio" isn't a place. I won't say whether the Mutates/Clones and/or the Coldtrio represent an entire clan or not. But we're looking for locations here. LOCATIONS. PLACES named with as much specificity as they've been named in the show.

For example, saying "Japan" would get you only a half point, because we've been more specific. Saying "Ishimura" would get you a full point. Saying "Ishimura, Japan" would get you that same full point, because the "Ishimura" implies the Japan, so you haven't added anything. On the other hand, saying "Guatemala" also gets you a full point, because in that case, we've never been more specific. But saying "Obsidiana, Zafiro, Turquesa, Jade and some eggs" as complete as that is, would get you ZERO points, because they are the Mayan clan's POPULation, not its LOCation.

(Sorry, Ambrosia, I didn't mean to pick on you. I just want to make sure everyone gets the rules. And I don't want to have to explain them again.)


Seven full points. Two half points.

Response recorded on June 29, 2000

Bookmark Link

Bud-Clare writes...

14 clans:

1. London
2. Ishimura
3. Guatemala
4. Australia
5. New Olympus
6. Loch Ness, Scotland
7. County Clare, Ireland (I just like the name)
8. Avalon
9. Manhattan
10. Clones (Labyrinth)
11. Easter Island
12. Camelot (Somerset, England)
13. Paris
14. Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica

Greg responds...

Nine full points. Two half points.


Response recorded on June 29, 2000

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Clan contest
3.Labyrinth with clones
8.New Olympus with halflings and gargoyles coexisting
9.mountains of China
14.Region around St.Florence island

Greg responds...

Eight full points. Two half points.

But this is another pointless Anonymous entry. If you were right, how could I reward you. You may say you're not in it for the reward, but that would frankly be a bit TOO anti-climactic for me and everyone else. I want to see someone WIN this thing.

So, Todd and Gore, I'm giving you official permission to delete any and all ANONYMOUS entries to our contests.

No tyca for this one.

Response recorded on June 27, 2000

Bookmark Link

Shari B writes...

My second try at the 14 clans contest...

1 - London, England
2 - Ishimura, Japan
3 - Guatemala
4 - Antarctica
5 - China
6 - New Olympus
7 - Loch Ness, Scotland
8 - Avalon
9 - Manhattan
10 - Labyrinth
11 - Camelot
12 - Greece
13 - Paris
14 - Valley of the Kings

Greg responds...

Nine points. Plus three half points.


Response recorded on June 26, 2000

Bookmark Link

Michael Norton writes...

Yet another 14 clan guess

1) Manhattan
2) Clones
3) Avalon
4) London
5) Ishimura
6) Guatemala
7) New Olympus
8) Wyvern, Scotland
9) Loch Ness, Scotland
10) Camelot
11) Egypt
12) Mount Olympus
13) Easter Island
14) South Pole

Greg responds...

Eight points. Plus three half points.

I guess that's progress.


Response recorded on June 23, 2000

Bookmark Link

Michael Norton writes...

Another Guess at the 14 clans.

1) Manhattan
2) Clones
3) Avalon
4) Ishimura
5) London
6) Guatemala
7) New Olympus
8) Wyvern
9) Venice, Italy
10) Lochness
11) Camelot
12) Island of Cyprus
13) Easter Island
14) Egypt

Greg responds...

Eight full points. Two half points.


Response recorded on June 23, 2000

Bookmark Link

Bengali writes...

Another Try For The Clans Contest!

1.Manhatten, USA
2.London, England
3.Ishimura, Japan
4.Guatemala, Guatemala
5.Labyrinth, USA
6.Avalon, Who knows?
7.Paris, France
8.New Olympus, Somewhere in one of the Oceans
9.Loch Ness, Scotland
10.Easter Island, Pacific Ocean
11.Xanadu, China
12.Camelot, England
13.L.A., California
14.Queensland, Australia

{This ones your hardest contest yet!}

Greg responds...

("Guatemala, Guatemala"? Gee, where in Guatemala is that?)

Ten full points (including Guatemala).

And maybe a quarter point.

Response recorded on June 23, 2000

Bookmark Link

Bengali writes...

My try for the clans contest!

7.New Olympus
8.Paris, France
9.Loch Ness, Scotland
10.Xanadu, China
12.Easter Island
13.Alexandria, Egypt
14.Edinburgh, Scotland

Greg responds...


Ten full points. One half point.

O.K. now you guys are getting close. Of course, this guess was posted in March. It's June now. I probably won't see the next set of guesses that brings us closer until September, unless I really tear through the backlog.

But... tyca

Response recorded on June 23, 2000

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Shari B writes...

Hi Greg!
Thanks so much for answering (one way or another) all of our questions, I really appreciate all the extra time you have put in here. I don't have a question right now, but I am going to participate in the clans contest. Here is my first guess at the 14 clans...

1 - London, England
2 - Ishimura, Japan
3 - Guatemala
4 - Loch Ness, Scotland
5 - Greece
6 - New Olympus
7 - Camelot
8 - Avalon
9 - Manhattan
10 - Labyrinth (Clones)
11 - Paris, France
12 - Antarctica
13 - Shang'rala
14 - Giza

Now I just have to wait and see if my score actually helps me figure anything out!

Greg responds...

Good guess.

Nine full points. Two half points.


Response recorded on June 23, 2000

Bookmark Link

Golem writes...

14 clan contest
7.New Olympus

This was accomplished with a lot of logic.

Greg responds...

So is the correct answer.

You got eight full points and one half point.

Response recorded on June 21, 2000

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Here is my guess on the 14 clans.
1.Avalon(Gabriel and Co.)
2.Manhatten(Goliath and co.)
3.Labyrinth(Deliah and the Clones)
7.New Olympus
12.China(mentioned in the season 1 bible)
13.Scone,Scotland(one clan left in Scotland and it is probably not the clan at Loch Ness or they would have been seen in Monsters)

Greg responds...

Eight full points. One half point.

But if you list yourself as Anonymous, then how could you win even if you got the answers right.


Response recorded on June 21, 2000

Bookmark Link

Craychek writes...

Well, here's a guess at the 14 clans. I don't think all of them are right, but this list is the best I can come up with right now.

1. Manhattan*
2. Wyvern, Scottland
3. London*
4. Guatamala*
5. Avalon*
6. Ishmara*
7. New Olympus*
8. Clones*
9. Xanadu
10. Camalot
11. Loch Ness
12. Cold Trio
13. Paris
14. Rome

Greg responds...

Does spelling count?

Anyway, nine full points and three half points. tyca

Response recorded on June 13, 2000

Bookmark Link

Michael Norton writes...

Another guess at the 14 clans

1) Manhattan
2) Clones
3) Ishimura
4) Guatemala
5) London
6) Avalon
7) New Olympus
8) Moray Scotland
9) Berlin
10) New Zeland
11) China
12) Mexico City
13) Easter Island
14) Nigeria

Greg responds...


half points: two...


Response recorded on April 07, 2000

Bookmark Link

Michael Norton writes...

Another guess at the 14 clans

1) Manhattan
2) Clones
3) Ishimura
4) Guatemala
5) London
6) Avalon
7) New Olympus
8) Moray Scotland
9) Greece
10) France
11) Ireland
12) China
13) Australia
14) Norway

Greg responds...


half points: three...


Response recorded on April 07, 2000

Bookmark Link

El Kevino writes...

1.Goliath and Gang(manhattan) 2.Ishimura 3.Guatamala 4.London 5.Clones 6.Avalon 7.New Olympians 8.Babylon(good old Pyramus and Thisbe) 9.Underwater 10.Scotland 11.North Pole 12.Greece 13.Africa(Nigeria perhaps?) 14.Australia
(Yet another feeble attempt to combat with your wonderful imagination, I'd appreciate a number rating, please, even though it will be low, but oh well)

Greg responds...

REMEMBER, I'm looking for clan LOCATIONS, not who's in them.


half points: three...


Response recorded on April 05, 2000

Bookmark Link

Lexy writes...

..you get the idea

1) Manhatten
2) Avalon
3) Guatemala
4) London
5) Ishimura
6) New Olympus
7) Clones
8) China
9) Italy
10) Paris
11) Greece
12) Rome
13) Scotland
14) Easter Island

*apologies in advance if you are only allowed to guess a certain number of times*

Greg responds...

Lexy, you can guess as often as you like. But if you don't wait for feedback. I'm not sure how your guesses will get any closer.



half points: three...

(See. It doesn't seem to me that your getting any closer. And since Rome is in Italy, where specifically did you have in mind for your Italy guess?)

Response recorded on April 05, 2000

Bookmark Link

lexy writes...

Nuther clan guess..

1) Manhatten
2) Avalon
3) Ishimura
4) London
5) Guatemala
6) New Olympus
7) China
8) Clones
9) Paris
10) Rome
11) Greece
12) Italy
13) Camalot
14) Easter Island

Greg responds...


half points: three...


Response recorded on April 05, 2000

Bookmark Link

Lexy writes...

Dear Greg,

When you say 'clans' you mean a clan right? In other words..you are not ONLY including Gargoyles right? I mean, when Goliath invited Derek to join his clan, Derek responded saying that he now had his own. And The New Olympions have gargs..but they arent pure either. I just was wondering if it was within the bounderies of the contest to ask this question. Define clan for this contest. Gargoyle only?

Greg responds...

Gargoyle clans.

That doesn't mean that these clans don't have honorary members (as Elisa is to the Manhattan clan).

But I'm not sure what your referring to with regard to the New Olympians. Unpure?

Response recorded on April 05, 2000

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Stupid aka lexy:P writes...

AHHHHHHH!!! DISREGAURD my last post on the clans..GEEZ I thought I put Ishimura down..what a dork..

OK here we go again!!

1) Manhatten
2) Avalon
3) ISHIMURA (geez)
4) New Olympus
5) London
6) Gutemala
7) clones
8) Paris
9) Greece
10) Rome
11) China
12) Italy
13) Camelot
14) Scotland

Greg responds...


half points: four...

tyca. But check your spelling.

Response recorded on April 05, 2000

Bookmark Link

Lexy writes...

For the Clans contest..

New Olympus
Easter Island
Lochness, Scotland

Greg responds...


half points: three...

Response recorded on April 04, 2000

Bookmark Link

Vashkoda writes...

another try:
London, Ishimura, Guatamala, New Olympus, Avalon, Manhattan
Paris, Camelot, Easter Island, Loch Ness (Scotland), Antarctica, Wyvern (Scotland), Rome (Italy), Mars

Greg responds...

(I do know that Rome is in Italy.)

Full points: Nine.
Half points: Two.


Response recorded on April 04, 2000

Bookmark Link

Vashkoda writes...

14 clans?:
London, Ishimura, Guatamala, New Olympus, Avalon, Manhattan
Paris, Camelot, Easter Island, Loch Ness, Antarctica, Wyvern (Scotland), Clones (Manhattan), Rome

Greg responds...

I'll give you a full point for Guatemala, even though you misspelled it.

Full points: Nine.

Half points: Three.

The best score yet, I believe.


Response recorded on April 04, 2000

Bookmark Link

Brandeewine writes...

Another guess at the 14 clans:

1. Manhattan
2. Avalon
3. Japan
4. London
5. Guatemala
6. Mutates
7. Scotland
8. Clones
9. Steel Clan
10. China
11. "Cold" trio
12. Australia
13. Africa
14. New Olympus

Greg responds...

Full points: Five.

Half points: Four.

(Is this the exact same guess from two posts ago?)


Response recorded on April 03, 2000

Bookmark Link

Brandeewine writes...

Here I go again...
14 Clans:

1. Manhattan
2. Avalon
3. Japan
4. London
5. Guatemala
6. Mutates
7. Scotland
8. Clones
9. Paris
10. China
11. "Cold" trio
12. Australia
13. Africa
14. Steel Clan

Greg responds...

Full points: Five.

Half points: Four. Again, "Japan" receives only a half point, because what we know is more specific than that.

And "Clones" -- c'mon kids, that's not a location. I've been giving it a half point, but I really shouldn't even be that generous.

(I'm giving more hints, cuz this contest is so impossible.)

Response recorded on April 03, 2000

Bookmark Link

Jay writes...

A guess at the clans:

4.New Olympus
5.Xanadu, China
10. The Labyrinth (Mutates & Clones in Manhattan)
11. Steel calan New York
12.Journeying around the globe (Cold Stone, Steel, & Fire)
13.Easter Island

Greg responds...

Erin responds:


You did a good job, but you got some wrong. Although you got many points.

Greg responds:

Nine full points. Good job. tyca

Response recorded on April 01, 2000

Bookmark Link

Brandeewine writes...

The 14 Clans:

1. Manhattan
2. Avalon
3. Japan
4. London
5. Guatemala
6. Mutates
7. Scotland
8. Clones
9. Paris
10. China
11. "Cold" trio
12. Australia
13. Africa
14. New Olympus

Am I anywhere close?

Greg responds...

You get six full points. Plus three half points -- including a half point for "Japan", since a more complete answer would be Ishimura.

Response recorded on March 31, 2000

Bookmark Link

Pyro X writes...


1) Manhattan
2) Ishimura
3) Guatamala
4) London
5) Clones
6) Avalon
7) Xanadu, China
8) Paris
9) Lochness
10) Greece
11) South Pole [Antarctica]
12) Australia
13) Space somewhere
14) Isreal

Hmmm... someone's gotta win this soon...

Greg responds...

I think you meant to head this entry with the word "Clans" not "Clones". Cuz there aren't that many clones out there.

Anyway, eight full points and two half points for a total score of nine.


Response recorded on March 31, 2000

Bookmark Link


Ladies & Gentlemen, I invite you all to enter our latest ASK GREG contest:

Why is that Villainess Smiling?

At the end of "Her Brother's Keeper", Elisa has a gun on Hyena, forcing the Packmember to surrender. Cut to a close-up of Hyena... who SMILES!!

In one hundred words or less, tell me why she's smiling.

--All answers must begin with the following heading:


--ANSWERS MUST BE THOROUGHLY PROOFREAD! Spelling and punctuation count! Remember I'm a former and current teacher.

--Answers that run longer than 100 words will be disqualified.

--Answers without the correct heading will be disqualified.

--Answers must be posted to ASK GREG by the end of April. Answers posted in May will be disqualified.

Once I've read all the April answers (hopefully in May) I will choose a winner based entirely on my own subjective preferences. That winner will receive a prize of zero actual value but hopefully of some real fan interest.

Good luck.

Bookmark Link

Michael Norton writes...

Another guess at the 14 clans.

7)New Olympus
11)Loch Ness

Greg responds...

Very good guess. Nine whole points. Two half points. Three complete misses.


Response recorded on March 25, 2000

Bookmark Link

Bengali writes...

My guess for the the 8 arthurian survivors.

5.Lady of the Lake
6.Sir percival
8.Morgan le fay

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 25, 2000

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Clan thingy guessing game...

For hardness, on a scale of 1-10, is this contest a 10 for hardness?

1) Manhattan
2) London
3) Guatamala
4) Avalon
5) Clones
6) Ishimura
7) Xanadu, China
8) New Olympus
9) Australia
10) Ireland
11) Wyvern
12) Space somewhere
13) Under Da sea
14) Upstate California

Just guesses!!!

Greg responds...

I think this contest is all but impossible. But I'm not big on quantifying things.

Oh, by the way, you scored an 8.5. :]


Response recorded on March 24, 2000

Bookmark Link

Kayless writes...

The Arthurian Survivors:
1. King Arthur
2. Merlin
3. The Lady of the Lake
4. Nimue
5. Percival
6. Morgan Le Fay
7. Blanchfleur
8. The Fisher King

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 22, 2000

Bookmark Link

Nathan Sheaffer writes...

I'll take a stab at the 8 Arthurian survivors:

1. King Arthur
2. Merlin
3. Percival
4. The Lady of the Lake
5. Nimue
6. The Fisher King
7. Lohengrin
8. Morgan le Fay

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 22, 2000

Bookmark Link

Christal Miller millertime@ghcc.net writes...

8 Servivors
Ihav no clue if this contest is over but here is my try
3.Lady of the lake
6.Morgana La Fay

Greg responds...

day late and a point short...


Response recorded on March 22, 2000

Bookmark Link

Lawrence Stone writes...

Another guess on the 14 Clans
7)New Olympus

Greg responds...

Six full points. 3 half points.


Response recorded on March 21, 2000

Bookmark Link

Robin Wynn writes...

Ok..the Arthurian survivors:
3)Lady of the Lake
6)Morgan le fey
8)Pelles (Fisher King)

hope that's them!!

Greg responds...

By now you know the correct answers. Thanks for playing.

Response recorded on March 18, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

A fresh effort to do the eight Arthurian survivors correctly.

1. King Arthur
2. Merlin
3. The Lady of the Lake
4. Sir Percival
5. Blanchfleur
6. Morgan le Fay
7. Nimue
8. The Green Knight (the one whom Gawain had that encounter with)

Greg responds...

Eight points.

Thank you. Come again.

No, wait! Eight points. Eight out of eight. FINALLY, A WINNER! And Todd, I have to admit, I'm kinda glad it's you, since you've been the most dedicated to exploring the Arthurian angle here in ASK GREG.

As to the speculation of how they survived, well, I was gonna make another contest out of it, but I realized it would violate my NO IDEAS policy, so...

1. King Arthur Pendragon. Slept under a spell in the Hollow Hill.

2. Merlin. Son of Oberon by a mortal woman. Imprisoned in the Crystal Cave.

3. The Lady of the Lake. One of the Oberati.

4. Sir Percival. The Fisher King. Mr. Duval. Founder of the Illuminati. Spends a lot of time in Castle Carbonek, a sort of mini-traveling-Avalon, where time passes differently. Also uses the Holy Grail to maintain his youth, though at a very real physical cost, due to his, shall we say, sins.

5. Lady Blanchefleur. Percival's wife. Queen of Castle Carbonek. She lives there and uses the Grail. The only cost being her estrangement from Percival.

6. Morgana le Fay. A changling in the old-fashioned sense.

7. Nimue. A sorceress with connections to Merlin, the Oberati and Morgana. (Think about it.)

8. The Green Knight. An Oberati.

Anyway, the above revelations are a gift I'm giving all of you on Todd's behalf. Thank him. Todd, to claim your prize, have Gore or DemonaCrzy forward your e-mail address to me.

Response recorded on March 18, 2000

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