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I have some questions about Macbeth and his family:
1)Is Macbeth religious? I imagine he was a Catholic back in the eleventh century, but in the present day, is he lapsed or what?
2)How much does Mac know of what happened to his family after his "death"? I suppose he knows that Luach and Bodhe died in battle, but does he know that Grouch commited suicide?
3)If yes, did that color his suicidal behavior in the present day?
1. I'd have to do a bit of research about the church in the Eleventh Century. Macbeth did, if I'm recalling correctly, visit the Pope.
1a. Probably "what".
2. All of it.
2a. Yes.
3. That's for the audience to interpret.
1. Between 1020 and 1032, what was Macbeth's job or title? He wasn't expected to become either King of Scotland or High Steward of Moray, so what was he doing (or being trained to do) during that time?
1b. Who did he directly answer to? Who had direct control/power over him? Gillecomgain, Duncan, Maol Chalvim...?
2. What was Macbeth's in-universe relationship with his cousin Thorfinn like?
3. You've said, when asked about his religion, that Mac's omnireligious currently. Do his beliefs lean towards any religion in particular? Like Christianity, Buddhism, etc? If so, which one?
4. Does Macbeth know the details about Gruoch's death? How she died, when, etc?
Thank you. :)
1. Thane.
1b. Whomever was king at the time.
2. No spoilers.
3. Probably still Christianity, with Pagan overtones.
4. Yes.
Hi Greg! It`s me again, Austrias biggest Gargoyles and Rain of the ghosts fan! I`m still hoping for more Comics and/or a continuation of the series.
I am deeply fascinated with the subplot about Demona and Macbeth. They are by far my favorites.
There is one thing I don`t understand. According to Gargoyles Timeline Gruoch was about 27-28 when she had to marry Gilcomghain. Judging by medieval standards she was a very old maid. Why wasn`t she married at "the right age" like 15 or so as it was the custom for a gentle woman?
Why didn`t Macbeth and Gruoch marry years before? They grew up in the same castle, were fond of each other, Macbeth was evidently wealthy and of noble birth so why did`t they just get engaged around the age of 18-22 or so when they were of age? What was the problem?
Best wishes for your current projects! Can`t wait to see "Masque of Bones" (P.S. Any news about its publication yet?)
Greetings, Gia
Historically, what happened, happened. We were only able to guess at the reasons.
So, in universe, Macbeth was without a father and had his inheritance ripped away. (So he was no longer wealthy, and he was virtually homeless.) That gave Gruoch's father pause about allowing Gruoch & Macbeth to marry. Gruoch wouldn't marry anyone else, until Macbeth was convinced by Bodhe to reject her.
And they didn't grow up in the same castle. Bodhe and Gruoch were VISITING the night Findlaech was killed. And that was the first time Macbeth and Gruoch met. They fell in love then and thereafter, but by that time Macbeth was S.O.L.
As for Masque of Bones, I haven't written it yet, because I've been writing World of Warcraft: Traveler novels for Blizzard and Scholastic.
In the Gargoyles universe weve head about Macbeth ad nausium...but close to nothing about Lady Macbeth, who, in my opionion (as at least in the begining of Shakespear's play) was FAR more interesting.
In your view, was she a witch?
I'm leaving the term "witch" up to your own interpitation, whatever that may be, and a simple "yes or no" will suffice.
Thank you.
You saw Lady Macbeth on the show. Gruoch, remember?
What exactly were Gruoch's feelings about gargoyles? She never seemed comfortable around them. But the only gargoyle we really saw her around was Demona, and that discomfort was understandable and then finally justified. But how did she feel about the rest of the species?
Her last words to Demona "search until you and your kind are but a nightmare memory" are really, really harsh. Understandable especially given the context of what took place, and justifiable towards Demona. Maybe the rest too, considering they still followed her in abandoning Moray. But, it's still a harsh and pretty all encompassing statement. I was watching CoS again, and that line really struck me. Do you know why it struck me? Because in that moment, for a split second, I agreed with her. I say this knowing what I know about how noble most of them are. And then I was a little mortified that I agreed, even in the face of an extreme situation like that.
So, Demona aside, before the "death of Macbeth" how did she feel about gargoyles?
" She never seemed comfortable around them. " seems about right. But she was also never comfortable that Macbeth traded his youth. I don't think she was against them until the end. As I've stated before, I think "tolerance" isn't enough. But she tolerated them.
Hey Greg,
I just re watched City of Stone, and in part 4 MacBeth "dies" for the first time. His wife convinces him to leave Scotland, citing that his subjects would no longer accept him as King if they knew of his magical bond with Demona. My question is, who has to know that he died? The only people who saw him killed were his family and the Hunter...and who of MacBeth's subjects would believe the Hunter over the Royal Family? Granted, after long enough his people would notice him not aging, but during that war and with his family so vulnerable, it seems like a terrible time to fade into the wind.
Thank you so much for creating what I and many people consider the most intellegent and literally epic animated series ever, and for staying connected with your tireless fanbase.
By the time Macbeth and Gruoch could have/would have gotten to them, Bodhe and Luach would have announced Macbeth's death.
Just thought I'd ask. When were Gruoch and Macduff born>
Gruoch - 1005
Macduff - 1005
You have answered previous questions about Luach's father with saying that, while born during Gruoch's marriage to Gillecomgain, Macbeth may have been his real father. Did you ever intend for this twist to surface in the comics when you rekindled the series?
Also, the year after Macbeth's "death", when Luach was killed, why, rather than going to join Macbeth (who surly knew of his son's death and his wife's desolation), did Gruoch commit suicide? Or is that simply history, and thus undependable?
By what means could Gruoch have found Macbeth?
This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....
March 17th...
In Strathbolgi, Canmore kills Luach. Bodhe also dies. Gruoch commits suicide.