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WEISMANSWERS 2009-04 (Apr)

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dph_of_rules writes...

I want to say that you did an excellent job on the 1st two season of spiderman. I thought the 90s spiderman series was good, but what you've done in the 1st two seasons makes it look pale in comparison. I really enjoy that you have taken the time to give even minor characters some depth and take them places. I really hope that you get to do the 3rd (and hopefully more) season of the spectatular spiderman. There's just a few questions I have.

1)In season 1, what do you consider Spiderman's and Peter Parker's greatest 'victory' to be?

2)In season 2, what do you consider Spiderman's and Peter Parker's greatest 'victory' to be?

Greg responds...

I tend not to rank things.

Response recorded on April 13, 2009

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Nabil writes...

Hey Greg,
First congrats on the AWESOME Spectacular Spidey 2nd Season, its undoubtly the best cartoon season ever made.

1- I wanted to ask if you know of any plans from Sony/marvel to make a spectacular Spider-man Video game and tie in Comic book series?

2- If you have to guess, what is the percentage of season 3 been ordered and when do you think we will hear that info?

3- Since the series has ended production, will it be hard to gather the whole team again once a season 3 is commissioned ?

Keep up the great work and thanx for giving us the best Spidey animated series

Greg responds...

1. None that I know of, but I'm game to help with either if they do.

2. I'd guess we'd hear after season 2 starts airing in the summer. But that's JUST a guess. I wouldn't pretend to be able to set odds at this point. But I'm hopeful.

3. Yes, it will.

Response recorded on April 13, 2009

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Venom.X writes...

I'm loving the effort and detail put into Spectacular Spider-Man! It's incredible how this show stays close to the comics, and somehow does its own thing! I can't find anything negative to say, and I'm accustomed to always finding something bad to say.

But I am curious...what was the reasons behind putting this show (in the USA) on Disney XD? The show started on CW, and it was doing well (wasn't it?) on that network, then BAM...Disney has the show...and their decisions to torment us with how long we have to wait for the season 2 episodes seem so...stupid. What happened? Why Disney?

(We are talking about the same company that screwed us all on Gargoyles after season 2 aftreall, Mr. Weisman...)

Greg responds...

Wow... where to start.

First, thank you for the compliments.

Second, Disney did NOT "screw us all" after season 2 of Gargoyles. That's patently false. One could argue about how good a job they did or didn't do with the show, but no screwing was involved. For more information, read this: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/faq.php?s=realworld

Third, as for Spidey, the show aired originally on KidsWB, which was a programming block on the CW. Halfway through our season, we learned that CW was dissolving the KidsWB block and selling (renting?) the space to 4KidsTV. So KidsWB became CW4Kids. Sounds like nothing more than a minor name change, but that's not true. CW4Kids was a totally different business entity. I had ZERO involvement in or direct knowledge of the negotiations that followed with either CW4Kids or with DisneyXD (or with Cartoon Network or any other channel Sony might have talked to), but I think it's safe to assume that DisneyXD offered Sony the best OVERALL financial deal, which doesn't necessarily mean the biggest episodic license fee. There are other FINANCIAL factors too that I'm sure were considered. But... and I hope this doesn't shock you... it is ultimately all about money.

Response recorded on April 13, 2009

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Clark Cradic writes...

Did Titania's 'affair' with Nick Bottom have any differences in the Gargoyls universe, or not even occur at all?

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on April 10, 2009

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Clark Cradic writes...

I've loved this show ever since I was a kid. In fact you could say this show helped me get through elementary school cause I'd rush to get my homework completed so I could go right the tv when I got home to watch the newest episode. Now that I'm older I still get this wonderful since of nostalgia when I watch this and start asking questions about the Gargoyles I never thought of as a kid, specifically their biology and culture since I loved those electives in high school.

1. Are gargoyles more likely to get certain traits and characteristics if they're from a specific clan? If so, is it just genetics or do they aide them in their territory? If not, does that mean that all gargoyles are generally the same with just different looks that are just for show?

2. How do gargoyles see the sun? Do they see it with a sort of reverence like Demona and Hudson did in The Mirror, or do they see it more of a curse due to their vulnerability?

3. Are there any diseases only gargoyles can get?

Greg responds...

1. All of the above, if I understand your question.

2. All of the above, depending on the individual gargoyle.

3. None that I know of.

Response recorded on April 10, 2009

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Anonymous writes...

What age group is the target audience of The Spectacular Spider-Man?

I, and a friend who is a professional animator, can't figure it out. While much of the dialogue is quite advanced and the plots are standard, the pacing of the stories is roughly what you would need for a 6-year old with ADD. There is no time to savour any of the depth that could be there as the audience is rushed to the next "cool" scene. The longest story was the Symbiote/Venom introductory story which was crammed into two episodes. Every other major story arc is crammed into one.

Just in case it sounds too negative, we both appreciate what does get shown. It just feels like either too much is left out and should be spread out over more episodes with more exploration, or the story elements have to be shoe-horned into the single episode leading to a kind of story-indigestion. I'm curious as to what led to this.

Greg responds...

Well, it does sound pretty negative, actually. I should point out that I don't agree -- I suppose that's obvious -- with your assessment of the series. But you're entitled to your opinion.

Anyway, the core target is Boys 6-11. But that was true on Gargoyles and even on W.I.T.C.H. True on most shows I've worked on. My shows (at least the ones I produce) are always written to work on multiple levels. Concentric circles like any target. We've got to hit that bullseye in the middle for commercial purposes, but we're not satisfied with only getting that audience. I like to think my shows work for kids, tweens, teens and adults, for boys and girls and men and women, for intense fan-geeks and casual viewers. But mostly -- fundamentally -- I write and edit for a core audience of one, i.e. ME. I produce the show I'd like to see. If you don't like it, all that really means is that our tastes are different.

You're attributing the DENSITY of the show to the target audience, however, and that's just not true. It was my creative choice to make the show as dense as possible. To cram as much in as possible. That has nothing to do with your dismissive and somewhat insulting reference to "a 6-year old with ADD". That's a choice you can blame on me.

Most of our major arcs are three or four episodes long, not one or two, as you stated. But every episode is designed to stand alone and tell it's own story, and yet still be part of both the three or four episode arc and part of the larger arc of the season and the series as a whole. That's important if not essential to the series from both a commercial and a creative standpoint. And we're all pretty darn happy with the results, as both the ratings and the majority of critical and fan response seem to bear out.

Response recorded on April 10, 2009

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Juan writes...

In the spectacular spider-man we are going to see villains like Stegron, grizzly. And superheros from the spider-man universe like toxin, prowler, spider-woman and the rocket racer.

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on April 10, 2009

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Simon "writer in training" writes...

Do you think you would ever post the actual scripts of the shows you've worked on? W.I.T.C.H. , Gargoyles, Spiderman ect. I would love to read them. I've never actually seen a cartoon script and I was wondering the major differences format/process wise vs film scripts.(which seem easy to find off the internet, but I don't know any sites that offer libraries of animation and comic formats)Thanks!

PS love the new spiderman episodes!

Greg responds...

Different issues for different shows.

For Spider-Man, the answer for the time being is no. The show is (hopefully) on-going, and posting the scripts -- even first season scripts -- might reveal secrets I don't want revealed.

For Gargoyles, I don't have electronic copies of most of the scripts. Really, I only have "The Journey". And I definitely don't have the time to transcribe them.

W.I.T.C.H. is more of a possibility. But you're asking about Format and all formatting would be lost if I posted the script here at ASK GREG.

Response recorded on April 10, 2009

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Thorgrimur writes...

I know you weren't involved in the Goliath Chronicles and I do not wish to annoy you with questions from there that you couldn't possibly answer, but... in the episode Genesis Undone, Sevarius mentions having the middle name "Bartholomew". Do you consider this to be actually a part of his name?

Greg responds...

Not particularly. But I don't object to it either.

Response recorded on April 09, 2009

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Greg Bishansky writes...

"Shear Strength"

SPOILERS! (Gonna start marking them here)

And today, the Master Planner arc officially comes to a close. And what a close. As an old school Spider-Man fan, I've been anticipating this episode for a while. And it did not disappoint.

We open up with the identity of the Master Planner. None other than Dr. Octopus, and honestly, there is no way it could have ever been anyone else. And dammit, Ock was in top form in this episode. Loved him, and Peter MacNicol is terrific at making him sound so calculating and menacing.

So, Doc Ock's master plan, er, sorry, Master Plan, was to hijack the internet? The fiend! He wants to take away our access to free porn! That's just not right! Not right!

This episode rocked, and I mean more so than usual. Which for this show is impressive. This was straight Lee/Ditko, and I couldn't ask for any better. The action sequences were intense. The pacing was terrific, and the ending really pissed me off... and I mean that in a good way.

Nice to see George Stacy in the credits, and I liked his role in here. Yeah, he was cooperating with Ock, but I'd almost feel sorry for the good doctor if George got his hands on him first.

I really liked that Ock didn't get sent back to prison at the end of this. It gets tiresome when the villains constantly get thrown in prison and constantly escape. So Ock, Vulture and the Tinkerer are still on the loose. Electro and Mysterio are in custody. And where did Sandman, Kraven and Rhino go? For that matter, why wasn't Shocker among the Master Planner's "usual suspects" last time. Curious.

Spidey himself. It says something when I can both love and want to smack the protagonist. Loved him going Batman on Tinkerer. Really loved seeing him lift that huge weight, knowing that Gwen depended on him, and then... at the last moment in the episode. Oy. So close, so close, so close.

Peter, meet me at Camera 3

::Turns to Camera 3::

Look, I know Liz is hot, exotic and popular. But, four months ago this girl wouldn't even glance in your direction, and even if she was not an active participant in bullying you, she was definitely a witness. "Study with Petey, I'd rather fail." Remember that? Gwen is someone you've known for years, has always been your friend, and you know you care about. You've been such close friends for so long, you have a solid foundation to build upon. And yes, she's cute too. You have enough in common with her, and a history. You know you can trust her. Poor thing. Is there really any solid foundation with Liz? Really?

Okay, let's check in with our good friend, Stephen Colbert on this issue...


Thanks, Stephen.

::Turns away from Camera 3::

Okay, tangent over. It's the mark of great writing when a TV show can get a reaction like that out of me. Good stuff. Great stuff.

Little tidbits I enjoyed. Mary Jane suggesting Gwen take Peter to Times Square to "see the ball drop" with a wink... I love the innuendos on this show. I also cracked up at the good doctor's "Evil Genius" coffee mug.

The best episode so far this season. Maybe the best episode of the series to date. And we still have nine more to go.

Greg responds...

Thanks. Glad you liked it.

Response recorded on April 09, 2009

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anonymous writes...

How do you find out if someone is a character you can or cannot use on your show, whether or not they are a Spider-Man character? Who do you guys have to ask to make sure you can use said character(s) on the show?

Since Kraven is mutated, does that mean we won't see Puma on your cartoon?

Also, I hope that the next time we see the Sinister Six that they all attack together like they did in "Group Therapy".

Greg responds...


1. We have been provided with a list of characters as per Sony's contractual agreement with Marvel.

2. No comment.

Response recorded on April 09, 2009

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anonymous writes...

I had some questions in regards to season two, since you're answering these questions...


1 - I don't understand how Doctor Octopus could be the Master Planner. In the first two episodes of season two, Master Planner is heard talking with Tinkerer in the first one and Kraven in the second. In "Reinforcement", we saw Dr. Kafka treating Doctor Octopus and the Master Planner was seen in shadows on a video screen when he gathered the new Sinister Six together. At the end of that episode, Tinkerer uses Doc Ock's tentacles to break the seemingly cured Doctor out of custody. In the next episode, "Shear Strength", Doc Ock is revealed as Master Planner. I think I missed something. How was he able to contact them and then also watch them on the viewing screen? Did he somehow manage to sneak some equipment in to communicate with when he was in custody or what?

By the way, Master Planner's tease of a Sinister Seven -- oh, you know you HAVE to do that eventually! That'd be awesome!!

2 - I was a bit surprised to see that Electro, Vulture and Tinkerer were also a part of the "Shear Strength" episode. I was kind of hoping we'd get another solo Doctor Octopus story in season two. Any chance we can see just one solo Doc Ock episode in season three, with no Tombstone, no Hammerhead, no Sinister Six member(s) helping, etc.?

3 - So the Mysterio we saw in "Opening Night" was a robot, a fake. I'm confused. Does this mean that Mysterio broke out or had the Tinkerer help him escape at some point after Quentin Beck was seen in jail in "Identity Crisis", or was the Mysterio we saw arrested in the end of "Reinforcement" and put in jail always a fake? Man, you guys sure made Mysterio tricky on your show. I love it.

4 - I know that the Big Three villains for Spider-Man will likely return next season - Doc Ock, Venom, and Green Goblin (or in season three's case Hobgoblin ... or maybe both, with you guys we never know). Any chance we could see more of the other enemies too, like Hammerhead, the Shocker, Silver Sable and/or Molten Man?

Greg responds...


1. Yes.

2. No comment.

3. Thanks. (And, yes, he's tricky.)

4. No comment.

Response recorded on April 09, 2009

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baron keels writes...

now that slg lost the rights to gargoyles, will the comic come back in another company?

Greg responds...

SLG still has the three trades, and they remain our best bet for more new material. Obviously, we'll have to see how these last two trades sell.

Response recorded on April 09, 2009

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The Flaming Tortoise writes...

Hi Greg,

Good to see this place open again!

My question is basically, how do Gargoyle populations sustain themselves? With females having (almost always I've believe you've said) a maximum of three eggs, and as you said in reference to why gargoyles practice communal parenting: "Perhaps this is the result of the high Gargoyle mortality rate. " would it not be an intense struggle to just maintain a clan's population?

And with this in mind, even considering that in modern day mortality rates for gargoyles has probably dropped significantly, wouldn't the practice of the London clan of limiting each pair to two eggs total be very risky for the continuation of their clan?

Thanks for you time

Greg responds...

1. Yes, it has been a struggle since at least the Iron Age of Man.

2. Obviously, if the population starts dropping dangerously low, they'll allow the third eggs to get it back. The point is to maintain a consistent quantity, not blindly follow rules for the sake of rules.

Response recorded on April 08, 2009

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Litwolf writes...

Inspired by a discussion we had in the Comment Room two weeks ago, I wanted to ask about Gargoyle merchandise, from action figures and books to kites and food and beyond:
Do you currently have any merchandise displayed in your home?
What was your favorite piece of Gargoyles merchandise?
What piece was the biggest let down for you?
What piece of merchandise do you wish had been made? (Any thing from a squeaky toy, Beanie Babies, footie PJs, anything crazy that may pop into your head)

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. The "READ" poster, I think.

3. Brooklyn's head, I guess.

4. An Angela action figure.

Response recorded on April 08, 2009

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Alex writes...

Hey Greg! I absoloutely love TSSM, and I would just like to know, do you have any HUGE plans for Spidey Villians such as Ock, Venom, etc in a 3rd season? That's if we do get a 3rd + season though, which I hope we will.

Thanks, Greg!

Greg responds...

Once again... yes, I have HUGE PLANS.

Response recorded on April 08, 2009

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Steven writes...

Hi Greg, just want to say that the job you guys did on Spectacular Spider-Man( I remembered the hyphen ) was awesome. I've seen all the 26 episodes so I have one question.

I thought you were pretty good as Donald Menken. Definitely your best voice over work since "Nice Mask." But how did it come about that you were cast as Donald? Was it a budget thing or were you just messing around in the booth and someone thought you'd be perfect for it?

Greg responds...


Uh... yeah, someone thought I'd be perfect for it. Me. Well, maybe not perfect, but I decided I wanted to do it. (It helps to be the boss.) Definitely wasn't a budget thing. It cost MORE for me to do it.

Response recorded on April 08, 2009

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Martin writes...

Another question (they just pop up in my head). Is the Cletus guy in "Reinforcement" really Cletus Kasady? Because I heard that you dont like Carnage. Does this means that given another season(s), we wont see Carnage?

Greg responds...

I never said I didn't like Carnage. I don't know where that rumor started.

And if something looks like a duck, is called a duck and is sitting in a duck pond... then it's probably a duck.

Response recorded on April 07, 2009

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Ralde writes...

If you were to continue with a season 3 of spider-man, would you incorporate some of the more current Spider-Man storyline such as Dark Reign and the post-Brand New Day stories?

Greg responds...

Guys, guys, I'm NOT going to start spoiling things for a season that doesn't yet exist - but might someday.

Response recorded on April 07, 2009

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Arthur Jr. writes...

Hey Greg, to follow up on someone's question revolving around Beetle, he first fought the Fantastic Four in "Strange Tales" #123 before fighting Spider-Man in later issues. The Ultimate Marvel version of Beetle is depicted as a mercenary for the Latverians who had recently captured Venom to give to the Latverians. Though in the "Ultimate Spider-Man" video game, he was collecting "samples" to give to Doctor Doom (revealed in the special edition's concept art) for some Super-Soldier plot. The video game had Beetle already obtaining a vial of sand that came from the Ultimate Marvel version of Sandman.

As for Rose, the first one was Richard Fisk (you might know him as the Kingpin's son). The second one was a police officer named Sergeant Blume. The third one was a Daily Bugle reporter named Jacob Conover (who was loyal to Don Fortunado for saving his life earlier). If you plan Rose, how would you pull it off since you weren't able to afford the use of Richard's father for this series?

In a follow-up to my "Marvel Team-Up" comment, Spider-Man starred in most of the issues where he worked with heroes like the Fantastic Four, Namor, the X-Men, Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Hulk, Daredevil, Black Widow, Nick Fury, Tigra, Ghost Rider, Paladin, Hank Pym, Wasp, Falcon, Hercules, Howard the Duck, Ka-Zar, and even Doctor Doom to name a few. Though in one issue, Spider-Man worked with the cast of "Saturday Night Live" to fight Silver Samurai. If "The Spectacular Spider-Man" is successful and there are other season, there should be a season based on it where Spider-Man meets other heroes. I had this brought up since an interview you were in stated that Captain America wasn't defrosted yet, Tony Stark never was captured by terrorists yet, the Fantastic Four never got exposed to the cosmic radiation in the Van Allen belt yet, Professor X never founded the X-Men yet, and Donald Blake hasn't stumbled on a disguised Mjolnir yet. If you'd like, you can brush up on Spider-Man's various Team-Ups through this link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvel_Team-Up

Greg responds...

Who said we couldn't "afford" Kingpin? Money was never the issue. Rights and contracts were.

You're not telling me stuff I don't already know, Arthur. But it doesn't change the fact that in OUR continuity these are the early days of the Marvel Universe. Peter Parker is 16. Most of the heroes you named aren't around yet, and in any case are NOT a part of the Spider-Man license. The Beetle isn't part of the Spider-Man license either. I'm not sure about the Rose.

Whether or not we eventually get access to characters outside the license is still an open question. Whether or not we get more episodes is still an open question. But this show is not likely to become "Marvel Team-Up" under my watch. That just feels like a different show, the way The Brave and the Bold is different from The Batman or Batman the Animated Series. A different animal. I would like to do the occasional team-up. I think I've mentioned Spidey/Human Torch and Spidey/Hulk in the past, just to start with. But one or two per season is plenty for me. I've got more than enough to explore in Spidey's corner of the Marvel Universe.

Response recorded on April 07, 2009

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Dean writes...

I've become quite a fan of Spectacular Spider-Man recently, and would like to thank you for a great show. One thing that worries me though is it's future. If the show isn't picked up for a third season, would you consider continuing the story using the format of comic books, similar to what you have done with Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

I'd be happy to, but obviously, it's not my decision.

Response recorded on April 07, 2009

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Demonskrye writes...

Hudson has or had a biological child in Goliath's generation, the Trio's generation, and Bronx's generation. That means that Goliath and the Trio would have considered him one of their rookery fathers and Hudson regards them as his rookery children. (I'm guessing he regards Bronx somewhat differently, though correct me if I'm wrong.) So why do we never hear Goliath or any of the Trio calling Hudson "father" or him referring to any of them as "son"?

Greg responds...

Their relationships are MORE specific than that. When you have a LOT of fathers (back in the day), many different varieties of relationships develop in addition to the paternal-filial. That doesn't mean they don't consider Hudson a rookery father, but it's not how they define him.

Response recorded on April 07, 2009

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Today, I e-mailed Dan Vado at SLG, asking about the two trades. Here's his response:

Hey Greg,

I was going to be emailing you this week.

Gargoyles I have scheduled for July, and that looks good for Comic-Con. Bad Guys I have scheduled for August and it a possibility for comic-con, but not a lock.

The Gargoyles trade will be in the May issue of Previews, I cannot stress enough that the fans really need to come out of the wood work on this one (not that they were in the wood work, but you know). They need to be "annoying" (i.e. pushy with retailers) as they can be because with the economy what it is right now nothing short of a huge groundswell of apparent demand wll get some of these guys (comic retailers and regular booksellers alike) to even buy a single copy. I am not a fan of getting people to be annoying, but this is going to be a case where it is needed.

Likewise Bad Guys (June Previews) will need an even BIGGER boost. I separated them because I did not want them to cannibilize each other sales-wise.

There you go, hope all is well with you...


So that's the news, both the good and the scary. I know I sound like a broken record. I know the fans shouldn't HAVE to be responsible for this, but if the fans don't, who will? I'll do my part. And Dan will do his, relative to his limited economic resources. But we NEED the fans to really step up and do two things:

(1) SPREAD THE WORD!!!! Please make sure EVERYBODY knows about these trades (and Volume 1 too).

(2) HARASS YOUR RETAILERS!! Make sure they KNOW how much you want these books. Pre-order them!! Put them on your pull lists!! Talk them up to every employee of every store!


Remember, if these trades do well, we might be back with more original stories sooner than later. If they don't, it'll make it MUCH harder for SLG to justify risking more on the property, much harder to convince Disney that the property is viable and much harder to convince any other publisher to give us a shot.



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OTHELLO writes...

In the "City of Stone" Part 1. How does Demona restrain Owen into a chair when shes speaking the "Stone By Night" spell?

Greg responds...

This has been answered before. I'll refer you to the ASK GREG archives and to my ramble on that episode.

Response recorded on April 06, 2009

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Roddy writes...

Question about "Accomplies" and Roderick Kingsley. Is this realy him or his brother? Because during the bidding, he acts like Roderick, but then, when he arrives to take the chip he's more like Daniel (I mean scared and stuff). Not to mention that in the closing credits it says only KINGSLEY. So which Kingsley we saw, Mr. Weisman?

Greg responds...


Fair question.

Response recorded on April 06, 2009

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