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This is hard.
It's been a bit of a stressful weekend, as my father went into the hospital with chest pains. A stint that had been replaced last year had failed and was replaced again Saturday morning during an angioplasty. I've been concerned, worried. But the procedure seemed to go well, and he was set to go home today. We seemed to have dodged a bullet.
But there was a second gun.
I slept in today. I woke up to two pieces of news:
1. My dad was good. Solid. My sister picked him up at the hospital and took him straight to breakfast. (My mother was annoyed at not being included - but that's a whole other story.) He's home now. I've talked to him. He sounded cheerful. All good.
2. Ed Asner had passed away.
I spent most of the day doing laundry and other mundane tasks. Life goes on, right? It has to. But it's been difficult getting my head around the whole thing. I've gotten many calls and texts today, offering condolences as if I were part of the Asner family. Folks seem to know how close I felt to Ed. But I don't want to exaggerate. Ed was my friend. I hope he knew I was his, as well. But I haven't talked to him in at least a couple of years. (You can partially blame that on the pandemic, I suppose. There are a lot of people I've lost touch with. If anything, this is a reminder to GET in touch. And I'm going to make an effort to do that.) In any case, there are many, many people who knew Ed better than I did, who were closer to Ed than I was.
Nevertheless, at the risk of turning this post into my own self-aggrandizement, I am going to spend a few paragraphs here on the subject of the Ed Asner that I knew and loved.
I was a fan of Ed's long before I met him. Like many, many people, he first entered my awareness playing Lou Grant on The Mary Tyler Moore Show. (Later, I got a kick out of picking him out of reruns, where he usually played the heavy in such series as The Wild Wild West and others.) But as Lou, Ed was simply brilliant. One of the truly classic scenes in all of television is the scene in the TMTMS pilot, where Lou interviews Mary for a job. Do yourself a favor and view it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zj286uBKCu0
That scene had a major effect on me, even seeing it as a kid.
Now, having just rewatched it, the genius of the writing and the two performances still knocks me out. But there was something else about Lou and Mary. Watching their interactions was a bit like watching my parents. The connection in my mind between Lou and my dad was especially strong.
Ed and my father were two Ashkenazi Jews from the midwest. My dad was from Chicago; Ed, from Kansas City. They were gruff AND loving. They even had mannerisms in common. There was much more, I'm sure, that they DIDN'T have in common. But something connected the two men in my mind. And, meanwhile, my admiration for Asner as a performer knew no bounds. When I saw him in the Lou Grant series, in Rich Man, Poor Man, in Roots, that admiration only increased. When I learned of his activism - and the price he paid for it - that admiration shot through the roof.
Years later, when we had begun pre-production on GARGOYLES, I thought of Ed Asner - or of Lou Grant, at least - as the inspiration for Hudson. In fact, when we held auditions for the role, I wrote at the bottom of the character description that "Hudson hates spunk." This was, of course, a variation on Lou's classic line from the above job interview scene. Now, to be clear, I never imagined we'd get Ed to play the role. I figured he was way too big a star for us to land. But low and behold, a few days later, Ed came in to audition for the part. Later, he told me that when he read the character description, he was initially thrilled. The "Hudson hates spunk" line made him feel like he was a lock to land the role. Then a couple minutes later, he thought that if he didn't land the role it would really be awful. But of course, he immediately understood the character and nailed his audition... only for Jamie Thomason and I to throw him a curveball, asking him to do it again in a Scottish accent. He nailed that, too.
Working with Ed was a joy. He was fun and funny and so supportive. In addition to playing Hudson (and Burbank and Jack Danforth/Dane) on Gargoyles, I also cast him as recurring characters on Max Steel (Chuck Marshak), 3x3 Eyes (Grandpa Ayanokoji), W.I.T.C.H. (Napoleon the talking cat), Young Justice (Kent Nelson) and Rain of the Ghosts (Joe Charone). When casting Peter Parker's late Uncle Ben in The Spectacular Spider-Man, Ed was the only person I ever considered. He always brought so much to each and every role.
And more than that he was a great friend to me. After the first season of Max Steel, when I couldn't find a job for over a year and thought I might have to give up on my writing career, Ed was there, offering me support. We had lunch at Musso & Frank's. He looked at pictures of my kids out of my wallet and told me to laminate them. He introduced me to his son, Matt Asner, a producer. He didn't allow me to wallow in self-pity or to badmouth guys who I believed had done me wrong. He just reassured me that I had ability and would find my way through. He was, in essence, my work dad.
So today, as you might imagine, has been complicated. My dad is home and healthy. And Ed is gone. I'm grateful and sorrowful. And struggling. But life goes on. It has to, right?
Finally, I'm going to quote Hudson from Gargoyles. In "The Price," an episode that spotlighted the character, Ed as Hudson told Xanatos: "A friendly word of advice: True immortality isn't about living forever, man. It's about what you do with the time you have. When all your scheming's done, what will be your legacy, Xanatos?"
I think we all know that Ed Asner did amazing things with the time he had. And though we'll miss him dearly, his legacy is clear and shining.
If you had all the time in the world to work on the second seasons of your TV Series such as:
Max Steel
Young Justice
and The Spectacular Spiderman,
What exactly (from the specifics to not-so-specific) would you change/alter them?
Change or alter? Nothing. Even errors and missed opportunities are errors and missed opportunities I can live with.
Wanted to post this separate from my review, for length reasons if nothing else.
The "sources" for several of the references included in RAIN OF THE GHOSTS are fairly obvious. Bernie and Maude, Broadway-Niner-Niner-Four, and Terry Chung all demonstrate that you continue to be as shameless as ever (and damn if we don't love you for it!), and it's probably easier to list what [I]isn't[/I] referenced from "The Tempest."
But I'd just like to quickly confirm if "Mr. and Mrs. John DeLancy" are meant to refer to actor John de Lancie, most famous as Q from "Star Trek" (and more recently, Earth-16's very own Mister Twister).
And if so, was there any particular reason that you gave him a little shout out there? Just mildly curious.
Thanks, and I hope that you enjoyed my review! :)
Honestly, it must have been, right? But I can't remember why. (I wrote the first draft of the book over a decade ago.) Back then, I had worked a bit with John on Max Steel, but it's not like we socialized or anything. Maybe I just liked the name.
While on the topic of CGI, do you prefer this method or the classic hand drawings for animation and why? I know your series have mostly been all drawings (I think) but wanted to see.
I don't have a preference if the series is developed correctly for the medium it's using. I did Roughnecks: the Starship Troopers Chronicles in CGI, and I think it worked great. I did Max Steel (Season One only), and although I'm proud of our scripts, I DON'T think it worked great, because the series as it was developed (by me but under marching orders from multiple very large companies) didn't work in CGI.
It isn't really much of a question, but all in all, I just wanted to say "Thank you". Thank you for all the high quality shows you produced that enriched my childhood and still give me intelligent and gripping entertainment in my favorite media, animated shows, as an adult.
Most off all, I also wanted to express my admiration for your resolve. While privately I may often joke bitterly about the "Weisman curse" whenever one of your shows gets unfairly canceled way too soon despite (arguably) having the best quality in the entire program. You will always have my gratitude for continuing to produce great shows despite all the stones placed in your way.
As for questions:
1. If you had the means to, would you do a Young Justice/Gargoyles Crossover?
2. Sorry to bring up this unfairly missed opportunity gain, but if you had remained on the staff for "The Roswell Conspiracies", do you think that show would at some point crossed over with Gargoyles?
3. In the spirit of question one, do you think Demona would make a good Red Lantern?
In any case, once again, thank you. Thank you for raising the quality and complexity of the already great W.I.T.C.H. cartoon, thank you for producing the best animated Spider-Man series to date, thank you for bringing Starshiptroopers to the screen in the way it should have been in the first place, thank you for doing such a great job with Max Steel, thank you for doing a huge part in keeping animated DC material extremely high quality, especially at the moment, and of course, thank you for Gargoyles, probably my favorite franchise ever, and I am rooting for you to one day get it back and do more wonders with it.
1. I don't think so. Maybe as a radio play. But I don't see the two universes as being particularly compatible.
2. No. Two different companies.
3. See, this kinda thing doesn't interest me much. If you think so, great.
Thanks for all your kind words.
So glad Young Justice is back! Anyway, I just had a few questions this time around:
1. Is there any particular reason you decided to cover much of the backstory for characters like Kid Flash, Miss Martian, and Robin in Issue #5 of the tie-in comic instead of the show itself? It's an interesting decision, to say the least.
2. How closely did you work with the writer of the first six issues of the book?
3. How many retakes do you generally have to do? MOI's animation for the show has been incredible so far, so I wondered if there were hiccups like you had in, say, Gargoyles.
4. Did BS&P really not catch that quick panty shot of Chesire? I was rather amazed you guys got away with it.
5. Mark Rolston is an intriguing choice for Lex, having only done a little previous VO work, and none with you guys. How did you, Brandon and Jamie come to cast him in the role?
Anyway, can't wait to see where the show goes next!
1. We only have so much airtime. There is a lot of backstory and STORY that we'd love to cover that we just don't have the room for on air. Even WITH the comic, there's still a ton we don't have room for. But the comic does provide us with a second bite at the apple, so to speak. Everything you NEED to enjoy the series is in the series. Everything you NEED to enjoy the comic is in the comic. But I believe you get more out of both by enjoying both.
2. Very closely on the basic story concepts, which were all ideas that Brandon, Kevin and I came up with. Then we tried to give Art and Franco as much freedom as possible on the scripting... though I did kibbitz a bit here and there. Particularly on issues #5 and #6 to get the backstories feeling the way we wanted them to.
3. There are always retakes but MOI and LOTTO have both been great partners.
4. I didn't catch it. Only the fans caught it.
5. Actually, I worked with Mark on Max Steel and remembered him being great in that - and in many live-action things I've seen him in. In addition, Mark is the father of one of my daughter's friends. We've socialized occasionally, so he was in my head. I think his Lex is fantastic. Mark/Lex just owned every scene of episode 110 he was in, I thought. "Adorable."
Who provided the voices of Dr. Elena Yevshenko and Mari Keita in Max Steel?
The very talented Jean Gilpin provided the following voices on shows I've worked on...
--Elena Yevshenko (Max Steel)
--Inger (Team Atlantis)
--Mari Keita (Max Steell)
--Mrs. Wong/Xunquai (3x3 Eyes)
I was curious have you ever wanted to start the show Max Steel back up i know you only did the first season but have you ever like suggested to mattel to start the show back up?
No. I'm proud of the stories we told on the first season of Max. But the whole thing was something of a negative experience for me. And it's hard enough trying to keep the faith on Gargoyles, which I created.
Hey Greg me again checking your site after a long while, you must think I don't ave a life lol. But I've been doing research and it seems they made more Max Steel episodes it other country here check this site:http://www.maxsteel.com/default.aspx?lang=en
Most episodes are in spanish unfortunately but what a change from your version. I've urd they made a DVD but I can't find it. Also if you want to see Max Steel video's go to www.youtube.com and type max steel.
Anyways sorry for buggin you but I had to tell somoene.
Kassey Demers big fan
Thanks for the info, but I'm not that interested in seeing what others did to/with Max after I was... shall we say, let go. Kinda the way I feel about Goliath Chronicles.
Do you think female dread minions are hot
Is this a Max Steel question, cuz if not, I don't know what you're talking about.
Okay, last time I'm going to bug you about this, I promise.
I actually didn't expect an answer for anything I asked earlier, so you haven't disappointed me in any regard. I understand about not remembering anything about Max Steel due to Gargoyles taking up most of your time, so all I can do is say thank you for your time reading and answering my questions, and I wish you great success in the future with Gargoyles :)
Thanks. It hasn't JUST been Gargoyles. I've worked on a LOT of shows since Max.
Hey me again, I was woundering if anyone knows if Max Steel will ever come on TV again???
Someone might. Not me though.
Wow! Max Steel ruined your career for several years!! How?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNK5Fli0JAE it says so on youtube but the camera guy keeps laughing and I can't hear you!
Man, I've got to remember that anything I say these days can wind up on You Tube.
And, yeah, it did. I believe, and I have had many more objective people than I confirm it, that I was both scapegoated and blackballed for the perceived failures of that series, the main irony being that the show was a minor hit -- not a failure at all.
Follow-up to my earlier question:
In earlier questions/answers you've alluded to such things as Dread being akin to Xanatos and you having ideas for him that never bore fruit; Mairot being a triple-agent (giving information from Smith to Dread and then back to Smith again) and the 'mole' being N-Tek's own technology and computers; that Laura would find out in some way or another about Josh's dual identity; that there was a reason behind the first series episode titles beginning with 's' which was never fulfilled (but would have been in a later series); we would have met Berto's family; that there were three prior missions to the one we saw in "Strangers".
Basically, anything you can tell me about the above situations, if you can :)
I'm so sorry, but I just can't remember. It's been too long, and I don't even have any of the Max materials here at Sony to refresh my memory. Everything you wrote above, is true, but I would not have been able to call most of it to mind, if you hadn't reiterated it. It's been too long. I'm sure you're sitting there thinking, "But Gargoyles was even longer ago!" and that's true, but I've been working on Gargoyles and talking about it here and at the Gathering non-stop with fans ever since, so it's never left my mind. I'm afraid Max never generated the same kind of interest. Plus there was the very bitter way I was let go, which put a bad taste in my mouth.
Me once again, comment, not a question. I was just on iTunes when I noticed the latest episode of Kim Possible was up. Now I don't have cable, so iTunes is how I watch most cable shows, I purchased the episode (haven't watched it as it is still downloading) and then went to TV.com and discovered that you were the one who wrote it, making me really excited to watch it! The Episode was entitled Big Bother, and I guess I'm just looking for comments from the writer, seeing as how by the time you get to this post I'll have watched it.
Rock On-Chip
I'm not sure what to comment on. I had a really fun time writing it. I'd written one Kim before, and thought I hadn't done a very good job (though the final product turned out great -- just through efforts not my own). But I felt very good about this script, and the proof in the pudding is that most of what I wrote made it on screen. There's a Gargoyle in-joke in there too... although it got trimmed a bit. Same with a reference from a "Mummy" I once wrote and a Max Steel.
Hi! In regards to Max Steel (which I love dearly), I've always wondered: where did Jefferson Smith's name come from? Is that an homage to 'Mr. Smith Goes To Washington', an amazing coincidence, or something else altogether? Thanks!
I honestly don't recall. I was given many, many of the names when I joined the project. I just don't remember if that was one they handed me or one I came up with. (I'm guessing the former, as I'm rarely shy about taking credit ;)
Hey, I'm not sure, but do you still take Max Steel questions? I've got a couple I've been sitting on:
1) For all intents and purposes, the Max Steel series is canceled in the USA (there's a large fan base in Latin America, with three movies produced so far). As such, do you feel able to discuss your plans and ideas for the show, or not? If so, would you be willing to share?
2) You've references a Max Steel "Bible" in a few earlier questions: do you still have it and would you be able to share any information in it if you still do?
Thanks for reading, even if you don't reply!
1. Well, it's not that I'm unwilling, but you're talking about a series that I did 13 episodes for back in 1999. So my memory isn't crisp on the subject. Anything specific you were curious about?
2. I might still have it at my other office. I don't have it here at Sony. Sorry.
Oh my god! Thank you very much for answering my questions for Max steel I was 12 years old when I wrote that I went on your site again after a long while and now I'm 15 years old I'm still a fan no matter what. I do honestly miss the show.
Thanks you made my day.
One last question: Is there any dvd or something that cuntains every Max steel episode?
Kassey still our biggest fan Chapleau, Ontario Canada.
Hi Kassey. I'm afraid I'm not aware of any Max DVDs. If there were one of the first season, I'd love to have it too.
My name is Zackary Nellom.I dont really have a question abut GARGOYLES,but about Max Steel. I looked everywhere and I couldnt find any kind of tapes or movies. Since you ARE the creator, I thought you might know where I can find some.Please help me
I wish I did. But I don't. Sorry.
R.I.P. Edward Albert.
Edward did a voice for us on a couple of episodes on Max Steel. I won't pretend I knew him well, but he was a good and talented guy on those two occasions. The son of Green Acres Eddie Albert, Edward was a talented actor and activist. He'll be missed.
Got a question about Max Steel for you.
I know you don't want to hear summaries of episodes that you didn't do, but I have a question that you might be able to answer. In many of the episodes in Seasons 2 and 3, a major theme is that Josh uses less T-juice than Max because Josh doesn't have the superhuman powers (just extra sharp hearing and eyesight). However, I remember that in episode 4 (Sportsmen), Josh quit the Del Oro Extreme because he couldn't shut off his Max powers -- it was unfair and not a challenge. So, am I confused, or did the writers for seasons 2 and 3 make a mistake?
Oh, and I know you probably wouldn't want them, but in case anyone's interested, Max Steel Season 1 is on DVD. People in the U.K. can get them from http://www.streetsonline.co.uk/ . People in the U.S. and other countries will have to get them off eBay.
Thanks for your time.
I would want Max Steel Season 1 on DVD. Very much actually. I had no idea it was available. I'll try to find it. So thanks for the heads up.
As to your question, well... I'm going to have to say that there was a screw-up. Josh and Max weren't two different guys. Josh used his powers to change his appearance to look like Max, so that he wouldn't be recognized. But he had all his powers at all times. At least that's how we wrote it during Season One. Of course, I was fired after Season One, and who knows? Maybe that was why.
Can you get me info on Maxsteel?
Can you be more specific?
I really like you're style of writing for the show of Max Steel did you ever meet Christian Campbell? Does the letter 'S' stand for something? Because I think that it's cool the way you put those titles together so "those are my two questions"
you're biggest Max Steel fan Kassey Demers Chapleau Ont,Can
Hey Kassey,
Don't know if you're still reading ASK GREG, but yes, I knew Christian quite well, though I haven't seen him in a couple years.
S stands for Steel.
hi greg. My name is Michelle. My son who is 2 years old and is obsessed with Max Steel. I have been looking all over for videos for him. I have had no luck in finding any. If you can help me in any way, I would appreciate it. I am willing to pay anything for them. thank-you
Please e-mail me at sflfunding@aol.com.
As far as I know, videos for Max Steel are not available. Sorry.
I was watching Max Steel with my 2 year old son and was curious what software was used in the making. What about Lip Synch software.
I have no idea. Sorry.
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