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POSTINGS 2008-09 (Sep)

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kyle tonarella writes...

hey greg i just want to say thank you once again for making Spectacular Spider-Man. It has become my second favorite cartoon after Batman The Animated Series becasue you handle the charcters just like bruce timm and paul dini did. I look forward to the second season. here is my question will we Doc Ock come back to lead the sinister six in the second group ?

Greg responds...

Bruce Timm and ALAN BURNETT. Not to knock Paul, but Paul and Michael Reaves and quite a few others were working for ALAN, and I just don't understand why Alan never gets credit for being (with Bruce) the driving force on that series.

Doc Ock will be back in Season Two.

Response recorded on September 19, 2008

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Jacob writes...

I was curious have you ever wanted to start the show Max Steel back up i know you only did the first season but have you ever like suggested to mattel to start the show back up?

Greg responds...

No. I'm proud of the stories we told on the first season of Max. But the whole thing was something of a negative experience for me. And it's hard enough trying to keep the faith on Gargoyles, which I created.

Response recorded on September 19, 2008

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cartoonlover writes...

Hi Greg,
I heard from Animation Magazine (or at least that's what I heard) that season two of Spectacular Spider-Man will indeed air on CW. Is that true?

Greg responds...

I'm not allowed to say. I don't know why I'm not allowed to say. But I'm not. So I'm not saying. And if you think that's frustrating for you, imagine how frustrating it is for me.

Response recorded on September 18, 2008

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Matteo writes...

Hey, I tried looking up Venus on the Ask Greg search, and only found one question from like 9 years ago that said you weren't sure of because you weren't writing for it back then. My question is after all this time is there any chance Hell will freeze over, and bring her into SLG?
BTW I love your sarcastic spin on your answers. Thanks.

Greg responds...

I have only the vaguest memories of Venus. She isn't one of my characters and hasn't any place in my plans.

Response recorded on September 18, 2008

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Matteo writes...

I know you got a tad cranky the last time this was asked, but I was wondering if I could be a little more specific. You said that a gargoyle in stone sleep might still wake-up after taking MINIMAL damage (if not life threatening). My question is If Jackal succeded in altering Goliath's face into his own would he wake up looking like Jackal, or be considered dead?
If you don't want to answer that I understand, but while i'm on the stone sleep subject I was also curious about something else. If a destroyed gargoyle was ground down and resculptured would he be "reborn?"

Greg responds...

Jackal's makeover would probably have killed Goliath.

And, no, they would not be reborn.

Response recorded on September 18, 2008

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Kaitlan writes...

My question is in the City of Stone episodes during the Flashbacks with Macbeth and Demona. Demona is shown having her own little clan but where did the other Gargoyles come from if Princess Katharine and The Magus take all the eggs to Avalon?

Greg responds...

They came from other Scottish clans, including a clan that had relatively recently spun off from the Wyvern Clan.

Response recorded on September 18, 2008

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dee thompson writes...

I apologise ahead of time, this is not an "artful" or creative question, but assuming I have hit an educated site, I am in need of information. I am in possession of 3 cels and numerous Gargoyle merchandise, and have an immediate need to sell them. I am humiliated, but we are down to 3 dollars and need to find a venue fast. I have no idea what they are worth, but would at least like a direction where they will be appreciated. We lost all ina fire and the insurance reneged. These items were stored specially with other like items so we are lucky to have them, but they are not saleable locally. Any suggestions would be helpful...thank you...and your site is great..my grown son is an artist and has long been a fan..

Greg responds...

I'm sorry for your troubles, and I'm sorry I can't be of much help - particularly two months after you posted. I don't know anything about how to sell stuff. E-bay, maybe? Or you could ask in the Station 8 Comment Room.

Response recorded on September 18, 2008

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Spectacular Spider-Man on DVD

I can't believe I forgot to mention this:

The first Spectacular Spider-Man DVD, "Attack of the Lizard" has been out for over a week. This does more than "collect" the first three episodes of our season, i.e. the ones featuring Vulture, the Enforcers, Electro and the Lizard. We've recut the episodes into a movie. I won't pretend it works as a film perfectly, but I really do think it plays well ... also restoring footage and sound effects cut for time and S&P reasons.

If you like my work on Gargoyles, I'm fairly confident you'll like what me and the team are doing with Spidey.

And I know this sounds ridiculously self-serving, but good Spidey sales raises my profile in general, which can't hurt us on the Gargoyles front.

Check it out!

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Unless you're Blaise or GXB -- and saw it live -- you might want to check out the podcast I did for ComicsonComics.com:


The high quality version is available on itunes.

I think it turned out well...

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Tay writes...

If the whole Wyvern Clan survived the massacre and ended up in Manhattan, what would have you named the other members?

Greg responds...

Joe Hypothetical. Jane Hypothetical. Hypothetical Doe. Hypothetical Smith. Hypothetical Jones. Jon Hypothetical. Etc.

Response recorded on September 17, 2008

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