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Arlo writes...

Titania has clearly gone out of her way to help Goliath and his clan on more than one occasion (i.e. helping him in Ill Met By Moonlight, and then getting his clan reinstated to their home in The Gathering). The only reason she has given so far is to repay a favor rendered, that is, to repay Goliath for his assistance in stopping the Matrix in Walkabout. But this seems a bit much to do to repay a favor. But it seems to me that her motivation is a bit more.

1. Would you say Titania likes Goliath/has a lot of respect for him?

2. If yes, would you say the reason is more because of what she has witnessed of his character firsthand, or because of what Fox has told her about him?

3. Is Titania trying to make up for some of the things Fox and David have done to Goliath and his clan?

4. Would you say Titania's motivations for reinstating Goliath's clan to their ancestral home are more to repay a favor, more because she genuinely likes/respects Goliath, more to make up for what Fox and David have done to his clan, more to establish a good protector for Fox and Alexander, or some combination of the above?

5. You've said that you don't plan to reveal what Titania whispered to Fox because the fan community has built it up so much, that what you had planned would be, in your words, anticlimatic. But wouldn't the fact that you have no plans to use it be a reason to reveal it, since you have no use for it in future stories anyway? I kind of get the impression that the reason you're so steadfast in not revealing it is because you still have plans to use it in some way. Care to give any input?

Thanks for your time.

Greg responds...

1. Likes him, yes. Has respect for him, yes. A LOT of respect for him... well...

2. Neither, really.

3. No.

4. You're leaving out a major factor.

5. No Spoilers.

Response recorded on June 29, 2015

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Matthew writes...

Since you are a big Shakespeare fan, I thought to ask if you've read A Midsummer Tempest by Poul Anderson? It's set in a world where all of Shakespeare's plays really happened?

Greg responds...

No. And I won't, so as not to crowd my head with other folks' ideas. Sounds really cool, though. We were trying to accomplish the same thing (among other things) on Gargoyles.

Response recorded on August 26, 2013

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Lurker writes...

This is about what Fox's mother whispered to her.

Did she whisper something that we have now seen? I mean, did she tell Fox to do something and we saw Fox do it later in the series or comics, we just dont know it.

Greg responds...

I'm not revealing this...

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Tymiko writes...

I noticed in another series of children's books called The Sisters Grimm that the author, Michael Buckley, also had Puck as a main character, only he has the form of a 12 year old and seems to have the mindset of one. He also has a pair of pink insect wings (despite still being a shape-shifter) that he isn't ashamed of at all.

He's written in a way that makes me believe he could have been your version of Puck at a younger age, though he is considered in that series to be the literal child of Oberon and Titania (Oberon's children, haha).

What's more is that King Oberon and Queen Titania live in Manhatten, New York City. I can't help but wonder if there's some of the Gargoyle show's influence at work here.

1. Were you aware of this series and its similarities?

2. Did you ever exchange words with Michael Buckley?

3. Do you think it's possible he watched your show, Gargoyles, or more likely that it was a coincidence?

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. No.

3. I have no idea.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Tymiko writes...

Your rendition of Puck really rekindled an interest of fairy lore in me, especially since I love tricksters and their amoral personalities that make them so complex. I love how you never know if they'll do something 'good' or 'bad' to someone else simply on a whim, and you portrayed that so well.

I read a previous answer of yours to someone else that said you didn't want to label Puck, Oberon, and Titania as 'faeries' because of the pejorative connotations that the word has. I realize and empathize with you about how fairies are often thought of as nothing more than pretty little girls with butterfly wings or something to that effect, who wave magic wands to grant wishes and always do good. Makes me sick.

1. Is that why you didn't have Puck, Oberon and Titania portrayed with fairy wings despite their status in their original play?

2. If so, why bother to have Puck fly around at all, let alone with fairy dust trailing behind him?

There's a show I recently learned of called Durarara!! in which a Dullahan (technically a sort of fairy) comes to Tokyo to find her missing head, taking the form of a black-wearing motorcyclist and transferring her headless horse's spirit into a pitch black motobike. To hide the fact she has no head, she wears a full helmet and tries to blend in with the city, acting as a transporter and courier for gangs and info brokers, forcing fans to reconsider their initial mental image of a typical fairy.

I think if you had recognized that Puck and the others were Fae, it just might have saved the Fae's tainted, modern day reputation, considering how well-known and admired the Gargoyles show is. However, I understand respect the choices you made, and it was pretty much obvious who they were in the long run.

Greg responds...

1. "Despite"? Most of the versions I've seen are wingless.

2. Uh... it looked cool?

I don't recall saying no to the words "faery", "fairy" or "fae" because of perjorative connotations. I think the point I was making is that Oberon and Titania were "larger" than that. The Children of Oberon include those creatures traditionally associated with the "fae" but also various pantheons, etc.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Lurker writes...

I know there has been a lot of attention to what was whispered in Fox's ear.

I'm not going to ask what it was, I want to know if we have seen the topic of said whisper or an allusion to said topic in the series via show or comic.

Ex: if the whisper was about working with the gargoyles, was their moving back to the castle a move that would have later been revealed to be related to the whisper.

Im not looking for a revealing answer, just a yes the topic has been shown or a no the topic has not been shown yet.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Sean Mc Bride writes...

Hi first time questioner, long time fan so here we gp
1)Does Titania still have feelings for Renard?
2)When Oberon sent all of the third race into the human world to learn humailty, what he was he doing for that time. Was he in the human world aswell?
3)Oberon said that they golaith could have killed him with the iron bell. If he had died what would have become of his children?(so to speak)

Greg responds...

1. Feelings, yes. Romantic feelings - not much.

2. Yes.

3. They'd probably become Titania's Children for the short term. Beyond that, I'm not to big on hypotheticals.

Response recorded on May 07, 2012

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alfred writes...

I just wanted to ask something about the gargoyles episode The Gathering part 2.

Was Xanatos wearing an iron suit?If the suit is iron,how was Titania able to freeze him?

Greg responds...

His helmet was off.

Response recorded on February 02, 2012

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Reya writes...

Carly Simon auctioned off the secret subject of "You're So Vain" for $50,000 at a charity auction. Would you ever consider selling the secret (for charity or self-gain)of what Titania whispered to Fox in "The Gathering: Part 2"?

Greg responds...

For $50K? Sure.

(Who didn't see THAT smart-ass response coming?)

Response recorded on January 21, 2011

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Alan writes...

My question is about what Titania whispered to Fox at the end of "The Gathering." You've said that you never expected it to become such a big mystery among fans. Was anyone in the Gargoyles Universe ever curious? Did Fox ever tell anyone?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 20, 2011

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

You say that Titania as Anastasia, like Puck as Owen, is completely human. Does that mean Fox being half Fae was planned choice? Does conceiving a half Fae child requiring choosing to only appear human rather than be human for a change?

Greg responds...

Fair question. It's worth discussing. But I don't have a hard, fast answer now.

Response recorded on December 22, 2010

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Jessica writes...

Is Anastasia fully human? I know you said when Puck transformed into Owen, that he was fully human, the only hint otherwise was his ability to transform back.
I was just curious how Anastasia could be fully human and have a half-human child. Is the magic in her DNA?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 23, 2010

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Lauren-Ashley writes...

In an earlier post, (March 4, 2002, to be exact) you said, "I think Fox has some issues. The fact that even when she is in love, she thinks she can't love or be loved, that she doesn't deserve love, etc. is central to her problems. Her parents and their relationships to her and each other play in too."

I read, also in an earlier Ask Greg post, that Fox was 25 when her parents divorced. We the audience don't know how long the marriage lasted happily before Titania grew bored from Renard's rigid ways, or even how long it took her to divorce Renard. A child first learns about relationships from his or her parents, for better or for worse. Growing up and choosing fun over integrity has its key role, of course, especially with her father. So even though Fox wasn't a child when her parents separated, can Fox' feelings that she cannot love or be loved be, at least in part, as a result of her parents' divorce?

Greg responds...

Sure. Though of course troubles precede any final divorce decree.

Response recorded on October 14, 2010

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

The question in the last queue about whether Fox and David can vote after getting out of prison, and my own thoughts about the Third Race and Oberon's Law against interfering with mortals, has led me to this question: What does the Law of Oberon prevent and what does it allow, in terms of Oberon's Children participating in human politics? Do Anastasia Renard and Owen Burnett have U.S. citizenship, or if not could they get it if they wanted it? Can they vote? Can they get any more politically active than voting? (Leaving aside whether they actually want to do any of these things.)


Greg responds...

My I-won't-be-held-to-this answer for the moment is that as long as they are living AS humans, they can PARTICIPATE in human affairs. They can eat lunch with other humans. They can see movies made by humans. They can conduct business with humans, and so, it follows, they can vote as humans vote... as long as they're not using magic to alter things.

Response recorded on September 01, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

Does Halcyon Renard know that Anastasia Renard is really Titania?

Greg responds...

He does now.

Response recorded on August 30, 2010

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Anonymous writes...

What was Anastasia Renard's human name before she married Halcyon Renard?

Greg responds...

I don't know.

Response recorded on August 30, 2010

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Gothic Cowboy writes...

Mr. Weisman, in "Ill Met By Moonlight," Titania aided the World Tourists, and, when asked, cited gratitude as her motivation. Later, we learned that she was referring to the events depicted in "Walkabout." My question is, if Titania felt a sense of gratitude towards Goliath, did she also feel that was towards Dingo? After all, Dingo played a role in stopping the Matrix from calcifying the world, and he also took up the responsibilty of working with the Matrix, thus relieving Titania and Fox of any responsibilty they might have towards the Matrix, as its creators. If anything, one could argue that she owes him more for taking that burden from her.

Greg responds...

No argument.

Response recorded on August 05, 2010

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TZ writes...

Will you EVER reveal what Titania whispered to Fox in The Gathering? Or is it completely a waste of time for anyone to ask you?

Greg responds...

Pretty much a waste of time. I think this wound up being built up too big, and the answer (which I thought was kinda neat once upon a time) would come off as anti-climactic now. So I really have no incentive to reveal the truth.

Response recorded on May 14, 2010

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Wesley Nichols writes...

I have another question regarding Oberon and Titania. Before the beginning of the Gathering and Titania offered to be his wife again was Oberon considering asking her to marry him?

Greg responds...

One assumes they had had some conversations about this before, with him asking her, and she demuring...

Response recorded on April 17, 2009

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Clark Cradic writes...

Did Titania's 'affair' with Nick Bottom have any differences in the Gargoyls universe, or not even occur at all?

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on April 10, 2009

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Demonskrye writes...

Approaching an old question from a different angle.

If you were to tell us right now what Titania whispered to Fox, would we understand what she meant? Or is it something that requires some background information, without which only the two of them would understand it?

Greg responds...

A casual viewer might not immediately get it, but I think a longtime fan would... and would at this point be thoroughly disappointed.

Response recorded on March 25, 2009

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Charisma82 writes...

Hey, Greg. Driving home today I was pondering over this question. In the episode "The Gathering Pt. 2" when Titania whispers to Fox, when you wrote this scene, did you have in mind what Titania was saying? I mean, did you know then when you were writing it, or did you, for mystery's sake, come up with what she said later on once the show aired on TV? Did you even think it would get that much attention, not putting in what Titania was saying to her daughter? Thanks in advance for the answer, and please do not think of this question as a way for me to figure out what exactly Titania said, because I'm really not trying to. I'm just curious about WHEN you decided what Titania said, just to ease my wondering mind.

Thank you for your time and all that you do.


Greg responds...

I knew at the time. I didn't think it would get as much attention as it did.

Response recorded on July 22, 2008

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Zabrian writes...

Now i noticed and a may be wrong but Titania seemed less effected by iron as did puck then Oberon himself. I was wondering if maybe this was because they are less Allergic to it being his children, and is Titania just less effected in general?

Greg responds...

They're not LITERALLY his children. And I'm not sure why you say they were less effected?

Response recorded on April 14, 2008

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

February 22nd...

The Weird Sisters track down Oberon in his mortal identity. They inform him that mortals have infested Avalon. Oberon decides that the time of the Gathering is indeed at hand and sets out to find his former queen, Titania.

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