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COMEBACKS 2007-12 (Dec)

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Krissy writes...


I've written you in the past, but it's been years, and you definitely wouldn't remember me. Hi! I grew up. :)

I just need to say (again) THANK YOU for Gargoyles. That show sometimes feels like it was my first love... only it didn't end in fire and brimstone. I've been enjoying the comic, which revived my interest (although 'Bad Guys' hasn't arrived in my mailbox yet)... and then a friend of mine asked me about my DVDs, and we sat down and watched all of 'Awakening.' I converted someone! Yay! We'll be working our way through the series.

Which is why I'm writing. I know you hate this question, but hopefully this is slightly different.

The DVD. You know which one I'm talking about.

Who can I write to say that Season 2 Volume 2 needs to come out RIGHT NOW? I don't plan on flooding them with letters or postcards and being annoying. I know it's not your decision, so I kinda would like to contact the people that ARE responsible for making that decision. Give them a polite kick in the head, basically?

Some of my favorite episodes are in the chunk that hasn't been released yet. (Future Tense, for one - yes, I'm a Brooklyn/Demona shipper at heart and I'll admit that freely.) I have them on tape, but I'm a bit scared of watching them because I'm afraid I'll break them. (I've done it before.)

Anyway, thank you. For the show, for the comic, and for not letting it die. Although you don't know me (and I don't really know you!), I love you. :)

(Cleveland, OH)

Greg responds...

Krissy, you can try writing Buena Vista Home Entertainment. I don't think it's wise of me to give you the name of my contact, as I don't want him feeling targeted, harrassed and annoyed. (Not that you'd do that, but this is a public forum.) But if you write to that division about Gargoyles, I'm sure the correspondence will get to him.

Response recorded on December 21, 2007

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TiniTinyTony writes...

In "Double Jeopardy", Owen has been quoted in saying that Thailog is smarter than Xanatos. In your opinion,
a) does this statement remain to be a true from your point of view?
b) Is a character's intelligence something you consciously think about when writing his/her dialogue? For example, have you ever written dialogue for a character and said to yourself, "This doesn't sound like something this character would say!"?
c) Who is THE smartest character in the Gargoyle Universe, right now in 1996? Does any one particular character stand out in your mind?

Greg responds...

a. "remain to be a true" ?? I'm guessing that's a typo of some kind, but I'm not entirely sure what you meant. Is it true? Well, it was certainly true in that one instance -- in the sense that Xanatos was clearly outsmarted. But only time will tell if over the long haul a smarts champion can be declared.

b. Yes.

c. Smart in what sense?

Response recorded on December 21, 2007

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

December 21st...

It starts to snow in Manhattan. And in London, a gang of street punks begins to violently target minorities in Soho.

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Demonskrye writes...

I've gone through the archives and asked in the Comment Room and as far s I can tell, this question has never been asked or answered.

In the story memo for "Metamorphosis", you make mention of a "pinkie swear" concept, some kind of in-joke call and response back and forth between Elisa and Derek that is specific to them. So that when Elisa is talking to "Talon" and starts in with the first part of the phrase, Derek finishes it with his particular twist out of habit and Elisa immediately realizes who he is. But in the final episode, they just say "cross my heart" "and hope to die", which is pretty much the standard version of that saying which everyone uses. Granted, it would be a little odd for someone to finish the phrase when a complete stranger starts it, and I can accept the idea that hearing Derek say something that he says fairly often would be enough of a trigger for Elisa to recognize him. But I still can't help but think that the scene would have been clearer and more ffective if it had been established that Derek says "and cross my eyes" or "and hope there's pie" or something equally silly and unique whenever Elisa says "cross my heart". So why didn't the final script use the suggestion from the story memo?

Greg responds...

The idea that one starts and the other finishes struck us as unique enough.

Response recorded on December 20, 2007

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JanAlexandra writes...

about original music score~:
the music being used in episodes Eye of the Beholder(scene Xanatos proposing to Fox) &Outfoxed(where Fox and Xanatos working on their karate),is the melody a creation composed by Carl Johnson or it's movements from classical music? and is it available on any cds or any other sources?

Greg responds...

It's all Carl, and unfortunately, I don't think it's available anywhere.

Response recorded on December 20, 2007

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The Barracuda writes...

Just to clear something up, are David Xanatos and Owen Burnett's private offices actually in the castle, or below in the Eyrie building? Both offices have a very modern construction motif, and the massive window that frames the wall behind Xanatos' desk doesn't appear anywhere on the castle's exterior (unless I missed it). Plus, the hallway that appears behind the double doors of his office also appears very modern. Thanks.

Greg responds...

Both are in the castle.

Response recorded on December 20, 2007

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Andres writes...

Does melissa garcia like me.

Greg responds...

She hasn't said anything to me, one way or another.

Response recorded on December 20, 2007

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Amanad writes...

If the Lego company had to combind the Bionicle's world to our world what whould happen? How would they react in our world? Would the Toa's be our friend or wht?

Greg responds...

Didn't you just ask this?

Response recorded on December 20, 2007

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Amanda writes...

If the Lego Company had combind the Bionicle world to our world what would happen?How would they react to our world?

Greg responds...

I'll leave that to your imagination.

Response recorded on December 20, 2007

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Balrog writes...

Mr Greg. When did you consider Wolf a descent of a viking. Because i notice some Similarity in his personality that can be found in some vikings but not in Hakon. These are:

1.His thirst for battle.
2.His desire to fight the strongest of oppnent.
3.Ruthless nature.
4.His somewhat mercenery background.
5.His rage.
6.Mutant form that makes somewhat homage to the stories of the viking berserkers.

I live in Iceland where most people are descented of vikings so i have little trouble finding viking stories there.

Greg responds...

Seems like traits 1-5 all fit Wolf AND Hakon. As for the when, it was at some recording session or other. Clancy Brown's performance as Wolf gave me the idea.

Response recorded on December 20, 2007

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