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Me once again, comment, not a question. I was just on iTunes when I noticed the latest episode of Kim Possible was up. Now I don't have cable, so iTunes is how I watch most cable shows, I purchased the episode (haven't watched it as it is still downloading) and then went to TV.com and discovered that you were the one who wrote it, making me really excited to watch it! The Episode was entitled Big Bother, and I guess I'm just looking for comments from the writer, seeing as how by the time you get to this post I'll have watched it.
Rock On-Chip
I'm not sure what to comment on. I had a really fun time writing it. I'd written one Kim before, and thought I hadn't done a very good job (though the final product turned out great -- just through efforts not my own). But I felt very good about this script, and the proof in the pudding is that most of what I wrote made it on screen. There's a Gargoyle in-joke in there too... although it got trimmed a bit. Same with a reference from a "Mummy" I once wrote and a Max Steel.